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Created January 9, 2018 14:03
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DS-Leduc tree cfr
--- Runs Counterfactual Regret Minimization (CFR) to approximately
-- solve a game represented by a complete game tree.
-- As this class does full solving from the root of the game with no
-- limited lookahead, it is not used in continual re-solving. It is provided
-- simply for convenience.
-- @classmod tree_cfr
local arguments = require 'Settings.arguments'
local constants = require 'Settings.constants'
local game_settings = require 'Settings.game_settings'
local card_tools = require 'Game.card_tools'
require 'TerminalEquity.terminal_equity'
local TreeCFR = torch.class('TreeCFR')
--- Constructor
function TreeCFR:__init()
--for ease of implementation, we use small epsilon rather than zero when working with regrets
self.regret_epsilon = 1/1000000000
self._cached_terminal_equities = {}
--- Gets an evaluator for player equities at a terminal node.
-- Caches the result to minimize creation of @{terminal_equity|TerminalEquity}
-- objects.
-- @param node the terminal node to evaluate
-- @return a @{terminal_equity|TerminalEquity} evaluator for the node
-- @local
function TreeCFR:_get_terminal_equity(node)
local cached = self._cached_terminal_equities[node.board]
if cached == nil then
cached = TerminalEquity()
self._cached_terminal_equities[node.board] = cached
return cached
--- Recursively walks the tree, applying the CFR algorithm.
-- @param node the current node in the tree
-- @param iter the current iteration number
-- @local
function TreeCFR:cfrs_iter_dfs( node, iter )
assert(node.current_player == constants.players.P1 or node.current_player == constants.players.P2 or node.current_player == constants.players.chance)
local opponent_index = 3 - node.current_player
--dimensions in tensor
local action_dimension = 1
local card_dimension = 2
--compute values using terminal_equity in terminal nodes
if(node.terminal) then
local terminal_equity = self:_get_terminal_equity(node)
local values = node.ranges_absolute:clone():fill(0)
if(node.type == constants.node_types.terminal_fold) then
terminal_equity:tree_node_fold_value(node.ranges_absolute, values, opponent_index)
terminal_equity:tree_node_call_value(node.ranges_absolute, values)
--multiply by the pot
values = values * node.pot
node.cf_values = values:viewAs(node.ranges_absolute)
local actions_count = #node.children
local current_strategy = nil
if node.current_player == constants.players.chance then
current_strategy = node.strategy
--we have to compute current strategy at the beginning of each iteraton
--initialize regrets in the first iteration
node.regrets = node.regrets or arguments.Tensor(actions_count, game_settings.card_count):fill(self.regret_epsilon) --[[actions_count x card_count]]
node.possitive_regrets = node.possitive_regrets or arguments.Tensor(actions_count, game_settings.card_count):fill(self.regret_epsilon)
--compute positive regrets so that we can compute the current strategy fromm them
node.possitive_regrets[torch.le(node.possitive_regrets, self.regret_epsilon)] = self.regret_epsilon
--compute the current strategy
local regrets_sum = node.possitive_regrets:sum(action_dimension)
current_strategy = node.possitive_regrets:clone()
--current cfv [[actions, players, ranges]]
local cf_values_allactions = arguments.Tensor(actions_count, constants.players_count, game_settings.card_count):fill(0)
local children_ranges_absolute = {}
if node.current_player == constants.players.chance then
local ranges_mul_matrix = node.ranges_absolute[1]:repeatTensor(actions_count, 1)
children_ranges_absolute[1] = torch.cmul(current_strategy, ranges_mul_matrix)
ranges_mul_matrix = node.ranges_absolute[2]:repeatTensor(actions_count, 1)
children_ranges_absolute[2] = torch.cmul(current_strategy, ranges_mul_matrix)
local ranges_mul_matrix = node.ranges_absolute[node.current_player]:repeatTensor(actions_count, 1)
children_ranges_absolute[node.current_player] = torch.cmul(current_strategy, ranges_mul_matrix)
children_ranges_absolute[opponent_index] = node.ranges_absolute[opponent_index]:repeatTensor(actions_count, 1):clone()
for i = 1,#node.children do
local child_node = node.children[i]
--set new absolute ranges (after the action) for the child
child_node.ranges_absolute = node.ranges_absolute:clone()
self:cfrs_iter_dfs(child_node, iter, card_count)
cf_values_allactions[i] = child_node.cf_values
-- TODO: What is the exact role of cf_values?
-- -- Is this cfvalue (in the on-going iteration) per each possible state in the range?
node.cf_values = arguments.Tensor(constants.players_count, game_settings.card_count):fill(0)
if node.current_player ~= constants.players.chance then
local strategy_mul_matrix = current_strategy:viewAs(arguments.Tensor(actions_count, game_settings.card_count))
node.cf_values[node.current_player] = torch.cmul(strategy_mul_matrix, cf_values_allactions[{{}, node.current_player, {}}]):sum(1)
-- TODO: Why sum? Why not take the max cfvalue (worst-case opponent)?
node.cf_values[opponent_index] = (cf_values_allactions[{{}, opponent_index, {}}]):sum(1)
node.cf_values[1] = (cf_values_allactions[{{}, 1, {}}]):sum(1)
node.cf_values[2] = (cf_values_allactions[{{}, 2, {}}]):sum(1)
if node.current_player ~= constants.players.chance then
--computing regrets
-- NOTE: Why reshape?
-- -- To squeeze() the dimension of players.
local current_regrets = cf_values_allactions[{{}, {node.current_player}, {}}]:reshape(actions_count, game_settings.card_count):clone()
-- TODO: Why subtract?
-- -- Because regret (current_regrets) means the difference in each pure action's cfvalue (cf_values_allactions)
-- -- against the cfvalue of current_player's mixed strategy (node.cf_values)?
-- NOTE: Why view()?
-- -- To squeeze() the dimension of players.
-- NOTE: Why expandAs(), why to replicate cfvalues actions_count-times?
-- -- Because we replicate the "node.cf_values" tensor "action_count-times" to compare with cf_values_allactions
-- -- (see "Why subtract?" above)
current_regrets:csub(node.cf_values[node.current_player]:view(1, game_settings.card_count):expandAs(current_regrets))
self:update_regrets(node, current_regrets)
--accumulating average strategy
self:update_average_strategy(node, current_strategy, iter)
--- Update a node's total regrets with the current iteration regrets.
-- @param node the node to update
-- @param current_regrets the regrets from the current iteration of CFR
-- @local
function TreeCFR:update_regrets(node, current_regrets)
--local negative_regrets = node.regrets[node.regrets:lt(0)]
--node.regrets[node.regrets:lt(0)] = negative_regrets
node.regrets[torch.le(node.regrets, self.regret_epsilon)] = self.regret_epsilon
--- Update a node's average strategy with the current iteration strategy.
-- @param node the node to update
-- @param current_strategy the CFR strategy for the current iteration
-- @param iter the iteration number of the current CFR iteration
function TreeCFR:update_average_strategy(node, current_strategy, iter)
if iter > arguments.cfr_skip_iters then
node.strategy = node.strategy or arguments.Tensor(actions_count, game_settings.card_count):fill(0)
-- TODO: What is the exact role of iter_weight_contribution?
local iter_weight_contribution = node.ranges_absolute[node.current_player]:clone()
iter_weight_contribution[torch.le(iter_weight_contribution, 0)] = self.regret_epsilon
node.iter_weight_sum = node.iter_weight_sum or arguments.Tensor(game_settings.card_count):fill(0)
-- TODO: Does iter_weight_sum keep track of sum of all weight
local iter_weight = torch.cdiv(iter_weight_contribution, node.iter_weight_sum)
-- TODO:
-- -- new_strategy <- ( old_strategy_scale .* old_strategy) + strategy_addition
-- == ( old_strategy_scale .* old_strategy) + (expanded_weight .* current_strategy)
-- == ((-expanded_weight + 1) .* old_strategy) + (expanded_weight .* current_strategy)
-- == old_strategy + (expanded_weight .* (current_strategy - old_strategy))
local expanded_weight = iter_weight:view(1, game_settings.card_count):expandAs(node.strategy)
local old_strategy_scale = expanded_weight * (-1) + 1 --same as 1 - expanded weight
local strategy_addition = current_strategy:cmul(expanded_weight)
--- Run CFR to solve the given game tree.
-- @param root the root node of the tree to solve.
-- @param[opt] starting_ranges probability vectors over player private hands
-- at the root node (default uniform)
-- @param[opt] iter_count the number of iterations to run CFR for
-- (default @{arguments.cfr_iters})
function TreeCFR:run_cfr( root, starting_ranges, iter_count )
local iter_count = iter_count or arguments.cfr_iters
root.ranges_absolute = starting_ranges
for iter = 1,iter_count do
self:cfrs_iter_dfs(root, iter)
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