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Last active December 22, 2015 17:19
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HORS を Coq で扱うにはどうしたらいいんでしょーか.
(* HORS? *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List.
CoInductive List (A: Set): Set :=
| Nil | Cons (head: A)(tail: List A).
Arguments Nil {A}.
Arguments Cons {A}(head)(tail).
Fixpoint Nth {A: Set}(n: nat)(l: List A): option A :=
match n, l with
| 0, Cons h _ => Some h
| S n, Cons _ t => Nth n t
| _, _ => None
Notation "[]" := Nil.
Notation "[ X ; .. ; Y ]" := (Cons X .. (Cons Y Nil) .. ) (at level 50, no associativity).
CoInductive Tree (A: Set): Set :=
| Leaf | Node (label: A)(child: List (Tree A)).
Arguments Leaf {A}.
Arguments Node {A}(label)(child).
Notation "a :< l" := (Node a l) (at level 60, right associativity).
Notation "b :>" := (fun x => b:<[x]) (at level 50, left associativity).
Definition Path := list nat.
Fixpoint Traverse {A: Set}(path: Path)(t: Tree A): option (Tree A) :=
match path, t with
| nil, _ => Some t
| n::t, _:< child =>
match Nth n child with
| Some c => Traverse t c
| None => None
| _, _ => None
Section HORS.
Variables (T: Set)(a b c: T).
(* order-0
S -> a c B
B -> b S *)
CoFixpoint GS0 :=
a :< [ c:<[] ; GB0 ]
with GB0 :=
b :< [ GS0 ].
Eval compute in (Traverse (1::0::1::0::nil) GS0).
(* order-1
S -> A c
A -> \x => a x (A b x) *)
CoFixpoint GA1 (x: Tree T) :=
a :< [ x ; GA1 (Node b ([ x ]))].
Definition GS1 := GA1 (c:<[]).
Eval compute in (Traverse (1::1::0::0::nil) GS1).
(* order-2
S -> A b
A -> \f => a (f c) (A (T f))
T -> \f x => f (f x) *)
(* . order-2 *)
Definition GT2 (f: Tree T -> Tree T)(x: Tree T): Tree T := f (f x).
(* . order-1 *)
CoFixpoint GA2 (f: Tree T -> Tree T): Tree T :=
a :< [ f (c:<[]) ; GA2 (GT2 f)].
(* . order-0 *)
Definition GS2 := GA2 (b:>).
Eval compute in (Traverse (1::1::0::0::nil) GS2).
(* exercise 1 *)
Variables (br e: T).
Definition GC2 (x y: Tree T -> Tree T)(w: Tree T): Tree T := x (y w).
CoFixpoint GF2 (x y z: Tree T -> Tree T): Tree T :=
br :< ([ x (y (z (e:<[]))) ; GF2 (GC2 (a:>) x) (GC2 (b:>) y) (GC2 (c:>) z) ]).
Definition GS := GF2 (a:>) (b:>) (c:>).
(* *)
CoFixpoint GF' (x: Tree T) := a :< [x ; GF' ((b:>x))].
Definition GS' := GF' (c:<[]).
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