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Created September 17, 2014 13:45
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kafka notes

Apache Kafka

"A high-throughput distributed messaging system." site

Notes taken from source


  • Created at LinkedIn (open sourced in 2011)
  • Implemented in scala and some java

Design Requirements

  • High throughput to support high volume event feeds
  • Support real-time processing of these feeds to create new, derived feeds
  • Support large data backlogs to handle periodic ingestion from offline systems
  • Support low-latency delivery to handle more traditional messaging use cases
  • Guarantee fault-tolerance in the presence of machine failure


  • writes go to the page cache of OS, i.e. RAM


  • direct transfer from page cache to network socket with sendfile, avoids coping data into kafka application for sending
  • A healthy kafka cluster will show mimimal read activity to disk as a is served primarily from cache.

LinkedIn Usage Stats

  • 300+ brokers
  • 18K+ topics
  • 140k+ partitions
  • 220 bil messages per day
  • 40 TB in
  • 160 TB out
  • peak 3.25 mil msg/sec
  • 5.5 Gbit/sec in
  • 18 Gbit/sec out

General Use Case

  • kafka + (Storm, Samza, Spark Streaming, homegrown)

Who uses

  • LinkedIn: activity streams, ops metrics, data bus
  • Netflix: real-time monitoring, event processing
  • Twitter: w/ storm for real-time data pipelines
  • Spotify: log delivery to hadoop
  • loggly: log collection and processing
  • Mozilla: telemetry data


  • kafka brokers handle reads and writes
  • Hierarchy (Topic -> Partition -> Replication)
  • ZooKeeper manages and shares state for brokers and consumers (brokers only in kafka v0.9)
  • Topics/Partitions are append only and immutable sequence
  • Length of Topics/Partitions are governed by age, max size, or key
  • Offset determines location in the queue (monotonically increasing integer)
  • Consumers use the offset to track position in the queue
  • Replicas are solely for data loss prevention (never read from or written to)
  • Servers with large RAM used for serving data from cache (LinkedIn 64GB = 60 for cache and 4 for brokers)
  • RAID10 with 14 spindles
    • more spindles -> higher disk throughput
    • Cache on RAID with battery backup
  • 1 Gig ethernet
  • zookeeper servers -> run only zookeeper, 1 zookeeper per host
  • recommend SSDs
  • kafka clusters don't span data centers (latency to zookeeper servers?)
  • zookeeper cluster tolerates n/2 - 1 failures
    • LinkedIn runs 5 node ensembles
    • Twitter runs 13 node ensembles


Topic Creation

cli --zookeeper --create --topic \
   --partitions 3 --replication-factor 2 --config x=y

auto create

auto.create.topics.enable = true

Current Topics --zookeeper --describe --topic


  • Synchronous or Asynchronous
  • Sync blocks client on send()
  • Async sends message in background
    • Allows for batching of messages
    • Pools of Sync producers
    • Possible to drop messages if queue is full
  • Write Message ack
    • message considered committed when "any required" in-sync replicas for that partition have applied the message to their data log
    • "any required" defined by producers in request.required.acks
      • 0 - fire and forget (no ack required)
      • 1 - wait for leader to ack
      • -1 - wait for all ISR (in-sync replicas) ack
    • only committed messages are given to consumers
  • if too low can send error back to the client and then an ack from a broker
  • batch writes
    • higher risk for data loss if client dies before pending messages sent
  • default partitioner selects based on hash of key
    • so default behavior, kafka guarantees that all data for the same key will go to the same partition
  • if key is not selected, client will push to a partition and stick to it for a random period of time then switch to another random partition.
    • key is retained in the message in the broker
  • current list of topic/partition leaders provided to producers by brokers


  • Some brokers are designated for "bootstrap"
  • At least 1 "bootstrap" broker is required up or producers will stop working
  • Recommended to use VIP for "bootstrap" brokers


  • storm 0.9.2 uses simple consumer API to integrate well with storm's model of guaranteed message processing
  • Consumers pull from kafka
  • Consumers are responsible for tracking their offset position
  • High level consumer: stores the offsets is zookeeper
  • Simple consumer: responsible for tracking offset
  • Consumers can rewind time back to the max time or max size of the topic/partition
  • Consumer can select subset of a topic's partitions to consume
  • config:
    • assigns consumer to a "group"
    • zookeeper.connect broker/topic/etc discovery
    • ``:


  • System Tools
  • Replication tools
  • stormkafkamon
  • JMX
  • dropwizard/metrics
  • garbage collection time
  • data size on disk should be balanced across brokers/disks
  • data balance is more important than partition balance
  • Leader partition count should be balanced (avoid hot node since all reads/writes go against the associated leader topic/partition)
  • track network utilization
    • common cause for under-replicated partition
  • request latency (if on SSDs should be esentially <1 ms)
  • outstanding requests (increasing means items backing up)
  • LinkedIn working on adding "Auditing" functionality
    • not yet released

Performance Turning

  • vm.swappiness = 0
  • Allow more dirty pages but less dirty cache vm.dirty_*_ratio
  • Lengthen flush interval (linked in uses 120s !? They can tolerate 2 mins worth of data loss with replicas)
  • Additional spindles (RAID10 with 14 disks)
  • should be >= #disks (initial to # disks)
  • adjust based on concurrent # producers, consumers, replication factor
  • Compression
    • snappy and gzip are supported. Snappy recommended. Lower compression, but not as cpu intensive.



Tales of Caution


  • Don't break up into separate topics unless data is truly independent
  • Keep time related messages in the same partition
  • Async producers can drop messages send queue is full (defualt queue.buffering.max.messages 10,000)
  • producer if too low can send error back to the client and then an ack from a broker
  • Use VIPs for bootstrap broker list to help with up/down of "bootstrap" brokers

Aphyr - Call Me Maybe blog

kafka post


  • Kafka was not designed originally with security in mind
  • june 2014 adding security features (TLS, data encryption at rest)

Common Initial Issues

  • Garbage collection
    • suggest "G1 garbage first" gc
  • Educating and coaching on kafka use
  • Expanding/reducing size of kafka cluster
  • Monitoring consumer apps ("My stuff stopped working, what did kafka do?")
  • Consumer lag
    • consumers too slow
    • too much GC
    • Loss of connection to zookeeper servers or brokers
    • bug or design flaw
  • Rebalancing
    • Multiple new nodes trigger repeated rebalancing that hit kafka's rebalancing limit cf.rebalance.max.retries (default 4)
    • New script in v0.8.1 to balance data/partitions across brokers
  • Problems with partition healing (CAP)


  • Measure replication lag?
  • Does kafka fsync on each write? if not flush interval?
  • Election algorithm
  • How do you ensure unique broker ids in automated environment?
  • Measure health of zookeeper server
  • review puppet-kafka recipe
  • What happens to consumer that restarts and looses offset value, start at beginning or end of queue?
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