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Last active July 7, 2023 03:00
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simple memoization
const put = (cache, params, result) => {
let node = cache;
for (const param of params) {
const key = param.toString();
if (!node[key]) {
node[key] = {};
node = node[key] || {};
node['result'] = result;
const get = (cache, params) => {
let node = cache;
for (const param of params) {
const key = param.toString();
node = node[key];
if (!node) {
return null;
return node['result'];
const memoize = (func) => {
const cache = {};
return (...args) => {
const params = args;
const result = get(cache, params);
if (result === null) {
const computedResult = func(...args);
put(cache, params, computedResult);
return computedResult;
return result;
const addFunc = memoize((a, b) => {
console.log("computed and cached");
return a + b;
console.log(addFunc(1, 1));
console.log(addFunc(1, 1));
console.log(addFunc(1, 1));
local unpack = table.unpack
local M = {}
M.memo = setmetatable({
put = function(cache, params, result)
local node = cache
for i = 1, #params do
local param = params[i]
node.children = node.children or {}
node.children[param] = node.children[param] or {}
node = node.children[param]
node.result = result
get = function(cache, params)
local node = cache
for i = 1, #params do
local param = params[i]
node = node.children and node.children[param]
if not node then
return nil
return node.result
}, {
__call = function(self, func)
local cache = {}
return function(...)
local params = { ... }
local result = self.get(cache, params)
if not result then
result = { func(...) }
self.put(cache, params, result)
return unpack(result)
M.add = M.memo(function(a, b)
if not a or type(a) ~= "number" then
a = 0
if not b or type(b) ~= "number" then
b = 0
print(string.format("computing and caching: %d + %d", a, b))
return a + b
print(M.add(1, 1))
print(M.add(1, 1))
print(M.add(1, 1))
return M
type MemoCache = {
[key: string]: any;
function put(cache: MemoCache, params: any[], result: any): void {
let node: MemoCache = cache;
for (const param of params) {
const key = param.toString();
if (!node[key]) {
node[key] = {};
node = node[key];
return node['result'] = result;
function get(cache: MemoCache, params: any[]): any {
let node: MemoCache = cache;
for (const param of params) {
const key = param.toString();
node = node[key];
if (!node) {
return null;
return node['result'];
function memoize(func: (...args: any) => any): ((...args: any) => any) {
const cache: MemoCache = {};
return function(...args: any): any {
const params = args;
const result = get(cache, params);
if (result === null) {
const computedResult = func(...args);
put(cache, params, computedResult);
return computedResult;
return result;
const addFunc = memoize((a: number, b: number): number => {
console.log("computed and cached");
return a + b;
}) as (a: number, b: number) => number;
console.log(addFunc(1, 1));
console.log(addFunc(1, 1));
console.log(addFunc(1, 1));
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