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Created October 12, 2015 06:07
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Save mathfarmer/17d8d57e2b384a86ecba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Devcards 0.2.0-3 & Reagent 0.5.1 issue: Input box loses focus when typing if atom passed to card
(ns devcards-react-test.core
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[sablono.core :as sab :include-macros true])
[devcards.core :as dc :refer [defcard deftest]]))
;; --------------------------------------------------
;; This replaces the core.cljs from devcards-template
;; Make sure to add [reagent "0.5.1"] to project.clj
;; --------------------------------------------------
(defonce shared-state-atom (reagent/atom "foo"))
(defonce other-state-atom (reagent/atom "bar"))
;; Reagent code copied (with slight modification) from
(defn atom-input [value]
[:input {:type "text"
:value @value
:on-change #(reset! value (-> % .-target .-value))}])
(defn shared-state []
(let [val shared-state-atom]
(fn []
[:p "The value is now: " @val]
[:p "Change it here: " [atom-input val]]])))
(defcard reagent-without-atom
"Reagent devcard that doesn't pass the atom to defcard.
Editing this works fine."
(dc/reagent shared-state))
(defcard reagent-with-atom
"Reagent devcard that passes its atom to defcard.
Editing this loses focus on each keystroke."
(dc/reagent shared-state)
{:inspect-data true
:frame true
:history true})
(defcard reagent-with-other-atom
"Reagent devcard that passes a different atom to defcard.
Editing this works fine."
(dc/reagent shared-state)
{:inspect-data true
:frame true
:history true})
(defn main []
;; conditionally start the app based on wether the #main-app-area
;; node is on the page
(if-let [node (.getElementById js/document "main-app-area")]
(js/React.render (sab/html [:div "This is working"]) node)))
;; remember to run lein figwheel and then browse to
;; http://localhost:3449/cards.html
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