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Last active September 9, 2015 08:01
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Jade form-helpers. Can be used with bootstrap
mixin input(label, options)
- var defaults = {"tag":"input", "type":"text", "labelClass":"form-label", "name":sanitize(label), "placeholder":null, "value":null, "id":sanitize(label).substring(0, 10) + "-" + randomString(), "tabindex":null}
- var input = extend({}, defaults, {"label":label, "required":attributes.required}, options, attributes)
- var baseClass = input.type == "hidden" ? null : "form-control"
- delete attributes.required
if input.placeholder === true
- input.placeholder = label
if input.type == "hidden"
- input.label = null
if input.type == "checkbox" || input.type == "radio"
label(, class=input.labelClass)
input&attributes(attributes)(, type=input.type,, placeholder=input.placeholder, value=input.value || "true", checked=input.checked, required=input.required ? true : null, tabindex=input.tabindex)
if input.icon
i.icon(class=attr(input.icon, "ficon"))
!= input.label
if input.label !== null
label(, class=input.labelClass, class=input.label === false ? "sr-only" : null)
if input.icon
i.icon(class=attr(input.icon, "ficon"))
!= input.label || label
if input.required && (input.label !== false || input.label != " ")
span.required *
if input.tag == "input"
input&attributes(attributes)(, class=baseClass, type=input.type,, placeholder=input.placeholder, value=input.value, required=input.required ? true : null, tabindex=input.tabindex)
#{input.tag}&attributes(attributes)(, class=baseClass, type=input.type,, placeholder=input.placeholder, value=input.value, required=input.required ? true : null, tabindex=input.tabindex)
if _.isArray(input.values)
each option, i in input.values
if (_.isArray(option))
- option = {"value":sanitize(option[0]), "label":option[1]}
else if (!_.isPlainObject(option))
- option = {"value":sanitize(option), "label":option}
- var selected = (input.selected == i || input.selected == option.value) ? true : null
option(value=option.value, selected=selected)!= option.label
if input.type != "checkbox" && input.type != "radio"
mixin select(label, values, options)
- var options = extend({"tag":"select", "type":null, "values":values, "selected":null}, options)
+input(label, options)&attributes(attributes)
mixin checkbox(label, options)
- var options = extend({"type":"checkbox", "checkboxClass":null}, options)
+input(label, options)&attributes(attributes)
mixin buttonized-input(label, options)
- var options = extend({"type":"checkbox", "label":" ", "labelClass":"buttonized-input"}, options)
- options.labelClass = [options.labelClass, options.labelClass + "-" + options.type]
+input(label, options)&attributes(attributes)
span.btn= label
mixin radio(label, options)
- var options = extend({"type":"radio"}, options)
+input(label, options)&attributes(attributes)
mixin hidden-input(name, value)
+input(name, {"type":"hidden", "name":name, "value":value || "", "id":null})&attributes(attributes)
form.form.form-subscribe(action="#", method="post")
+select("Anrede", ["Herr", "Frau"])
+select("Bereich / Abteilung", ["Eins", "Zwei", "Drei"])
+select("Funktion / Position", ["Eins", "Zwei", "Drei"])
+input("Straße", {"label":"Straße - Hausnummer"})(required)
+input("Hausnummer", {"label":" "})(required)
+input("PLZ", {"label":"PLZ - Ort"})(required, pattern="[0-9]{5}")
+input("Ort", {"label":" "})(required)
+input("Nummer", {"label":" "})(required)
+input("E-Mail", {"type":"email"})(required)
+checkbox("Ich bin mit der Verarbeitung und Nutzung meiner Daten gemäß <a href='#' class='more'>Einwilligungserklärung</a> einverstanden.")(required)
button(type="submit").btn-ci-lg-light.pull-right Absenden
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