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Created August 12, 2016 17:47
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First (complicated) pass at extracting a list of DiscussionMessage items
defmodule OmniChat.ChatterSerializer do
use JaSerializer
attributes [:id, :nickname]
defmodule OmniChat.DiscussionMessageSerializer do
use JaSerializer
attributes [:content]
has_one :chatter,
serializer: OmniChat.ChatterSerializer,
include: true
module Online.DiscussionMessage exposing (receiveCollection)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Json.Decode as JD
import Json.Encode as JE
import JsonApi
import JsonApi.Documents
import JsonApi.Decode
import JsonApi.Resources
import Online.Types exposing (Model, Msg, DiscussionMessage, Chatter)
receiveCollection : JE.Value -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
receiveCollection raw model =
{ model | messages = extractMessageCollectionFromJson raw } ! []
extractMessageCollectionFromJson : JE.Value -> List DiscussionMessage
extractMessageCollectionFromJson raw =
case JD.decodeValue JsonApi.Decode.document raw of
Ok document ->
extractMessageCollectionFromDocument document
Err error ->
Debug.crash error
extractMessageCollectionFromDocument : JsonApi.Document -> List DiscussionMessage
extractMessageCollectionFromDocument document =
case JsonApi.Documents.primaryResourceCollection document of
Ok resourceList -> extractMessageFromResource resourceList
Err error ->
Debug.crash error
extractMessageFromResource : JsonApi.Resource -> DiscussionMessage
extractMessageFromResource messageResource =
attributes =
JsonApi.Resources.attributes messageResource
{ chatter = extractChatterAsRelatedResource messageResource
, content = getStringAttribute "content" attributes
extractChatterAsRelatedResource : JsonApi.Resource -> Chatter
extractChatterAsRelatedResource messageResource =
attributes =
case JsonApi.Resources.relatedResource "chatter" messageResource of
Ok chatter ->
JsonApi.Resources.attributes chatter
Err error ->
Debug.crash error
{ id = getIntAttribute "id" attributes
, nickname = getStringAttribute "nickname" attributes
getStringAttribute : String -> Dict String JD.Value -> String
getStringAttribute key dict =
Dict.get key dict
`Maybe.andThen` (JD.decodeValue JD.string >> Result.toMaybe)
|> Maybe.withDefault "???"
getIntAttribute : String -> Dict String JD.Value -> Int
getIntAttribute key dict =
Dict.get key dict
`Maybe.andThen` (JD.decodeValue >> Result.toMaybe)
|> Maybe.withDefault 0
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