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Last active December 15, 2016 12:48
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Coq の nat を十進表記で string に変換
Require Import Arith Ascii String Recdef Wf_nat.
Fixpoint div10 (n: nat): nat * nat :=
match n with
| S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S n'))))))))) =>
let (q, r) := div10 n' in (S q, r)
| digit => (0, digit)
Eval compute in div10 8.
(* = (0, 8) *)
(* : nat * nat *)
Eval compute in div10 12.
(* = (1, 2) *)
(* : nat * nat *)
Functional Scheme div10_ind := Induction for div10 Sort Prop.
Lemma div10_lt:
forall (n: nat),
let (q, r) := div10 n in (q < n \/ n = 0).
intros n.
functional induction div10 n; auto with arith.
rewrite e9 in IHp.
destruct IHp.
- apply lt_n_S.
now repeat apply lt_S.
- subst; simpl in *.
injection e9; intros; subst; auto with arith.
Open Scope char_scope.
Definition print_digit (n: nat): ascii :=
match n with
| 0 => "0"
| 1 => "1"
| 2 => "2"
| 3 => "3"
| 4 => "4"
| 5 => "5"
| 6 => "6"
| 7 => "7"
| 8 => "8"
| 9 => "9"
| _ => " "
Open Scope string_scope.
Function print_nat (n: nat){wf lt n}: string :=
let (q, r) := div10 n in
match q with
| O => String (print_digit r) ""
| S _ => print_nat q ++ String (print_digit r) ""
(* 2 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 832) *)
(* ============================ *)
(* forall n q r n0 : nat, q = S n0 -> div10 n = (S n0, r) -> S n0 < n *)
(* subgoal 2 (ID 833) is: *)
(* well_founded lt *)
(* (dependent evars:) *)
- intros; subst.
generalize (div10_lt n); rewrite teq.
intros [Hlt | Heq]; auto.
subst; simpl in *; discriminate.
- now apply lt_wf.
Eval compute in print_nat 0.
(* = "0" *)
(* : string *)
Eval compute in print_nat 23.
(* = "23" *)
(* : string *)
Eval compute in print_nat 256.
(* = "256" *)
(* : string *)
Eval compute in print_nat 4230.
(* = "4230" *)
(* : string *)
Eval compute in print_nat 5001.
(* Warning: Stack overflow or segmentation fault happens when working with *)
(* large numbers in nat (observed threshold may vary from 5000 to 70000 *)
(* depending on your system limits and on the command executed). *)
(* = "5001" *)
(* : string *)
Eval compute in print_nat 36184.
(* = "36184" *)
(* : string *)
Eval compute in print_nat 36185.
(* Stack overflow. *)
Check 36185.
(* 36185 *)
(* : nat *)
Check 36186.
(* Stack overflow. *)
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