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Created March 3, 2023 10:20
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A hacked together script to change iOS simulator languages and locales. Use at your own peril.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e -o pipefail
checkRequirements() {
requiredCommands=("jq" "xargs" "xcrun")
for cmd in "${requiredCommands[@]}"; do
if ! command -v "$cmd" &> /dev/null
echo "$cmd could not be found"
exit 1
simulatorUdids() {
xcrun simctl list devices available --json | jq -r ".devices | flatten | .[].udid"
changeLocale () {
local UDID="${1}"
local LANGUAGES=("en-US" "fi-US")
local LOCALE="en_US"
local KEYBOARDS=("en_US@sw=QWERTY;hw=Automatic" "emoji@sw=Emoji" "fi_FI@sw=QWERTY-Swedish-Finnish;hw=Automatic")
local PREFERENCES="$HOME/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$UDID/data/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist"
local DEFAULTS="$HOME/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$UDID/data/Library/Preferences/.GlobalDefaults.plist"
if [[ -f "$PREFERENCES" ]]; then
echo "Found: $PREFERENCES"
# plutil -p "$PREFERENCES"
plutil -replace AppleLocale -string "$LOCALE" "$PREFERENCES"
plutil -replace AppleLanguages -json "$(jq -c -n '$ARGS.positional' --args "${LANGUAGES[@]}")" "$PREFERENCES"
plutil -replace AppleKeyboards -json "$(jq -c -n '$ARGS.positional' --args "${KEYBOARDS[@]}")" "$PREFERENCES"
elif [[ -f "$DEFAULTS" ]]; then
echo "Found: $DEFAULTS"
plutil -replace AppleLocale -string "$LOCALE" "$DEFAULTS"
plutil -replace AppleLanguages -json "$(jq -c -n '$ARGS.positional' --args "${LANGUAGES[@]}")" "$DEFAULTS"
echo "No plist for $UDID"
for udid in $(simulatorUdids); do
changeLocale "$udid"
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