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Created February 8, 2018 12:13
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"total": 87,
"pages": [{
"page": 1,
"videos": [{
"name": "Keynote: What is programming anyway? - Felienne",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:06:10",
"description": "All kids should learn to code! Yes, I think we programmers all agree with Bill Gates and Sheryl Sandberg that kids should learn programming. But what is programming? What should kids know? What should…"
}, {
"name": "IdentityServer for ASP.NET Core 2: Overview, New Features, Enhancements - Brock Allen & Dominick Baier",
"href": "",
"duration": "54:51",
"description": "Core 2 brought big changes and improvements to the authentication system. This was also the perfect opportunity to do a major version update to IdentityServer to incorporate the feedback from the…"
}, {
"name": "Authorization is hard! Implementing Authorization in Web Applications and APIs - Brock Allen & Dominick Baier",
"href": "",
"duration": "57:42",
"description": "After you solve the authentication and identity problem, you inevitably need to think about authorization. This is where things become a bit more complicated. Roles, permissions, resources, rules…"
}, {
"name": "I’m Pwned. You’re Pwned. We’re All Pwned. - Troy Hunt",
"href": "",
"duration": "57:06",
"description": "Face it – it’s going to happen. It’s going to happen to you, it’s going to happen to your company and it’s definitely happened to me! Security incidents are now just…"
}, {
"name": "Refactoring to Immutability - Kevlin Henney",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:03:22",
"description": "It has been said that immutability changes everything. But what does that mean in practice? What does it mean for existing code that looks more like the mutant apocalypse than an elegant application…"
}, {
"name": "C# 7 - Jon Skeet",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:02:31",
"description": "C# 7.0 has been out for a while now - but how well do you know it? With tuples, decomposition, pattern matching, ref locals, ref returns, local methods and more, there's a lot to learn.In…"
}, {
"name": "C# 7.1, and 7.2: The releases you didn't know you had - Bill Wagner",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:01:28",
"description": "Did you see that? C# 7.1? C# 7.2? While you were working and upgrading your .NET Core SDK and Visual Studio like normal, the C# team snuck in two point releases with several useful improvements to…"
}, {
"name": "Sondheim, Seurat and Software: finding art in code - Jon Skeet",
"href": "",
"duration": "59:17",
"description": "White. A blank page or canvas. The challenge: bring order to the whole. Through design. Composition. Tension. Balance. Light. And harmony. The opening lines of Sondheim's \"Sunday in the…"
}, {
"name": "API Gateway to Service Mesh: Navigating a Changing Landscape - Zhamak Dehghani",
"href": "",
"duration": "39:08",
"description": "Reflecting back on 2017, Service mesh has undoubtedly been one of the most exciting advances in infrastructure support for microservices and distributed systems architecture. However the introduction…"
}, {
"name": "Diagnosing issues in ASP.NET Core Applications - David Fowler & Damian Edwards",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:00:27",
"description": "ASP.NET Core introduced architectural changes that can lead to new types of application stability and reliability issues if not fully understood.Learn from Damian and David how to identity, diagnose,…"
}, {
"name": "Compositional UIs - the Microservices Last Mile - Jimmy Bogard",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:01:36",
"description": "A key tenet of microservice architecture is autonomy. This is all well and good when the business users dutifully follow Conway's law and rarely if ever use multiple applications from multiple…"
}, {
"name": "The power of technical decisions - Jake Ginnivan",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:02:09",
"description": "We often think of technical decisions as what the tech does or how does it compare with others, but they can be so much more. Technical decisions can shape culture, attract certain types of people…"
}, {
"page": 2,
"videos": [{
"name": "The Developer’s Guide to Promoting Your Work - Todd Gardner",
"href": "",
"duration": "44:29",
"description": "A few years ago, I had an idea to make the web better. It was going to be great, and I had the team to build it. Nine months of late nights and lost weekends later, we launched it! The problem: no…"
}, {
"name": "How to be a better interviewer, change the world and work with amazing people - Suzi Edwards-Alexander",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:02:01",
"description": "If you are going to build or be part of a diverse and inclusive team, you need to think about this before you even pick up a CV. Sadly, the norms of tech hiring are stopping you from doing this.What…"
}, {
"name": "Travel Guide to Software Systems - Patrick Kua",
"href": "",
"duration": "51:51",
"description": "Imagine that tomorrow you started work on a new software system. What would you need to know to be productive? What information would help you orient, make better decisions and know that you're…"
}, {
"name": "Take Control of the Data of You – wearables, automation, predictive analytics & agents - Nigel Parker",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:03:45",
"description": "You have the power to change your life with actionable insights from your own data. As Alan Turing famously said - \"Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of that do…"
}, {
"name": "The History of .NET - Richard Campbell",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:08:47",
"description": "The .NET Framework is more than fifteen years old! Or is it? Join Richard Campbell on a tour of the history of .NET, Visual Studio and the related tools that have been the principal way that developers…"
}, {
"name": "You build it, you run it (why developers should also be on call) - Chris O'Dell",
"href": "",
"duration": "50:20",
"description": "Development of a feature doesn’t stop at deployment, your involvement continues for the lifetime of the product. If you want great power to control the choice of tooling and approaches, then…"
}, {
"name": "Go & Microservices - Matt Heath",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:02:57",
"description": "With low overheads and excellent concurrency, Go is a great language to build low latency server applications, which makes it perfect for microservice architectures. In addition to this, its simplicity…"
}, {
"name": "Adventures in teaching the web - Jasmine Greenaway",
"href": "",
"duration": "46:52",
"description": "Imagine you've agreed to take on an adjunct professor position to teach 20 college students the basics of web development in 12 weeks. Most of the content will include basic to intermediate HTML,…"
}, {
"name": "Simplifying Web App Development With Elm and Functional Programming - Ingar Almklov",
"href": "",
"duration": "56:20",
"description": "What we ultimately want from the tools we use for development is for them to make our lives easier. We developers want to make great user experiences, and in this session we will look at how Elm and…"
}, {
"name": "The Power of Composition - Scott Wlaschin",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:00:57",
"description": "Composition is a fundamental principle of functional programming, but how is it different from an object-oriented approach, and how do you use it in practice? In this talk for beginners, we'll…"
}, {
"name": "Beyond JavaScript Frameworks: Writing Reliable Web Apps With Elm - Erik Wendel",
"href": "",
"duration": "54:28",
"description": "In times where a jungle of JavaScript frameworks wants to solve every conceivable problem in web app development, creating headaches and javascript fatigue in the process, Elm offers a different approach.Elm…"
}, {
"name": "An introduction to Kotlin by example - Dmitry Kandalov",
"href": "",
"duration": "53:01",
"description": "Kotlin is what Java 9 should have been if it was written from scratch.The goal of this session is to introduce audience to Kotlin programming language. The session is mostly live coding demo based…"
}, {
"page": 3,
"videos": [{
"name": "The Power of Inclusion - Dennie Declercq",
"href": "",
"duration": "52:06",
"description": "A session about accessible software for people with a disability. As developer you can develop apps, to help people with a disability. It's a sector that is not often covered by developers.…"
}, {
"name": "Serverless in production, an experience report - Domas Lasauskas & Yan Cui",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:02:26",
"description": "AWS Lambda has changed the way we deploy and run software, but this new serverless paradigm has created new challenges to old problems - how do you test a cloud-hosted function locally? How do you…"
}, {
"name": "Good Code: What, Why, and How to Get There - Jane Prusakova",
"href": "",
"duration": "40:18",
"description": "Many programmers are dedicated and even obsessed with writing “good” code. We believe the most important feature of good code is its usability for developers.Good code is readable, concise,…"
}, {
"name": "Building a Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Cluster and running .NET Core - Alex Ellis & Scott Hanselman",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:00:45",
"description": "Join Scott Hanselman and Alex Ellis as they discuss how you can create your own Raspberry Pi cluster that runs Kubernetes on the metal.Then, take it to the next level by running OpenFaas (an open…"
}, {
"name": "An Opinionated Approach to ASP.NET Core - Scott Allen",
"href": "",
"duration": "58:47",
"description": "Improve the architecture, design, and code inside your ASP.NET Core applications with an opinionated approach to ASP.NET Core.In this talk, we’ll look at strategies for organizing projects,…"
}, {
"name": "Building for Resiliency and Scale in the Cloud - Scott Allen",
"href": "",
"duration": "51:24",
"description": "If you want to build scalable and resilient applications and services in the cloud, you need a range of knowledge from distributed systems theory to an in-depth understanding of platform features…"
}, {
"name": "Hack Your Career - Troy Hunt",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:01:25",
"description": "Originally, I was content in my job, happy even. But over time I grew to want more; more job satisfaction, more opportunities, more progression. I started working on making this possible at every…"
}, {
"name": "Probing the Mysteries of Saturn’s E-Ring with PostgreSQL - Rob Conery",
"href": "",
"duration": "48:49",
"description": "The story is in the data, you just need to know where to look!In this talk, Rob Conery discusses the work done by his fictional aerospace startup, Red:4, to prepare for mankind's return to…"
}, {
"name": "GitHub Beyond your Browser - Phil Haack",
"href": "",
"duration": "52:36",
"description": "GitHub is an important part of a developer's workflow. It helps developers coordinate and collaborate on software. But most of the help that GitHub provides is in the browser, waiting for developers…"
}, {
"name": ".NET Rocks Live with Jon Skeet and Bill Wagner – Two Nice C# People - Carl Franklin, Richard Campbell, Bill Wagner, Jon Skeet.",
"href": "",
"duration": "59:35",
"description": "Join Carl and Richard from .NET Rocks as they discuss C# with two luminaries in the space – Jon Skeet and Bill Wagner.No, there isn’t going to be a huge confrontation, these are two…"
}, {
"name": "Starts with a search - Maria Naggaga",
"href": "",
"duration": "46:27",
"description": "Learning and exploring languages have changed, every new feature, programming language begins with the search. As learning programming basics have become more online based than physical, how do we…"
}, {
"name": "The Performance Investigator's Field Guide - Sasha Goldshtein",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:00:50",
"description": "After hundreds of performance investigations, some patterns begin to emerge. You could save a lot of time here, or find the root cause more easily there. In this talk, you'll see what I learned…"
}, {
"page": 4,
"videos": [{
"name": "Deploying Windows Container based apps using Kubernetes - Ben Hall",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:00:36",
"description": "While launching a container may look simple, changing the complexity of systems at scale running via containers can result in significant issues. Kubernetes, a production-grade container orchestrator,…"
}, {
"name": "What is this cloud native thing anyway? - Sam Newman",
"href": "",
"duration": "57:17",
"description": "Sam has found himself spending much of the past few years dealing with buzzword-heavy areas of technology, trying to come to terms with what it all means. From DevOps, to Microservices, serverless…"
}, {
"name": "HTTP: History & Performance - Ana Balica",
"href": "",
"duration": "48:59",
"description": "The Hypertext Transfer Protocol is one of the most popular protocols nowadays. It’s the language most servers, clients, and even teapots can speak. Learn how and why it became such an ubiquitous…"
}, {
"name": "Going Solo: A Blueprint for Working for Yourself - Rob Conery",
"href": "",
"duration": "51:47",
"description": "Have you been thinking about going out on your own as a “hired gun”, or maybe building that Amazing Thing that could keep you happily solvent for the rest of your life? Most developers…"
}, {
"name": "CSP XXP STS PKP CAA ETC OMG WTF BBQ… - Scott Helme",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:03:38",
"description": "The sane version of my talk title is 'Modern Security Standards' and we're going to cut through some of the crazy acronyms we come across more and more.Let's look at these…"
}, {
"name": "Designing for speech - Jessica Engström",
"href": "",
"duration": "54:51",
"description": "Designing a natural language interface can be difficult, is the interface supposed to be able to interpret every single nuance of speech and how about slang? Or should we aim more towards forced language…"
}, {
"name": "Amazon Machine Learning to Predict Responses - Kesha Williams",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:05:32",
"description": "Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise, was a 2002 American science fiction film based in 2054 where police officers apprehended criminals based on predictions and foreknowledge. We are not in 2054…"
}, {
"name": "Speak To Me: Voice App Conversation Practices - Heather Downing",
"href": "",
"duration": "50:04",
"description": "What does it mean to develop a good interaction - without any visual aids? Natural Language Processing (NLP) has opened the door to communicating vocally, and made more easy to develop with popular…"
}, {
"name": "Networks are like onions: Practical Deep Learning with TensorFlow - Barbara Fusinska",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:01:30",
"description": "Deep learning is the area that wins over the field of Artificial Intelligence. By using libraries like TensorFlow, it is now available to the wider audience.In this tutorial, Barbara will walk…"
}, {
"name": "A developers guide to Machine Learning - Tess Ferrandez-Norlander",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:01:41",
"description": "Machine Learning is one of the fastest growing areas of computer science. Are you curious about Machine Learning, but think it just seems like too big of a mountain to climb?This talk is a beginners…"
}, {
"name": "Sonic Pi - Sam Aaron",
"href": "",
"duration": "58:41",
"description": "Sonic Pi an environment for live coding music that targets both education and professional musicians.In this demo-heavy talk we’ll cover its history - why it was created, how it evolved…"
}, {
"name": "What is .NET Standard? - Adam Ralph",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:01:09",
"description": ".NET Standard is one of many new technologies to emerge from the mass of open source .NET initiatives during the past year. Compared to what's come before, .NET Standard is not only a more effective…"
}, {
"page": 5,
"videos": [{
"name": "Mobile Architecture at Scale - Gergley Orosz",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:00:19",
"description": "Most well known mobile architectures start to work against you after your engineering team grows large. A new architecture paradigm is needed to better support the development of mobile applications…"
}, {
"name": "Jewelbots: How to Get More Girls Coding! - Jennifer Wadella",
"href": "",
"duration": "52:45",
"description": "Girls just wanna have fun … coding their own programmable jewelry! Jewelbots are the latest in wearable tech with a great feature - they allow you to write your own code.This live demo…"
}, {
"name": "Who Needs Dashboards? - Jessica White",
"href": "",
"duration": "41:38",
"description": "Creating useful dashboards is difficult. Figuring out what information should be displayed, where and why can be confusing. A useful first step in getting this right is to know who your audience is.…"
}, {
"name": "Pilot Decision Management - Clifford Agius",
"href": "",
"duration": "58:36",
"description": "This talk explores Clifford's experience as a Boeing 787 Dreamliner Pilot and the critical decision management skills required therein.As an Airline pilot, you may be required to make a decision…"
}, {
"name": "Styleguide-Driven Development - Arvid Torset & Tatiana Kolesnikova",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:05:21",
"description": "Living front-end styleguide - it is a buzzword for many, a goal for some, but a reality for very few. Why? You know why they are necessary. You know how to implement them technically. But do you know…"
}, {
"name": "The Psychology of Social Engineering - Niall Merrigan",
"href": "",
"duration": "53:17",
"description": "Social Engineering is for most people a prince in a different part of the world offering them 50 billion dollars for an upfront fee of 5K. What can go wrong. But hacking the human is more than…"
}, {
"name": "Inclusive Design Series: How to stop worrying and love accessible forms - Elle Waters",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:06:35",
"description": "Ah, forms – they’re the best and worst of all online experiences. When done well, you have a delightful interactive experience that makes you feel all warm inside. When done poorly, you…"
}, {
"name": "Nginx for .NET Developers - Ian Cooper",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:03:14",
"description": "With the move to .NET Core, IIS is no longer the default web server for ASP.NET deployments. Instead ASP.NET apps are self-hosted and by default run in Kestrel. Kestrel is fast, and like Node.JS is…"
}, {
"name": "Building real-time API's with GraphQL - Sandeep Singh",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:04:25",
"description": "GraphQL is a query language for application and not your database. A client can declaratively describe the data that it wants (queries), and the GraphQL server will return only the data asked for…"
}, {
"name": "How to win with automation and influence people - Gwen Diagram",
"href": "",
"duration": "52:19",
"description": "Choosing an automation framework can be hard. When Gwen started at her current role there were nine different test automation frameworks in use for acceptance testing and a lot of the tests had been…"
}, {
"name": "Cake + .NET Core = Write Once, Build Anywhere - Enrico Campidoglio",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:12:13",
"description": "After a rough first few years, .NET Core is here to deliver modern cross-platform .NET development. As the tools are also maturing, many companies have started to adopt it in their projects. Now,…"
}, {
"name": "How to parse a file - Matt Ellis",
"href": "",
"duration": "58:43",
"description": "Yes, we're going to look at file parsing. Sounds a bit boring, right? Wrong.In this talk, just for fun, we'll find out how to parse a file. We'll look at simple, hand crafted parsers.…"
}, {
"page": 6,
"videos": [{
"name": "That's not in the User Manual: Unity3D Software and Hardware - Amie Dansby",
"href": "",
"duration": "38:40",
"description": "Developing software in Unity 3D engine to communicate with hardware devices outside of the realm of PC and mobile.Using modern .NET technologies and Unity 3D engine to connect and control hardware…"
}, {
"name": "What C# Programmers Need to Know About Pattern Matching - Eric Potter",
"href": "",
"duration": "52:57",
"description": "One of the most intriguing new features in C#7 is Pattern Matching. At first glance, it just looks like a more powerful switch statement. But upon further investigation, it can dramatically clean…"
}, {
"name": "The Modern Cloud - Scott Guthrie",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:02:22",
"description": "Join Microsoft’s Executive Vice President of Cloud and Enterprise, Scott Guthrie as he takes the stage to show you how Azure and the modern cloud can help you solve your most complex business…"
}, {
"name": "Web Apps can’t really do *that*, can they? - Steve Sanderson",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:00:39",
"description": "The web platform never stops. Every few months, the W3C and browser vendors unload great big bundles of shiny new toys for web developers everywhere.New JavaScript API standards emerging right…"
}, {
"name": "The Hello World Show Live with Scott Hanselman, Troy Hunt, Felienne, and Jon Skeet",
"href": "",
"duration": "57:47",
"description": "Join Heather Downing and Spencer Schneidenbach while they interview four masters of our industry live on stage at NDC. Attendees will get exposed to a variety of subjects in a lightning talk-esque…"
}, {
"name": "Tips & Tricks with Azure - Scott Guthrie",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:08:42",
"description": "Designed for developers, this talk features Microsoft’s Executive Vice President of Cloud and Enterprise, Scott Guthrie helping you become better by teaching skills to develop, deploy, and manage…"
}, {
"name": "Why I’m Not Leaving .NET - Mark Rendle",
"href": "",
"duration": "47:52",
"description": "We’ve all read at least one blog post from somebody who has left .NET and headed off to a different programming language or development platform (and that one guy who moved to Peru to become…"
}, {
"name": "The data dichotomy: Rethinking data and services with streams - Ben Stopford",
"href": "",
"duration": "55:19",
"description": "When building service-based systems, we don’t generally think too much about data. If we need data from another service, we ask for it. This pattern works well for whole swathes of use cases,…"
}, {
"name": "Painless visual testing - Gojko Adzic",
"href": "",
"duration": "53:18",
"description": "When visuals come under test automation, the outcome rarely justifies the cost. Visual tests tend to be too brittle, to difficult to maintain, and too slow to execute for quick iterative delivery…"
}, {
"name": "Testing in Production - Gel Goldsby",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:03:07",
"description": "A lot of blogspace is given to testing during coding (or TDD), but as you know an equal amount of time is spent discussing how to speed up said tests.What about just testing directly in production…"
}, {
"name": "Observability: it's not just an ops thing - Charity Majors",
"href": "",
"duration": "51:34",
"description": "Instrumentation and monitoring often get lumped under the \"ops\" umbrella, but it's just as critical for every decent software engineer. You can't hope to understand what's…"
}, {
"name": "Harnessing Chaos; the hidden ingredient behind building better systems - Russ Miles",
"href": "",
"duration": "47:57",
"description": "Production hates you. The machines, the networks, the very users you hope to provide a service hate you. This is reality, and it makes production a hostile battleground. In this talk Russ Miles will…"
}, {
"page": 7,
"videos": [{
"name": "GitOps - Using Git as your source of truth for build, deploy and observability - Alexis Richardson",
"href": "",
"duration": "47:13",
"description": "More and more businesses are facing challenges with current release management and traditional operations in the era of delivery velocity and quality. How can Developers adapt to the “speed…"
}, {
"name": "Running .NET Containers on Google Cloud - Chris Bacon & Mete Atamel",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:00:14",
"description": "Google Cloud is well-known for its support for containers.In this talk, we will take a look at how to deploy and run ASP.NET Containers on App Engine Flex and Google Kubernetes Engine. Additionally,…"
}, {
"name": "Mötley Crüe and Mödern JavaScript - Eric Brandes",
"href": "",
"duration": "45:14",
"description": "Rock and roll is littered with bands that just didn’t pan out. For every AC/DC there is a Whitesnake. For every Metallica there is a Rick Springfield. Front end development follows a similar…"
}, {
"name": "Anchor Modelling: Sixth Normal Form Databases! - Stephanie Locke",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:06:36",
"description": "Yes, there’s normal forms beyond third, and yes they can be really useful! Anchor Modelling is a fantastic database modelling paradigm that uses sixth normal form (6NF) to store data and provides…"
}, {
"name": "Xcode to Unreal Engine - Lessons Learned from Doing the Impossible - Ellen Mey",
"href": "",
"duration": "48:42",
"description": "So your boss watched that WWDC video and wants to create an AR experience, but you’re a native mobile shop so your clients expect a native iOS experience. What’s a dev to do?Exploring…"
}, {
"name": "Why you should use React Native for your next mobile app - Gwendolyn Faraday",
"href": "",
"duration": "51:37",
"description": "Whether you’re a seasoned React.js developer or not, this talk will show how React Native should be a serious contender for writing your next mobile application.Starting with a basic overview…"
}, {
"name": "Succeeding with Xamarin - Filip Ekberg",
"href": "",
"duration": "58:07",
"description": "Building mobile apps is hard work, getting code shared across the different platforms is even harder. Honestly, I’m lazy and I don’t want to repeat myself so I do whatever I can to only…"
}, {
"name": "Ionic, ngrx and Angular: building web and mobile apps with one code base - Duncan Hunter",
"href": "",
"duration": "40:27",
"description": "Ionic is amazing and boringly easy. If you already know Angular, you can get an app on the App Store in record time.Come learn how to build an Angular web app, an Ionic mobile app and maximise…"
}, {
"name": "Kotlin: Next level of Android Development - Igor Wojda & Marcin Moskała",
"href": "",
"duration": "53:03",
"description": "Kotlin is becoming next Android language.Why? What are its advantages and what makes him so special that whole Android world is now switching to it? And is web development its next station?"
}, {
"name": "Easier AI allows everyone to build smart apps - David Burela & Azadeh Khojandi",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:02:43",
"description": "Computers don't have feelings, but you can train them to understand the sentiment and what you might be feeling by reading text or seeing what you see. Every time a new technology becomes accessible…"
}, {
"name": "Developing for Mixed Reality with HoloLens - Rafał Legiędź",
"href": "",
"duration": "01:07:39",
"description": "Mixed Reality is not only thrilling for end users but also uncovers all new world of challenges and excitement for developers. Tools and libraries for holographic programming provided by Microsoft…"
}, {
"name": "Make It Fixable - Patricia Aas",
"href": "",
"duration": "43:37",
"description": "Trying to prepare your project or organisation to be able to receive vulnerability reports is a daunting task. And often far more complex and cross disciplinary than one first expects.This talk…"
}, {
"page": 8,
"videos": [{
"name": "Serverless - the brief past, the bewildering present, and the beautiful (?) future - Mike Roberts",
"href": "",
"duration": "58:29",
"description": "Serverless is somewhere between 3 and 6 years old, depending on who you ask, and in that time has grown from a concept to a fully-fledged movement. What has the Serverless community built and learned…"
}, {
"href": "",
"duration": "46:11",
"description": "In the age of conversational interfaces, users are increasingly expecting to interact with applications in a flexible and contextualised way. They also expect to interact with the app via multiple…"
}, {
"name": "♫ These are a few of my favourite (Android) Things ♫ - Marcos Placona",
"href": "",
"duration": "44:34",
"description": "Android Things lets you build professional, mass-market products on a trusted platform without previous knowledge of embedded systems.But what does it take to get started with Android Things and…"
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