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Created March 31, 2015 05:28
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Conversion to F# of "Gradient Descent Training Using C#"
// This is a conversion to F# of the C# code presented in
// MSDN Magazine, March 2015, by James McCaffrey:
open System
let sumprod (v1:float[]) (v2:float[]) = v1 v2 |> Seq.sumBy (fun (x,y) -> x * y)
let sigmoid z = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp (- z))
let logistic (weights:float[]) (features:float[]) =
sumprod weights features |> sigmoid
let makeAllData (numFeatures, numRows, seed) =
let rnd = Random(seed)
let generate (low,high) = low + (high-low) * rnd.NextDouble()
let weights = Array.init (numFeatures + 1) (fun _ -> generate(-10.0,10.0))
let dataset =
[| for row in 1 .. numRows ->
let features =
yield 1.0
for feat in 1 .. numFeatures -> generate(-10.0,10.0)
let value =
if logistic weights features > 0.55
then 1.0
else 0.0
(features, value)
weights, dataset
let shuffle (rng:Random) (data:_[]) =
let copy = Array.copy data
for i in 0 .. (copy.Length - 1) do
let r = rng.Next(i, copy.Length)
let tmp = copy.[r]
copy.[r] <- copy.[i]
copy.[i] <- tmp
let makeTrainTest (allData:_[], seed) =
let rnd = Random(seed)
let totRows = allData.Length
let numTrainRows = int (float totRows * 0.80) // 80% hard-coded
let copy = shuffle rnd allData
copy.[.. numTrainRows-1], copy.[numTrainRows ..]
type Example = float [] * float
let Error (trainData:Example[], weights:float[]) =
// mean squared error using supplied weights
|> (fun (features,value) ->
let computed = logistic weights features
let desired = value
(computed - desired) * (computed - desired))
|> Array.average
let Train (trainData:Example[], numFeatures, maxEpochs, alpha, seed) =
let rng = Random(seed)
let epoch = 0
let update (example:Example) (weights:float[]) =
let features,target = example
let computed = logistic weights features
|> Array.mapi (fun i w ->
w + alpha * (target - computed) * features.[i])
let rec updateWeights (data:Example[]) epoch weights =
if epoch % 100 = 0
then printfn "Epoch: %i, Error: %.2f" epoch (Error (data,weights))
if epoch = maxEpochs then weights
let data = shuffle rng data
let weights =
|> Array.fold (fun w example -> update example w) weights
updateWeights data (epoch + 1) weights
// initialize the weights and start the recursive update
let initialWeights = [| for _ in 1 .. numFeatures + 1 -> 0. |]
let finalWeights = updateWeights trainData 0 initialWeights
let classifier (features:float[]) =
if logistic finalWeights features > 0.5 then 1. else 0.
printfn "Begin Logistic Regression (binary) Classification demo"
printfn "Goal is to demonstrate training using gradient descent"
let numFeatures = 8 // synthetic data
let numRows = 10000
let seed = 1
printfn "Generating %i artificial data items with %i features" numRows numFeatures
let trueWeights, allData = makeAllData(numFeatures, numRows, seed)
printfn "Data generation weights:"
trueWeights |> Array.iter (printf "%.2f ")
printfn ""
printfn "Creating train (80%%) and test (20%%) matrices"
let trainData, testData = makeTrainTest(allData, 0)
printfn "Done"
let maxEpochs = 1000
let alpha = 0.01
let classifier = Train (trainData,numFeatures,maxEpochs,alpha,0)
let accuracy (examples:Example[]) =
|> Array.averageBy (fun (feat,value) ->
if classifier feat = value then 1. else 0.)
accuracy trainData |> printfn "Prediction accuracy on train data: %.4f"
accuracy testData |> printfn "Prediction accuracy on test data: %.4f"
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