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Created January 30, 2023 20:54
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Mateus - Interview
public static Main(ArrayList<Transactions> transactions){
HashMap<String, ArrayList<Transactions>> hashMap = new HashMat<>();
for(Transaction transaction : transactions){
if(hashMap.get(transaction.hashCode()) == null){
ArrayList<Transaction> arrayList = new ArrayList();
hashMap.put(transaction.hashCode(), arrayList);
arrayList = hashMap.get(hashCode());
Iterable iterable = hashMap.iterable();
ArrayList<ArrayList<Transaction>> result = new ArrayList<>();
return result;
public class Transaction(){
private int id;
private String sourceAccount;
private String targetAccount;
private int amount;
private String category;
private String time;
public Transaction(){}
//getters and setters
public boolean equals(Transaction t){
if(this.sourceAccount == t.getSourceAccount()
&& this.targetAccount == t.getSourceAccount()
&& this.ammount == t.getAmmount()
&& this.category == t.getCategory()
&& (Math.mod(this.time) - Math.mod(t.getTime()) < 60)){
return true;
return false;
public String hashCode(){
return this.sourceAccount().toString() + this.targetAccount().toString() + this.ammount().toString() + this.category().toString();
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