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Forked from sebkopf/
Created April 28, 2020 23:26
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wolfram alpha from R

Wolfram Alpha API from R

The attached code file provides an easy basic interface to the Wolfram Alpha API. Inspired by the wolframalpha module available for Python.


Initialize client

This requires an app ID. Sign into your wolfram account to generate one.

app_id <- "" 
wa <- WolframClient(app_id)

Ask a simple question

result <- wa$query("pi")
## Querying wolfram alpha...
kable(result$get_plaintext(), format = "html")
pod id plaintext
Input Input pi
Decimal approximation DecimalApproximation 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058...
Property Property pi is a transcendental number
Number line NumberLine
Continued fraction ContinuedFraction [3; 7, 15, 1, 292, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 14, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 84, 2, 1, 1, 15, ...]
Alternative representations AlternativeRepresentations:MathematicalFunctionIdentityData pi = 180 °
Alternative representations AlternativeRepresentations:MathematicalFunctionIdentityData pi = -i log(-1)
Alternative representations AlternativeRepresentations:MathematicalFunctionIdentityData pi = cos^(-1)(-1)
Series representations SeriesRepresentations:MathematicalFunctionIdentityData pi = 4 sum_(k=0)^infinity (-1)^k/(2 k+1)
Series representations SeriesRepresentations:MathematicalFunctionIdentityData pi = -2+2 sum_(k=1)^infinity 2^k/(binomial(2 k, k))
Series representations SeriesRepresentations:MathematicalFunctionIdentityData pi = sum_(k=0)^infinity (50 k-6)/(2^k binomial(3 k, k))
Integral representations IntegralRepresentations:MathematicalFunctionIdentityData pi = 2 integral_0^infinity 1/(t^2+1) dt
Integral representations IntegralRepresentations:MathematicalFunctionIdentityData pi = 4 integral_0^1 sqrt(1-t^2) dt
Integral representations IntegralRepresentations:MathematicalFunctionIdentityData pi = 2 integral_0^infinity (sin(t))/t dt

Ask a more specific question

result <- wa$query("ion equivalents of zinc chloride")
## Querying wolfram alpha...
kable(result$get_plaintext(), format = "html")
pod id plaintext
Input interpretation Input zinc chloride | ion equivalents
Result IonProperties:ChemicalData Zn^(2+) (zinc) | 1 Cl^(-) (chloride) | 2
#' Basic Wolfram Alpha client and result objects
WolframClient <- setRefClass(
fields = list(
app_id = "character"
methods = list(
initialize = function(app_id) {
"initialize Wolfram Alpha Client"
app_id <<- app_id
query = function(query, quiet = TRUE) {
"run a query against the wolfram alpha database"
message("Querying wolfram alpha...")
wa_url <- paste0("",
URLencode(query), "&appid=", app_id)
destfile <- tempfile()
download.file(wa_url, destfile, method = "wget", quiet = quiet)
result <- WolframResult(xmlInternalTreeParse(destfile))
info <- result$get_info()
if (info$success != "true" || info$error != "false")
stop("There was a problem with this query. Please check the query infos:\n",
paste(paste(names(info), info, sep = " = "), collapse = "\n"))
WolframResult <- setRefClass(
fields = list(
doc = "XMLInternalDocument"
methods = list(
initialize = function(doc) {
doc <<- doc
xml = function() doc,
get_info = function() {
as.list(xpathApply(doc, "//queryresult", xmlAttrs)[[1]])
get_pods = function() {
xpathApply(doc, "//pod")
get_plaintext = function() {
ldply(get_pods(), function(pod) {
pod = xmlGetAttr(pod, "title"),
id = xmlGetAttr(pod, "id"),
plaintext = unlist(xpathApply(pod, "subpod/plaintext", xmlValue))
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