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Created April 17, 2024 16:46
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Update or create discord notification webhooks for OnCall
import json
import requests
# having setup a Discord webhook for a channel, this script will
# setup OnCall webhooks to send and update notifications for alert group created/updated triggers
# Configuration
ONCALL_TOKEN = "<oncall API token>"
ONCALL_WEBHOOK_PREFIX = "discord" # prefix for webhooks naming
DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL = "<discord webhook URL>"
{% if alert_group.state == 'acknowledged'%}:orange_circle:{% elif alert_group.state == 'resolved'%}:green_circle:{% elif alert_group.state == 'silenced'%}:white_circle:{% else %}:red_circle:{% endif %} **{{ alert_group.title }}**
*{{ alert_group.state }}*
{{ alert_payload.message }}
*{{ }}*
{% if event.type == 'acknowledge' %}**Acknowledged by: {{ user.username }}**{% endif %}{% if event.type == 'resolve' %}**Resolved by: {{ user.username }}**{% endif %}{% if event.type == 'silence' %}**Silenced by: {{ user.username }} (until {{ event.until }})**{% endif %}
[View in Grafana OnCall]({{ alert_group.permalinks.web }})
# --- Do not edit below this line ---
def get_oncall_webhook(name):
webhook_uid = None
oncall_url = "{}/api/v1/webhooks/?name={}".format(ONCALL_API_BASE_URL, name)
oncall_api_headers = {
"Authorization": ONCALL_TOKEN
r = requests.get(oncall_url, headers=oncall_api_headers)
results = r.json().get("results", [])
if results:
webhook_uid = results[0]["id"]
return webhook_uid
def setup_oncall_webhook(name, trigger, http_method, endpoint, additional_data=None):
url = "{}{}".format(DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL, endpoint)
data = {"content": NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE}
if additional_data is not None:
webhook_name = "{}-{}".format(ONCALL_WEBHOOK_PREFIX, name)
# check if already exists
webhook_uid = get_oncall_webhook(webhook_name)
# create webhook here/ oncall api here
oncall_url = "{}/api/v1/webhooks/".format(ONCALL_API_BASE_URL)
oncall_api_headers = {
"Authorization": ONCALL_TOKEN
oncall_http_method = "POST"
webhook_data = {
"name": webhook_name,
"url": url,
"http_method": http_method,
"trigger_type": trigger,
"forward_all": False,
"data": json.dumps(data),
if webhook_uid:
webhook_data["id"] = webhook_uid
oncall_url += webhook_uid
oncall_http_method = "PUT"
r = requests.request(
oncall_http_method, oncall_url, headers=oncall_api_headers, json=webhook_data
return r
# setup webhook for new alert group
endpoint = "?wait=true"
new_ag_webhook = setup_oncall_webhook("new", "alert group created", "POST", endpoint)
# setup webhook for status changes
webhook_create_id = new_ag_webhook.json()["id"]
update_endpoint = "/messages/{{{{ responses.{}.id }}}}".format(webhook_create_id)
update_ag_webhook = setup_oncall_webhook("update", "status change", "PATCH", update_endpoint)
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