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#r "/home/you/src/thisthing/lib/JSONNet/Newtonsoft.Json.dll"
open System
open System.Collections.Generic // for dictionary
open Newtonsoft.Json
// Identifier type
type Id = System.Guid
module EventStore =
type VersionedEvent = int * string
type PersistableTransition = (Id * string[])
let store = Dictionary<Id,VersionedEvent[]>() // new is for disposables
// Event serializer
let toPersistable<'a, 'b> (id: Id, transition: ('a[] * 'b)) =
let events, _ = transition
(id, events |> (JsonConvert.SerializeObject)) // cleaner, no? single-arg methods can be used as Foo.Bar x
let commit (transitions: PersistableTransition[]) =
// Function to get next aggregate version
let getMaxVersion id =
if store.ContainsKey(id) then
|> (fun (version, _) -> version)
|> Seq.max // Seq is lazy, avoids intermediate array creation
else 0
// Function to convert list of events to list of versioned events
let toVersionedEvents (id, events) =
events |> (fun event -> ((id |> getMaxVersion)+1, event))
(* alternate take: compute start index once, use mapi
let start = getMaxVersion id + 1
events |> Array.mapi (fun i event -> start + i, event)
// For each transition either append versioned events to existing or add new
|> Array.iter (fun (id, events) -> // I don't think you want to map
if store.ContainsKey(id)
then store.[id] <- Array.append store.[id] ((id, events) |> toVersionedEvents)
else store.Add(id, ((id, events) |> toVersionedEvents)))
let get<'a, 'b> (id: Id, initial: 'b, apply) =
// Get events for aggregate, deserialize and replay
let events =
|> (fun (_, event) -> event)
|> (fun itm ->JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<'a>(itm))
|> Seq.fold apply initial
(* alternate take: shorter, no array creation?
let deserialize x = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<'a>(x)
|> snd // your might be clearer because of names
|> deserialize
|> Seq.fold apply initial
// All of task
module Task =
type TaskInfo = {
Name: string;
Description: string;
Duedate: System.DateTime;
Priority: int;
// Internal task commands
type Command =
| New of id: Id * info: TaskInfo
| Rename of name: string
| Assign of Id
// Task events
type Event =
| TaskCreated of TaskInfo
| TaskRenamed of name: string
| TaskAssigned of Id
// Task aggregate
type State = { Info: TaskInfo; AssignedTo: Id; }
with static member Initial = { Info = { Name = ""; Description = ""; Duedate = DateTime.Now; Priority = 0; }; AssignedTo = System.Guid.NewGuid(); }
// Represents a task state transition, appends events and keeps state
type Transition = Event[] * State
// Applies events to aggregate building current state
let apply item = function
| TaskCreated event -> { item with State.Info = event }
| TaskRenamed event -> { item with State.Info = { item.Info with Name = event } }
| TaskAssigned event -> { item with AssignedTo = event }
// Assertions for validating commands
module private Assert =
let validName name = if System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) then invalidArg "name" "The name must not be null." else name
let assignable id = if id.Equals(null) then invalidArg "id" "Cannot assign task to null." else id
// Handles internal task commands
let exec cmd transition =
let originalEvents, item = transition
// Create function to apply new events and generate next transition
let apply events = (Array.append originalEvents events, Seq.fold apply item events)
// Handle command
match cmd with
| New(id, info) -> info |> fun info -> [| info |> TaskCreated |] |> apply
| Rename(name) -> name |> Assert.validName |> fun name -> [| name |> TaskRenamed |] |> apply
| Assign(id) -> id |> Assert.assignable |> fun id -> [| id |> TaskAssigned |] |> apply
// Reads aggregate from events store and creates transition from current state
let read id =
([||], (id, State.Initial, apply) |> EventStore.get<Event,State>): Transition
// Serializes transition to persistable events
let toPersistable id transition =
[| (id, transition) |> EventStore.toPersistable |]
// Handles external new task command
let newTask (id: Id, info: TaskInfo, assignedTo: Id) =
let task: Transition = (Array.empty, State.Initial)
|> exec ((id, info) |> New)
|> exec (assignedTo |> Assign)
|> toPersistable id
|> EventStore.commit
// Handles external rename task command
let rename (id: Id, name: string) =
read id
|> exec (name |> Rename)
|> toPersistable id
|> EventStore.commit
// External commands
type Command =
| NewTask of Id * Task.TaskInfo * Id
| RenameTask of Id * string
// Command handler
let handle cmd =
match cmd with
| NewTask(id, info, assignedTo) -> (id, info, assignedTo) |> Task.newTask
| RenameTask(id, name) -> (id, name) |> Task.rename
// ############################3 Testing it ############################################################
// Create a new task and then rename it
let id = System.Guid.NewGuid()
let assignee = System.Guid.NewGuid()
NewTask(id, {Name = "A new task"; Description = "This is a new task"; Duedate = DateTime.Now; Priority = 0; }, assignee) |> handle
RenameTask(id, "This is a renamed task") |> handle
// Output task from the event store id
// Output all tasks from the event store
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acken commented Jun 25, 2014

This is gold! Thanks :).
One question though. When you did the trick below will it unwrap and pick the correct part of the tuple because it knows the type deserialize expects?

|> snd // your might be clearer because of names
|> deserialize
|> Seq.fold apply initial

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