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Created December 12, 2017 10:53
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TCF to sentence in plain text
xquery version "3.1";
declare namespace dta="";
declare function local:load-dta($source, $target) {
let $collection-uri := $target,
$directory := $source,
$pattern := "**/*",
$mime-type := "application/xml",
$preserve-structure := true()
xmldb:store-files-from-pattern($collection-uri, $directory, $pattern, $mime-type, $preserve-structure)
let $col := "/db/data/full"
for $corpus in collection($col)//dta:TextCorpus
let $name := ($corpus/base-uri() => tokenize("/"))[last()]
let $lemmas := $corpus//dta:lemma
let $token :=
for $lemma in $lemmas
map:entry($lemma/string(@tokenIDs), $lemma)
let $sentence :=
for $sentence in $corpus//dta:sentence
let $tokens := $sentence/@tokenIDs => tokenize(" ")
let $sen := $tokens ! $token(.)
string-join($sen, " ")
let $data := string-join($sentence, "
=> replace("[^a-zA-ZüöäßÜÖÄ \n]", "")
let $binarydata := util:string-to-binary($data)
let $path := "/home/mathias/development/word2vec/texts/dta/"
file:serialize-binary($binarydata, $path||replace($name, "\.tcf\.xml", ".sentences.txt"))
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