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Last active March 29, 2021 09:36
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Permutation function to calculate variable importance in xgboost
# xgboost permutation function
#' This function takes an XGBoost model and some X and y data
#' (ideally this would be unseen holdout data but you could also use the training data)
#' and returns a data frame with an estimation of the contribution that each variable makes to the overall AUC
#' can take a long time to run with a large data set – nperm can be reduced to reduce compute time
PermuteImportXBG <- function(model, X, y, nperm = 100){
perm_df= data.frame(matrix(data=NA, nrow=nperm,
ncol = length(predictors),
dimnames = list(1:nperm,predictors)))
preds_full=predict(model, X)
auc_full=pROC::auc(as.vector(y), as.vector(preds_full))[[1]]
for(i in 1:length(predictors)){
print(paste("Permuting", predictors[[i]]))
for(j in 1:nperm){
preds_new=predict(model, newX)
auc_new=pROC::auc(as.vector(y), as.vector(preds_new))[[1]]
perm_df[j,i] = auc_new
results.df = data.frame(predictor=predictors,
mean_AUC_permute = NA_real_,
SD_AUC_permute = NA_real_,
mean_AUC_permute_delta = NA_real_)
results.df$mean_AUC_permute <- colMeans(perm_df)
results.df$SD_AUC_permute <- sapply(perm_df, sd)
results.df$mean_AUC_permute_delta =auc_full-results.df$mean_AUC_permute
results.df$mean_AUC_permute_delta_lower <-results.df$mean_AUC_permute_delta- 1.96*(
results.df$SD_AUC_permute / sqrt(nperm))
results.df$mean_AUC_permute_delta_upper <-results.df$mean_AUC_permute_delta+ 1.96*(
results.df$SD_AUC_permute / sqrt(nperm))
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