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Created April 12, 2020 18:08
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Mutex lock class for JavaScript
* Mutual-exclusion lock acquired through a promise. Based on:
class Lock {
constructor(timeout = 0) {
this._meta = null
this._token = null
this._locked = false
this._timeout = parseInt(timeout) || 0
this._ee = new EventEmitter()
// Allow this Event Emitter to hold any amount of listeners (default is 10)
get meta() {
return this._meta
get locked() {
return this._locked
get timeout() {
return this._timeout
set timeout(value = 0) {
if (isNaN(parseInt(value))) return
this._timeout = value
// Set the object as locked (internal)
_lock(meta = null) {
this._locked = true
this._token = randStr()
this._meta = meta
// Set the object as unlocked (internal)
_unlock() {
this._meta = null
this._token = null
this._locked = false
// Release the lock upon receiving the correct token
release(token) {
if (token == this._token) {
setImmediate(() => this._ee.emit('release'))
acquire(meta = null) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Timeout to reject promise if lock not acquired
let rejectTimeout = null
// Check lock status and acquire instantly if not locked
// Safe because JavaScript doesn't interrupt synchronous executions
if (!this._locked) {
return resolve(this._token)
// If locked, keep waiting for the 'released' event and trying again
const tryAcquire = () => {
if (!this._locked) {
this._ee.removeListener('release', tryAcquire)
return resolve(this._token)
this._ee.on('release', tryAcquire)
// Setup the reject timeout, if requested
if (parseInt(this._timeout) || false) {
rejectTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this._ee.removeListener('release', tryAcquire)
reject(new Error(`Lock wait timeout: ${this._timeout}ms`))
}, this._timeout)
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