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Created December 3, 2015 11:37
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Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Generalizable All Variables.
Require Export Basics Tactics Coq.Setoids.Setoid Morphisms.
Structure Setoid :=
carrier:> Type;
equal: relation carrier;
prf_Setoid:> Equivalence equal
Existing Instance prf_Setoid.
Notation Setoid_of eq := (@Build_Setoid _ eq _).
Notation "(== :> S )" := (equal (s:=S)).
Notation "(==)" := (== :> _).
Notation "x == y" := (equal x y) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "x == y :> S" := (equal (s:=S) x y)
(at level 70, y at next level, no associativity).
Class isMap (X Y: Setoid)(f: X -> Y) :=
map_subst:> Proper ((==) ==> (==)) f.
Structure Map (X Y: Setoid) :=
map_body:> X -> Y;
prf_Map:> isMap map_body
Existing Instance prf_Map.
Notation makeMap f := (@Build_Map _ _ f _).
Notation "[ x .. y :-> p ]" :=
(makeMap (fun x => .. (makeMap (fun y => p)) ..))
(at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity,
format "'[' [ x .. y :-> '/ ' p ] ']'"): map_scope.
Delimit Scope map_scope with map.
Class isBinop (X: Setoid)(op: X -> X -> X) :=
binop_subst:> Proper ((==) ==> (==) ==> (==)) op.
Structure Binop (X: Setoid) :=
binop:> X -> X -> X;
prf_Binop:> isBinop binop
Existing Instance prf_Binop.
Class Associative `(op: Binop X): Prop :=
forall (x y z: X), op x (op y z) == op (op x y) z.
Class LIdentical `(op: Binop X)(e: X): Prop :=
left_identical:> forall x: X, op e x == x.
Class RIdentical `(op: Binop X)(e: X): Prop :=
right_identical:> forall x: X, op x e == x.
Class Identical `(op: Binop X)(e: X): Prop :=
identical_l:> LIdentical op e;
identical_r:> RIdentical op e
Existing Instance identical_l.
Existing Instance identical_r.
Coercion identical_l: Identical >-> LIdentical.
Coercion identical_r: Identical >-> RIdentical.
Class LInvertible `{Identical X op e}(inv: Map X X): Prop :=
forall (x: X), op (inv x) x == e.
Class RInvertible `{Identical X op e}(inv: Map X X): Prop :=
forall (x: X), op x (inv x) == e.
Class Invertible `{Identical X op e}(inv: Map X X): Prop :=
invertible_l:> LInvertible inv;
invertible_r:> RInvertible inv
Coercion invertible_l: Invertible >-> LInvertible.
Coercion invertible_r: Invertible >-> RInvertible.
Class Divisible `(op: Binop X)(divL divR: Binop X): Prop :=
forall (a b: X), op (divL a b) a == b;
forall (a b: X), op a (divR a b) == b
Class Commute `(op: Binop X): Prop :=
forall a b, op a b == op b a.
Class Distributive (X: Setoid)(add mul: Binop X) :=
forall a b c, mul a (add b c) = add (mul a b) (mul a c);
forall a b c, mul (add a b) c = add (mul a c) (mul b c)
Module Monoid.
Class spec (M: Setoid)(op: Binop M)(e: M) :=
proof {
associative:> Associative op;
identical:> Identical op e
Structure type :=
make {
carrier: Setoid;
op: Binop carrier;
e: carrier;
prf: spec op e
Module Ex.
Existing Instance associative.
Existing Instance identical.
Existing Instance prf.
Notation isMonoid := spec.
Notation Monoid := type.
Coercion associative: isMonoid >-> Associative.
Coercion identical: isMonoid >-> Identical.
Coercion carrier: Monoid >-> Setoid.
Coercion prf: Monoid >-> isMonoid.
Delimit Scope monoid_scope with monoid.
Notation "x * y" := (op _ x y) (at level 40, left associativity): monoid_scope.
Notation "'1'" := (e _): monoid_scope.
End Ex.
End Monoid.
Export Monoid.Ex.
Section MonoidProps.
Variable (M: Monoid).
Open Scope monoid_scope.
Lemma left_op:
forall x y z: M,
y == z -> x * y == x * z.
now rewrite H.
Lemma right_op:
forall x y z: M,
x == y -> x * z == y * z.
now rewrite H.
Lemma commute_l:
forall `{Commute M (Monoid.op M)}(x y z: M), x * (y * z) == y * (x * z).
intros; repeat rewrite associative.
now rewrite (commute x y).
End MonoidProps.
Module SemiRing.
Class spec (S: Setoid)(add: Binop S)(z: S)(mul: Binop S)(e: S) :=
proof {
add_monoid: isMonoid add z;
add_commute:> Commute add;
mul_monoid: isMonoid mul e;
forall a: S, mul z a == z;
forall a: S, mul a z == z
Structure type :=
make {
carrier: Setoid;
add: Binop carrier;
z: carrier;
mul: Binop carrier;
e: carrier;
prf: spec add z mul e
Module Ex.
Existing Instance add_monoid.
Existing Instance add_commute.
Existing Instance mul_monoid.
Existing Instance prf.
Notation isSemiRing := spec.
Notation SemiRing := type.
Coercion add_commute: isSemiRing >-> Commute.
Coercion carrier: SemiRing >-> Setoid.
Coercion prf: SemiRing >-> isSemiRing.
Delimit Scope semiring_scope with srng.
Notation "x + y" := (add _ x y): semiring_scope.
Notation "x * y" := (mul _ x y): semiring_scope.
Notation "'0'" := (z _): semiring_scope.
Notation "'1'" := (e _): semiring_scope.
End Ex.
Import Ex.
Canonical Structure a_monoid (R: SemiRing) := Monoid.make (add_monoid (S:=R)).
Canonical Structure m_monoid (R: SemiRing) := Monoid.make (mul_monoid (S:=R)).
Definition add_id_l {R: SemiRing}(x: R) := (@left_identical R (add R) (z R) (add_monoid (spec:=R)) x).
Definition add_id_r {R: SemiRing}(x: R) := (@right_identical R (add R) (z R) (add_monoid (spec:=R)) x).
Definition add_commute_l {R: SemiRing}(x y z: R) := (commute_l (M:=a_monoid R) x y z).
Definition mul_id_l {R: SemiRing}(x: R) := (@left_identical R (mul R) (e R) (mul_monoid (spec:=R)) x).
Definition mul_id_r {R: SemiRing}(x: R) := (@right_identical R (mul R) (e R) (mul_monoid (spec:=R)) x).
End SemiRing.
Export SemiRing.Ex.
(* examples *)
Require Import Arith.
Canonical Structure nat_setoid := Setoid_of (@eq nat).
Program Instance plus_is_binop: isBinop (X:=nat_setoid) plus.
Canonical Structure plus_binop := Build_Binop plus_is_binop.
Program Instance plus_is_monoid: isMonoid plus_binop 0.
Next Obligation.
intros x y z; simpl.
apply plus_assoc.
Next Obligation.
- intros x; simpl; auto.
- intros x; simpl.
apply plus_0_r.
Program Instance mult_is_binop: isBinop (X:=nat_setoid) mult.
Canonical Structure mult_binop := Build_Binop mult_is_binop.
Program Instance mult_is_monoid: isMonoid mult_binop 1.
Next Obligation.
intros x y z; simpl.
apply mult_assoc.
Next Obligation.
- intros x; simpl; auto.
- intros x; simpl.
apply mult_1_r.
Program Instance plus_mult_is_semiring: isSemiRing plus_binop 0 mult_binop 1.
Next Obligation.
intros x y; simpl.
apply plus_comm.
Canonical Structure plus_mult_semiring: SemiRing := SemiRing.make plus_mult_is_semiring.
Notation pms := plus_mult_semiring.
Open Scope semiring_scope.
Compute (3 + 2).
(* = 5 *)
(* : pms *)
Compute (3 * 2).
(* = 6 *)
(* : pms *)
Compute (0 + 4).
(* = 4 *)
(* : pms *)
Compute (0 * 4).
(* = 0 *)
(* : pms *)
Require Import Min.
(* nat with infinity *)
Inductive nat_inf :=
| num: nat -> nat_inf
| inf: nat_inf.
Notation "! n" := (num n) (at level 0).
Definition min_inf (n m: nat_inf): nat_inf :=
match n, m with
| inf, _ => m
| _, inf => n
| !n, !m => !(min n m)
Definition plus_inf (n m: nat_inf): nat_inf :=
match n, m with
| inf, _ | _, inf => inf
| !n, !m => !(plus n m)
Canonical Structure nat_inf_setoid := Setoid_of (@eq nat_inf).
Program Instance min_inf_is_binop: isBinop (X:=nat_inf_setoid) min_inf.
Canonical Structure min_inf_binop := Build_Binop min_inf_is_binop.
Program Instance min_inf_is_monoid: isMonoid min_inf_binop inf.
Next Obligation.
intros [x|] [y|] [z|]; simpl; auto.
now rewrite min_assoc.
Next Obligation.
split; intros [x|]; simpl; auto.
Program Instance plus_inf_is_binop: isBinop (X:=nat_inf_setoid) plus_inf.
Canonical Structure plus_inf_binop := Build_Binop plus_inf_is_binop.
Program Instance plus_inf_is_monoid: isMonoid plus_inf_binop !0.
Next Obligation.
intros [x|] [y|] [z|]; simpl; auto.
now rewrite plus_assoc.
Next Obligation.
split; intros [x|]; simpl; auto.
Program Instance min_plus_is_semiring: isSemiRing min_inf_binop inf plus_inf_binop !0.
Next Obligation.
intros [x|] [y|]; simpl; auto.
now rewrite min_comm.
Next Obligation.
destruct a as [x|]; simpl; auto.
Canonical Structure min_plus_semiring := SemiRing.make min_plus_is_semiring.
Notation mps := min_plus_semiring.
Open Scope semiring_scope.
Compute (!3 + !2).
(* = !(2) *)
(* : mps *)
Compute (!3 * !2).
(* = !(5) *)
(* : mps *)
Compute (!1 + !2).
(* = !(1) *)
(* : mps *)
Compute (!1 * !2).
(* = !(3) *)
(* : mps *)
Compute (inf + !4).
(* = !(4) *)
(* : mps *)
Compute (inf * !4).
(* = inf *)
(* : mps *)
Compute (!0 + inf).
(* = !(0) *)
(* : mps *)
Compute (!0 * inf).
(* = inf *)
(* : mps *)
Compute (!(5 + 2) + !6).
(* = !(6) *)
(* : mps *)
Compute (inf * !(3 + 1)).
(* = inf *)
(* : mps *)
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