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Mati Gummá matigumma

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import autogen
config_list = [
'model': 'gpt-4',
'api_key': 'API_KEY'
Attribute VB_Name = "frmPedidos"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Dim DBHelper As New DBHelper
Dim Pedidos As New M6_Pedidos
Dim Empresa As New EmpresaCOM
Dim CuentasCorrientes As New M0_CuentasCorrientes
async armarPDF_Blob(data: any[]) {
console.log('armarPDF_Blob data: ', data)
this.doc = new jsPDF({
orientation: 'p',
unit: 'cm',
format: 'a4',
floatPrecision: 'smart'
matigumma / gist:9ae8cbe6d1288660a3726510346ebf12
Created September 24, 2022 22:09 — forked from koakh/gist:fbbc37cde630bedcf57acfd4d6a6956b
SurrealDB : How to use signin and signup (server + client nodesjs)
**As a developer you have complete control over the signup and signin functionality...**
$ surreal sql --conn http://localhost:8000 --user root --pass root --ns test --db test
-- optional : this is the default see --ns test --db test start server flags
-- USE NS test DB test;
version: '3.3'
image: traefik:v2.6
container_name: traefik
restart: unless-stopped
- 80:80
- 443:443
matigumma / methods.txt
Last active March 2, 2020 02:19
Metodologia para enseñar a programar
Estrategia para encarar la educacion de los alumnos:
creo que la mas conveniente por la disponibilidad de los educadores es el
Se plantea al alumno un problema con indicaciones basicas de consulta (ver tal video, tal articulo o usar tal cosa) que le permitan buscar una solucino adecuada. De no conseguir resolver el problema se les hace mucho mas facil comprender la solucion que les planteamos para resolverlo. Con un efecto revelador de la solucion al problema.
Descubrimiento inductivo ( se provee material concreto y ordenado para aprender )
Descubrimiento deductivo ( se plantean ideas convencionales para generar una abstraccion del concepto a transmitir )
matigumma / gist:828f2354341fa969a70c20718fd6ee6e
Created July 17, 2019 22:08
my 'closures' misunderstanding
var a = 10; //global variable
console.log('first "a" value',a);
function afuera(){//closure
const adentro = () =>{
console.log('the "this" refer to "window" object');
console.log(this);//the this of this closure refer to window object
console.log('proof access to "a" from global scope inside this closure:',a);
++a;//increment a + 1
console.log('increment "a" by 1:',a);
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<h1>JS OOP:</h1>