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Last active October 11, 2017 11:30
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Save mathias-brandewinder/acf954cc7faf370af4705ecc5b844c0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CNTK Logistic
// C# original:
// I assume CNTK.CPUOnly has been installed via Paket
// required dependencies:
// packages\CNTK.CPUOnly\lib\net45\x64
// packages\CNTK.CPUOnly\support\x64\Dependency
// packages\CNTK.CPUOnly\support\x64\Dependency\Release
// packages\CNTK.CPUOnly\support\x64\Release
// loading native dependencies in a script is a bit annoying,
// see this great reference:
// we add all the required folders to the path
open System
open System.IO
let dependencies = [
let packagesPath = Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__,"./")
|> Seq.iter (fun dep ->
let path = Path.Combine(packagesPath,dep)
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Path") + ";" + path)
#r "./packages/CNTK.CPUOnly/lib/net45/x64/Cntk.Core.Managed-2.2.dll"
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open CNTK
let inputDim = 3
let numOutputClasses = 2
let CreateLinearModel(input:Variable, outputDim:int, device:DeviceDescriptor) =
let inputDim = input.Shape.[0]
let weightShape = NDShape.CreateNDShape [ outputDim; inputDim ]
let biasShape = NDShape.CreateNDShape [ outputDim ]
let weightParam = new Parameter(weightShape, DataType.Float, 1.0, device, "w");
let biasParam = new Parameter(biasShape, DataType.Float, 0.0, device, "b");
Variable(CNTKLib.Times(weightParam, input)) + biasParam
let GenerateGaussianNoise(mean, stdDev, random:Random) =
let u1 = 1.0 - random.NextDouble()
let u2 = 1.0 - random.NextDouble()
let stdNormalRandomValue = sqrt(-2.0 * log(u1)) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * u2)
mean + stdDev * stdNormalRandomValue
let random = Random(0)
let GenerateRawDataSamples(sampleSize,inputDim,numOutputClasses) =
let features = Array.init (sampleSize * inputDim) (fun _ -> float32 0.)
let oneHotLabels = Array.init (sampleSize * numOutputClasses) (fun _ -> float32 0.)
for sample in 0 .. sampleSize - 1 do
let label = random.Next(numOutputClasses)
for i in 0 .. numOutputClasses - 1 do
oneHotLabels.[sample * numOutputClasses + i] <- if label = i then float32 1.0 else float32 0.0
for i in 0 .. inputDim - 1 do
features.[sample * inputDim + i] <- float32 (GenerateGaussianNoise(3.0, 1.0, random)) * float32 (label + 1)
features, oneHotLabels
let GenerateValueData(sampleSize:int, inputDim:int, numOutputClasses:int, device:DeviceDescriptor) =
let features, oneHotLabels = GenerateRawDataSamples(sampleSize, inputDim, numOutputClasses)
let featureValue = Value.CreateBatch (NDShape.CreateNDShape [ inputDim ], features, device)
let labelValue = Value.CreateBatch (NDShape.CreateNDShape [ numOutputClasses ], oneHotLabels, device)
featureValue, labelValue
let PrintTrainingProgress(trainer:Trainer, minibatchIdx:int, outputFrequencyInMinibatches:int) =
if ((minibatchIdx % outputFrequencyInMinibatches) = 0 && trainer.PreviousMinibatchSampleCount() <> (uint32 0))
let trainLossValue = trainer.PreviousMinibatchLossAverage() |> float32
let evaluationValue = trainer.PreviousMinibatchEvaluationAverage() |> float32
printfn "Minibatch: %i CrossEntropyLoss = %f, EvaluationCriterion = %f" minibatchIdx trainLossValue evaluationValue
let device = DeviceDescriptor.CPUDevice
let inputShape = NDShape.CreateNDShape [inputDim]
let labelShape = NDShape.CreateNDShape [numOutputClasses]
let featureVariable = Variable.InputVariable(inputShape, DataType.Float)
let labelVariable = Variable.InputVariable(labelShape, DataType.Float)
let classifierOutput = CreateLinearModel(featureVariable, numOutputClasses, device)
let loss = CNTKLib.CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(Variable(classifierOutput), labelVariable)
let evalError = CNTKLib.ClassificationError(Variable(classifierOutput), labelVariable)
let learningRatePerSample = CNTK.TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.02, uint32 1)
let parameterLearners =
ResizeArray<Learner>([ Learner.SGDLearner(classifierOutput.Parameters(), learningRatePerSample) ])
let trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(classifierOutput, loss, evalError, parameterLearners)
let minibatchSize = 64
let numMinibatchesToTrain = 1000
let updatePerMinibatches = 50
for minibatchCount in 0 .. (numMinibatchesToTrain - 1) do
let features, labels = GenerateValueData(minibatchSize, inputDim, numOutputClasses, device)
let foo =
[ (featureVariable, features); (labelVariable, labels) ] |> dict
let _ = trainer.TrainMinibatch(foo, device)
PrintTrainingProgress(trainer, minibatchCount, updatePerMinibatches)
// C# original:
// I assume CNTK.CPUOnly has been installed via Paket
// required dependencies:
// packages\CNTK.CPUOnly\lib\net45\x64
// packages\CNTK.CPUOnly\support\x64\Dependency
// packages\CNTK.CPUOnly\support\x64\Dependency\Release
// packages\CNTK.CPUOnly\support\x64\Release
// loading native dependencies in a script is a bit annoying,
// see this great reference:
// we add all the required folders to the path
open System
open System.IO
let dependencies = [
let packagesPath = Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__,"./")
|> Seq.iter (fun dep ->
let path = Path.Combine(packagesPath,dep)
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Path") + ";" + path)
#r "./packages/CNTK.CPUOnly/lib/net45/x64/Cntk.Core.Managed-2.2.dll"
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open CNTK
Helpers to simplify model creation from F#
Credit goes to Kevin for most of this:
let shape (dims:int seq) = NDShape.CreateNDShape dims
type VarOrFunc =
| Var of Variable
| Fun of Function
member x.Variable =
match x with
| Var v -> v
| Fun f -> new Variable(f)
member x.Function =
match x with
| Var v -> failwith "var"
| Fun f -> f
static member ( *. )(a : VarOrFunc, b : VarOrFunc) = CNTKLib.ElementTimes(a.Variable, b.Variable) |> Fun
static member (*)(a : VarOrFunc, b : VarOrFunc) = CNTKLib.Times(a.Variable, b.Variable) |> Fun
static member (+)(a : VarOrFunc, b : VarOrFunc) = (a.Variable + b.Variable) |> Fun
static member log (x : VarOrFunc) = CNTKLib.Log(x.Variable) |> Fun
static member exp (x : VarOrFunc) = CNTKLib.Exp(x.Variable) |> Fun
static member sigmoid (x : VarOrFunc) = CNTKLib.Sigmoid(x.Variable) |> Fun
static member tanh (x : VarOrFunc) = CNTKLib.Tanh(x.Variable) |> Fun
C# Example, converted
// Creating a synthetic dataset
let gaussianNoise (random:Random) (mean, stdDev) =
let u1 = 1.0 - random.NextDouble()
let u2 = 1.0 - random.NextDouble()
let stdNormalRandomValue = sqrt(-2.0 * log(u1)) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * u2)
mean + stdDev * stdNormalRandomValue
let random = Random(0)
let noise = gaussianNoise random
let generateRawDataSamples(sampleSize, inputDim, numOutputClasses) =
let features = Array.init (sampleSize * inputDim) (fun _ -> float32 0.)
let oneHotLabels = Array.init (sampleSize * numOutputClasses) (fun _ -> float32 0.)
for sample in 0 .. sampleSize - 1 do
let label = random.Next(numOutputClasses)
for i in 0 .. numOutputClasses - 1 do
oneHotLabels.[sample * numOutputClasses + i] <- if label = i then float32 1.0 else float32 0.0
for i in 0 .. inputDim - 1 do
features.[sample * inputDim + i] <- float32 (noise (3.0, 1.0)) * float32 (label + 1)
features, oneHotLabels
let generateValueData(sampleSize, inputDim, numOutputClasses, device:DeviceDescriptor) =
let features, oneHotLabels = generateRawDataSamples(sampleSize, inputDim, numOutputClasses)
let featureValue = Value.CreateBatch (shape [ inputDim ], features, device)
let labelValue = Value.CreateBatch (shape [ numOutputClasses ], oneHotLabels, device)
featureValue, labelValue
let printTrainingProgress(trainer:Trainer, minibatchIdx, outputFrequencyInMinibatches) =
(minibatchIdx % outputFrequencyInMinibatches) = 0 &&
trainer.PreviousMinibatchSampleCount() <> (uint32 0)
let trainLossValue = trainer.PreviousMinibatchLossAverage() |> float32
let evaluationValue = trainer.PreviousMinibatchEvaluationAverage() |> float32
printfn "Minibatch: %i CrossEntropyLoss = %f, EvaluationCriterion = %f" minibatchIdx trainLossValue evaluationValue
// creating and training the model
let linearModel(input:Variable, outputDim:int, device:DeviceDescriptor) =
let inputDim = input.Shape.[0]
let weight = Parameter(shape [ outputDim; inputDim ], DataType.Float, 1.0, device, "w")
let bias = Parameter(shape [ outputDim ], DataType.Float, 0.0, device, "b")
(Fun(weight * input) + Var(bias)).Function
let device = DeviceDescriptor.CPUDevice
let inputDim = 3
let numOutputClasses = 2
let featureVariable = Variable.InputVariable(shape [inputDim], DataType.Float)
let labelVariable = Variable.InputVariable(shape [numOutputClasses], DataType.Float)
let classifierOutput = linearModel(featureVariable, numOutputClasses, device)
let loss = CNTKLib.CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(Variable(classifierOutput), labelVariable)
let evalError = CNTKLib.ClassificationError(Variable(classifierOutput), labelVariable)
let learningRatePerSample = CNTK.TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.02, uint32 1)
let parameterLearners =
Learner.SGDLearner(classifierOutput.Parameters(), learningRatePerSample)
let trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(classifierOutput, loss, evalError, parameterLearners)
let minibatchSize = 64
let numMinibatchesToTrain = 1000
let updatePerMinibatches = 50
for minibatchCount in 0 .. (numMinibatchesToTrain - 1) do
let features, labels = generateValueData(minibatchSize, inputDim, numOutputClasses, device)
let params =
[ (featureVariable, features); (labelVariable, labels) ] |> dict
let _ = trainer.TrainMinibatch(params, device)
printTrainingProgress(trainer, minibatchCount, updatePerMinibatches)
Copy link

kevmal commented Sep 24, 2017

just to see what a CE could look like

// C# original:

let path = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "PATH"
System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH",@"C:\Users\Mathias Brandewinder\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\CNTK-FS\CNTK-FS\bin\Debug\" + string System.IO.Path.PathSeparator + path )

#r @"C:\Users\Mathias Brandewinder\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\CNTK-FS\packages\CNTK.CPUOnly\lib\net45\x64\Cntk.Core.Managed-2.2.dll"

open System
open System.Collections.Generic

open CNTK

Helpers to simplify model creation from F#

let shape (dims:int seq) = NDShape.CreateNDShape dims

type VarOrFunc =
    | Var of Variable
    | Fun of Function
    member x.Variable = 
        match x with
        | Var v -> v
        | Fun f -> new Variable(f)
    member x.Function = 
        match x with
        | Var v -> v.ToFunction()
        | Fun f -> f

    static member ( *. )(a : VarOrFunc, b : VarOrFunc) = CNTKLib.ElementTimes(a.Variable, b.Variable) |> Fun
    static member (*)(a : VarOrFunc, b : VarOrFunc) = CNTKLib.Times(a.Variable, b.Variable) |> Fun
    static member (+)(a : VarOrFunc, b : VarOrFunc) = (a.Variable + b.Variable) |> Fun

    static member log (x : VarOrFunc) = CNTKLib.Log(x.Variable) |> Fun
    static member exp (x : VarOrFunc) = CNTKLib.Exp(x.Variable) |> Fun
    static member sigmoid (x : VarOrFunc) = CNTKLib.Sigmoid(x.Variable) |> Fun
    static member tanh (x : VarOrFunc) = CNTKLib.Tanh(x.Variable) |> Fun

let (|AsVar|) (v : Variable) = Var v
let (|AsFun|) (v : Function) = Fun v

(* Quick codegen
let t = typeof<Parameter>
|> Seq.iter 
    (fun i ->
        let allParameters = i.GetParameters()
        let args,ps = 
            |> Seq.toList 
            |> List.partition (fun p -> p.ParameterType = typeof<DeviceDescriptor> || p.ParameterType = typeof<DataType>)
        let inParams = 
            |> (fun i -> sprintf "%s : %s" i.Name i.ParameterType.Name) 
            |> String.concat ", "
        let outParams =
            |> (fun i -> sprintf "%s" i.Name) 
            |> String.concat ", "
        if List.isEmpty args then
            printfn "static member Def(%s) = new Parameter(%s)" inParams outParams
            let fArgs = 
                |> Seq.sortBy (fun i -> i.ParameterType.Name) 
                |> (fun i -> sprintf "(%s : %s)" i.Name i.ParameterType.Name) 
                |> String.concat " "
            printfn "static member Def(%s) = fun %s -> new Parameter(%s)" inParams fArgs outParams 

type Parameter with
    //static member Def(shape : NDShape, initValue : Single, name : String) = fun (device : DeviceDescriptor) -> new Parameter(shape, initValue, device, name)
    //static member Def(shape : NDShape, initValue : Double, name : String) = fun (device : DeviceDescriptor) -> new Parameter(shape, initValue, device, name)
    static member Def(value : NDArrayView, name : String) = new Parameter(value, name)
    static member Def(value : NDArrayView) = new Parameter(value)
    static member Def(shape : NDShape, initValue : Double, name : String) = fun (dataType : DataType) (device : DeviceDescriptor) -> new Parameter(shape, dataType, initValue, device, name)
    static member Def(shape : NDShape, initValue : Double) = fun (dataType : DataType) (device : DeviceDescriptor) -> new Parameter(shape, dataType, initValue, device)
    //static member Def(shape : NDShape, initValue : Double) = fun (dataType : DataType) -> new Parameter(shape, dataType, initValue)
    static member Def(shape : NDShape, initializer : CNTKDictionary, name : String) = fun (dataType : DataType) (device : DeviceDescriptor) -> new Parameter(shape, dataType, initializer, device, name)
    static member Def(shape : NDShape, initializer : CNTKDictionary) = fun (dataType : DataType) (device : DeviceDescriptor) -> new Parameter(shape, dataType, initializer, device)
    //static member Def(shape : NDShape, initializer : CNTKDictionary) = fun (dataType : DataType) -> new Parameter(shape, dataType, initializer)
    static member Def(variable : Variable) = new Parameter(variable)

type OnDevice(device : DeviceDescriptor, dataType : DataType) = 
    member __.Bind(v : Variable, f) = f(Var v)
    member __.Bind(v : DataType -> #Variable, f) = f(Var(v dataType))
    member __.Bind(v : DataType -> Function, f) = f(Fun(v dataType))
    member __.Bind(v : DataType -> DeviceDescriptor -> #Variable, f) = f(Var(v dataType device))
    member __.Bind(v : DataType -> DeviceDescriptor -> Function, f) = f(Fun(v dataType device))
    member __.Bind(v : DeviceDescriptor -> #Variable, f) = f(Var(v device))
    member __.Bind(v : DeviceDescriptor -> Function, f) = f(Fun(v device))
    member __.Return(x) = x

C# Example, converted

// Creating a synthetic dataset

let gaussianNoise (random:Random) (mean, stdDev) =
    let u1 = 1.0 - random.NextDouble()
    let u2 = 1.0 - random.NextDouble()
    let stdNormalRandomValue = sqrt(-2.0 * log(u1)) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * u2)

    mean + stdDev * stdNormalRandomValue
let random = Random(0)
let noise = gaussianNoise random

let generateRawDataSamples(sampleSize, inputDim, numOutputClasses) =
    let features = Array.create (sampleSize * inputDim) 0.f
    let oneHotLabels = Array.create (sampleSize * numOutputClasses) 0.f

    for sample in 0 .. sampleSize - 1 do

        let label = random.Next(numOutputClasses)
        for i in 0 .. numOutputClasses - 1 do             
            oneHotLabels.[sample * numOutputClasses + i] <- if label = i then 1.f else 0.f
        for i in 0 .. inputDim - 1 do               
            features.[sample * inputDim + i] <- float32 (noise (3.0, 1.0)) * float32 (label + 1)
    features, oneHotLabels
let generateValueData(sampleSize, inputDim, numOutputClasses, device:DeviceDescriptor) =
    let features, oneHotLabels = generateRawDataSamples(sampleSize, inputDim, numOutputClasses)
    let featureValue = Value.CreateBatch (shape [ inputDim ], features, device)
    let labelValue = Value.CreateBatch (shape [ numOutputClasses ], oneHotLabels, device)

    featureValue, labelValue
let printTrainingProgress(trainer:Trainer, minibatchIdx, outputFrequencyInMinibatches) =
        (minibatchIdx % outputFrequencyInMinibatches) = 0 && 
        trainer.PreviousMinibatchSampleCount() <> (uint32 0)
        let trainLossValue = trainer.PreviousMinibatchLossAverage() |> float32
        let evaluationValue = trainer.PreviousMinibatchEvaluationAverage() |> float32
        printfn "Minibatch: %i CrossEntropyLoss = %f, EvaluationCriterion = %f" minibatchIdx trainLossValue evaluationValue

// creating and training the model

let linearModel(AsVar input, outputDim:int, device:DeviceDescriptor) =
    let inputDim = input.Variable.Shape.[0]
    OnDevice(device, DataType.Float){
        let! weight = Parameter.Def(shape [ outputDim; inputDim ], 1.0, "w")
        let! bias = Parameter.Def(shape [ outputDim ], 0.0, "b")
        return (weight * input) + bias
let device = DeviceDescriptor.CPUDevice

let inputDim = 3
let numOutputClasses = 2

let featureVariable = Variable.InputVariable(shape [inputDim], DataType.Float)
let labelVariable = Variable.InputVariable(shape [numOutputClasses], DataType.Float)

let classifierOutput = linearModel(featureVariable, numOutputClasses, device).Function
let loss = CNTKLib.CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(Variable(classifierOutput), labelVariable)
let evalError = CNTKLib.ClassificationError(Variable(classifierOutput), labelVariable)

let learningRatePerSample = CNTK.TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.02, uint32 1)

let parameterLearners =
            Learner.SGDLearner(classifierOutput.Parameters(), learningRatePerSample) 
let trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(classifierOutput, loss, evalError, parameterLearners)

let minibatchSize = 64
let numMinibatchesToTrain = 1000
let updatePerMinibatches = 50
for minibatchCount in 0 .. (numMinibatchesToTrain - 1) do
    let features, labels = generateValueData(minibatchSize, inputDim, numOutputClasses, device)
    let params = 
        [ (featureVariable, features); (labelVariable, labels) ] |> dict
    let _ = trainer.TrainMinibatch(params, device)
    printTrainingProgress(trainer, minibatchCount, updatePerMinibatches)```

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