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Created February 13, 2019 12:34
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A glyph set picker for Robofont 3
# menuTitle: Assign Glyph Set
# Mathieu Reguer
version 0.4
- switched to vanilla.dialogs.getFile
version 0.3
- Added import charset option
version 0.2
- Charset List is sorted
- optional text input for trailing glyphs
- minor optimisations
- persistent dialog
# importing stuff
from mojo.UI import getCharacterSets
from vanilla import *
from collections import OrderedDict
from vanilla.dialogs import getFile
# classes
class charSetPicker(object):
def __init__(self):
self.myCharsets = getCharacterSets()
self.addTrailGlyphs = False
self.font_has_ui = True
def panel(self):
# set up the margins
xMargin = 15
yMargin = 15
itemHeight = 22
windowsWidth = 340
tab_1 = 140
width_0 = tab_1 - xMargin * 2
# the main window
self.w = FloatingWindow((windowsWidth, 0), "Assign Character Set")
currentHeight = yMargin
self.w.lengthText = TextBox(
(xMargin, currentHeight, width_0, itemHeight), text="Character Set")
self.w.charset = PopUpButton(
(tab_1, currentHeight, -xMargin, itemHeight), sorted(self.myCharsets.keys()))
currentHeight += itemHeight + yMargin / 2
self.w.targetText = TextBox(
(xMargin, currentHeight, width_0, itemHeight), text="Target:") = PopUpButton(
(tab_1, currentHeight, -xMargin, itemHeight), ["Current Font", "All Fonts", "Load Fonts"])
currentHeight += itemHeight + yMargin
self.w.addTrailGlyphs = CheckBox((xMargin, currentHeight, -xMargin, itemHeight),
"Add trailing glyphs on the fly", value=self.addTrailGlyphs, callback=self.enableTrailGlyph)
currentHeight += itemHeight + yMargin / 2
self.w.trailGlyphs = EditText((xMargin, currentHeight, -xMargin, itemHeight * 10),
continuous=False, placeholder="glyphs names as a space separated list")
currentHeight += itemHeight * 10 + yMargin
# button
self.w.assignCharset = Button(
(xMargin, currentHeight, -xMargin, itemHeight), "Go", callback=self.assignCharset_callback)
currentHeight += itemHeight + yMargin / 2
self.w.importGlyphList = Button(
(xMargin, currentHeight, -xMargin, itemHeight), "Import Glyph List", callback=self.importList_callback)
currentHeight += itemHeight + yMargin
self.w.setPosSize((200, 100, windowsWidth, currentHeight))
def importGlyphOrder(self, lines):
out = []
for l in lines:
l = l.strip()
if l.startswith("#") or l.startswith("%"):
parts = l.split()
if parts != []:
out += parts
return out
def parseInput(self, string):
string = str(string)
return string.split()
def mergeGlyphOrder(self, glyphOrder, glyphOrderAdd):
return list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(glyphOrder + glyphOrderAdd))
def assignCharset(self, target, glyphOrder):
for f in target:
f.templateGlyphOrder = glyphOrder
print("Assigned Glyph Set to %s %s" %
if not self.font_has_ui:
def assignCharset_callback(self, sender):
target = self.getTarget()
myCharset = self.w.charset.getItems()[self.w.charset.get()]
myCharset = self.myCharsets[myCharset]
if self.addTrailGlyphs:
myCharsetAdd = self.parseInput(self.w.trailGlyphs.get())
myCharset = self.mergeGlyphOrder(myCharset, myCharsetAdd)
self.assignCharset(target, myCharset)
def importList_callback(self, sender):
path = getFile(messageText="Select your glyph set")
target = self.getTarget()
with open(path[0], "r") as file_:
lines = file_.readlines()
myCharset = self.importGlyphOrder(lines)
self.assignCharset(target, myCharset)
def enableTrailGlyph(self, sender):
self.addTrailGlyphs = sender.get()
def getTarget(self):
target = []
if == 0: # current font
target = CurrentFont()
self.font_has_ui = True
elif == 1:
target = AllFonts()
self.font_has_ui = True
elif == 2: # load fonts
target = OpenFont(showUI=False)
self.font_has_ui = False
if not isinstance(target, list):
target = [target]
return target
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