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Created July 16, 2014 21:08
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Logistic regression
type Vec = float []
let f (X:Vec) (W:Vec) =
(X,W) ||> Array.map2 (fun x w -> x * w)
let g z = 1. / (1. + exp (-z))
let dg z = g(z) * (1. - g(z))
let h (X:Vec) (W:Vec) = g (f X W |> Seq.sum)
let update (alpha:float) (W:Vec) (X:Vec) (y:float) =
||> Array.map2 (fun w x ->
w + alpha * (y - h X W) * x)
let data =
1., [| 1.; 0.; 1. |]
0., [| 0.; 1.; 1. |]
1., [| 1.; 0.; 0. |]
0., [| 0.; 0.; 0. |]
1., [| 1.; 0.; 1. |]
0., [| 0.; 1.; 0. |]
let w0 = [| 0.; 0.; 0. |]
let logistic data w =
|> List.fold (fun w (y,x) ->
update 0.1 w x y) w
let w' = logistic data w0 |> logistic data |> logistic data
data |> (fun (y,x) -> printfn "Real %.2f, Pred %.2f" y (h x w'))
// weighted version
let upd (alpha:float) (W:Vec) (X:Vec) (p,n) =
||> Array.map2 (fun w x ->
w + alpha * (p - (p+n) * h X W) * x)
let data' =
(1.,0.), [| 1.; 0.; 1. |]
(0.,1.), [| 0.; 1.; 1. |]
(1.,0.), [| 1.; 0.; 0. |]
(0.,1.), [| 0.; 0.; 0. |]
(1.,0.), [| 1.; 0.; 1. |]
(0.,1.), [| 0.; 1.; 0. |]
let logreg data w =
|> List.fold (fun w (y,x) ->
upd 0.1 w x y) w
let l2 = logreg data'
let weights =
l2 [|0.;0.;0.;|] |> l2 |> l2
data' |> List.iter (fun ((p,n),x) -> printfn "Real %.2f, Pred %.2f" (p/(p+n)) (h x weights))
// check
let data'' =
(20.,2.), [| 1.; 1.; 0.; 1. |]
(5.,10.), [| 1.; 0.; 1.; 1. |]
(50.,5.), [| 1.; 1.; 0.; 0. |]
(3.,10.), [| 1.; 0.; 0.; 0. |]
(10.,6.), [| 1.; 1.; 0.; 1. |]
(3.,90.), [| 1.; 0.; 1.; 0. |]
let l3 = logreg data''
//let weights' = l3 [| 0.;0.;0.;0.;|] |> l3 |> l3
let weights' =
|> Seq.unfold (fun w -> Some( w,l3 w))
|> Seq.take 100
|> Seq.nth 99
data'' |> List.iter (fun ((p,n),x) -> printfn "Qty %i, Real %.2f, Pred %.2f" (int (p+n)) (p/(p+n)) (h x weights'))
Batch update attempt
type Obs = (float*float)*Vec
let sum (X1:Vec) (X2:Vec) =
||> Array.map2 (fun x1 x2 -> x1 + x2)
let vecAvg (X:Vec seq) =
let len = X |> Seq.length |> float
|> Seq.reduce (fun acc x -> sum acc x)
|> (fun tot -> tot / len)
let batch (alpha:float) (X:Obs seq) (W:Vec) =
|> (fun ((p,n),x) -> upd alpha W x (p,n))
|> vecAvg
let batchLog (alpha:float) (X:Obs seq) (iters:int) =
|> Seq.unfold (fun w -> Some(w,batch alpha X w))
|> Seq.take iters
|> Seq.nth (iters - 1)
let w''' = batchLog 0.1 data'' 10000
data'' |> List.iter (fun ((p,n),x) -> printfn "Qty %i, Real %.2f, Pred %.2f" (int (p+n)) (p/(p+n)) (h x w'''))
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