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Created November 14, 2013 21:08
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Red to blue color map, with while for zero.
function newmap = b2r(cmin_input,cmax_input)
%BLUEWHITERED Blue, white, and red color map.
% this matlab file is designed to draw anomaly figures, the color of
% the colorbar is from blue to white and then to red, corresponding to
% the anomaly values from negative to zero to positive, respectively.
% The color white always correspondes to value zero.
% You should input two values like caxis in matlab, that is the min and
% the max value of color values designed. e.g. colormap(b2r(-3,5))
% the brightness of blue and red will change according to your setting,
% so that the brightness of the color corresponded to the color of his
% opposite number
% e.g. colormap(b2r(-3,6)) is from light blue to deep red
% e.g. colormap(b2r(-3,3)) is from deep blue to deep red
% I'd advise you to use colorbar first to make sure the caxis' cmax and cmin
% by Cunjie Zhang
% 2011-3-14
% find bugs ====> email :
% Examples:
% ------------------------------
% figure
% peaks;
% colormap(b2r(-6,8)), colorbar, title('b2r')
%% check the input
if nargin ~= 2 ;
disp('input error');
disp('input two variables, the range of caxis , for example : colormap(b2r(-3,3))')
if cmin_input >= cmax_input
disp('input error')
disp('the color range must be from a smaller one to a larger one')
%% control the figure caxis
lims = get(gca, 'CLim'); % get figure caxis formation
caxis([cmin_input cmax_input])
%% color configuration : from blue to light blue to white untill to red
red_top = [1 0 0];
white_middle= [1 1 1];
blue_bottom = [0 0 1];
%% color interpolation
color_num = 250;
color_input = [blue_bottom; white_middle; red_top];
oldsteps = linspace(-1, 1, length(color_input));
newsteps = linspace(-1, 1, color_num);
%% Category Discussion according to the cmin and cmax input
% the color data will be remaped to color range from -max(abs(cmin_input,abs(cmax_input)))
% to max(abs(cmin_input,abs(cmax_input))) , and then squeeze the color
% data in order to make suere the blue and red color selected corresponded
% to their math values
% for example :
% if b2r(-3,6) ,the color range is from light blue to deep red ,
% so that the color at -3 is light blue while the color at 3 is light red
% corresponded
%% Category Discussion according to the cmin and cmax input
% first : from negative to positive
% then : from positive to positive
% last : from negative to negative
newmap_all = NaN(size(newsteps,2),3);
if (cmin_input < 0) && (cmax_input > 0) ;
if abs(cmin_input) < cmax_input
% |--------|---------|--------------------|
% -cmax cmin 0 cmax [cmin,cmax]
% squeeze(colormap(round((cmin+cmax)/2/cmax),size(colormap)))
for j=1:3
newmap_all(:,j) = min(max(transpose(interp1(oldsteps, color_input(:,j), newsteps)), 0), 1);
start_point = round((cmin_input+cmax_input)/2/cmax_input*color_num);
newmap = squeeze(newmap_all(start_point:color_num,:));
elseif abs(cmin_input) >= cmax_input
% |------------------|------|--------------|
% cmin 0 cmax -cmin [cmin,cmax]
% squeeze(colormap(round((cmin+cmax)/2/cmax),size(colormap)))
for j=1:3
newmap_all(:,j) = min(max(transpose(interp1(oldsteps, color_input(:,j), newsteps)), 0), 1);
end_point = round((cmax_input-cmin_input)/2/abs(cmin_input)*color_num);
newmap = squeeze(newmap_all(1:end_point,:));
elseif cmin_input >= 0
if lims(1) < 0
disp('there are still values smaller than 0, but cmin is larger than 0.')
disp('some area will be in red color while it should be in blue color')
% |-----------------|-------|-------------|
% -cmax 0 cmin cmax [cmin,cmax]
% squeeze(colormap(round((cmin+cmax)/2/cmax),size(colormap)))
for j=1:3
newmap_all(:,j) = min(max(transpose(interp1(oldsteps, color_input(:,j), newsteps)), 0), 1);
start_point = round((cmin_input+cmax_input)/2/cmax_input*color_num);
newmap = squeeze(newmap_all(start_point:color_num,:));
elseif cmax_input <= 0
if lims(2) > 0
disp('there are still values larger than 0, but cmax is smaller than 0.')
disp('some area will be in blue color while it should be in red color')
% |------------|------|--------------------|
% cmin cmax 0 -cmin [cmin,cmax]
% squeeze(colormap(round((cmin+cmax)/2/cmax),size(colormap)))
for j=1:3
newmap_all(:,j) = min(max(transpose(interp1(oldsteps, color_input(:,j), newsteps)), 0), 1);
end_point = round((cmax_input-cmin_input)/2/abs(cmin_input)*color_num);
newmap = squeeze(newmap_all(1:end_point,:));
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