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Last active January 4, 2022 20:42
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@mathvav's repository maintenance definitions

@mathvav's repository maintenance definitions

Inspired and partially based off of cheerfulstoic's Repository Maintenance Levels.

Also see @mathvav's repository stability definitions.


@mathvav maintenance level: actively developed
The maintainer(s) of this project are open to adding new features to this project, time permitting, and are responding to issues and merging pull requests.

@mathvav maintenance level: actively maintained
The maintainer(s) of this project are responding to issues and merging pull requests.

@mathvav maintenance level: not maintained (pull requests still accepted)
The maintainer(s) are around to answer questions and merge smaller pull requests, but do not currently have time to respond to issues or review significant pull requests.

@mathvav maintenance level: abandoned (read only)
The maintainer(s) are not around to work on this project, answer questions, or merge pull requests. Forks are welcomed, but this repository is read-only. If you create a downstream fork that you plan to develop and/or maintain, please message the owner of the repository and a link to your downstream repo will be added to this one.

Code (to embed into README file)

@mathvav maintenance level: actively developed

[![@mathvav maintenance level: actively developed](](

@mathvav maintenance level: actively maintained

[![@mathvav maintenance level: actively maintained](](

@mathvav maintenance level: not maintained (pull requests still accepted)

[![@mathvav maintenance level: not maintained (pull requests still accepted)](](

@mathvav maintenance level: abandoned (read only)

[![@mathvav maintenance level: abandoned (read only)](](
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