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Last active December 16, 2015 12:29
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Save matiit/5435316 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Nice using of exceptions to "break loop more than one level up"
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
import MySQLdb
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="someuser",
passwd="somepassword", db="somedatabase", charset='utf8')
c = db.cursor()
# It explains itself
# Of course we can dig it from forum "programmaticaly",
# but who cares writing some digits? It looks so old school, doesn't it?
forum_ids = [11,113,122,22,84,13,66,109,38,93,92,137,94,20,126,97,98,47,40,\
for forum_id in forum_ids:
print "parsing", forum_ids.index(forum_id)+1, "of", len(forum_ids)
baseUrl = ''+str(forum_id)+'&sort=views&order=desc'+'&page=1'
html = pq(url=baseUrl)
tmp = html('.pagenav td.vbmenu_control')[0].text_content()
#pages = int(tmp[tmp.find('f')+2:].strip())
pages = int(html('.pagenav td.vbmenu_control')[0].text_content().split('z')[-1].strip())
for page in range(1,pages):
print "\t\tPage", page, "of", pages
uri = baseUrl+str(forum_id)+'&sort=views&order=desc&page='+str(page)
h = h('table#threadslist tr')
for tr in h:
tds = tr.getchildren()
if len(tds) != 6:
# It's a some kind of "header of table"
viewTd = tds[5]
# I'm sure that nicer way of doing it is out there :)
views = int(viewTd.text_content().encode('iso8859-2').replace('\xa0',''))
except ValueError:
# Some condition
if views >= 500:
replyTd = tds[4]
reply = int(replyTd.text_content().encode('iso8859-2').replace('\xa0',''))
# Table cell can be corrupted (it happens) or there can be "-" instead of some int
# Another condition
if reply <= 10:
titleTd = tds[2]
# I like that :)
titleDirtyText = titleTd.cssselect("a[id*='thread_title_']")[0].text_content()
title = titleDirtyText.encode('UTF-8')
data = {'title': MySQLdb.escape_string(title), 'views': views, 'reply': reply}
# By the way - nice bindings params in python
INSERT INTO topics(name, views, replies) VALUES (%(title)s, '%(views)s', '%(reply)s');
""", data)
# Not sure if necessary
# It's just for "more hack-alike" style in console
print title, views, reply
# Almost like break(2) but much cleaner -> you immediately see where it will go...
raise StopIteration
# ...I mean here :)
except StopIteration:
# Let's hope that will be executed (if it's a big forum and poor conditions, you can not have that much of patience).
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