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Last active August 15, 2018 16:31
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package main
import (
const WG_MAX = 25
const OPS_PER_TX_MAX = 100
type Voters []*keypair.Full
type TransactionCreator interface {
// Builds a transaction with sequence seq and returns the base64 encoded XDR
CreateTransaction(seq uint64, dest []*keypair.Full) (string, bool)
type AccountFunder struct {
Min int
Max int
Pub string
Sec string
Seq uint64
type InflationSetter struct {
C *horizon.Client
InfDest string
type VoterJSON struct{
Pub string `json:"pub"`
Sec string `json:"sec"`
type VotersJSON struct {
Pool string `json:"pool"`
Voters []VoterJSON `json:"voters"`
var horizonURL, funderPub, funderSec, file string
var livenet, useSink, dontFund bool
// TODO: minBal and maxBal should be uint64
var numAccounts, numOps, minBal, maxBal int
func init() {
// Seed the pseudo-random generator
// Set the flags default values and usage strings
flag.StringVar(&horizonURL, "horizon", "",
"URL of the Horizon server (default \"" +
horizon.DefaultTestNetClient.URL +
"\" for testnet and \"" +
horizon.DefaultPublicNetClient.URL +
"\" for livenet)",
flag.StringVar(&funderPub, "src",
"Source address that will fund the accounts",
flag.StringVar(&funderSec, "sec", "",
"Secret seed of the address being used to fund the accounts",
flag.StringVar(&file, "file", "accounts",
"Name of a JSON file to store the new accounts created, truncating it if it already exists",
flag.IntVar(&numAccounts, "num", 10,
"Number of accounts to create",
flag.IntVar(&numOps, "ops", 100,
"Number of operations to send in each transaction (max: " + strconv.Itoa(OPS_PER_TX_MAX) + ")",
flag.IntVar(&minBal, "min", 40000000,
"Min value for the account random initial funding (in stroops)",
flag.IntVar(&maxBal, "max", 60000000,
"Max value for the account random initial funding (in stroops)",
flag.BoolVar(&livenet, "live", false,
"Create the accounts on Stellar's livenet",
flag.BoolVar(&useSink, "sink", false,
"Use Stellar's friendbot, if working on testnet",
flag.BoolVar(&dontFund, "dontFund", false,
"Do not fund the addresses, only generate them",
func validateFlags() {
if numOps < 1 { numOps = 1 }
if numOps > OPS_PER_TX_MAX { numOps = OPS_PER_TX_MAX }
if minBal < 10000000 { minBal = 10000000 }
if maxBal < 10000001 { maxBal = 10000001 }
if minBal == maxBal { maxBal = minBal + 1 }
if maxBal < minBal {
tmp := minBal
minBal = maxBal
maxBal = tmp
if funderSec != "" && (funderSec[0] != 'S' || len(funderSec) < 56) {
log.Fatal("Error: Invalid secret key")
if funderSec == "" && !useSink && !dontFund {
log.Fatal("Error: Provide a secret key or set one of the 'sink' or 'dontFund' flags")
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var client *horizon.Client
// Parse and validate the command line arguments
// Set the Horizon client and URL
if livenet {
client = horizon.DefaultPublicNetClient
} else {
client = horizon.DefaultTestNetClient
if horizonURL != "" {
client.URL = horizonURL
// Create the random Public-Secret keypairs
pairs := make(Voters, numAccounts)
for i, _ := range pairs {
p, err := keypair.Random()
fatalErr(err, "Error creating random keypair:")
pairs[i] = p
// fmt.Println(i, "-", p.Address(), p.Seed())
// Defer saving the keypairs in a file, only if the file name is not ""
if file != "" {
defer saveJSON(&pairs)
// Stop here if we don't need to fund the accounts
if dontFund {
// Set up the WaitGroup
guard := make(chan struct{}, WG_MAX)
// Set up the channel to store the indexes of successfully funded pairs
successChan := make(chan int, len(pairs))
// Fund all the accounts
if !livenet && useSink {
// Ask the friendbot to fund each pair, using goroutines
for i, p := range pairs {
// Use an empty struct to mark that a new goroutine will be used
// This blocks when guard is full
guard<- struct{}{}
// Start the goroutine
go func(i int, p *keypair.Full, success chan int) {
defer wg.Done()
fmt.Println("Ask friendbot to fund #", i, "-", p.Address()) // TODO: Remove
// Returns true if the friendbot successfully funded p
if askFriendBot(p) {
success<- i
// Remove one element from the guard, allowing a new goroutine to run
}(i, p, successChan)
// Wait for all the goroutines to finish
// Create a new slice to hold only the funded accounts
var tmp Voters
// Proccess the results
for {
select {
case i := <-successChan:
fmt.Println("- Keeping pair #", i, "-", fmt.Sprintf("%p", pairs[i]))
tmp = append(tmp, pairs[i])
fmt.Println("- successChan is empty. Done!")
break sinkProcess
// Keep only the funded accounts in the pairs slice (and update numAccounts)
pairs = tmp
numAccounts = len(pairs)
} else {
// TODO: Testing...
funder := AccountFunder{
Min: minBal,
Max: maxBal,
Pub: funderPub,
Sec: funderSec,
creator := TransactionCreator(funder)
// Fund the accounts from funderPub's balance, numOps per transaction
var succeeded Voters
for processed := 0; processed < len(pairs); {
// Indexes of the pairs that will be funded
a := processed
b := processed + numOps
// Make sure we don't overflow
if b > len(pairs) {
b = len(pairs)
fmt.Println("\nProcess from #", a, "to #", b-1)
// Get the Sequence number for the funder account
fmt.Println("Getting funder sequence number from horizon...")
sequence, err := getSequence(client, funderPub)
fatalErr(err, "Error getting funder's sequence from Horizon:")
fmt.Println("Sequence:", sequence - 1)
succeeded = append(succeeded, createAndSubmit(client, &creator, sequence, pairs[a:b])...)
fmt.Println("### SUCCEEDED:", len(succeeded))
// We have processed up to 'b' already
processed = b
// TODO: Testing...
pairs = succeeded
numAccounts = len(pairs)
ceil := math.Ceil(float64(numAccounts) / float64(SIGNERS_PER_TX_MAX))
// respChan := make(chan Response, int(ceil))
respChan := make(chan Voters, int(ceil))
// TODO: Testing...
inf := InflationSetter{
C: client,
InfDest: funderPub,
creator := TransactionCreator(inf)
// Set their Inflation Destination to the funder, 20 per transaction
for a := 0; a < numAccounts; a += SIGNERS_PER_TX_MAX {
// Indexes of the pairs that will have operations in the transaction
// Make sure we don't overflow
if b > numAccounts {
b = numAccounts
fmt.Println("Set the Inflation Destination of #", a, "to #", b-1)
// Use an empty struct to mark that a new goroutine will be used
// This blocks when guard is full
guard<- struct{}{}
// Start the goroutine
go func(a int, b int, resp chan Voters) {
defer wg.Done()
resp<- createAndSubmit(client, &creator, 0, pairs[a:b])
}(a, b, respChan)
// Wait for all the goroutines to finish
fmt.Println("\nAll goroutines done! Proccessing results...")
// Proccess the results
var succeeded Voters
for {
select {
case r := <-respChan:
succeeded = append(succeeded, r...)
fmt.Println("### SUCCEEDED:", len(r))
fmt.Println("- respChan is empty. Done!")
break process
pairs = succeeded
fmt.Println("### Final succeeded:", len(pairs))
// TODO: It should also return res (type *horizon.TransactionSuccess)
func createAndSubmit(c *horizon.Client, src *TransactionCreator, seq uint64, pairs Voters) (Voters) {
// Create and submit the transaction (retry if some operations fail)
for count := 1; ; count, seq = count + 1, seq + 1 {
// Get the signed Transaction Envelope
xdr, notOk := (*src).CreateTransaction(seq, pairs)
// Failed to create the transaction, no pair succeeded, stop trying
if notOk {return Voters{}}
// Submit the transaction
res, err := submit(c, xdr)
if logErr(err, "CreateAccount submission error (try #" + strconv.Itoa(count) + "):") {
// Log the XDR of the failed transaction
log.Println("XDR of the failed transaction:", xdr)
// Log the specific Horizon errors and get the Transaction Codes
codes, notOk := checkHorizonError(err)
// The error is not from horizon, or it didn't fail because of the operations
if notOk || codes.TransactionCode != "tx_failed" {
return Voters{}
// Make pairs point to a new slice, with only the successfull elements
var tmp Voters
for i, c := range codes.OperationCodes {
if c == "op_success" {
tmp = append(tmp, pairs[i])
// Try again with the updated pairs
pairs = tmp
} else {
// Transaction was successfull (with maybe less voters in pairsCopy)
fmt.Println("Transaction Sent! Number of pairs:", len(pairs))
fmt.Println("\tLedger:", res.Ledger)
fmt.Println("\tHash:", res.Hash)
fmt.Println("\tResult:", res.Result)
// Transaction submission was successfull, get out of loop
// Return whatever pairs remain (the ones that succeeded)
return pairs
func (m AccountFunder) CreateTransaction(seq uint64, dest []*keypair.Full) (string, bool) {
// Create a mutator for each createAccount operation
muts := make([]build.TransactionMutator, len(dest))
for i, p := range dest {
// Calculate the initial balance for the operation
r := float64(m.Min + rand.Intn(m.Max - m.Min)) / 10000000.0
amount := strconv.FormatFloat(r, 'f', -1, 64)
// fmt.Println("Adding OP - Create", p.Address(), "With", amount, "XLM")
// Add the operation to the slice
muts[i] = build.CreateAccount(
build.Destination{ p.Address() },
build.NativeAmount{ amount },
// TODO: Remove - just testing operation failures
// x := rand.Intn(100)
// if x < 2 {
// fmt.Println("@@@@ Introducing invalid @@@@", x)
// muts[i] = build.CreateAccount(
// build.NativeAmount{ amount },
// )
// } else {
// muts[i] = build.CreateAccount(
// build.Destination{ p.Address() },
// build.NativeAmount{ amount },
// )
// }
// TODO: End-Remove
// Create the transaction with these mutators and get the XDR
tx, notOk := createTx(m.Pub, seq, m.Pub[len(m.Pub)-8:] + " funding accounts", []string{m.Sec}, muts...)
if notOk {
return "", true
} else {
return tx, false
func (m InflationSetter) CreateTransaction(seq uint64, dest []*keypair.Full) (string, bool) {
// Get the sequence number of the first pair (ignore the parameter received)
pub := dest[0].Address()
seq, err := getSequence(m.C, pub)
if logErr(err, "Error getting sequence from Horizon:") {return "", true}
fmt.Println(pub, "sequence:", seq)
// Create a mutator for each setOptions operation
muts := make([]build.TransactionMutator, len(dest))
signers := make([]string, len(dest))
for i, p := range dest {
muts[i] = build.SetOptions(
build.SourceAccount{ p.Address() },
// Also save this pair secret key as a signer
signers[i] = p.Seed()
// Create the transaction with these mutators and get the XDR
tx, notOk := createTx(pub, seq, "Voting for " + m.InfDest[len(m.InfDest)-8:], signers, muts...)
if notOk {
return "", true
} else {
return tx, false
// General function to create transactions, checking each step along the way
func createTx(src string, seq uint64, memo string, signers []string, muts (string, bool) {
// fmt.Println("Creating TX - src:", src, "- seq:", seq)
// Choose the network passphrase
var network build.Network
if livenet {
network = build.PublicNetwork
} else {
network = build.TestNetwork
// Create the base transaction
tx, err := build.Transaction(
build.SourceAccount{ src },
build.Sequence{ seq },
build.MemoText{ memo },
if logErr(err, "Error building base transaction:") {return "", true}
// Set the operations (received as a slice of TransactionMutators)
err = tx.Mutate(muts...)
if logErr(err, "Error mutating transaction:") {return "", true}
// Run the default mutations, such as calculating the Fee
err = tx.Mutate(build.Defaults{})
if logErr(err, "Error applying default mutations:") {return "", true}
// Sign the transaction with the slice of private keys received
txe, err := tx.Sign(signers...)
if logErr(err, "Error signing the transaction:") {return "", true}
// Get the XDR in Base64 from the Transaction Envelope
txb64, err := txe.Base64()
if logErr(err, "Error getting XDR from the Tx envelope:") {return "", true}
// The transaction is finally done!
return txb64, false
func submit(client *horizon.Client, xdr string) (*horizon.TransactionSuccess, error) {
var err error
var res horizon.TransactionSuccess
// Try susbmitting the transaction
for retry, count := true, 1; retry; count++ {
res, err = client.SubmitTransaction(xdr)
// Type assertion to test if err is from Horizon (herr is nil if err is nil)
herr, isHorizonErr := err.(*horizon.Error)
// Wait some time and retry, if we got Status 504 (Gateway Timeout
if isHorizonErr && herr.Problem.Status == 504 {
log.Println("Horizon timed out:", herr.Problem.Type)
time.Sleep(TIMEOUT_WAIT_SECONDS * time.Second)
// Do not retry, err == nil or it was not a timeout
retry = false
return &res, err
func getSequence(client *horizon.Client, address string) (uint64, error) {
// Get the Sequence number for an account
// Returned type: xdr.SequenceNumber -> xdr.Int64 -> int64
seq, err := client.SequenceForAccount(address)
if err != nil || seq < 0 {
return 0, err
sequence := uint64(seq) + 1
return sequence, nil
func askFriendBot(p *keypair.Full) bool {
resp, err := http.Get(TESTNET_FRIENDBOT_URL + p.Address())
if logErr(err, "Error funding account with the friendbot:") {
return false
defer resp.Body.Close()
fmt.Println("Pair:", fmt.Sprintf("%p", p), "- Addr:", p.Address(), "- Response:", resp.StatusCode, "-", resp.Status) // TODO: Remove
// Maybe the 'if' should test for StatusCode != 200 ?
if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode > 299 {
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if !logErr(err, "Error reading the body of the friendbot's response:") {
log.Println("Status", resp.Status, "funding", p.Address(), "on FriendBot")
return false
// This means the friendbot returned any status code between 200 and 299 (success)
return true
func saveJSON(pairsPointer *Voters) {
fmt.Println("\nSaving", pairsPointer, "...")
// Iterate all the voters and prepare the JSON struct
var jsonStruct VotersJSON
jsonStruct.Pool = funderPub
for _, p := range *pairsPointer {
jsonStruct.Voters = append(jsonStruct.Voters, VoterJSON{
Pub: p.Address(),
Sec: p.Seed(),
// Create/truncate the file to save the keypairs (if error, dump data on logs)
f, err := os.Create(file + ".json")
if logDumpData(err, jsonStruct, "Error creating file" + file + ".json:") {
defer f.Close()
// Create a JSON encoder with the file and Marshal the structure
enc := json.NewEncoder(f)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
err = enc.Encode(jsonStruct)
// In case of errors, try to save the data in Go's format (no JSON)
if logErr(err, "Error encoding JSON: ") {
log.Println("Trying to save data in Go's format...")
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(f, "%#v", jsonStruct)
// If it still errors, just dump the data in the log
logDumpData(err, jsonStruct, "Error saving data to the file:")
func logErr(err error, message string) bool {
if err != nil {
log.Println(message, err)
return true
} else {
return false
func checkHorizonError(err error) (*horizon.TransactionResultCodes, bool) {
// Type assertion to test if err is from Horizon (herr is nil if err is nil)
herr, isHorizonErr := err.(*horizon.Error)
if !isHorizonErr {return nil, true}
// Log the Horizon Error Status
log.Println("\tError Status:", herr.Problem.Status, herr.Problem.Type)
// Log the Transaction Result String (base64)
str, err := herr.ResultString()
if !logErr(err, "\tError extracting the result string from the Horizon Error:") {
log.Println("\tTransaction result XDR:", str)
// Get the Transaction Result Codes
codes, err := herr.ResultCodes()
if logErr(err, "\tError extracting the result codes from the Horizon Error:") {
return nil, true
// Log and return the Transaction Result Codes
log.Println("\tTransaction result code:", codes.TransactionCode, "(" + strconv.Itoa(len(codes.OperationCodes)) + " op_codes)")
for i, c := range codes.OperationCodes {
log.Println("\t\tOperation", i, "result code:", c)
return codes, false
func logDumpData(err error, data interface{}, message string) bool {
if logErr(err, message) {
log.Printf("## DATA DUMP ##\n%#v\n", data)
return true
} else {
return false
func fatalErr(err error, message string) {
if logErr(err, message) {
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