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Matheus Tanaka matheustanaka

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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.14;
my $arg = $ARGV[0];
if ( defined $arg ) {

Como Pensar

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  • Reconhecer como você pensa
  • Descrever métodos que você usa para pensar
  • Entender métodos diferentes de pensar
  • Fazer perguntas sobre tudo(incluindo sobre perguntas)


Roadmap de estudos de SQL

Aviso: Muitas vezes detalhes de várias operações podem variar de banco para banco. Em questões onde fiquei em dúvida, este documento segue o funcionamento do PostgreSQL, pois é o banco que conheço melhor.

Pré-requisito: Álgebra Relacional básica

Antes de começar a escrever SQL, você precisa entender o modelo de como um banco de dados relacional funciona. Não precisa se aprofundar muito, mas você precisa entender como que dados e relacionamentos entre eles são representados. (Nota importante: Relacionamento e relação não são a

sibelius /
Last active June 18, 2024 17:52
Learning Path Web3
  • learn blockchain concepts
  • learn ethereum
  • learn how to use metamask
  • learn how to use hardhat (
  • learn how to deploy and interact with a smart contract
  • learn common smart contract standards like ERC20 (token), ERC721 (nft), ERC1155 (opensea)
  • learn ipfs
  • learn how to read blockchain explorers like
  • learn how to use web3 and etherjs
  • learn solidity
fdaciuk / Live Node.js + TS com Programação
Last active November 23, 2023 14:29
Live Node.js + TS com Programação Funcional
sibelius /
Created May 24, 2021 01:28
React Learning Path
  • What is React props?
  • What is React state?
  • unidirectional data flow
  • how to create a React component
  • React hooks (useState, useEffect, and other basics ones)
  • Effects
  • How to handle event handlers (onClick)
  • React Context - share state for a subtree
  • Recoiljs
  • How to refactor a class component to hooks
akinncar /
Last active May 12, 2022 00:14
ReactJs Learning Path - Basics that you should learn
  • learn how to build JSX basic components
  • learn component props
  • learn how to manage state
  • learn basic hooks (useState and useEffect)
  • learn how to fetch Rest API's (Axios, SWR)
  • learn how to use routes with React Router DOM
  • learn how to manage global state (Context API, Redux, MobX)
  • learn how to make unit tests with Jest
  • learn how to use GraphQL (Apollo, Relay)
sibelius /
Created January 15, 2021 14:59
Backend Learning Path - Basics that you should learn
  • learn about basic database modelling, use excalidraw
  • learn how to connect to a database and performe queries
  • learn how to expose a CRUD API REST and/or GraphQL
  • learn how to document the API using Swagger, swagger-jsdoc is the best for it
  • learn how to test your API using Postman, and also automated using jest and supertest
  • learn how to consume other APIs using fetch

Also check Docker Learning Path and Lambda Learning Path

sibelius /
Last active February 1, 2024 17:36
testing library concept and basic test

You first need to undestand the concept of frontend tests.

You should not test the implementation but the behavior

You test like the end user

For instance, imagine a login screen with email and password inputs and a submit button

The test should input the email and the password, then click in the submit button.