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Last active March 8, 2018 04:21
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% LaTeX Template: Curriculum Vitae
% Source:
% Feel free to distribute this template, but please keep the
% referal to
% Date: July 2011
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%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
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%%% Macros
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
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\noindent \textit{#3} \par % School
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #4 % Description
\normalsize \par}
\newcommand{\WorkEntry}[4]{ % Same as \EducationEntry
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill % Jobname
\hfill\color{White}#2}} \par % Duration
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\normalsize \par}
%%% Begin Document
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\MyName{Matheus Iácono}
\MySlogan{Front-End Developer}
%%% Personal details
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\NewPart{Personal Details}{}
\PersonalEntry{City}{São Paulo - SP}
\PersonalEntry{Phone}{+55 (79) 99137-0405}
%%% Education
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\EducationEntry{Information Technology Management}{2015-2017}{Universidade Estácio de Sá}{This degree provides students with a knowledge and analytical skills associated with computing and the alignment of business strategies and technology.}
\EducationEntry{Computer Engineering}{2010-2012}{Universidade Federal de Sergipe }{I completed all the mathematics and physics courses and some computer science courses too. Due to personal problems, I did not finish this degree.}
%%% Work experience
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\NewPart{Work experience}{}
\WorkEntry{ma9 Soluções Inteligentes}{2017}{I worked creating the front end of a banking services management application.}
\WorkEntry{Freelancer}{2015-2017}{I worked for a NGO that sends books to people creating an application to manage the book collection and the distribution system.}
\WorkEntry{MoobiTech}{2015}{I worked adding features and solving bugs on an union management system. I also did some work on a sales management system and on a recruiting steps application for a HR company.}
\WorkEntry{FTSBrasil}{2013-2015}{I worked creating, solving bugs and adding features to web applications such as eCommerce, credit card contract steps, service marketplace and internal CMS for institutional sites.}
%%% Languages
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\LanguageEntry{Portuguese}{Mother tongue}
%%% Skills
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\SkillsEntry{}{Object-oriented programming}
\SkillsEntry{}{Functional programming}
\SkillsEntry{}{\SkillsEntry{Angular 2+}{RxJS}}
\SkillsEntry{}{\SkillsEntry{}{NPM Scripts}}
\SkillsEntry{HTML}{Responsive Web Design}
\SkillsEntry{}{CSS Modules}
\SkillsEntry{}{Tailwind CSS}
\SkillsEntry{C\#}{\SkillsEntry{ASP.NET}{Web Forms}}
\SkillsEntry{}{Entity Framework}
\SkillsEntry{}{\SkillsEntry{}{SQL Server}}
% LaTeX Template: Curriculum Vitae
% Source:
% Feel free to distribute this template, but please keep the
% referal to
% Date: July 2011
\documentclass[paper=a4,fontsize=11pt]{scrartcl} % KOMA-article class
\usepackage{graphicx} % Enable pdflatex
\usepackage[svgnames]{xcolor} % Colors by their 'svgnames'
\textheight=700px % Saving trees ;-)
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%%% Custom sectioning (sectsty package)
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
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%%% Macros
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
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\par \normalsize \normalfont}
\newcommand{\MySlogan}[1]{ % Slogan (optional)
\large \usefont{OT1}{phv}{m}{n}\hfill \textit{#1}
\par \normalsize \normalfont}
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 % Indentation
\parbox{\spacebox}{ % Box to align text
\textit{#1}} % Entry name (birth, address, etc.)
\hspace{1.5em} #2 \par} % Entry value
\newcommand{\LanguageEntry}[2]{ % Same as \PersonalEntry
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 % Indentation
\parbox{\spacebox}{ % Box to align text
\textit{#1}} % Entry name (birth, address, etc.)
\hspace{0.5em} #2 \par} % Entry value
\newcommand{\SkillsEntry}[2]{ % Same as \PersonalEntry
\noindent % Indentation
\parbox{\spacebox}{ % Box to align text
\textit{#1}} % Entry name (birth, address, etc.)
\hspace{0.5em} #2 \par} % Entry value
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill % Study
\hfill\color{White}#2}} \par % Duration
\noindent \textit{#3} \par % School
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #4 % Description
\normalsize \par}
\newcommand{\WorkEntry}[4]{ % Same as \EducationEntry
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill % Jobname
\hfill\color{White}#2}} \par % Duration
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 #3 % Description
\normalsize \par}
%%% Begin Document
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\MyName{Matheus Iácono}
\MySlogan{Desenvolvedor Web}
%%% Personal details
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\NewPart{Dados Pessoais}{}
\PersonalEntry{Cidade}{São Paulo - SP}
\PersonalEntry{Telefone}{(79) 99137-0405}
%%% Education
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\EducationEntry{Gestão de Tecnologia da Informação}{2015-2017}{Universidade Estácio de Sá}{Curso com algumas disciplinas de computação e outras de gestão voltadas para a área de TI.}
\EducationEntry{Engenharia da Computação}{2010-2012}{Universidade Federal de Sergipe }{Após concluir todas as disciplinas de física e matemática, além de várias de computação precisei trancar o curso.}
%%% Work experience
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\NewPart{Experiência com Desenvolvimento Web}{}
\WorkEntry{ma9 Soluções Inteligentes}{2017}{Trabalhei na criação de um sistema de gerenciamento de correspondentes bancários, o sistema também era instalado em caixas eletrônicos e por isso também realizava diversas operações financeiras.}
\WorkEntry{Freelancer}{2015-2017}{Trabalhei na criação de uma plataforma de distrubuição de livros e gestão de acervo. Também fiz diversos trabalhos de manutenção em sistemas.}
\WorkEntry{MoobiTech}{2015}{Trabalhei no sistema de gestão sindical da empresa incluindo novas funcionalidades e resolvendo erros. Também realizei manutenção no sistema de gestão de vendas para óticas e num sistema para gerir as etapas de contratação de uma empresa de RH.}
\WorkEntry{FTSBrasil}{2013-2015}{Trabalhei com manutenção e criação de diversos sistemas incluindo lojas virtuais, esteira de contrato de cartão de crédito, marketplace de serviços e CMS interno para sites institucionais.}
%%% Languages
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\LanguageEntry{Português}{Língua materna}
%%% Skills
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\SkillsEntry{}{Orientação a Objetos}
\SkillsEntry{}{Paradigma Funcional}
\SkillsEntry{}{\SkillsEntry{Angular 2+}{RxJS}}
\SkillsEntry{}{\SkillsEntry{}{NPM Scripts}}
\SkillsEntry{}{CSS Modules}
\SkillsEntry{}{Tailwind CSS}
\SkillsEntry{C\#}{\SkillsEntry{ASP.NET}{Web Forms}}
\SkillsEntry{}{Entity Framework}
\SkillsEntry{}{\SkillsEntry{}{SQL Server}}
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