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Created August 28, 2013 16:22
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JMeq的なやつといろいろ使って,関数全体を Setoid に仕立てあげた.が,此処から先に進めない. おそらく,Setoid と言いつつキャリアが Type であることが超問題なのであろーう.
(* Cat_on_Coq の Setoid を使ってるよ *)
Inductive function_eq {X Y: Set}(f: X -> Y): forall (X' Y': Set)(g: X' -> Y'), Prop :=
| feq_def: forall f': X -> Y, (forall x: X, f x = f' x) -> function_eq f f'.
Lemma function_eq_refl:
forall (Xf Yf: Set)(f: Xf -> Yf),
function_eq f f.
move => Xf Yf f.
by apply feq_def.
Lemma function_eq_sym:
forall (Xf Yf Xg Yg: Set)(f: Xf -> Yf)(g: Xg -> Yg),
function_eq f g -> function_eq g f.
move => Xf Yf Xg Yg f g Heq.
induction Heq; apply feq_def; auto.
Lemma function_eq_trans:
forall (Xf Yf Xg Yg Xh Yh: Set)(f: Xf -> Yf)(g: Xg -> Yg)(h: Xh -> Yh),
function_eq f g -> function_eq g h -> function_eq f h.
move => Xf Yf Xg Yg Xh Yh f g h Heqfg.
induction Heqfg; subst; auto.
move => Heqgh.
induction Heqgh; subst; auto.
apply feq_def.
Inductive functions: Type :=
| functions_def: forall (X Y: Set)(f: X -> Y), functions.
Definition eq_functions (f g: functions): Prop :=
match f, g with
| functions_def X Y f', functions_def X' Y' g' =>
function_eq f' g'
Program Instance eq_functions_Equivalence: Equivalence eq_functions.
Next Obligation.
rewrite /Reflexive /eq_functions; move => [X Y f].
apply function_eq_refl.
Next Obligation.
rewrite /Symmetric /eq_functions; move => [Xf Yf f] [Xg Yg g].
apply function_eq_sym.
Next Obligation.
rewrite /Transitive /eq_functions; move => [Xf Yf f] [Xg Yg g] [Xh Yh h].
apply function_eq_trans.
Program Instance FunctionSetoid: Setoid :=
{ carrier := functions;
equal := eq_functions }.
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