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Created May 19, 2016 15:22
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predicate lifting 使ってモナディックな計算についてホーア論理的な形式で命題記述できるようにする仕組みを Maybe モナドと State モナドに具体化したやつ。
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Require Import Setoids.Setoid Morphisms.
Generalizable All Variables.
Class Setoid :=
carrier: Type;
equal: carrier -> carrier -> Prop;
prf_Setoid: Equivalence equal
Coercion carrier: Setoid >-> Sortclass.
Coercion prf_Setoid: Setoid >-> Equivalence.
Existing Instance prf_Setoid.
Notation "(== :> X )" := (equal (Setoid:=X)).
Notation "(==)" := (==:>_) (only parsing).
Notation "x == y :> X" := (equal (Setoid:=X) x y) (at level 90, no associativity).
Notation "x == y" := (equal x y) (at level 90, no associativity, only parsing).
Class Map (X Y: Setoid) :=
map: X -> Y;
substitute: Proper ((==) ==> (==)) map
Coercion map: Map >-> Funclass.
Existing Instance substitute.
Instance Map_setoid (X Y: Setoid): Setoid :=
carrier := Map X Y;
equal f g := forall x, f x == g x
- intros f x; reflexivity.
- intros f g Heq x; symmetry; apply Heq.
- intros f g h H H' x; transitivity (g x); [apply H | apply H'].
Instance Map_comp {X Y Z: Setoid}(f: Map X Y)(g: Map Y Z): Map X Z :=
map x := g (f x)
intros x y Heq; repeat apply substitute; auto.
Instance Map_id (X: Setoid): Map X X :=
map x := x
intros x y Heq; auto.
Class Category :=
obj: Type;
hom: obj -> obj -> Setoid;
comp: forall {X Y Z: obj}, hom X Y -> hom Y Z -> hom X Z;
id: forall (X: obj), hom X X;
forall (X Y Z: obj)(f f': hom X Y)(g g': hom Y Z),
f == f' -> g == g' -> comp f g == comp f' g';
forall {X Y Z W: obj}(f: hom X Y)(g: hom Y Z)(h: hom Z W),
comp f (comp g h) == comp (comp f g) h;
forall {X Y: obj}(f: hom X Y),
comp (id X) f == f;
forall {X Y: obj}(f: hom X Y),
comp f (id Y) == f
Coercion obj: Category >-> Sortclass.
Coercion hom: Category >-> Funclass.
Notation "g \o{ C } f" := (comp (Category:=C) f g) (at level 60, right associativity).
Notation "g \o f" := (g \o{_} f) (at level 60, right associativity).
Notation "'Id' X" := (id X) (at level 60, right associativity).
Class Kleisli (C: Category)(T: C -> C) :=
pure: forall {X: C}, C X (T X);
bind: forall {X Y: C}, C X (T Y) -> C (T X) (T Y);
forall {X: C},
bind (pure (X:=X)) == id (T X);
forall {X Y: C}(f: hom X (T Y)),
bind f \o pure == f;
forall {X Y Z: C}(f: hom X (T Y))(g: hom Y (T Z)),
bind g \o bind f == bind (bind g \o f)
Class PartialOrder {A: Type}(eq: relation A){equiv: Equivalence eq}(R: relation A) :=
PartialOrder_Reflexive: Reflexive R;
PartialOrder_Transitive: Transitive R;
PartialOrder_Antisymmetric: Antisymmetric A eq R
Existing Instance PartialOrder_Reflexive.
Existing Instance PartialOrder_Transitive.
Existing Instance PartialOrder_Antisymmetric.
Arguments PartialOrder A eq {equiv} R: clear implicits.
Class Poset :=
poset_setoid: Setoid;
poset_pord: relation poset_setoid;
poset_pord_subst: Proper ((==) ==> (==) ==> (fun P Q: Prop => P -> Q)) poset_pord;
poset_pord_partialorder: PartialOrder poset_setoid (==:> poset_setoid) poset_pord
Notation "(<=p)" := poset_pord.
Infix "<=p" := poset_pord (at level 80, no associativity).
Coercion poset_setoid: Poset >-> Setoid.
Existing Instance poset_setoid.
Existing Instance poset_pord_subst.
Existing Instance poset_pord_partialorder.
Lemma poset_pord_subst_l (P: Poset)(x y z: P):
x == y -> x <=p z -> y <=p z.
assert (Hrefl: z == z) by reflexivity.
now apply (poset_pord_subst H Hrefl).
Lemma poset_pord_subst_r (P: Poset)(x y z: P):
y == z -> x <=p y -> x <=p z.
assert (Hrefl: x == x) by reflexivity.
now apply (poset_pord_subst Hrefl H).
Class Monotone (P Q: Poset) :=
monotone_map: Map P Q;
monotone_preserve: Proper ((<=p) ==> (<=p)) monotone_map
Coercion monotone_map: Monotone >-> Map.
Existing Instance monotone_map.
Existing Instance monotone_preserve.
Instance Monotone_setoid (P Q: Poset): Setoid :=
carrier := Monotone P Q;
equal f g := equal (Setoid := Map_setoid P Q) f g
- intros f x; reflexivity.
- intros f g Heq x; symmetry; apply Heq.
- intros f g h H H' x; transitivity (g x); [apply H | apply H'].
Instance Monotone_comp {P Q R: Poset}(f: Monotone P Q)(g: Monotone Q R): Monotone P R :=
monotone_map := Map_comp f g
intros p q H; simpl.
now do 2 apply monotone_preserve.
Instance Monotone_id (P: Poset): Monotone P P :=
monotone_map := Map_id P
now intros p q H.
Instance Posets: Category :=
obj := Poset;
hom := Monotone_setoid;
comp := @Monotone_comp;
id := Monotone_id
- simpl; intros.
rewrite (H x), (H0).
- simpl; intros; reflexivity.
- simpl; intros; reflexivity.
- simpl; intros; reflexivity.
Class KPL (C: Category)(T: C -> C)(K: Kleisli T)(pred: C -> Posets) :=
sbst: forall {X Y: C}, C X (T Y) -> Posets (pred Y) (pred X);
sbst_subst: forall (X Y: C), Proper ((==) ==> (==)) (@sbst X Y);
forall (X Y Z: C)(f: hom X (T Y))(g: hom Y (T Z)),
sbst f \o sbst g == sbst (bind g \o f);
forall (X: C),
id (pred X) == sbst (pure (X:=X))
Existing Instance sbst_subst.
Notation "f # P " := (sbst f P) (at level 45, right associativity).
Lemma hoare_id:
forall `(kpl: @KPL C T K pr)(X: C)(P: pr X),
P <=p pure#P.
generalize (sbst_id (KPL:=kpl) (X:=X)); simpl; intro.
apply (poset_pord_subst_r (H P)).
Lemma hoare_comp:
forall `(kpl: @KPL C T K pr)(X Y Z: C)(P: pr X)(Q: pr Y)(R: pr Z)
(f: C X (T Y))(g: C Y (T Z)),
P <=p f#Q ->
Q <=p g#R ->
P <=p (bind g \o f)#R.
transitivity (f#Q); auto.
transitivity (f # (g # R)).
- apply monotone_preserve.
- generalize (sbst_comp (KPL:=kpl) f g R); simpl; intro.
apply (poset_pord_subst_r H1).
Lemma hoare_trans_r:
forall `(kpl: @KPL C T K pr)(X Y: C)(P: pr X)(Q R: pr Y)(f: C X (T Y)),
P <=p f#Q -> Q <=p R -> P <=p f#R.
intros; apply transitivity with (f#Q); auto.
rewrite H0.
Instance function (X Y: Type): Setoid :=
carrier := X -> Y;
equal f g := forall x, f x = g x
- intros f x; auto.
- intros f g Heq x; auto.
- intros f g h Heqfg Heqgh x.
rewrite Heqfg; apply Heqgh.
Instance Types: Category :=
obj := Type;
hom X Y := function X Y;
comp X Y Z f g x := g (f x);
id X x := x
- simpl; intros.
rewrite H, H0; auto.
- simpl; intros; auto.
- simpl; intros; auto.
- simpl; intros; auto.
Notation "m >>= f" := (bind (C:=Types) f m) (at level 53, left associativity).
Notation "x <- m ; p" := (m >>= fun x => p) (at level 60, right associativity).
Notation "x <-: m ; p" := (x <- pure m ; p ) (at level 60, right associativity).
Notation "f >> g" := (bind (C:=Types) g \o{Types} f) (at level 42, right associativity).
Instance Maybe: Kleisli (C:=Types) option :=
pure X x := Some x;
bind X Y f m := match m with Some x => f x | _ => None end
- simpl; intros X [x|]; auto.
- simpl; intros X Y f x; auto.
- simpl; intros X Y Z f g [x|]; auto.
Module Pred.
Definition type (X: Type) := X -> Prop.
Definition pord {X: Type}(P Q: type X) := forall x, P x -> Q x.
Arguments pord {X}(P Q) /.
Definition impl {X: Type}(P Q: type X) := fun x => P x -> Q x.
Arguments impl {X}(P Q) x /.
Definition not {X: Type}(P: type X) := fun x => ~ P x.
Arguments not {X}(P) x /.
Definition and {X: Type}(P Q: type X) := fun x => P x /\ Q x.
Arguments and {X}(P Q) x /.
Definition or {X: Type}(P Q: type X) := fun x => P x \/ Q x.
Arguments or {X}(P Q) x /.
Definition True := fun {X: Type}(_: X) => True.
Definition False := fun {X: Type}(_: X) => False.
End Pred.
Notation predicate := Pred.type.
Instance Pred_setoid (X: Type): Setoid :=
carrier := predicate X;
equal P Q := forall x, P x <-> Q x
- intros P x; tauto.
- intros P Q H; symmetry; auto.
- intros P Q R H H' x; transitivity (Q x); auto.
Instance Pred_Poset (X: Type): Poset :=
poset_setoid := Pred_setoid X;
poset_pord := Pred.pord
intros P Q H P' Q' H' Hpp x; simpl in *.
rewrite <- H', <- H; apply Hpp.
split; simpl.
- now intros P; simpl; auto.
- intros P Q R; simpl; intros Hpq Hqr x Hp.
now apply Hqr, Hpq.
- now intros P Q; simpl; intros Hpq Hqp x; split; revert x.
Program Instance MaybeKPL: KPL Maybe Pred_Poset :=
sbst X Y f :=
{| monotone_map :=
{| map := fun P x => match f x with Some y => P y | _ => False end |} |}
Next Obligation.
simpl; intros P Q H x.
destruct (f x) as [y|]; auto.
split; auto.
Next Obligation.
intros P Q; simpl; intros Hpq x.
destruct (f x) as [y|]; [revert y |]; tauto.
Next Obligation.
intros f g H Q x; simpl.
rewrite <- H.
destruct (f x) as [y|]; tauto.
Next Obligation.
rename x into R, x0 into x.
destruct (f x) as [y|]; tauto.
Next Obligation.
(* Notation "[ x <~ P ] ; m 'in' A ; [ y ~> Q ]" := (Pred.pord (fun x => P) (sbst (C:=Types)(KPL:=A) (fun x => m) (fun y => Q))) (at level 95). *)
(* Notation "[ x <~ P ] ; m ; [ y ~> Q ]" := ([ x <~ P ] ; m in _ ; [ y ~> Q ]) (at level 95). *)
Notation "'for' ( x : A ) 'with' P ; 'result' y 'of' m 'in' KPL ; 'satisfies' Q" := (Pred.pord (fun (x:A) => P) (sbst (C:=Types)(KPL:=KPL) (fun x => m) (fun y => Q))) (at level 97, x at next level).
Notation "'for' ( x : A ) 'with' P ; 'result' y 'of' m ; 'satisfies' Q" := (for (x : A) with P; result y of m in _; satisfies Q) (at level 97, x at next level).
Notation "'for' x 'with' P ; 'result' y 'of' m 'in' KPL ; 'satisfies' Q" := (for (x : _) with P; result y of m in KPL; satisfies Q) (at level 97).
Notation "'for' x 'with' P ; 'result' y 'of' m ; 'satisfies' Q" := (for x with P; result y of m in _; satisfies Q) (at level 97).
Lemma hcomp:
forall {X Y Z: Type}(P: predicate X)(Q: predicate Y)(R: predicate Z)
(f: X -> option Y)(g: Y -> option Z),
(for x with P x; result y of f x in MaybeKPL; satisfies Q y) ->
(for y with Q y; result z of g y in MaybeKPL; satisfies R z) ->
(for x with P x; result z of y <- f x; g y in MaybeKPL; satisfies R z).
apply (hoare_comp (kpl:=MaybeKPL)) with Q; assumption.
Require Import Arith.
Fixpoint dif (n m: nat){struct m} :=
match n, m with
| S n', S m' => dif n' m'
| _, 0 => Some n
| 0, S _ => None
(* success *)
forall n,
for x with x = S n;
result z of
(y <-: (S x);
dif y 2);
satisfies z = n.
simpl; intros; subst.
destruct n; ring.
Lemma le_ind':
forall (P : nat -> nat -> Prop),
(forall n, P 0 n) ->
(forall n m : nat, P n m -> P (S n) (S m)) ->
forall n m : nat, le n m -> P n m.
revert m H1; induction n.
- intros; apply H.
- destruct m.
+ intro H1; inversion H1.
+ intro Hle; apply H0, IHn, le_S_n; auto.
Require Import Omega.
for x with (2 <= x);
result z of
(mx <-: x * x;
px <-: x + x;
pure (px, mx));
satisfies let (px,mx) := z in px <= mx.
elim H; simpl; auto.
rewrite plus_comm; simpl.
rewrite mult_comm; simpl.
for nm with (let (n,m) := nm:nat*nat in n <= m);
result z of (let (n,m) := nm:nat*nat in dif m n) in MaybeKPL;
satisfies 0 <= z.
simpl; intros [n m] Hle; simpl in *.
pattern n, m; apply le_ind'; auto; clear Hle n m.
destruct n; simpl; auto with arith.
(* main *)
for x with 2 <= x;
result z of
(mx <-: x * x;
px <-: x + x;
dif mx px);
satisfies 0 <= z.
(for x with 2 <= x;
result z of
(mx <-: x * x;
px <-: x + x;
pm <-: (px,mx); (* intermediate parameter *)
let (p,m) := pm:_*_ in dif m p);
satisfies 0 <= z).
eapply (hoare_comp (kpl:=MaybeKPL)).
- apply Unnamed_thm0.
- apply Unnamed_thm1.
(* failure *)
forall P,
~ (for x with x = 0;
result _ of y <-: (S x); dif y 2;
satisfies P).
simpl; intros P H; generalize (H _ (eq_refl _)); simpl; auto.
Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Definition head {X: Type}(l: list X): option X :=
match l with
| [] => None
| x::_ => Some x
Definition tail {X: Type}(l: list X): option (list X) :=
match l with
| [] => None
| _::ls => Some ls
forall (X: Type),
for (l: list X) with length l >= 1;
result x of head l in MaybeKPL;
satisfies exists y, x = y.
simpl; intros X [| x l]; simpl; auto.
- intros H; inversion H.
- intros; exists x; reflexivity.
forall {X: Type},
~ for (l: list X) with length l = 0;
result _ of head l in MaybeKPL;
satisfies True.
intros X H; simpl in *.
generalize (H [] (eq_refl 0)); auto.
forall (X: Type)(x: X)(ls: list X),
for (l: list X) with (l = x::ls);
result p of (h <- head l;
t <- tail l;
pure (h,t)) in MaybeKPL;
satisfies p = (x,ls).
simpl; intros X x ls [| z l]; simpl.
- intros Heq; inversion Heq.
- intros Heq; inversion Heq; subst; reflexivity.
(* State Monad *)
Module PType.
Inductive type := make { carrier: Type; point: carrier }.
End PType.
Notation PType := PType.type.
Coercion PType.carrier : PType >-> Sortclass.
Module SPred.
Definition type (S: PType)(X: Type) := S -> X -> Prop.
Definition pord {S: PType}{X: Type}(P Q: type S X) := forall s x, P s x -> Q s x.
Arguments pord {S X}(P Q) /.
Definition impl {S: PType}{X: Type}(P Q: type S X) := fun s x => P s x -> Q s x.
Arguments impl {S X}(P Q) s x /.
Definition not {S: PType}{X: Type}(P: type S X) := fun s x => ~ P s x.
Arguments not {S X}(P) s x /.
Definition and {S: PType}{X: Type}(P Q: type S X) := fun s x => P s x /\ Q s x.
Arguments and {S X}(P Q) s x /.
Definition or {S: PType}{X: Type}(P Q: type S X) := fun s x => P s x \/ Q s x.
Arguments or {S X}(P Q) s x /.
Definition True := fun {S: PType}{X: Type}(_: S)(_: X) => True.
Definition False := fun {S: PType}{X: Type}(_: S)(_: X) => False.
End SPred.
Notation spredicate := SPred.type.
Instance SPred_setoid (S: PType)(X: Type): Setoid :=
carrier := spredicate S X;
equal P Q := forall s x, P s x <-> Q s x
- intros P s x; tauto.
- intros P Q H; symmetry; auto.
- intros P Q R H H' s x; transitivity (Q s x); auto.
Instance SPred_Poset (S: PType)(X: Type): Poset :=
poset_setoid := SPred_setoid S X;
poset_pord := SPred.pord
intros P Q H P' Q' H' Hpp s x; simpl in *.
rewrite <- H', <- H; apply Hpp.
split; simpl.
- now intros P; simpl; auto.
- intros P Q R; simpl; intros Hpq Hqr s x Hp.
now apply Hqr, Hpq.
- now intros P Q; simpl; intros Hpq Hqp s x; split; revert s x.
Definition state (S: PType)(X: Type) := S -> (X * S)%type.
Instance Setoids: Category :=
obj := Setoid;
hom X Y := Map_setoid X Y;
comp X Y Z f g := Map_comp f g;
id X := Map_id X
- simpl; intros.
rewrite H, H0; reflexivity.
- simpl; intros; reflexivity.
- simpl; intros; reflexivity.
- simpl; intros; reflexivity.
(* Instance State (S: PType): Kleisli (C:=Setoids) (state S) := *)
Axiom ext_eq: forall (A B: Type)(f g: A -> B),
(forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
Instance State (S: PType): Kleisli (C:=Types) (state S) :=
pure X x := fun s => (x,s);
bind X Y f m := fun s => let (y,s') := m s in f y s'
- simpl; intros X x.
apply ext_eq; intros s.
destruct (x s); reflexivity.
- simpl; intros X Y f x; auto.
- simpl; intros X Y Z f g x; auto.
apply ext_eq; intros s.
destruct (x s); reflexivity.
Definition get {S: PType}: state S S := fun s => (s,s).
Definition put {S: PType}(s': S): state S unit := fun s => (tt,s').
Definition modify {S: PType}(f: PType.carrier S -> PType.carrier S): state S unit
:= s <- get; put (f s).
Program Instance StateKPLMap (S: PType){X Y: Type}(f: X -> state S Y)
: Map (SPred_setoid S Y) (SPred_setoid S X) :=
{ map := fun P s x => let (y,s') := f x s in P s' y }.
Next Obligation.
intros P Q Heq s x.
destruct (f x s); apply Heq.
Program Instance StateKPL (S: PType): KPL (State S) (SPred_Poset S) :=
sbst X Y f :=
{| monotone_map := StateKPLMap S f |}
Next Obligation.
intros P Q; simpl; intros Hpq s x.
destruct (f x s); apply Hpq.
Next Obligation.
intros f g H Q s x; simpl.
rewrite <- H.
destruct (f x s); reflexivity.
Next Obligation.
rename x into R, x0 into x.
destruct (f x s); reflexivity.
Next Obligation.
Notation "'from' s 'in' S ; 'for' ( x : A ) 'with' P ; 'result' y 'of' m ; 'into' t ; 'satisfies' Q" := (SPred.pord (fun (s:S)(x:A) => P) (sbst (C:=Types)(KPL:=StateKPL _) (fun x => m) (fun (t: S) y => Q))) (at level 97, x at next level).
Notation "'from' s 'in' S ; 'for' x 'with' P ; 'result' y 'of' m ; 'into' t ; 'satisfies' Q" := (from s in S; for (x:_) with P; result y of m; into t; satisfies Q) (at level 97).
Definition Pnat := PType.make 0.
from s in Pnat;
for x with (2 <= x);
result z of
(mx <-: x * x;
px <-: x + x;
pure (mx, px));
into s';
satisfies (let (mx,px) := z in px <= mx).
intros s x H; simpl.
elim H; simpl; auto.
rewrite plus_comm, mult_comm; simpl.
from s in Pnat;
for (x: nat) with (1 <= s);
result z of pure x;
into s';
satisfies (1 <= s').
intros s x H; simpl; auto.
(* カウント付き比較 *)
Fixpoint leb_c (n m: nat): state Pnat bool :=
match n, m with
| O, O | O, S _ => _ <- modify (S:=Pnat) S
; pure true
| S _, O => _ <- modify (S:=Pnat) S
; pure false
| S p, S q => leb_c p q
Functional Scheme leb_c_ind := Induction for leb_c Sort Prop.
(* 比較すれば比較回数は真に大きくなるよ *)
Fixpoint insert (n: nat)(l: list nat): state Pnat (list nat) :=
match l with
| nil => pure (cons n nil)
| cons m xs => b <- leb_c n m
; (if b: bool
then pure (cons n l)
else (res <- insert n xs
; pure (cons m res)))
Fixpoint insertion_sort (l: list nat): state Pnat (list nat) :=
match l with
| nil => pure nil
| cons n xs => res <- insertion_sort xs
; insert n res
(* 大雑把な評価 *)
forall c,
from s in Pnat; (* 状態 s から始めて *)
for (l: list nat) with (s = c); (* 値 l と条件 s = c について *)
result l' of insertion_sort l; (* insertion_sort l を計算した結果 l' が *)
into s'; (* 状態 s' に至ったとすると *)
satisfies (s' <= c + length l' * length l'). (* これらは s' <= c + length l' * length l' を満たす *)
from s in Pnat;
for (l: list nat) with (s = 0);
result l' of insertion_sort l;
into s';
satisfies (s' <= length l' * length l').
apply Unnamed_thm9.
(* 一筋縄じゃいかねぇ *)
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