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Created November 20, 2018 11:20
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VHDL Utilitary functions to convert std_logic_vector(s) to strings
-- Mathieu CAROFF
-- 2018-11-20
-- util_str.vhd
-- Utilitary functions to convert std_logic_vector(s) to strings
-- Test:
-- ```bash
-- ghdl -a util_str.vhd
-- ghdl -r util_str_tb
-- ```
-- The answer from Jonathan Bromley to the toopic "std_logic_vector to string in hex format"
-- asked by Mad I.D. helped to write the functions below.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package util_str is
function bin (lvec: in std_logic_vector) return string;
function hex (lvec: in std_logic_vector) return string;
end package;
package body util_str is
function bin (lvec: in std_logic_vector) return string is
variable text: string(lvec'length-1 downto 0) := (others => '9');
for k in lvec'range loop
case lvec(k) is
when '0' => text(k) := '0';
when '1' => text(k) := '1';
when 'U' => text(k) := 'U';
when 'X' => text(k) := 'X';
when 'Z' => text(k) := 'Z';
when '-' => text(k) := '-';
when others => text(k) := '?';
end case;
end loop;
return text;
end function;
function hex (lvec: in std_logic_vector) return string is
variable text: string(lvec'length / 4 - 1 downto 0) := (others => '9');
subtype halfbyte is std_logic_vector(4-1 downto 0);
assert lvec'length mod 4 = 0
report "hex() works only with vectors whose length is a multiple of 4"
severity FAILURE;
for k in text'range loop
case halfbyte'(lvec(4 * k + 3 downto 4 * k)) is
when "0000" => text(k) := '0';
when "0001" => text(k) := '1';
when "0010" => text(k) := '2';
when "0011" => text(k) := '3';
when "0100" => text(k) := '4';
when "0101" => text(k) := '5';
when "0110" => text(k) := '6';
when "0111" => text(k) := '7';
when "1000" => text(k) := '8';
when "1001" => text(k) := '9';
when "1010" => text(k) := 'A';
when "1011" => text(k) := 'B';
when "1100" => text(k) := 'C';
when "1101" => text(k) := 'D';
when "1110" => text(k) := 'E';
when "1111" => text(k) := 'F';
when others => text(k) := '!';
end case;
end loop;
return text;
end function;
end package body;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.util_str.all;
entity util_str_tb is
end entity;
architecture util_str_tb_arch of util_str_tb is
process is
variable byte: std_logic_vector(12-1 downto 0) := "000001001111";
report "bin " & bin(byte);
report "hex " & hex(byte);
end process;
end architecture;
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