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Last active January 6, 2017 10:49
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  • Save mathieuancelin/88cd334ad6b903ed65de786ae035bcb3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.Keys._
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._
* Should be located in in myApp/project/javascript.scala
* To use it from your `build.sbt` file,
* just add the JS build setting to the project
* {{{
* lazy val root = (project in file("."))
* .enablePlugins(PlayJava)
* .settings(Javascript.buildUiSettings)
* }}}
* or
* {{{
* lazy val root = (project in file("."))
* .enablePlugins(PlayScala)
* .settings(Javascript.buildUiSettings)
* }}}
object Javascript {
val javascriptDirectory = SettingKey[File]("javascript-assets-directory")
val javascriptBuild = TaskKey[Int]("js-build")
val buildScript = """
|if [ -z "$APP_ID" ]; then
| echo "Not on CleverCloud, installing JS deps"
| yarn install
| echo "Running JS build"
| yarn run build
| echo "On CleverCloud, sourcing nvm"
| source /home/bas/.nvm/
| echo "using latest node version (7.2.0)"
| nvm use 7.2.0
| echo "Installing Yarn"
| npm install -g yarn
| echo "Installing JS deps"
| yarn install
| echo "Running JS build"
| yarn run build
| echo "Destroying dependencies cache"
| rm -rf ./node_modules
val buildUiSettings = Seq(
javascriptDirectory <<= (baseDirectory in Compile) { _ / "javascript" },
commands <++= javascriptDirectory { base => Seq(npmCommand(base), yarnCommand(base), buildUiCommand(base)) },
javascriptBuild := Process(List("/bin/sh", "-c", buildScript), javascriptDirectory.value).run().exitValue(),
stage <<= stage dependsOn javascriptBuild
def npmCommand(base: File) = Command.args("npm", "<npm-command>") { (state, args) =>
Process("npm" :: args.toList, base) !;
def yarnCommand(base: File) = Command.args("yarn", "<yarn-command>") { (state, args) =>
Process("yarn" :: args.toList, base) !;
def buildUiCommand(base: File) = Command.command("buildUi") { state =>
Process(List("/bin/sh", "-c", buildScript), base) !;
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