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Created July 18, 2017 20:19
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Worked Example for Kidney Paired-Donation
library(dplyr) # Take that, base R
library(purrr) # 'map' functions
library(igraph) # R graph framework
library(ggplot2) # For plotting
library(ggraph) # Plotting graphs
library(data.table) # 'rbindlist' to combine list of data frames into one data frame
library(ompr) # Mixed integer programming
library(ROI) # R optimization interface
library(ROI.plugin.glpk) # Will use solver 'glpk'
### KPD Example ###
set.seed(901) # Arbitrary seed, seemed to generate a decent network for this demo
number_of_nodes <- 20
kpd <- sample_gnp(number_of_nodes, 0.1, directed=TRUE) # Here we generate our KPD as a Erdos-Renyi random graph
# Plot graph
ggraph(kpd,layout='linear',circular=TRUE) +
type="closed")) +
geom_node_point(size=12,color="red",alpha=0.6) +
geom_node_text(aes(label=1:20),size=5,color="black") +
# Retrieve edges in the network
edges <- kpd %>% get.edgelist %>% data.frame
# Depth-First Search for Cycles in a Network
get_cycles <- function(nodes, edgelist, max_cycle_size){
cycle_list <- list() # Collect found cycles
cycles <- 0 # Count cycles
# Does edge exist in network from 'from' node to 'to' node?
incidence <- function(from,to){
return(edgelist %>% filter(X1==from,X2==to) %>% nrow > 0)
# Retrieve first unvisited child of 'current' node (after 'from' node)
# Returns -1 if no child found
get_child <- function(from, current, visited){
if (from != nodes){
for (j in (from + 1):nodes){
if (incidence(current,j) & !visited[j]){
# Use stack to store and evaluate current set of nodes
node_stack <- numeric()
# Keep note of the first node in the stack (head node)
current_head_node <- 1
# Keep track of whether each node has been explored already
visited <- rep(FALSE, nodes)
# Iterate over all nodes
while (current_head_node <= nodes){
# Place new head node in the stack and mark as visited
node_stack <- c(node_stack, current_head_node)
visited[current_head_node] <- TRUE
# Get the first child of this node
v <- get_child(current_head_node, current_head_node, visited)
while(length(node_stack) > 0){
# If there are no children to explore
if (v == -1){
# Pop node from stack
backtrack_node <- node_stack %>% tail(1)
node_stack <- node_stack %>% head(-1)
if (backtrack_node == current_head_node){
# We've popped the head node from the stack, which is now empty
# Break from the loop and start a new stack with a new head node
visited[backtrack_node] <- FALSE
# Mark the popped node as not visited
visited[backtrack_node] <- FALSE
# Get new node from top of stack and get its next unvisited child
new_top_node <- node_stack %>% tail(1)
v <- get_child(backtrack_node, new_top_node, visited)
} else {
# Place new node on top of stack and mark as visited
node_stack <- c(node_stack, v)
visited[v] <- TRUE
# If this node connects back to the head node, we've found a cycle!
if (incidence(v,current_head_node)){
# Check size constraints (may be unnecessary...)
if (length(node_stack) <= max_cycle_size){
# Add cycle to list
cycles <- cycles + 1
cycle_list[[cycles]] <- node_stack
if (length(node_stack) >= max_cycle_size){
# If stack has reached the maximum cycle size, signal that there are no
# more children to explore
v <- -1
} else {
# Else, grow stack with child of current node
v <- get_child(current_head_node, v, visited)
# Advance head node
current_head_node <- current_head_node + 1
# Collect all the cycles in the network
cycle_size <- 3
cycles <- get_cycles(number_of_nodes, edges, cycle_size)
number_of_cycles <- length(cycles)
# Assign a label to each cycle
cycle_strings <- map_chr(cycles, function(x){ paste(x, collapse="-")})
# Collect separately the size of each of the cycles in the network
transplants <- purrr::map_int(cycles,length)
data.frame(cycle_strings=cycle_strings, transplants=transplants)
# For a vector representing a cycle, build data frame of the edges
get_cycle_edges <- function(cycle_node_list){
edge_list <- data.frame(X1=numeric(), X2=numeric())
cycle_length <- length(cycle_node_list)
# Caution: FOR loop :( :( :(
for(i in 1:(cycle_length - 1)){
edge_list <- rbind(edge_list, data.frame(X1 = cycle_node_list[i], X2 = cycle_node_list[i+1]))
edge_list <- rbind(edge_list, data.frame(X1 = cycle_node_list[cycle_length], X2 = cycle_node_list[1]))
# Get all edges that appear in cycles
cycle_edges <- map(cycles, get_cycle_edges) %>%
rbindlist %>%
unique %>%
as_tibble %>%
mutate(in.cycle = TRUE)
# Mark each edge whether it appears in a cycle or not
edges_enhanced <- edges %>%
left_join(cycle_edges,by=c("X1","X2")) %>%
mutate(in.cycle = !
E(kpd)$Cycle <- edges_enhanced$in.cycle # Assign property to edge
# Get all nodes that appear in cycles
cycle_nodes <- cycles %>% unlist %>% unique %>% sort
# Mark each node whether it appears in a cycle or not
node_in_cycle <- 1:number_of_nodes %in% cycle_nodes
V(kpd)$Cycle <- node_in_cycle # Assign property to node
# Plot network with nodes and edges in cycles highlighted
ggraph(kpd, layout = 'circle') +
type="closed")) +
geom_node_point(aes(color=Cycle),size=12,alpha=0.6,show.legend=F) +
geom_node_text(aes(label=1:20),size=5,color="black") +
scale_color_manual(values=c("red","magenta")) +
scale_edge_color_manual(values=c("black","magenta")) +
scale_edge_width_manual(values=c(0.5,1)) +
scale_edge_linetype_manual(values=c("dotted","solid")) +
# Function returns whether or not a node appears in a cycle
cycle_contains_node <- function(cycle,node){
purrr::map2_lgl(cycle,node, ~ .y %in% cycles[[.x]]) # A little confusing, but .x = 'cycle', .y = 'node' here
model <- MIPModel() %>%
add_variable(y[i], i = 1:number_of_cycles, type = "binary") %>%
add_variable(x[i,j], i = 1:number_of_cycles, j = 1:number_of_nodes, type = "binary") %>%
set_objective(sum_expr(transplants[i] * y[i], i = 1:number_of_cycles), "max") %>%
add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i,j], i = 1:number_of_cycles) <= 1, j = 1:number_of_nodes) %>%
add_constraint(x[i,j] == y[i], i = 1:number_of_cycles, j = 1:number_of_nodes, cycle_contains_node(i,j)) %>%
solve_model(with_ROI(solver = "glpk", verbosity = 1))
response <- model %>%
get_solution(y[i]) %>%
select(-variable) %>%
mutate(cycle_string = cycle_strings,
transplants = transplants)
# Extract chosen cycles
chosen_cycles <- response %>%
filter(value==1) %>%
solution <- cycles[chosen_cycles]
# Collect solution edges into data frame
solution_edges <- map(solution, get_cycle_edges)
for (i in 1:length(solution_edges)){ # Save solution number
solution_edges[[i]] <- solution_edges[[i]] %>%
mutate(solution = paste("Solution Cycle",i))
solution_edges <- solution_edges %>%
rbindlist %>%
# Mark edges with the solution they appear in
edge_in_solution <- edges %>%
left_join(solution_edges,by=c("X1","X2")) %>%
mutate(solution = ifelse(,"Not Selected",solution))
E(kpd)$Solution <- edge_in_solution$solution
# Mark nodes with the solution they appear in
node_in_solution <- data.frame(X1=1:20) %>%
left_join(solution_edges, by="X1") %>%
mutate(solution=ifelse(,"Not Selected",solution))
V(kpd)$Solution <- node_in_solution$solution
# Plot network
ggraph(kpd, layout = 'circle') +
type="closed")) +
geom_node_point(aes(color=Solution),size=12,alpha=0.6,show.legend = FALSE) +
geom_node_text(aes(label=1:20),size=5,color="black") +
scale_color_manual(values=c("red","magenta","blue","green")) +
scale_edge_color_manual(values=c("black","magenta","blue","green")) +
scale_edge_width_manual(values=c(0.5,rep(1,times=3))) +
scale_edge_linetype_manual(values=c("dotted",rep("solid",times=3))) +
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