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Created February 12, 2010 05:12
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Save mathfur/302323 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- ルーチン同士の呼び出し関係を解析するコード
-- * Parsecを使う
-- * ファイルinを読み込んで行ごとに分解して表示
-- * 表示するのはcallの行のみ
-- * showを一部実装
-- 同じフォルダにApplicativeParsec.hsを用意する
import ApplicativeParsec
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
type RoutineName = String
data Line_ = CallLine { name_ :: RoutineName } | OtherLine deriving Eq
instance Show Line_ where
show a = case a of
CallLine x -> "call " ++ x
_ -> "otherline"
isCallLine :: Line_ -> Bool
isCallLine a = case a of
CallLine x -> True
_ -> False
isOtherLine :: Line_ -> Bool
isOtherLine a = case a of
CallLine x -> False
_ -> True
getRoutineName :: Line_ -> Maybe RoutineName
getRoutineName x = case x of
CallLine s -> Just s
OtherLine -> Nothing
filterCallLine :: Routine -> Routine
filterCallLine r = Routine (name r) $ (filter isCallLine $ lines_ r)
data Routine = Routine{ name :: RoutineName, lines_ :: [Line_]} deriving Eq
instance Show Routine where
show r = case r of
Routine n ls -> n ++ "\n" ++ (concat $ intersperse "\n" (map show $ lines_ r))
m_call_line :: CharParser () Line_
m_call_line = CallLine <$> ( string "call" *> spaces *> many1 (noneOf ";\r\n{}"))
<?> "m_call_line"
m_not_call_line :: CharParser () Line_
m_not_call_line = OtherLine <$ many1( noneOf ";\n\r{}" ) <?> "m_not_call_line"
m_line :: CharParser () Line_
m_line = spaces_ *> ( try(m_call_line) <|> m_not_call_line ) <* spaces_
<?> "m_line"
m_lines :: CharParser () [Line_]
--m_lines = many ( try(m_call_line) <|> m_not_call_line )
m_lines = m_line `endBy` (string ";" *> spaces_) <?> "m_lines"
spaces_ :: CharParser () String
spaces_ = many( oneOf " \t\r\n" ) <?> "spaces"
m_routine :: CharParser () Routine
m_routine = Routine
<$> (many1 letter <* string ":" <* spaces_ )<*> ( between (string "{" <* spaces_) ( spaces_ *> string "}" ) m_lines) -- [Line_]
<?> "m_routine"
m_file :: CharParser () [Routine]
m_file = many1 (spaces_ *> m_routine <* spaces_) <?> "m_file"
--crlf :: Parser
main = do
cs <- readFile "in"
case parse m_file "(stdin)" cs of
Left e -> do putStrLn "Error parsing input:"
print e
Right r -> print $ map filterCallLine r
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