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Last active October 24, 2015 15:32
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xquery version "3.0";
import module namespace console="" at "java:org.exist.console.xquery.ConsoleModule";
declare namespace rdfs="";
declare namespace ps="";
declare namespace wdt="";
declare namespace rdf="";
declare option exist:serialize "method=xhtml media-type=application/ highlight-matches=none";
declare function local:get($cat as xs:string, $continue as xs:string){
(: max 500 items returned on cmlist query :)
(: max 50 items to be passed as pageIds :)
let $interval := 50
let $data := doc(''||encode-for-uri($cat)||'&format=xml&cmlimit='|| string($interval) ||'&cmcontinue='||encode-for-uri($continue))
let $ids := $data//cm/string(@pageid)
let $pages:= doc(''||encode-for-uri( string-join($ids, '|') ))
,if($data//continue) then local:get($cat, string($data//continue/@cmcontinue)) else ()
declare function local:wikidatardf($Q as xs:string){
doc('' || $Q ||'.rdf')
let $start := console:log(current-time())
let $cat := request:get-parameter('cat', 'DDR-Bürger')
let$kml :=
for $item at $pos in local:get($cat,'')
let $log:= console:log('kml: '||$pos)
let $wikidataPerson := if(string($item/pageprops/@wikibase_item) = '') then () else local:wikidatardf( string($item/pageprops/@wikibase_item) )
let $wikidataPlace := for $item in $wikidataPerson//wdt:P20/substring-after(@rdf:resource, '/entity/') where $item != '' return ( local:wikidatardf($item))
let $coordinates := $wikidataPlace//ps:P625/substring-after(substring-before(., ')'), 'Point(')
let $coordinates := tokenize($coordinates, ' ')[2]||', '||tokenize($coordinates, ' ')[1]
where $coordinates != ', '
order by $item/pageprops/@defaultsort
{codepoints-to-string( string-to-codepoints('<') )||string('![CDATA[')}
<a href="{encode-for-uri(replace(string($item/@title), ' ', '_')) }" target='_blank'>
{string(']]')||codepoints-to-string( string-to-codepoints('>') )}
return $kml
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