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Created November 1, 2023 23:34
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Joe Rogan and Elon Musk podcast #2054
Hey everyone, meet Kevin here. Everybody's going crazy for the Joe Rogan podcast with
Elon Musk. We're going to watch and react to it together. So let's get right into it.
There's just a drop. So here we go. Let's listen in.
Oh yeah. Got to start with the smoking. Of course it's the cars this time.
Have you seen that before? Did people get you?
No. He's awesome.
He's awesome. He's pretty edgy.
Dude, Elon looks like the hex coin guy. No, what are you doing?
Amazing that he puts out a piece of art per day. 365 days a year.
Yeah, I was following him on the X platform, FKA Twitter, but it was too jarring.
Too jarring? Some of the images? Yeah.
Well, cheers, sir. Happy Halloween. Thanks for doing this. Appreciate it.
You're welcome. Thanks for rolling up in the Cybertruck too.
I got a chance to look at it in the factory, but that was almost, what was that, like a
year and a half ago or so? Was it?
It was a while ago. Yeah, a year ago, I guess.
Yeah, at least a year. At least a year.
And it's different in real life. Like you see it in person. Images are just, we were
talking about, you just can't contextualize them. It looks so odd. You have to see it
in the flesh. It looks like computer graphics in reality.
Yeah, it's the coolest looking fucking production car that's ever been made.
It's bulletproof. I agree.
Literally. One of the videos we're going to show is just
going all like full Al Capone. Just like Al Capone showed up and emptied the entire magazine
of a Tommy gun into the side of the car. You'd be okay.
The only thing that's not bulletproof is the glass.
The glass is optionally bulletproof. Oh, it is optional?
Well, you can make anything bulletproof if you want, but the glass has to be very thick
for it to be bulletproof. So it can't go up and down. So if you want to fix glass-
Then how do you order drive-thru? Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, that's a problem. It's like a bank.
You got to pull ahead, open the door, get out. But it's okay. You can just duck.
Yeah, you can just duck. And that is, "You just duck." That's worth
noting is that if you actually did a bulletproof glass, it'd probably be an inch to an inch
and a half thick with multiple laminated layers. Wouldn't be very practical. So worth keeping
that in mind for the whole bulletproof nature of the Cybertruck. Probably won't be fully
bulletproof. As Elon said here, you could just duck.
You from full delivering them to people, has anybody gotten them yet?
No, we planted our first deliveries next month.
Oh, wow. So now it's just testing and fuck it around?
The hard part by far is manufacturing, not designing the car. There's just not really
a movie about that, but there should be. The movies will always be about the inventor who
invented the car and then the job is done. That's invented the object. Now the job is
done. This is not true. That's the easy part. The hard part is manufacturing by far.
Why is it so much harder than making an individual model?
Oh, he's got to please explain the exoskeleton versus the endoskeleton here. This would be
the perfect part to talk about it because nobody talks about that. We see the Cybertruck.
We think about it as a normal car, right? Two hours later.
In order to make it affordable, you have to make it at volume. So you've got to make everything
at high rate consistently. If you tour the production line, you'd have a sense for it.
You've got to have all of the casting machines, all of the stamping machines, as the case
may be, the glass machines, the wheels, the tires, everything required for the motor,
the battery cells, all of the constituents of the battery cells, all of the silicon that
goes in there with the chips. The manufacturing is somewhere between 100 and 1,000 times harder
than making a prototype.
Then if you want to get from, once you reach volume manufacturing, which is insanely difficult,
then you want to make the car affordable, it's harder to reduce the cost of the car
by 20% than it is to get to volume production in the first place.
So I really cannot emphasize enough how hard production is relative to design. I'm not
saying design is trivial because you have to have taste and you have to know what to
make. If you don't have a taste and judgment, then your prototype will be bad. But it is
trivial really to turn out prototypes and it is extremely difficult to build a factory.
Keep in mind, they're dressed like this for Halloween. A lot of people commenting that
he kind of looks like the hex coin dude. So we're like, what is Elon doing? It is Halloween.
Much more difficult is it to make this considering the body's made out of steel?
Very difficult. The difficulty of manufacturing is proportionate to the amount of new technology
that you have in a car or in the product. In this case, there's a lot of new technology.
The production line will move as fast as the slowest and least lucky and most bullish part
of the entire production line.
I think this would be where it's so useful for him to talk about that. This is something
that Sandy Munro's talked about a lot before, just how the outside is the structure, the
frame of the vehicle, with the exception obviously of the axles.
So first approximation, there are 10,000 things that have to go right at least for production
to work. So if you have 9,999 things that are working and one that isn't, that sets
your production rate.
That's quite far in the hard way. In fact, the amazing thing about automobiles was not
so much the invention of the automobile but the invention of the factory, the mass manufacturing.
For that, Henry Ford deserves a tremendous amount of credit. He was an excellent genius.
In fact, Ford is really responsible for the entire mass manufacturing industry because
he actually got a Cadillac, which was the heart of General Motors, then got kicked out,
then started Ford.
Yeah, and then everyone just copied him.
Do you know he made one of his first cars out of hemp?
Hemp, oh no. Worth noting quickly, just from a news point of view, that now Bloomberg's
reporting that workers at Tesla's factory in Fremont in California have formed an official
organizing committee and the UAW is stepping in to fund part of the effort.
So think about the UAW, which just finally negotiated a deal with Ford and GM, coming
in to say, "Hey, we will fund you in creating a union at Tesla. If we could create one union,
why not start in California? Then we could take the example of that and make it happen
in Texas and all around wherever Tesla facilities are." Certainly, Germany would be next. So
heads up, the unions are coming for Elon.
Well, he used hemp fiber for the panels.
And there's this fascinating video of him banging on it with a hammer. Because hemp
is bizarrely durable when it's compressed and when they take the fibers, and I don't
know what kind of epoxy they use or something to put it all together. But what it makes
with the actual physical form of it, it's insanely light. Like fiberglass light, but
very, very durable. So if you can find that video, it's kind of crazy. Henry Ford is banging
on, I think it was the hood of it.
With a hammer.
This was like, look at that. Isn't that crazy?
That is wild.
I don't know why they stopped making them out of that. That was from 1941. How much
does the Cybertruck weigh?
It depends on the configuration, but it's about 7,000 pounds.
Whoa, 7,000. Hey, that's just above the 6K for your tax deduction, by the way. We'll
take a look at, this is an old flyer here I'm going to pull up. It's a flyer of the
grown from soil hemp car. One of Henry Ford's first cars ran entirely on hemp ethanol. The
body was also constructed from hemp plastic, which was 10 times stronger than steel. So
it not only ran on hemp fuel, but also ran, or was also constructed out of hemp. So it's
both what Joe Rogan said about the construction being hemp, but also hemp fuel.
There's different versions, but 6, 6, 7,000 pounds. It's like similar to, it's a heavy
Like a Ford F-250 or something like that.
And it, because of all of the metal and the weight and everything like that, but with
the engines that you have, it's still the zero to 60 is pretty bizarre, right? It's
like three, five or something like that.
Or Amy's get the zero to 60 below three seconds.
Below three. Wow. Wow.
For the beast mode version.
So that's going to be the tri-motor, which we're expecting. They're going to start with
releasing the dual and the tri-motor versions, the higher end ones. We'll see what ends up
So, so there's, there's, well, I don't want to give it all away right now, but.
Do it.
There are, there are three demonstrations. One of them people are aware of, which is,
you know, emptying a Tommy gun into the side of the car.
A shotgun, 45 and a nine mil and no penetrations.
And that's, that comes, it comes that way from the factory.
Can I try it with an arrow?
Yeah, it'll be fine.
Do you think so?
I mean, I bet I can get it.
A crossbow might.
I have a 90 pound compound bow that shoots 520 grain arrows at 300 feet per second.
Is this like rust? Hey, can you get a bow through it? Elon's like, maybe a crossbow.
Nah, man. Compound bow.
I think an arrow.
Razor sharp broadhead.
We're going to try it right now if you want.
I wish I had it with me.
I don't.
Is it at your house or something?
Should we send someone to go get it? We could do the demo tonight.
That would be interesting.
I'll walk, maybe I'll drive back with an arrow sticking out of my car.
I bet I could get in there.
Okay. I'll bet you can't.
Yeah, I'll bet you don't.
I think, I think if you have a crossbow that's with enough force, you might, a crossbow might
get through.
A crossbow bolt, even though it's very fast, it's not going to be nearly as heavy. You
won't have as many grains.
You can make a heavy crossbow bolt.
You could.
Yeah. But generally, crossbow bolts are considerably lighter. They're much smaller, you know, and
they're much faster. They're moving at like 400, 500 feet per second.
Spoiler alert on Twitter. They actually show doing this and it is arrow proof. It's just
kind of cool.
Yeah. I mean, the thing that matters is kind of the energy per unit area. So, so interesting,
like a, like a nine mil or a 45, which is basically sort of a 10 mil. The 45 is, they're
roughly the same, but the 45 actually is slightly worse penetration than a nine mil.
You know what I just realized? I do have some broadheads. I do have some broadheads and
I have a less powerful bow, but I have an 80 pound bow. I think we should do it.
Okay. When you want to do it right now?
Yeah, I can do it right now.
Okay, let's do it right now.
Let's do it right now.
Okay, let's do it.
We'll be right back.
This is going to be funny. I'm just like, why does he have an arrow sticking out of
his car?
This show is sponsored by BetterHelp.
That's awesome. So we'll see, we'll get to see the, the arrow drop next. I'm going to
skip around a little bit. Oh, yep. Here's the arrow drop. So we're going to move forward
a little bit and here it is. We get to see the, uh, the footage of it. Let's go back
about 15 seconds. Here we go.
Slight angle, Elon says. No, that would make it bounce off. Right in boy.
It's not bad. That's pretty, I mean, you definitely got a dent in it now, but you know what?
Joe Rogan gave you the dent that probably just added value right there. You might think
that damaged the car that just increased the value of that car. Elon should auction that
off as the one that was in Joe Rogan's house and shot by Joe.
Flatten the tip of the arrow. Look at the tip of the broadhead. That's impressive.
Hey cutie.
Well, now we know. So, uh, we just shot an arrow into it and it barely scratched it.
Barely scratched it. Yeah. I will say if you did that to a normal car, the odds are that
steel tip would go right through. And as Elon said, I might be driving home with an arrow
sticking out of my car. You would, you would expect that. It's a pretty large projectile.
Now that's not to say like a 45 bullet isn't, uh, you know, but the actual head of the bullet
is substantially smaller. It might be faster. Maybe we should compare, but the actual head
of the bullet would be substantially smaller. Uh, these, those arrowheads, I mean, you saw
it, that was, that was quite long. I mean, that's like bullet and shell casing, you know,
kind of crazy. Let's keep going.
It was probably moving 275 feet a second. That was a 525 grain ish arrow with a, yeah,
even more than that. Cause it had the 125 grain head. So that was 545 grains. That's
impressive. Yeah. Very impressive. It just destroyed the broadhead, broadhead flattened
at the tip. And then the arrow.
A compound bow shoots at about 300 feet per second, a 45 ACP shoots at about three and
a bit times faster at 830 feet per second.
Oh, blew apart. Yeah. Amazing. Yeah. It's a, like I said, you could, um, we have a cool
video we'll show at the handover event next month, uh, which is emptying an entire magazine
of Tommy gun, which I think is like on the order of 50 rounds. Uh, just go, you're just
going full Al Capone, you know, like on the side of the car, shotgun nine mold 45.
And you built it like this just for fun.
Well, I mean, uh,
Cause it's cooler.
I mean,
Cause you can,
You know, uh, trucks are supposed to be tough, right? Yeah. Yeah. Is your truck bulletproof?
Okay. Yes. Exactly. And if I shot mine with my bow, it'd go right through it.
So if you, if you, if you shoot any normal car, unlike in the movies where people hide
behind car doors, a car door is basically a very thin, mild steel. Uh, so, uh, if you,
if you shoot a gun addict through it, through like a regular truck, it'll go out, it'll
go through both doors. So, um, it's, you can't hide behind a car door like they do in the
You know, the fact way back in the day,
Law enforcement usually teaches that you should hide behind the wheel well of the car or the
engine block, not doors.
I'm dating myself at the, the 18 where they would like, you know, there'd be like bullets
flying everywhere and there'd be hiding behind the car door. Right. That doesn't work. Um,
but it doesn't, the cyber truck was there ever, there's this best in apocalyptic technology.
Yeah. Well, you don't know. It's an amazing car to have in the apocalypse. Yeah. It doesn't
also does the, does it still do this thing where the ride height raises and so you can,
and there's also no regular drive train, so there's no axles that are the impediment to
going over rocks and things like that.
Yeah. Normally in a, in a, in a, in, in other vehicles, I guess, in a diesel vehicles, you've
got the, um, differential, which, uh, hangs down low between the, uh, the rear wheels.
So you're like, look under a car, under a truck. It's, there's almost always a differential
there that's hanging down pretty low. So if you hit the def on it on a rock, you'll break
it. Yeah. There's no, there's, there's no, um, it, the bottom of the side truck is completely
flat and has the best clear height of any, any vehicle.
How far away are we, if it's ever going to happen at all from having a vehicle that can
operate entirely on solar?
Well, you've got a surface area thing. Um, so it's about a kilowatt per square meter
normal to the sun roughly. Um, so you just, it really depends on what kind of mileage
you can't, um, you don't have enough surface area to keep the car going just from the car
service area. But if you had like a, something that, that folded out, you could, uh, you
could make it self-sustaining.
Something that folded out. So like you could park it and then leave it on.
Yeah. You'd have to like unfold, like, like the Starlink satellites do where you unfold
the solar panels.
Yeah. Quick. Yeah. I mean, there's no way you're getting enough panels. I think the
charge of car, there's a comment here saying it's not an exoskeleton anymore. Sandy Monroe
has already said that to clarify on that. Sandy Monroe suspects that some of the exoskeleton
elements may not have been feasible, but that it's still being built with the exoskeleton
frame. It's just that maybe they need larger B pillars on the inside. And so now there's
a debate. Is it an XO? Is it not? Does an end user really care? Probably not, but it's
worth mentioning. Uh, it's certainly a unique and new design. And I thought Elon would give
us a little bit more color here on that. So I'm a little disappointed we didn't get some
more color on that because it would have been the perfect time to hear about that.
Let's keep going here on charging cars from solar, which there's a startup that does that
like mobile emergency solar panels for charging cars. And it's not a good idea.
You know, just, you just need more surface area. You need, um, is there any potential
for an advancement in technology that would make a smaller area much better at conducting
sun? Nothing. That's a good question. It's a kilowatt per square meter. Uh, that, that's
what you're going to get when the sun, if you're, if you're no one's the sun, so at
90 degrees to the sun and there's nothing that could accelerate that or no, that's just
literally the solar. Yeah. So then you're, then you multiply your efficiency by that.
So if you're commercial panels, like maybe 25% efficient, if they're a good one, so you
get like 250 a watch per square meter. There was one car. So up the efficiency, that's
the answer here is can you get higher efficiency panels above 20 to 25%?
What was it like a Fisker that was using a solar panel that, uh, claimed that it was
operating like the electronics, like it could start the radio.
Yeah. Um, I mean you, you, you can definitely, you just, it's just, you just don't have enough
service area for, uh, for, but like, um, but you, you, you can like certainly, um, you
could run a house with solar, with the, with the solar roof and the Tesla solar roof, you
can run a house, but it's never going to get to, I think what he's saying is if you have
a kilowatt per square meter, you don't have enough square meters on the house.
You know, you have an 80 KW battery, you would need 80 square meters or one square meter
on the roof of the car and then 80 hours. And then that's not even considering the 25,
20% efficiency factor point where you can just have a car that's made out of solar panels
that they could drive around. It could never be that efficient.
Correct. So you don't have enough service area.
What, what research or what, what breakthroughs have been made in terms of a battery technology?
Like how far away are we from having batteries that are far more efficient and last far longer?
I know there was some talk of like sodium based batteries.
The batteries, battery range is not a problem at this point. I mean, the, the model S will
go 400 miles model, model three, model Y will do over 300 miles. So, you know, that's, that's,
that's more than most people need. So, yeah.
Right. But are we, I mean, how far away are we from making batteries that are more efficient?
This is like, we obviously have at least, this is not, this is not really a constraint.
The point at which you've got a car that can do, let's say even at highway speeds, 250
miles then, or let's say 240 miles at 80 miles an hour, now you're driving for three hours
straight. And so if you start a trip at say 9:00 AM by noon, you want to stop for lunch,
go to the restroom, grab a coffee. By the time you come back, your car is charged.
How long does it take to fully charge?
Yeah, like the half an hour. Well, you don't want to, it's a little, the people will get
used to it cause it's a little different. You know, like for a gasoline car, you'd want
to fill it up for an electric car. You'd want to actually go very close to zero and the
car can calculate how much range it has with precision. So if you, if you say enter a road
trip in a Tesla, it'll calculate all of the supercharges along the way, where you should
stop, how much you should charge and just let the computer do its thing and it'll work
well. So you actually want to charge to about 80% and then run it down all the way to 10%
or less.
Do you want to do that on everyday use as well or just with long trips?
No, just long trips. If you're trying to minimize the amount of time you stop when
charging. So let's say you want to stop for 20, 30 minutes, then you really, it's a little
counterintuitive because for a gasoline car, you would fill it up. For a battery, the charge
state tapers off as you get above 80%. You can think of it like the, I think the right
analogy here is cars in a parking lot. So the lithium ions are trying to find a parking
space as they, as they move across, you know, from one side of the battery to the other
side from, you know, cathode, anode. I mean, they're sort of just, these ions are just
bouncing around looking for a parking space. So when the parking lot's empty, it's, they
can zip right in there and find a spot. It's easy. As the parking lot gets full, just like
trying to find a parking space at a mall, you have to hunt around for a spot. And that's,
that's how, that's basically what's going on is the ions are looking for a parking spot.
So as the battery gets closer to full, it's harder and harder to find a spot. They have
to bounce around more.
So it takes longer to get from 80 to 100.
Correct. Getting from 80 to 100, it takes about as much time as getting from zero to
That's an interesting analogy to compare to this idea that, uh, you know, and generally
what they recommend when you own electric vehicles that every day you charge your car
up to 80, you want to sit at 80, but that's usually what we think is when we go to a,
you know, a, like a dinner or whatever, when we're low on battery, we'll charge up to 80%.
And then if you want to sit at the dinner longer before having to get your car from
the supercharger, you kind of bump it to a hundred percent, even though you're not supposed
to fill it up all the time, but it just gives you so much more time to hang out at the dinner
I know it's got to find a parking spot.
And just like if you're in a mall and you're like, and it's busy, then it takes longer
to find a parking spot than if it's empty.
So essentially you're satisfied with the technologies available right now in terms of like the amount
of mileage that you get out of it and things along those lines.
Yeah. Range is not an issue.
Cost is, is more of an issue.
So just need to make the car affordable.
A long range car needs to be affordable.
When you fully roll out, how many of those things, how many Cybertrucks can you guys
make a month?
We're aiming to make about 200,000 a year at volume production.
Remember in the earnings call, he mentioned 250,000 a year.
Maybe somebody fact check me on that, but I'm pretty sure he said a quarter of a mil.
So here we are two weeks later, we just shaved off another, what, 20%.
Oh, come on, man.
A little more, but I just can't emphasize enough that manufacturing is much, much harder
than the initial design.
You know, you can, the Cybertruck was easy to design.
I'm not trying to trivialize design.
It's just what I'm trying to do is to emphasize the difficulty of manufacturing, which is
not understood by the public because there's no movie about it.
So there's lots of movies about the sort of wild inventor in the garage, but I'm not aware
of any movie about manufacturing.
Have you ever heard of a movie about manufacturing?
I can't remember any, Jamie, any movie about manufacturing?
There's one coming to my brain, but I don't think that's what it's even about.
So I have no idea.
What is that?
I think Michael Keaton was making some cars in somewhere.
I had to, I was going to look it up.
I mean, it's Tommy Boy.
Yeah, it's about a great movie.
It's a great movie.
That might be the only one.
That's interesting that it's such an immense part of American culture and also the decline
of some American cities.
I mean, it's famously documented in Roger and Me, which is a great documentary where
he just talks about how Flint got destroyed when they pulled out the car manufacturing.
Oh yeah.
That's another big thing.
A lot of people are so excited when it comes to real estate about investing in towns that
are relying on some of these older ice vehicle manufacturers that are refusing to transition
to EV.
And the question is what happens to those towns, real estate values.
If all of a sudden those manufacturers are gone, it's not great.
Right, and the appreciation risk is huge, or depreciation risk actually in this case.
I mean, there's a reason why generally politicians really try very hard to get a factory in their
area is because it's a massive generator of jobs.
And for every factory job, there's like five, roughly five support jobs.
So it's like teachers, electricians, plumbers, lawyers, accountants, restaurants.
So manufacturing is kind of like a nucleus from which many jobs spring.
That's why it's generally, governors and prime ministers and presidents will try so hard
to get a factory in their country or region.
When you decided to build the Gigafactory, and when you decided, just even when you decided
to get involved with Tesla, did you have any idea of how difficult this would be?
Did you have a preconceived notion?
I thought it would be very difficult.
I thought our probability of success was less than 10%.
It seems like he's carrying over that same sort of bearishness to today, right?
I mean, it would be foolish to think anything else other than that.
I mean, even at this point, the only car companies that have not gone bankrupt are Ford and Tesla,
American car companies.
General Motors went bankrupt and Chrysler went bankrupt in 2009.
There's some chance they'll go bankrupt again.
Ford and Tesla barely made it.
It was incredibly difficult to keep Tesla alive when General Motors and Chrysler went
Because manufacturing is the actual hard thing, not by far the hard thing.
I just can't emphasize that enough, and I hope somebody makes a movie about that.
Maybe they should make a movie about Tesla.
Why not?
It's kind of what he's implying already.
I think he kind of wanted Joe Rogan to say that, because he's been implying that.
How many times has Elon said, "There's no movie about it"?
Like seven already this podcast here.
Come on, Elon.
Who would you want to play you?
I don't care.
How about David Spade?
I don't care.
I'm kidding.
I don't care if anyone plays me, but I do think that this-
I just went back to Tommy Boy.
I mean, we rocked.
Jim Folley is the CEO of Ford, and he's Chris Folley's cousin.
No way.
That's crazy.
That's crazy.
And they look related.
There should be a movie.
You got to get someone good that doesn't fuck it up.
Well, I mean, the thing is that writers are just disconnected from manufacturing.
They just never see it.
I guess you have to try to create some narrative arc.
I mean, there are some shows like How It's Made type of thing, but they're pretty niche.
But I know some of them are broken record here, but I can't emphasize enough that it
is insanely difficult to manufacture.
All right.
Come on, Elon.
Well, it particularly makes sense when something that novel.
I'm going to fast forward a little bit because this part is boring.
I mean, this is going to sound somewhat melodramatic, but I was worried about that it was having
a corrosive effect on civilization.
That it would be infinitely easier?
What has it been like?
You've owned X for a year now.
Oh, yeah.
It's later.
Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and have a dream that you didn't do it?
And your life is infinitely easier?
Well, it's simply a recipe for trouble, I suppose, or contention.
What was it ultimately that led you to make the decision to do it?
Not Tesla stock going up.
I mean, this is going to sound somewhat melodramatic, but I was worried about that it was having
a corrosive effect on civilization.
That it was just having a bad impact.
This is crazy because Twitter is way more corrosive now, it feels like.
The only thing that gets amplified on Twitter is a negative news.
It used to be all news got amplified.
Now it's just negative news.
Oh, it's so corrosive now.
I think part of it is that it's where it was located, which is downtown San Francisco.
While I think San Francisco is a beautiful city and we should really fight hard to right
the ship of San Francisco.
If you've walked around downtown San Francisco, right near the ex-FKA Twitter headquarters,
it's a zombie apocalypse.
I mean, it's rough.
Have you been in that area?
Not lately.
No, I've heard.
It's crazy.
I've heard it's crazy.
I've heard you really can't believe it until you actually go there.
You can't believe it until you go there.
So now you have to say, well, what philosophy led to that outcome?
And that philosophy-
Ooh, this is an interesting comment.
He writes, "Elon is still no go on his advertising stance.
The movie push is him usurping Kevin's ad recommendation for advertising."
That's an interesting suggestion.
Was being piped to earth.
So a philosophy that would be ordinarily quite niche and geographically constrained.
So the fallout area would be limited.
So far the stock's going up, by the way, worth noting.
Some people were asking me to pull this up.
So here it is.
Look at that.
That's been since like podcast release.
So you're up about two and a half percent there.
Just pretty stable actually since the podcast's been out.
Effectively given an information, a weapon, an information technology weapon to propagate
what is essentially a mind virus to the rest of earth.
And the outcome of that mind virus is very clear if you walk around the streets of downtown
San Francisco.
It is the end of civilization.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
This is bullcrap, man.
This is bullcrap.
Downtown San Francisco is a problem of homelessness and drugs.
And yes, it is like the disaster of society.
But suggesting that Twitter somehow prevents that.
These are like talking about two different extremes.
If anything, Twitter leads people to be more depressed.
I don't know, man.
That's a sussy argument.
It's not just propagating the mind virus, but suppressing any opposing viewpoints.
Well, in order for the virus to propagate, it must suppress opposing viewpoints.
Because it doesn't stand up to scrutiny.
What they're doing is they're making the argument of, hey, like, you know, if the White House
can go in and delete critics comments, then that's a problem, right?
I agree with that.
Like the Twitter files were revealing.
That is true.
That's a problem.
As far as, you know, Elon suggesting that that's what leads to people being drugged
out in San Francisco.
That's a slippery slope comparison.
That's totally extreme.
What leads to real problems in society is what the Financial Times was talking about
the other day, which is people not having depth of perspective.
And unfortunately, Twitter generally encourages short snippets of vertical scrolling and aggravation
and hate sharing.
Oh, man.
Yeah, I mean, you've you've felt the virus.
People will try to cancel you so many times.
Yeah, it's fascinating.
I don't think you're melodramatic at all.
I think it's a it's a I mean, I don't want to be melodramatic, but it's almost like a
death cult.
It's a death cult.
No, no, that is exactly right.
It's essentially the extinctionists.
Like it's in the limit.
It is that they're propagating the extinction of humanity and civilization.
And there's some people who are like most most time it's implicit.
They don't exploit it, but sometimes it's explicit.
Like there was a guy on the front page of New York Times who literally has the thing
called the extinctionist movement.
And he was quoted on the front page of New York Times as saying there are eight billion
people in the world, but it would be better if there were none.
And I'm like, well, buddy, you can start with yourself.
Oh, does he have.
That's like encouraging suicide.
What are you saying?
I think when people make an argument that like, oh, the world would be better off without
I mean, to some extent, if humans are contributing to climate change, which they probably are,
but that climate change was likely happening anyway, you know, would would are humans making
enough of a difference?
That's that's where the case is.
It's like, you know, if we're just accelerating climate change by 50 years, does it make that
much of a difference?
Humans are here.
I don't know about that.
And then who knows?
Maybe maybe humans can shoot down asteroids and prevent the asteroids from from hitting
the United States or America, the world, whatever, and actually preserve more life.
I don't know.
This is kind of nonsensical.
That's what I was fascinated.
Well, here is that guy.
He looks like you not long for this earth.
I mean, he doesn't voluntary human extinction movement.
That's hilarious.
I'd like to party with that dude.
I would just like to like that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's
an explicit version of the death cult.
Maybe you live long and die out.
I mean, it's it's not the extinction is a word he uses.
No, I mean, it's not.
It's literally a self-description.
Do they cover it?
It was in charge of social media.
And still largely is at Google and Facebook, by the way.
So I'm like, I'm not in favor of human extinction.
They are that in that article, by the way, it says Tucker Carlson criticized that individual
you just saw for espousing the sickest of beliefs and then added you were one of the
cheeriest guests we've ever had.
OK, it's a weird comparison there anyway, that Mr. Knight guy is 75.
He's the founder of the voluntary human extinction movement, which is less of a movement than
a lease than a loose consortium of people who believe the best thing humans can do is
stop having children.
OK, so it's not like suicide.
It's stop having children.
Mr. Knight added the word voluntary decades ago to make it clear that they don't support
mass murder or forced birth control.
OK, it is a little wild.
Overpopulation is the main factor in the climate crisis.
And see, that's the argument is that they're making the argument that humans are the primary
But again, that's that's a problematic argument.
Even The New York Times here is saying that idea can be fraught with problems.
There are countries that are heavily overpopulated that contribute relatively low per capita
to the greenhouse gas emissions.
Like you look at India, whereas wealthy countries have relatively small populations generating
most of the pollution, potentially driving global warming.
Body, body, body, body.
And this goes on.
This is a pretty long NYT piece here.
But it seems like even The New York Times is like, I don't know, man, this guy's a little
kooky and then go to hell.
Well, that guy is.
Yeah, you can go to hell.
That guy seems silly.
I would like to hang out with him, though.
I would like to find out what makes him tick.
I bet that guy is fascinating.
This episode is brought to you by I mean, that's an interesting way to put it is like
this guy probably would be an interesting person to chat to just because it seems so
wild and so out there.
But then New York Times piece, if you want to see it, is New York Times Earth now has
eight billion humans.
This man wishes there were none.
Obviously, if you want to watch every part that I'm not skipping around in of the Joe
Rogan experience, make sure to watch them on Spotify.
And here we go.
Take environmentalism to an extreme.
You start to view humanity as a plague on the surface of the earth, like a mold or something.
I'm going to fast forward some of this.
It's a little boring.
International sort of safety conference.
Latest, I'm leaving in about three hours.
And I don't meet with the British prime minister, a number of other people.
So you have to say, like, how could I go wrong?
Well, if if I guess, per AI having control of nuclear weapons could mean AI goes wrong.
AI having control of any kind of weapons or machine guns or turrets or tanks could go
AI having control of the power grid could go wrong.
Water grid could go wrong.
Like the chemical balances in your water manufacturing processes, chemicals in your Pepsi or your
Coca-Cola or whatever that could go wrong.
AI doing calculations for anesthesia could go wrong.
You know, like how could I go wrong?
How could I not go wrong?
Programmed by the extinctionists.
It will its utility function will be the extinction of humanity.
Yeah, clearly.
I mean, particularly if they won't even think it's bad like that.
If you let it out, there's a lot of decisions that AI would make that would be very similar
to eugenics.
I mean, there will there would be some radical changes in what people are allowed to and
not allowed to do that allow them to survive that may be detrimental in terms of like pollution
and things like that.
But it may be the only solution they have in their area.
I mean, maybe I would come up with some sort of a different structure in terms of how they
get power and resources.
But there's no shortage of power.
We talked about solar power for cars.
The issue is that cars just have a very low surface area.
But you could actually power the entire United States with 100 miles by 100 miles of solar.
So you can just pick some dead spot that you fly over.
Which there are plenty.
That's been joked about before, by the way, is Elon put up a map on Twitter of like Africa.
And he's like, here's the size of Africa.
And it's like this tiny little square that we would need to power the whole world.
Cover that sucker up with solar panels and charge the whole country.
We need batteries, but yes.
Yeah, it's not hard.
I mean, meaning it's like it's very feasible.
In fact, I mean, the sun is converting over 4 million tons of mass to energy every second.
And it's no maintenance.
That thing just works.
That giant fusion reactor in the sky that is the sun.
In fact, people like, someone's like, well, what about in a radiation?
I'm like, the sun is literally a nuclear reactor in the sky.
Are you scared to go in daylight?
Rocks have radiation.
The radiation risk is greatly overestimated.
I always wonder why radiation is always bad in real life, but always awesome in comic
Yeah, exactly.
You know, when I grew up, it was always your computer screens have too much radiation.
You're a spider and suddenly you have spider abilities.
Get hit with gamma rays.
You've become the Hulk.
What if you're a radioactive cockroach?
You'd be like the cockroach man.
Yeah, you can be one of the X-Men.
It's, I think the problem is like most people just don't understand what radiation is.
And so it just sounds like a mysterious, invisible death ray.
Well, it's almost like drugs.
Like we think of it, we put a blanket over it.
Like it's all one thing, you know, radiation is Chernobyl.
I mean, the things you can go to, you can actually tour Chernobyl right now.
Can you really?
You can actually go to where the meltdown is?
Well, I mean, there's a war zone, but apart from that, the issue is, uh, you know, more
getting shot than it is, you don't have a radiation risk.
Uh, I mean, the problem is like, I think when people don't understand what radiation is.
That is actually interesting.
Chernobyl tour, eye opening experience of the post apocalyptic world.
Keep in mind that Chernobyl zone will be temporarily closed starting February 19th, 2022, obviously
because, uh, you know, well, they may have, uh, they may have had some, uh, some issues.
Uh, they're calling the official explanation is due to technical reasons.
So obviously it's, uh, the, the Russian invasion over there, but yeah, the Chernobyl tour gives
you an experience dating back to 1986, the very first months of the Chernobyl accidents.
Uh, you could experience the disaster mitigation research success story, research unit, radiation
safety, uh, special scenarios for all tours, thematic tours, breathtaking birds view of
the zone in the Chernobyl air tour, unique tour program on demand for the most inquiring
minds, charitable support.
They literally turned it into a museum.
That's crazy.
Quest in Chernobyl private tours cost $88 per person, and that could include dinner
and your tour passport.
That's actually crazy.
I did not know that.
Everything's capitalism.
They just, they can't see it.
They can't feel it.
They think, well, I could just die at any moment.
Like from a magic death ray.
Um, you know, I've had people say like, oh, the radiation from their phone is going to
hurt them or they're scared of the microwave.
I'm like, when you say radiation, do you mean particles or photons?
And if you mean, uh, photons, what wavelength?
Um, and then like, I don't know what you mean.
That's, they don't know anything about that.
They just have, they're afraid of the term, but it's because that's actually interesting
because think about like nuclear radiation, you and you wear like one of those hazmat
You wash that nuclear raid radiation off because those are particles, radioactive, apparently
ionized particles.
Uh, you know, whether that's from like uranium or plutonium or whatever, uh, as opposed to,
uh, like infrared radiation, like when you sit next to a campfire, the heat you feel
is infrared radiation.
That's why we could see it with infrared cameras and glows, right?
That's infrared radiation, but you don't stand next to that and actually get burned unless
you touch it.
You just feel warm.
But if you go out in the sun on a cold day, you could get sunburned by ultraviolet radiation.
Even when it's not hot, that's because you don't feel UV radiation.
You feel infrared radiation really actually kind of interesting
because of three mile Island and Fukushima.
We've been, yeah, but nobody died of radiation from Fukushima.
Not one person.
I mean, I don't know about you, but I was asked by people in California, like when,
when Fukushima happened, um, whether that radiation would get to California.
I'm like, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
And so, uh, actually to help support Japan, I flew to Fukushima and ate locally grown
vegetables on TV and I'm still alive.
I have a friend, he's very smart, but he won't.
Tesla shareholders love hearing that.
Not first of all.
Like I think that's so cool that he's demonstrating that he went to Japan to support Japan.
But if you actually ingested some lower dose of radioactive particles, it probably take
like 30 years for you to get cancer.
So it might shorten the end of your life, not your current life.
So as an investor in Tesla, I don't know if some of these decisions necessarily aligned
with longevity.
I mean, I don't know if you can eat fish out of the Pacific cause he's worried about
the radiation from Fukushima.
Yeah, that's, that's a irrational.
There is no physics substance to that.
I would say at all, not even slightly.
I'm going to send him this clip.
Um, go back to the sushi place, bro.
You should be okay.
If you eat too much tuna, you're going to have mercury.
Yes, correct.
Mercury poisoning from tuna is a real thing.
You can get arsenic from sardines too.
I found that out the hard way.
Too many sardines.
I got my blood work done and the doctor says, you have arsenic in your blood.
And I go, someone poisoning me.
He goes, it's very, very low.
It's like, is your girlfriend angry at you?
And I said, yeah, I eat like three cans of sardines a night.
That's a lot of sardines, man.
I love sardines.
I mean, yeah, it's, I love them.
I really do.
I've always loved sardines.
I love them.
So you can't eat too much of it because they, they, they're not good for you.
I mean a little sardines once in a while, but not three cans a night.
Well for me, it's like I come home late from the comedy club and I want something easy
to eat and I don't want to stop eating fast food.
So I open up a few cans of sardines and I'll, you know, watch a little TV, eat a few cans
of sardines.
I was doing it every night and then I stopped doing it and I got my blood work done a couple
months later, it was gone.
So I don't eat too many sardines.
Well, I think anchovies really, really a pep up a Caesar salad.
Yeah, they do.
All right, we're going to jump ahead on the sardine talk.
It's interesting.
I wouldn't think that three cans of sardines a night would do that.
I also don't eat sardines.
I don't like the really salty things, nor do I like pickles.
Some right now.
Is that feasible?
I bet we could.
Okay, let's try it.
That'd be sick.
I like it.
Hawaiian's good, but I'm telling you, anchovies and pineapple is the bomb diggity.
That's the bomb diggity.
Okay, I'll give it a shot.
That's the bomb diggity.
Hey, wait, can we order some right now?
Is that feasible?
I bet we could.
Okay, let's try it.
That'd be sick.
Okay, ordering anchovies and pineapple.
Well, there's got to be a good one.
Don't tell him it's us.
Make sure you don't buy it from any liberals.
While I see someone firing at him like, "Don't buy it from East Austin."
Salty sauce, that's so mysterious.
Oh no, right, don't tell him it's us.
Good call.
Yeah, don't tell him it's us.
Make sure you don't buy it from any liberals.
What is the salty tangy substance on that?
Don't buy it from East Austin.
East Austin, oh man.
Okay, just so you know, the West part of Austin, where the hillside is, first of all, the Western
part of Austin, so closer to California, right?
That side West, the West.
That's where your expensive hillsides are.
So you have your expensive hillside, you have cut lots into the hills, you have less foundation
The East side is actually where giga Austin is.
They have foundation problems, a lot more foundation problems on the East side.
Property values are a lot lower.
They're building more towards that side, but you have more foundation issues, so you have
to do more soil prep, lower property values.
You go, as soon as you go East out of downtown, it kind of turns into a lot more homeless
concentration and ouch, dang.
Joe's not holding back here on his opinion.
Don't buy from anyone who's still working.
You look like you're about 28 years old.
I think you're going to be okay.
You're okay, yeah.
You're probably not going to be okay breathing that fucking same air in that mask and all
the bacteria spitting out.
Oh, not this again.
Yeah, attaching to that cloth.
I'd say a mask is much like a shield in battle in that it'll help protect you a little bit
from arrows and stuff, but it doesn't make you arrow proof.
We were just talking about shooting arrows and stuff.
Okay, that was very interesting.
Now I jumped around a little bit there, but Elon Musk basically just countered Joe Rogan
because Joe Rogan's like, oh, masks are bullshit.
You know, you're breathing the same germs over and over again.
And Elon's like, well, they're kind of like a shield.
In other words, they have a use.
And he's not wrong.
They have a use.
I mean, like when you paint cars, you wear a P 100 aerosol respirator.
That makes sense.
That has a purpose.
It has an exhaust vent so you can breathe out the dirty air and breathe in clean air.
So there are functions to masks.
I mean, there are times when masks are warranted, but most of the time it's actually counterproductive.
Well, that was one of the things about the old Twitter was the propaganda and the adherence
to whatever the CDC was saying and the dismissing of legitimate scientists, guys like Jay Bhattacharya
from Stanford and legit guys.
And they were suppressing them and even banning them.
They banned Alex Berenson.
I mean, it was wild.
They banned Alex for essentially reading peer reviewed papers.
No, I mean, all Twitter was basically an arm of the government.
So was that shocking?
That's, ah, that's extreme.
I like, look, the Twitter files were a problem.
Or, you know, I covered the Twitter files, but saying all of Twitter was an arm of the
Oh man.
Like, I don't know, man.
I get the whole bad Apple argument, but that's like saying the whole basket was bad.
I don't know.
I disagree with that.
Like what was that like?
Is that to me, that was the most bizarre was the Twitter files when you let Schellenberger
and Matt Taibbi and all those guys get in the Twitter and the response where Matt Taibbi
gets audited.
I mean, which is just wild.
I mean, it's just so blatant and so in your face.
Yeah, it's weird.
No, I mean, the, yeah, the, the real, which, and by the way, Jack didn't really know, know
this, but the degree to which Twitter was simply, um, an arm of the government was not
a well understood by the public.
And uh, it, it was, there was no, it was whatever the official go.
I mean, it was like Pravda basically.
Um, you know, it's a really good point.
Farmer Brett says that's the part about Joe Rogan that people like, he doesn't hold anything
He has an opinion.
He says it, he doesn't try to play the fence.
That's true.
It's a, it's a great thing.
I'm trying to be more like that myself.
I actually, I think it's admirable.
It's like, if you think it, say it, you know, it's like, you don't have to agree with everything
somebody says, like totally fair.
State publication is the way to think of old Twitter.
It's a state publication.
And was the justification from their perspective that they are progressive liberals, they have
the right intentions.
It's important that they stay in power.
The progressive liberals stay in government and power because this is the, this is their,
there was, there was, uh, basically oppression of, um, any, any views that would even, I
would say could be considered middle of the road.
Um, but certainly anything on the right, I'm talking about like, like far right.
I'm just talking mildly right.
The people like Republicans were suppressed at 10 times the rate of Democrats.
Um, now that's because, uh, old Twitter was fundamentally controlled by the far left.
It was like completely controlled by the far left.
And that's why I say like, like San Francisco, Berkeley is a niche ideology.
It's hard to say like, is there a place that's more far left than San Francisco, Berkeley?
Maybe Portland.
Maybe Portland, but it's like, it's a cut there.
It's like, it's those two places are the most far left places in America.
Um, so from their standpoint, everything is to the right, including moderates.
So if, if, if, if you internalize a far left position, uh, everything seems wrong to you
that if that is not far left.
And so they naturally oppressed any, anything that didn't agree with their views.
That's why I say that it was an accidental far left information weapon.
You know, I just wonder though, like, and I'm going to go, I, this is extreme.
Maybe, maybe, I don't know if it's extreme.
Is it possible that if you are, let's, let's take this away from politics for a moment,
but still the same principle.
If you're somebody who's bullish on the economy on Twitter and everybody else is a bear and
therefore you don't get retweets and likes your being suppressed, you say one thing bearish
that gets promoted.
Is that not to some extent a form of censoring thanks to the algorithm, essentially doing
what most of the people are amplifying, right?
If most of the people on the platform are amplifying one thing, maybe previously that
was more left now, maybe it's more, you know, right or more bearish or whatever, then, then
is that how you get a depressed Elon?
You know, I don't know.
So, uh, is it because it's like Silicon Valley attracts the smartest engineers, the smartest
sort of technologists and programmers from around the world.
They created an information weapon that was then harnessed by the far left who could not
themselves create the weapon, but happened to be co-located where the technologists were.
It happened to be aligned politically with the people that possessed it.
The technologists are generally are moderate, maybe moderate left, but they're, they're
not, they're, they're not far left.
That's why I say San Francisco, Berkeley, it's, it doesn't even extend to South San
Francisco or even to Palo Alto.
So, so Palo Alto, that's where a lot of the wealthy folks are going right now.
They are, they flee San Francisco and they've gone South to Palo Alto.
It is gorgeous there.
It, I mean, it is so nice.
Like I would move there in a heartbeat, but I do like the SoCal weather better.
So I'd probably go to San Diego first.
SF Berkeley is the most far left, um, perhaps, you know, in a competition with Portland,
but I'd say SF Berkeley is more far left, even in Portland, but like a lift fleet in
America, it's, we're talking about an area that's maybe, so, so, and it co-located with
the technologists who created it by accident.
Is it shocking that more people don't understand how dangerous that is?
I think some people understand.
Some people do.
Some people understand.
So I mean, from the standpoint of, of some people who used to be at Twitter, uh, the
people like, well, it's a big shift to the right.
That is correct.
It is shift to the right because everything is to the right.
If you're far left, everything is to the right, but it's, but how many far left people have
actually been suspended or banned from Twitter now X zero.
So it's really just moved to the center, but from the perspective of the, enough of this,
I'm going to fast forward, keep in mind the house hack fundraise expires November 1st.
That's tomorrow night.
So if you have a question, email us today at or go to,
read the offering circular to read that solicitation.
This can't be a solicitation to learn more, but it's my real estate startup and I'm really
excited to bring it to y'all.
Let's keep going.
Of humanity.
So now that, that means that there are going to be views on there that you don't like,
um, or disagree with.
Um, but that's humanity.
So are you going to exclude them or, or not?
Now, I mean if, if somebody, you know, breaks the law, then, then the account is suspended.
I mean if they, uh, actively advocate murder, then the account is suspended.
We do have what we call like the kind of United Nations exclusion rule, which is that you
can have say the Ayatollah who, you know, uh, would prefer that Israel didn't exist
for example.
Um, and, um, but he's allowed to go to the UN building in New York.
Um, and, uh, in fact, generally officials from Iran, uh, do in fact go to the UN building
in New York.
Um, even though they are a heavily sanctioned country.
So, so I think that there's, there's merit to having, uh, just like there's merit, there's
some merit to the UN.
One can disagree with UN and I think one, we shouldn't have a world government that
we bow down to, but in fact that's risky for civilization.
But I think you do want to have the leaders of the country.
Is that like a Trump argument?
Like, Hey, we're going to, we're going to stop funding parts of the UN.
We don't like it.
We don't like it.
We don't like it.
And I think that's, uh, represented, um, on social media.
You want to hear what they have to say, even if you, what they say is terrible.
I think that is true across the board.
And I think one of the things you just said, it's very important as that's humanity and
it's, I think it's important that a social media platform, especially the biggest one
represents humanity.
So we understand what we're talking about because we have this distorted idea of what
people think and want and need because everyone only exists inside this ideological bubble
and anything outside of that bubble gets censored.
Then that changes, literally changes the tone of the entire country.
Changes what people think is okay and not okay.
Makes people feel differently.
It's not humanity.
It's different.
It's a very forced version of humanity.
Yes, absolutely.
So I mean the whole point of free speech, the only free speech is only relevant.
The first amendment is only relevant if you allow people you don't like to say things
you don't like.
Um, yeah, I mean there's a Supreme Court argument that you're right to free speech is just like
your right to throw a punch.
You can throw a punch to the extent that it stops before the place where my face begins.
Kind of interesting.
Because if you like it, you don't need a first amendment.
The whole point of free speech is that frankly even people you hate say things you hate because
if they can say, if people you hate can say things that you hate, that means that they
can't stop you from saying what you want to say.
Which is very, very important.
Right, but the problem with Twitter is it was not the case.
It was people that you hate couldn't say.
Anyone that didn't like this answer or that was called the amplify.
Well, not just the amplify, but under the behest of the government would suppress real
news, which was very bizarre.
So they were very aware of something being.
This is specifically referring, I believe, to the Hunter Biden laptop story, which was
this awareness.
I don't know that it's kind of tough because Joe Rogan just put together a long string
He said that they would suppress things they knew were real news.
Well, the news companies know today the Hunter Biden story was real news, but then they were
lied to by the government and told that it was like Russian disinformation and that it
was their duty to censor it.
And that's where you started having all this blurriness in this mess.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not taking the side of censoring.
You know, it's kind of like, okay, well, like, should you have the right to post your Russian
disinformation if that truly is what it is just to be an extreme argument?
So I'm pretty sure that's what he's referring to, although we should add there's a lot more
nuance to what what happened.
Ultimately, what happened, though, was wrong.
It was censorship.
And I'm glad that there's now clarity in that because it's kind of messy that the government
can do that, you know, call up the news companies and go, oh, don't cover this because we don't
want you to.
It's it's fake news.
And then these companies like, oh, OK, I guess the government's forcing us to do that.
Like that's that's should not happen.
Media companies should be free of that sort of government intervention.
But they're not.
Even when I ran for governor, a governor in California, news companies would censor or
not cover our campaign because that would mean the governor of California wouldn't invite
them back to one of their events.
Had that happened, maybe just I had a reporter get thrown out of an event that I was in with
them because I was there and they were mad because the event was trying to support Gavin
And it kicked out not just me, but the reporter is crazy and accurate.
And they still suppressed it because the government wanted them to suppress it.
I mean, in my view, there have been severe First Amendment violations by multiple government
And there should be a response for that.
And is it is it a different laws apply because it's a privately owned social media company?
I mean, what what what what laws do apply in terms of like when you're looking at it,
if the government of the arguments that the leftists would use is it's a private company,
they could do whatever they want.
Yeah, it's funny that when the shoes on the other foot, they now say the private company
can't do whatever it wants.
Well, yeah, now they're upset.
No, that's like, but the the government itself is not allowed to censor speech.
But in my view, the government de facto did censor speech.
And there should at least be a case where that is heard by the public, because if the
government civilly coerces, you know, a platform, a sort of coerces the press, then I think
that is or should be a First Amendment violation.
Well, they can't do it with other media forms, right?
They're not allowed to do it with any other.
They're not they're not allowed to do that with a newspaper that get in trouble.
Or would they?
You know, that's the question.
It's like, well, you didn't know about the federal government.
You didn't know about the intelligence agencies inside of Twitter until we found out like,
what do you think that this is ubiquitous?
It's absolutely all the social media companies.
In fact, right now, X or, you know, formerly known as Twitter is the only one that that
is not countering to the government.
It's the only one.
There isn't all the others just do exactly what the government wants.
That's wild.
What I was getting at.
Do you think that that's everywhere?
Do you think that CNN?
Do you think that that's the New York Times?
Do you think that that's the Washington Post?
Because if they were going to infiltrate media, they're going to infiltrate social media.
I mean, it is weird the degree to which the media is in lockstep.
Like why is the media in lockstep?
And why doesn't the media question the government?
They used to.
Why don't they do that anymore?
Seems weird.
Something doesn't add up.
What do you think?
Well, there seems like there's a bunch of factors, right?
I think one of the big factors is pharmaceutical drug companies allowed to advertise on television.
And we're one of two countries in the world that allow that.
I actually agree with pharmaceutical advertising provided it's truthful.
Because there could be some drug that is helpful to someone.
But obviously the claims need to be.
I think that's a really fair argument.
Like Lauren sometimes has eczema outbreaks.
And it's nice to have good medicine for that.
And through, I don't know where it was, one of us saw an ad or something for this certain
I forgot what it's called these days.
But there's some like shot you could take every couple weeks or whatever.
It's actually been out like five years or something like that.
And it's been like a total game changer for her.
So it's wonderful.
It's been out for, I don't know, maybe closer to like eight years.
I'm not entirely sure.
But anyway, let's see what Elon says here.
It needs to be accurate.
So I actually think pharmaceutical advertising, if it is accurate, I think it actually, you
know, play devil's advocate here.
I think pharmaceutical advertising is generally accurate.
Wait a minute.
Did Elon, is Elon supporting advertising?
Oh, I think that's actually okay.
Now, I should say that a lot of the censorship that we see is coming from, indirectly from
advertisers and advertising agencies and from PR companies who want a particular viewpoint
pushed or are being driven by nonprofits to push a particular.
What will happen is there'll be a sort of a group of nonprofits that push advertisers
to advertise or not advertise on a particular platform.
And often he has the sort of George Soros boogeyman.
But I mean, Soros actually, he is, I believe, the top contributor to the Democratic Party.
The second one was Sam Bankfried.
And Soros, I don't know.
I mean, he had a very difficult upbringing.
And in my opinion, he fundamentally hates humanity.
That's my opinion.
Oh, really?
I mean, well, he's doing things that erode the fabric of civilization.
You know, getting DAs elected who refuse to prosecute crime.
That's part of the problem in San Francisco and LA and much of other cities.
So why would you do that?
Was it humanity or is it just the United States as a whole?
I mean, he's pushing things in other countries too.
He's doing the same thing?
Now, George at this point is pretty old.
I mean, he's not, you know, he's basically a Betsy Knoll at this point.
But I mean, he's very smart and he's very good at arbitrage.
You know, famously he shorted the British pound.
That's sort of how I think he made his first money was shorting the pound.
So he's good at spotting, basically arbitrage like spotting value for money that other people
don't see.
So one of the things he noticed was that the value for money in local races is much higher
than it is in national races.
The lowest value for money is a presidential race.
That's really interesting.
I want to keep going on that idea.
This, this value per donation, basically worth noting, George Soros has an 8.6 billion approximately
dollar net worth.
He's a huge donor.
He is 93.
He's considered one of the most generous givers.
That is exactly what Sam Begman-Fried was described as as well.
One of the most charitable people, you know, Sam Begman-Fried rumored to have gotten rid
of his fancy sports cars to downgrade to a Toyota Corolla or whatever it was to, to look
more charitable.
Anyway, he started a hedge fund in the seventies known as the quantum fund.
Apparently started with $12 million after 53 years of compounded interest, probably
worked out to somewhere around 13 to 15% average returns.
So slightly less successful than like a Buffett around 17%, but still pretty dang impressive.
He's a, obviously an open progressive and liberal, donates frequently to democratic
It's super, super common though for people on the right side to characterize George Soros
as basically being the person who's behind everything.
Like the, the, you know, the master behind the puppet, so to speak.
How much of that is actually true?
Who really knows?
But you know, Elon certainly holds back zero when talking about this guy.
When next lowest value of money is a Senate race, then a Congress, and then once you get
to sort of city and state district attorneys, the value of money is extremely good.
And Soros realized that you don't actually need to change the laws.
You just need to change how they're enforced.
If nobody chooses to enforce the law or the laws are differentially enforced, it's like
changing the laws.
That's what he, that's what he figured out.
Is what's that this trend, that's probably not highly untrue by the way.
You know, if you have everyone in your pocket because you're donating to them that people
haven't pulled the brakes on this and have a reverse course, I'm pulling the brakes.
Pull the brakes right now.
Yeah, you are, but you might be the only one.
Well, I think more people should.
Most people just don't want to rock the boat.
Most people are looking for acceptance from society and they, they're, you know, if there's
some negative press article, they're like shattered.
I couldn't give a damn.
Go ahead, make my day.
Well it's fascinating where if you're a high profile public figure like yourself, there's
no, there's, it's impossible to make everybody happy.
So there's going to be someone who says something shitty about you.
Somehow or another when it's in print, does that mean more because other people are going
to see this shitty thing?
Well I guess.
That's where it gets odd because essentially an article in the New York times is just a
single person's opinion and whatever editor gets involved.
It's just a lot of people will read that.
I mean, less people at least in the past.
But I think people know that now.
People know that now.
I find the New York times these days to be hard to read.
Well, unfortunately they make some grave errors.
Like that Hamas bombing the, the, the, the, the, the, the, I mean, Israeli bombing the
hospital story.
That was AP and that's in fairness, that was the Associated Press, not New York times.
I know that's, it's, it's really fun to jump on just like back on the NYT.
I'm going to fact check myself on that, but I'm pretty sure that was the Associated Press.
That's delicious.
I mean that, I think we should just cut off Chick-fil-a exports.
That'll, that'll bring them to the knees right away.
What are you going to do?
Take a chip and dip it in nothing?
We need to just introduce them to pineapple and anchovy pizza.
I hope that's coming.
Is that coming?
Do we have a pizza name, like a company?
I'll get some information.
I want to make sure it's a good one though.
All right, well, if they're going to talk about that, we'll find out really quick.
Visual investigation conducted by the wall street journal strongly supported the Israeli
interpretation while investigations by the AP and CNN originally backed it.
I'm trying to understand.
Let me, let me read the rest of this correctly.
Well, I'll fast forward on this pizza discussion.
I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
Oh, that's legit.
It's pretty close.
Okay, there we go.
Did they give us a timeline?
I didn't, it shouldn't take too long.
There are one pineapple.
You're fast forward that pizza discussion.
So part of it is that like, uh, that I kind of saw a dress rehearsal, which is that, you
know, I kind of started in Wuhan.
And so Tesla's got, uh, the 20,000 employees in, in China.
And so the, you know, the first wave happened in China and, and we had nobody died or got
seriously ill.
And so I'm like, okay, well like this is, you know, can't be that bad.
And, and, and we're not relying on government statistics.
We literally know who should offer work, you know, right.
Did the bad, did they badge in or not?
Um, and we had no, no one die and no one got seriously ill.
So I'm like, well, I don't know what the big deal is.
Well, there's a problem that people still want to stick to this initial narrative that
they believed and that they espoused.
They're like, they repeated it.
And so they'll still fight you on this today.
People still fight you today on the merits of the lockdowns, the importance of vaccine
mandates closing schools.
There's people that stated an opinion in 2020 and they still are doing mental gymnastics
to try to make it seem like that was the right choice.
No, it was just a panic.
Um, and, and a lot of deaths go to scribe to COVID that had nothing to do with COVID.
And in fact, I'd say in the beginning, um, the cure is worse than the disease.
So, uh, cause people panic too much.
And so that somebody would remember how much Elon was freaking out about the shutdowns
of the Fremont facility in NorCal.
Uh, this was, I mean, he, he basically was willing to get arrested on the line to make
sure his factory was able to be open.
That I admired, um, get diagnosed with COVID.
They put them on a intubated vent ventilator for a week and this was going to basically
cook your lungs.
So if you, if you, if you're on pure or two, um, under pressure with a tube stuck down
your throat, um, and under anesthetic, this is, this is very bad for you.
Joe Rogan was correct.
My bad.
I'm, I thought it was an AP error.
It was a times error.
Good call out by Joe Rogan.
Then I was wrong.
Like it's one thing if you do that for a couple of hours for an operation, but you do that
for a week, uh, it's gonna, it's gonna roast your lungs.
Like the air that we're breathing right now is 78% nitrogen, 1% argon, about 21% oxygen
and it's so miscellaneous.
So if you ask most people, what are you breathing?
I say oxygen.
No, you're breathing nitrogen.
Um, uh, only about a fifth of it is, is oxygen.
And there's about one, like say 1% argon.
So, um, I know quite a lot about life support systems cause we make spaceships and there's,
you have to keep people alive in a vacuum.
So you got to say, okay, what percentage nitrogen, what percentage oxygen you're going to do?
What's the pressure going to be?
Um, and uh, so like sea level pressure is about 15 pounds per square inch.
Um, and the partial pressure of oxygen, uh, at 20 being 20% is therefore a roughly three
pounds per square inch of oxygen.
So in a, in a spacecraft, you want to PSI what it takes to keep people alive.
So you don't want, you don't want to feed people, um, you know, a hundred percent oxygen.
It's actually for, for an extended period of time.
In regards to the vaccine on YouTube.
As I said, the, the only media that is not, uh, does not have crazy censorship at this
point is X.
Ooh, pitch for X.
Let's quickly get the bell by the way.
Closing bell and then we'll go back to that.
So it's trying to make, uh, make that sort of stick as a potential floor.
We've got a big day tomorrow.
I look forward to spending it with you as well.
There's the bell.
We'll go out the green.
I'll see you tomorrow.
And the OT now with John Ford.
Somebody messed up the bell again.
I love it when they do that.
Uh, anyway, uh, Tesla up 1.76.
All right, let's keep going to, uh, what we've got with good old Elon Joe Rogan.
Let's uh, let's keep going here.
That is a, by the way, so far, pretty, pretty good.
I'd have to say pretty impressive so far.
And I'm about an hour, nine minutes in probably got about another hour depending on how much
skipping around we do.
But uh, once again, market, uh, doing, doing decently here.
So uh, one second here as I get back to Elon that I'm aware of everyone else, either.
Um, it is everything else is censored.
Spotify isn't.
That's why this is good for Daniel.
Oh, Daniel X, the man.
I love that dude.
And you know, I think more companies should follow suit.
I don't think it has to be this way.
Unfortunately for us, they're, they, they're in Sweden and Stockholm, Sweden.
They have a very different perspective on all this.
What is wild about the nitrogen is that like, that's mostly nitrogen from fertilizer.
We suck out of the air.
Sorry, what do you mean?
Most of the nitrogen for fertilizer, we suck out of the air.
It's one of the, actually the big, um, inventions in chemistry was binding nitrogen.
It's nitrogen is actually fairly inert.
So it's quite hard to, um, to actually pull that out or find it by the atmosphere.
And, um, you'd actually want kind of global warming on Mars.
Uh, cause Mars is about 50% further away from the sun than the earth.
Um, so it gets about less than half the solar energy that, that earth does.
And it's believed at one point in time, Mars had a much different environment, right?
Uh, it is, it appears highly likely that Mars had liquid oceans.
I'll be at a long time ago.
There's a lot of ice.
So there's, there's Mar Mars is, um, covered in ice.
Um, and now the ice is then covered in dust for the mostly accepted the poles.
So the quick note on Tesla, since a lot of Tesla folks are here, Tesla convinced a jury
that it's autopilot technology was not responsible for a crash that killed a driver in California
four years ago.
It took four years to fight this $400 million lawsuit.
Uh, wow.
That's crazy.
And Tesla found not responsible for that, where a model three veered off a freeway in
SoCal slamming into a tree and bursting into a flame lawyers representing crash survivors
because somebody did die.
And I think the driver died.
I think the driver died.
I think the driver died.
Lawyers representing crash survivors in the car argued that a manufacturing defect in
autopilot caused the crash by causing the car to sharply swerve off the road.
The company contended Lee had been drinking alcohol before he got behind the wheel and
that there was no evidence he had activated autopilot.
The 12 member jury reached a verdict in its fourth day of deliberations, four days of
Lawyers claimed classic human error caused lures for Tesla claimed classic human error
caused the accident.
They showed jurors a video clip of testimony by the passenger who recalled that Lee consumed
a drink and he had some wine while they were having dinner in downtown Disney in Anaheim
earlier that evening.
An attorney representing a blah, blah, blah points blame appointed the survivors points
blame at Tesla.
They said it led it to swerve out of the way.
Tesla's attorney said the claims were full of hot air and aren't backed by evidence.
We know the only way the car steers to 43 degrees in this time is Mr. Lee or somebody
else in that car played a role in turning the steering wheel.
Tesla says it's not Tesla's fault.
Obviously feel bad that somebody died, but the car doesn't turn the steering wheel 43
degrees for no reason or at all, I guess.
All right.
I guess unless you're like you turning or something.
And then here we go.
There's, there's just, there's a lot of ice.
In fact, I believe if, if Mars was warmed up, you'd have an ocean about a mile deep
on a 40% of the planet.
So it's quite a lot of water.
And do we think that it was like that at one point in time?
The evidence suggests that, uh, it is most likely that Mars had a liquid water.
What's the prevailing theory of its demise?
Well just over time, the solar system.
Great question by Joe, because if they had water and Mars is colder than the earth, then
where's the water today?
That's really interesting.
And I think about that for a moment.
Like what if there was water, then where is it now?
See at a high, the temperature on Mars is 70 degrees.
That's like SoCal weather all year round, but at slow it's negative 225 degrees.
So most of the time on average, the surface temperature is negative 80 according to
Most of the time that if there is water, it should have been frozen.
I'm cool.
So earth used to be much like in the very early earth was like molten rock.
Um, you know, so really almost nothing could survive in the beginning.
We're just a wall of lava.
We're still mostly a wall of lava.
We're like crème brûlée, like there's a thin crust and uh, and it's mushy rock under
super very hot, mushy rock underneath.
Um, and technically that rock is on in a semi solid state, but as soon as it gets to a low
pressure, like pops out of the ocean, uh, you have a volcano obviously with lava.
So it's um, at, at, at, at, at, at surface ambient pressure.
Max says, Elon said it's frozen by Mars dust.
That would make sense.
It's a thin crust on liquid rock.
Are you aware of the origin myth of the Dogon tribe?
There's a tribe in, I believe it's a tribe in, I forget what part of Africa, but they
believe that they came from Mars and that there was a civilization that left Mars, you
know, many, many eons ago.
And it's, it's a really weird, uh, it's a really weird theory because they know some
things about Mars.
Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure they didn't come from Mars.
Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure too.
But I mean, it's, it's, I wonder.
Do they have any spaceships?
If they don't have any spaceships, then I'm like, I don't believe it.
I don't have a spaceship, I'll believe it.
If you parked a spaceship, how many thousands of years you've parked a metal spaceship?
Like if you left a cyber truck in the desert.
Hold on a second.
Good, good, uh, uh, good call here, uh, Scott, apparently at a lower pressure, water boils
at lower temperatures.
And so you're actually looking at 40.9 degrees Fahrenheit to boil water on Mars.
And the temperature usually averages negative 80 Fahrenheit, but goes up to about negative
or a positive 70.
So I guess that would boil water.
How many thousands of years do you think it would be there for, before it's gone?
If it got buried in dirt, we'd find it even like a million years from now.
A million?
Well, what you'd find is.
Because it's stainless steel.
So it'd have to be some sort of an alloy.
It would, it's kind of like, um.
But iron wouldn't, right?
But you'd have something similar to like, like fossils basically, you know, like the
fossils, they essentially discolor the rock.
So eventually the, wherever the fossil is, and sometimes the fossils like an amber or
something like that, that that's where it's still does survive more or less intact.
But I mean, there's fossilized like dinosaur fossils and tree fossils.
Essentially remineralized, right?
So you'd, you'd see it like a cyber truck shape in the rock basically.
Oh yeah.
But that's it.
You wouldn't find the actual cyber truck.
So if they did have a spaceship and it came here 30,000 years ago.
Oh yeah, yeah.
We would definitely find it, evidence of it.
Well, not, I mean, if it was one spaceship, maybe not, but if it was a lot of them, sure.
That is the origin myth of the Dogon tribe, right?
Am I getting that right?
Yeah, Mars specifically, it's a hidden star and a series.
All right.
Honestly, this is a little boring.
I don't even know.
Sorry, I'm going to pass the ball.
You're correct.
We'll watch AMD earnings in a minute too.
It's fucked out by common impacts.
And that, that is the reason why they keep finding these insanely old, huge structures,
megalithic structures that are carved out of stone.
Like when you go to back to like Gobekli Tepe, which is 11,600 years ago.
That's an insanely old structure that they didn't even know people were capable of building
until they discovered it in the 1990s.
So the conventional timeline of people, when you go to 11,600 years ago, it was just hunter
But now that they have Gobekli Tepe with its 3D carved things.
And have you seen Graham Hancock's amazing series on Netflix called Ancient Apocalypse?
I know.
You should check it out.
It's amazing.
But it's about that.
It's all about that.
There's a lot of physical evidence of an advanced civilization from far, far, far.
It's not that fun so far.
And it receded into what it is now.
But if you go back then, he believes that's when that thing was constructed.
And he says the physical geol-
That's all speculation.
So there's their food.
And it's easy.
Is there like, what's his favorite pizza joint?
Oh, the favorite one.
That's the, everyone wants to know that.
It's all cheese.
We spend so much time on pizza.
And it's New Haven.
Don't you think I know what I'm doing?
I'm ordering it.
Oh my God.
Try it.
It's not bad.
Come on.
No, it's not in Austin proper.
I think once his contract is up, he had a non-compete in Austin for like three years
or something.
I don't know how long it was.
Maybe eventually he'll open up one in Austin, but it's about 30 minutes outside of it.
Pizza places, whatever.
They're fucking amazing.
Fucking amazing.
I don't even know.
Down here.
We've got the Starlink terminal factory.
So we, for the Starlink V4 terminals, we built them here.
We built the, what's it called?
The V3 terminals and the version three minis.
We do part of the production, or actually I should say, we've done all of the production
of the terminals thus far in LA and we'll continue to do production in LA, but we're
also just completed a second factory in Bastrop just about 20 minutes from here.
And then SpaceX is where you make the launches.
What part of Texas is that?
Well Starship stuff is in South Texas near the border, just right on the Rio Grande.
And how did you pick that location?
I was just literally looking at satellite images.
So Google Maps, just looking at Google Maps for where you could launch a rocket where
nobody else is around, let me guess?
For going to orbit, you kind of need to, you want to launch eastward so that you can take
advantage of Earth's rotation to get to orbit.
So it's a little counterintuitive that reaching orbital velocity, getting to orbit is about
your speed parallel to the Earth's surface.
It's like how fast are you zooming around Earth?
It's not a, like the gravity at the altitude of the space station is almost the same as
it is on the ground.
The reason the space station is actually up there, it's kind of the wrong terminology.
It's actually moving around the Earth at 17,000 miles an hour.
So the space station goes around the Earth at roughly every 90 minutes.
And because Earth is-
That's really interesting.
It almost makes you wonder if something's spinning around the Earth.
Is it just the faster you spin, the further out you get?
So the Earth is spinning, and the speed at which it is turning, or the way you experience
velocity is, it's moving at roughly 1,000 miles an hour at the equator.
So the closer you are to the equator, the more you can take advantage of Earth's rotation
to reach orbital velocity.
So you want to, and since it's rotating eastward, you want to be on the east coast to get, to
make it easier to get to orbital velocity.
So you need a section of coast that's on the east, fairly southward, that is not occupied.
So like most of-
That's interesting.
They're not occupied by the water, not around people.
The equator is just below Florida, which is kind of just the bottom of Florida, sort of
in line roughly there with where they built.
That's interesting.
Really, almost really all of Florida, except for Cape Canaveral, is wall-to-wall houses
on the beach.
So there's no section of Florida that, every section of Florida has houses, except for
Cape Canaveral, which is a government base.
So one of the few spots that wasn't occupied was the area just adjacent to the border with
And it just wasn't super well suited to holiday homes.
And there was at one point a development that was going to take place, but then a hurricane
came and destroyed the entire place and in fact, rearranged the land.
So some of the plots were underwater.
So it's kind of a, it's a, it's a tough spot to build a home and that's why it was unoccupied.
So we needed a piece of, it needed to be US territory because we go outside of the US,
there are export restrictions because rocket technology is an advanced weapons technology.
So we can't just like, you know, arbitrarily go to another country.
That makes sense.
That has to be in the United States.
By the way, you know, things are obviously warmer around the equator.
You actually get towards the equator, like Mexican beaches, they're a lot warmer, like
California beaches, ice cold, Florida, warm, Mexico, like really, really warm.
Kind of interesting.
So it needed to be US land, East coast, um, and, and fairly southward.
That's fascinating that rockets.
It's one of the few spots that exists like that.
That rockets fall into the category of weapons technology.
Intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Makes sense.
I mean, it makes sense.
We could drop a rocket anywhere.
Nobody could stop us.
That is crazy about the space station too.
That's going 17,000 miles and AMD just reported expenses.
R and D expenses came in a little high operating margin beat 40 basis points.
Revenue came in 5.8 billion versus 5.7.
That's a B operating income.
1.28 bill versus 1.27.
Tiny, tiny, tiny little beat on, uh, on the various different items for AMD.
I mean, you've seen the videos of the rocket landing, right?
It's down 5% in case you're wondering it's that's your stock market for you.
It's pretty fucking amazing.
We can make land basically anywhere.
Oh, or not land.
I mean, you don't have to turn on the thrusters to slow down.
What is it like to try to juggle these different things in your mind on a daily?
Also I looked up the velocity thing a little bit more of this.
So there's orbital velocity.
It's like rotating around a circle and then there's like, you know, ground speed.
So like an airplanes velocity, right?
Because you can control your altitude in, in a plane.
Uh, and if you go various different speeds at various different altitudes, but the faster
you go in terms of an orbital velocity, the higher your altitude, somebody in the comments
was suggesting, go look up the space elevator.
If you really want it to be a mind blown on some of that stuff, maybe a time for a different
or a topic for a different time.
The basis, like, what is it like to try to juggle X Tesla, SpaceX, all these different
things at the same time?
It's a lot for a human brain to handle.
I would imagine.
My, it strains my meat computer.
Do you need something like that though?
Does your meat computer need more problem solving than the average one?
I mean, is this something like if you only had one thing to work on, do you think you
would get bored or you would get distracted?
AMD Q4 revenue guide just missed pretty big $300 million.
Midpoint guide is 6.1 billion estimate was 6.4.
So that guides not that great.
Uh, and of course now it's only down three to four ish percent because the stock market
makes sense.
Tracted or you would not be satisfied.
Like, do you need these things to be so complex and have so many of them simultaneously juggling?
Because you didn't pick three easy ones.
You pick three of the fucking hardest things you could ever get into.
You already detailed how difficult manufacturing is.
It's one of the craziest things.
This is why people like Joe, that's a great science.
Completely innovative rockets that land like they, that never happened before.
So you're doing that.
And then you said, you know what?
We're going to save humanity.
Let me go spend 44 billion on Twitter.
Man, that was expensive.
What's it worth?
What's the, what do you think it was actually worth?
Not for the market.
I mean, like for humans, yes, I agree with you.
I mean, I really genuinely do think this, and I've said this many times publicly, I
think you did humanity an immense service.
And that if that didn't happen, the narrative of this country would have gone further and
further down that road to the point where people would have been scared to speak their
mind and they would have been scared.
And it changes the way people communicate at their jobs, which changes the way, it just
changes the way people, when they, they leave universities and they go to get jobs, the
way they're allowed to communicate and people don't like to be on the outside.
They don't like to be ostracized.
They don't like to be kicked out of communities.
So people would adhere.
They would change.
And people, I guess, are afraid of like being ostracized is like, fear of being ostracized,
I think is probably the biggest issue.
And they're just being totally shut down.
Where you have no outlet and you can just basically disappear except for in-person meetings.
So yeah, it was important to steer, have at least one social media outlet that wasn't
canceling people.
What I really enjoy is reading the tweets.
I guess you still have to call them tweets.
I don't have a good word for it, but yeah, you can't say the X's.
That's what pissed me off so much about the name change to X.
Like, just let it be called tweet.
It's, it's like a, such a brand, man.
It's like buying Kleenex and then getting rid of the word Kleenex or buying Xerox and
getting rid of the word Xerox or getting rid of the word bandaid for bandage.
You know, like it's such a valuable part.
Why would you do that?
Reading the.
All my X's live in Texas.
Reading the words, I should say.
I enjoy reading the words of people who proclaim that they were leaving and going over to threads.
That's an interesting thing about momentum.
Very difficult to start a whole new social media platform.
Even one that initially got like, what, what did threads get?
Like some crazy number of initial people signing up for it, but it just dropped off within
like a couple of weeks.
Now it's a fucking ghost town.
It's like wild.
It really quite, it's wild.
I mean, Zack himself doesn't post.
So you gotta, you gotta use your own product.
It's interesting though, cause they're sneaking them in now in Instagram, they sneak a little
thread in there because every now and then I'll see something, Oh, that's interesting.
And I click on it, Oh, you motherfucker, you got me.
Cause they're, you know, they're integrated, but that's funny.
I was going to wait for it a little bit.
I think, I think like the FCA is Instagram a net happiness generator or not.
I'm not sure it is.
Well, Twitter ain't.
Speaking of distorted images, have you seen the court artists drawing of Sam Bankman freed?
I mean, it's that one's like they lost money or something.
What the fuck?
Oh, well actually what Joe Rogan is referring to is, let me see if I can find it.
There's a, there's a clip or a drawing where they paint Carolyn Ellison as a basically
like a, this, this really like not attractive person at all.
And uh, and Carolyn as a, or Sam Bankman freed as a, as like somebody who is really attractive.
And so people are like, what, what is this?
Like it's almost like Sam Bankman freed donated a lot of money, uh, to get a better drawing.
Here's the Sam Bankman freed drawing.
You could compare these back and forth.
Sam Bankman freed, Sam Bankman free, right?
It's like they made him look like he had like the chiseled chin.
They gave him this crazy hair, but they made him look slim and slender and, and you know,
like I don't know, it's the kind of drew like an Abercrombie model with crazy hair.
Uh, Carolyn on the other hand, oh my gosh, her, her drawing, I can't seem to find it
very quickly here.
Uh, but it's bad.
Uh, I'll keep looking for it here, uh, in just a moment, but, uh, we'll go back to Joe
But it does make you wonder like who, whose idea is this sort of drawing?
I don't know.
Anyway, we'll get to that.
We'll find it and keep going.
It looks like it melted.
Have you seen it?
It looks like a supermodel.
Oh, what's SPF does?
The guy who drew him.
One of them I saw, it is more than one artist.
It is one of us.
Cause some of those ones I saw, one of them were unflattering.
He's referring to Carolyn Ellison.
Carolyn Ellison looks like she melted.
Uh, that's what he's referring to.
He looked like an anime superhero.
You're joking.
No, no.
Like perfect chiseled jawline.
He looked like he lost 30 pounds, started working out.
Look at this.
Look at that.
Are you kidding?
What the fuck man?
Look at that guy on the left.
That guy looks like Superman.
Doesn't he?
Look how hot that guy is.
I almost feel like it's not accurate.
It's like clock can't do something.
It might be.
I feel like someone's fucking with it.
There's a few other pictures when I Googled like, you know, there's some rough pictures
It seems like someone's fucking with us.
Cause that guy's handsome as fuck.
Cause there's this one.
That's not the same.
No, that one's terrible.
That's Satan's drawing.
But that one right there, if that is real, it's like, come on.
That's not real.
That's bullshit.
Because look at what they did with the girl.
Oh wow.
Look at that picture there.
Even that picture is looks like she's melting.
I don't know.
I don't, I have to, I mean, but she's probably massively depressed.
I mean, I bet like that's all.
They're doing an incredible job.
Who is for real?
Well has to rat on her boyfriend and she's already pleaded guilty and you know, for a
lesser sentence, she's going to rat him out.
Well, I mean, I don't know who SPFs a PR team is, but they, uh, they're doing an incredible
Every media outlet.
That's literally look at Elon's face there.
That's Elon's.
That's literally Elon's troll face right there.
Oh, I don't know who's PR team is, but they're doing an incredible job.
You're ready for this.
Watch his face when he starts saying it.
Uh, right after here, this watch his face.
A PR team is, but they, uh, they're doing an incredible job.
For real?
Well, I mean, I mean the dude, tons of people off and stole their money and yet he's getting
basically, you know, back robbed from the press.
Well don't you think that's because the amount of money that he donated?
Yeah, I don't know what the deal is.
It might have something to do with that.
I'm not that cynical.
I generally don't think people are influenced by money.
Well, I don't know what he's doing, but the number of articles that I've seen where it's
like, you know, where it's basically, you know, uh, a misunderstood, uh, philanthropist.
The guy was a fraud.
Let's be clear.
He frauded, defrauded a lot of people.
He almost defrauded Taylor Swift.
She dodged the bullet on that by not signing the contract in time because everything hit
the fan with the contract on our desk.
It's ridiculous.
Well, your bullshit meter went off when he was offering money to buy in with you with
Well, a large amount.
Um, and I mean a lot of people, you know, um, fell for his bullshit.
Um, but I mean, I first of all, I hadn't really heard of the guy.
I'm like, who, who is this guy?
And um, what did he do?
And he's in the Bahamas.
And that's, that's pretty sus to begin with.
He's very sus.
Um, like who's, who's like, if you're on a tropical Island, like your finance organizations
and tropical Islands are generally have bad track record.
Um, that is so on it.
I love that.
And then it's an unregulated industry as well.
That's a really good point.
And he's involved in crypto and crypto, which is like, it is a lot of the scam probability
in crypto is high.
It's high.
So I'm not saying it's all scams, but I would leave that distinction for, um, for NFTs.
That's like 80% of scam except for people, people's legit.
I mean, it gives you like digital art.
People's stuff is great.
Um, but I mean, NFT is the funny thing is that the NFT is not even on the blockchain.
It's just a URL to the, to the, the JPEG.
So it's not even like, it's like, well, the purchase transaction is on the blockchain is
the thesis.
I believe you should at least encode the JPEG in the blockchain.
Cause like if the URL, if the company housing, the image goes out of business, you don't
have the image anymore.
I never understood it.
I tried so hard.
I tried so hard.
I know I have a friend who made millions just selling an artist.
I'm like, okay, save that money.
Cause eventually people are going to figure this out.
Like with art, there is a fair bit of money laundering and a tax void in a sense that
is a, so some of these things that seem inexplicable.
Like Hunter Biden, you guys talk about having Biden's paintings.
I know.
Do they actually keep in mind that, uh, we work, I guess I was just reading this as well.
Thank you for saying that Josh.
We were planning to file bankruptcy as early as next week.
According to people familiar with the matter, this is a wall street journal post just out
chapter 11 bankruptcy petition.
It's down like 11% and after hours, uh, or more missed interest payments to bondholders
on October 2nd, kicking off a 30 day grace period.
I mean, why is that a surprise?
As of June, we work, maintain 777 locations across 39 countries.
It was just a bad idea.
It's a bad business model led by a bad leader.
But then now you've got that, uh, the, who is the guy who came up with that business?
Um, we were founder, he's going on to do like some Adam Newman.
Now he's doing some other real estate startup, uh, called flow.
And it's supposed to be like a, a crypto web three real estate thing or whatever.
I, I, I have no idea.
And it was, it was a flow.
Andrew, maybe it was something else.
He's doing some something with, yeah.
Adam Newman tries to explain flow.
Still don't know what it's about despite, uh, Andreessen Horowitz backing.
If you go to, it just, I mean, maybe that's not their actual website because, but
and I have them Newman's projects called flow, but anyway, that's just a quick little tangent
there on what's going on with we work.
Let's keep going with this interview.
We sell paintings for large sums of money, immense sums of money.
It's hundreds of thousands of probably that, that, that, that's, that seems unlikely to
be a legit transaction.
Unlikely, right?
The work's not bad though.
I gotta say for that kind of bullshit art, it's not that bad.
Um, I mean, the thing is that it's hard to price art because in the eye of the beholder.
So got it.
It, it literally is a website you could have coded with AI in about 30 seconds and they
raised $300 million.
It's insane.
Like once you're in that VC world, it's crazy.
It's one of the reasons why with house hack, we're not raising with VC because it's bullcrap.
We're raising at a one to one valuation.
They raised, you know, at like four to five to 10 X.
It's crazy.
Oh, how can you say whether something like this is this stuff, how much does that go
for 225 K a steel?
Not that bad.
Uh, what does it say underneath it?
It's an interesting article.
So I read the article a couple of years ago.
I can't remember what their argument was, but it's one of those things starts there.
Like they spent money to buy paintings directly from artists.
Somebody in the chat says my company owns
That's hilarious.
Custom CRN CRM and tax application with flow.
Oh, that's awesome.
To separate.
I don't mean
I mean, my bad.
And yes, I did see that about the, uh, NAR lawsuit, the $1.8 billion.
I don't know yet what that's going to mean.
I will make a video on it though, because I really have to think about that some more.
I already have some thoughts and I have a feeling as to what it's going to mean.
It's going to suck for realtors.
I can't believe it actually happened.
And I think it's going to be pretty good for buyers, but we'll see.
Oh, the forties.
The United.
Even though modern art and American diplomacy were, uh, of a piece, Soviet propaganda asserted
that the United States was, was, was how much this is all right now.
This was a, they were going to hit the jackpot with this bad boy.
And so they went through with it and yeah.
That's it.
Mom, we need juice.
That they do that.
Cause like, wouldn't you just want it all fucked up and old.
I mean, that's the real piece of art.
The real piece of art is not like some woman in 2001 painting over it.
That's just crazy.
Um, I mean, I, I, you know, I, I enjoy art for the aesthetics, but I, but not for the
name name value.
I feel the same way.
I enjoy art just because I just, what it makes you, how it makes you feel.
It's, it's, you know, it's a cool thing.
I mean, obviously my studios, let's go posting all these fight videos.
And then someone on Twitter at the time said, um, Hey, you should fight suck.
And I said, well, I'm willing to fight if he, if he is.
And um, and then Zach posted, uh, I think on Instagram or something, uh, name the place
or something, something to that effect.
And I was like, okay, how about the Vegas octagon?
And then, um, and then, uh, Italy actually was willing to let us use the Coliseum.
So then I was like, well, it's can't turn that down, you know?
And then, um, but then, and then I was like, well, if it's going to be in the Coliseum,
you know, we're not like, I like UFC and everything, but we don't have like tons of ads and, and
UFC branding on the Coliseum.
Cause it's historical, you know, play it's a history, you know, it's a place of great
You don't want to just, uh, you know, have it be all like NASCAR.
So, so then, um, and then Zach, Zach pulled out.
Whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I don't know.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
I don't think you could just say, and then Zach pulled out.
Elon's like, yo, let's go to your house.
And there's so much more to the story and I don't know everything, but I definitely
know there's way more than we just heard to the point where Elon was like live streaming
himself on full self-driving, wanting to go to Zach's house to fight Zach at his house.
And then Zuck's like, no, no, no, man. Like no free testing of the skills basically,
bro. Like if you want to do a fight, let's do it real. And Elon's like, yo, why are you
chicken to scrimmage me? You know? And, and, and then it kind of just like faded and then
nobody ever heard about it again.
You know, Zuck's kind of like, well, hit me up when you're actually serious about having
a real fight as opposed to a backyard fight. But now Elon's here saying, ah, he backed
me out, bro. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Like even Elon supporters should call bullshit
on that right there. That no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No. Oh, what was the narrative?
Would you hear Jimmy? Yes. Joe, Joe. Yes. Well, I know he's not, I'm willing to say
he was like, Oh no, it's gotta be. Dude. I love Joe's sussed right here. I love Joe
sussing this out, dude. Let's go UFC rules. I'm like, well, okay. We're gonna have us
through the rules and the Coliseum is fine, but we just don't want to have it. You got
to respect the historical integrity of the place.
You would just, the Coliseum just seems like the coolest place to do it. That's why. And
then, and then Elon distracts and then Elon flips and distracts. No way. Elon flips it
and turns it into, Oh, uh, yeah, basically let's go back to talking about the Coliseum.
Oh no. I mean, like gladiator, you know, come on. They said it's okay. Yeah. So he just
wants it to be in the actual UFC, like in Vegas. So then he said, Oh, well, you know,
I keep, he accused me of not, not, not being serious. I said, look, listen, at the end
of the day, if I'll fight you any place, anywhere under any rules, Oh, that's what I said. So,
so I'm, you know, name the, is he, he's the name of the place. I'm like, I'm, I'm happy
to fight him in a house on a mouse with a lot. We'd like to go full Dr. Seuss here.
Now how much time I'm a way bigger than him. This is unfair. I know. I don't think you
should fight me because you're so much bigger than him. Yeah. I'm like 50% bigger than him.
Yeah. I'll just use a wall. I've got my patented walrus move. Oh, and now he's doing the angle
of, well, I would have won anyway. Zuck shouldn't fight me anyway. Oh dude. No twisted narrative.
Blimey. Well, you know, like at Walrus doesn't need martial arts training because it's really
big. You don't want to go wrestling a Walrus. Right. Cause he's going to roll on you. Have
you ever been ever rolled with someone as much?
Keep in mind, I found a Zuck post. Zuck said, Elon won't confirm a date. Then says he needs
surgery. Now asks to do a practice round in my backyard. If Elon ever gets serious about
a real date and official event, he knows how to reach me. Otherwise time to move on. I'm
going to focus on competing with people who take the sport seriously. That's not Musk
or a Zuck backing out. Like again, like I'm just trying to be factual here and I can't
defend Musk on that. And I think Eli or I think Joe Rogan here, I mean, look at his
face. Look at Joe Rogan's face. Joe Rogan's like, you're a shyster Musk, aren't you? Come
on dude. He totally sussing it out.
Smaller than you that does jujitsu? Yes. You Lex. Yeah. Yeah. No, I did train as a martial
arts. How much have you trained personally? A decade over. Well, you did a lot of karate,
right? I did judo, judo, kaioken, karate. Yeah. I did some jujitsu, taekwondo, street
fighting, which I was involuntary. I think I'd be decent. I did martial arts competitions
when I was a teenager.
Really? Interesting. So look at you, George St. Pierre, Elon, John Donahue, the great
master and Lex Friedman.
But like Lex is, I think he's got like 20% heavier than Zuck. So, and I'm way bigger
than Lex. That's why they have weight categories.
Oh yeah. Did you get a chance to talk to Donahue at all? The guy on the left? Do you know his
No, he's from New Zealand or something.
He was a professor of philosophy at Columbia and fell in love with jujitsu. I mean, fell
in love with it to the point where he was sleeping on the mats and teaching all day
long. He's an obsessive. He is a real Kaizen disciple.
He seems Zen.
Oh man, he's one of the most unique characters I've ever met in my life. One of the most.
I will say that's that is very unsurprising for Elon Musk to spin the narrative like that.
Huge credit to Joe Rogan for sussing that out. Never ended up getting the full narrative
here from Rogan or the staff or whatever. In fairness, I think that's awkward. Like
let other people do that. Like me, you know, from a third person point of view, because
if Joe Rogan fact checks him and makes him look like a fool on the show, Elon's not going
to come back to the show.
Other people might not want to come to the show. So it's very difficult in Joe Rogan's
position, but he gave enough of an indication where he's like, uh huh, I'm onto this. I
know all about the narrative. I'm letting you tell a story. I know what the story should
sound like and that ain't it. All right. Wow. So let's keep going with, uh, yeah.
The most brilliant man I've ever met. And he's completely dedicated to jujitsu and he
has raised through this, particularly this one little bit.
Jim to a duel under any circumstances.
Sword fight? What? How much do you need to prepare?
I don't need any time.
No time at all?
How's your cardio?
Wait, what? Let's go back.
There's more fight here.
He doesn't really have that hair. He bleaches it. John Donaher is universally regarded as
the greatest jujitsu instructor alive. And his student is universally regarded as the
greatest jujitsu competitor alive. And it is because John is like a complete, like a
guy out of a superhero book. Like you wouldn't, you're not going to find another one of those.
A guy with a genius level IQ, who's one of the, I mean, you talk to him, he's fascinating
and he is obsessed with combat sports, warfare, like, like strategy. Yeah. Brilliant guy.
Yeah. Okay. Where is it?
I was impressed when I met him. I mean, the things that like, if I was fighting someone
who I was not where I was not much bigger than them, then I would be more concerned.
How much time would you need to prepare?
I like how Elon is that. Okay. Elon's now backtracking here. Joe Rogan just went on
a whole tangent on somebody totally different. And now Elon's, you know, in this defensive
position, right? His hands are car like this is it's defensive. It's like self soothing
when you sit like this or you sit with your arms like this. He hasn't been sitting like
that. He's been sitting pretty casually. Most of the time. Now he realizes he just said
something that was a fib. And now he's after Joe Rogan's entire rant on somebody totally
unrelated. Wasn't really a rant. It was a discussion. Elon Musk goes back to the Zuck
issue. Let's listen to how he tries to unbury himself from this.
I don't need any time.
No time at all?
How's your cardio?
Let me back that up. How much time do you need to prepare?
Someone who I was not where I was not much bigger than them, then I would be more concerned.
How much time do you need to prepare?
I don't need any time.
No time at all?
How's your cardio?
No, it's not. It will not be a factor.
I mean,
What's the likelihood of this actually happening?
Like I'm willing to do it anytime, anywhere, anyplace, any role.
Well, I think this stating it this way might accelerate this process, especially on this
I mean, I challenge him to a duel under any circumstances.
Jesus. That's not necessary.
Pistols at dawn.
That's not necessary. I think physical hand to hand.
Nerf guns at noon.
Nerf guns at noon. Well, you could slash it out in the metaverse. In the real world.
And there's just a reason they have weight categories. So, there's a friend of mine who
is pretty good at fighting, but she weighs about half of what I do. And I said, let me
show you why there's weight categories in fighting. And I'm going to do a move called
the walrus and you have to just, I'm just going to lie on you. I'm not going to put
you in a lock or anything. I'm just going to lie on you, but I'm going to position myself
such that it's hard to get off out front of me. And I just want to lie crossways on you
and you try to get away and you won't be able to get away. Because you couldn't.
Just like-
Joe's like, I don't know about that, man. It takes somebody with skills, man. Don't
just rely on a weight sandbag here.
Horse falls on you.
You can get trapped under a horse.
What do you weigh? About 230?
Yeah. 240.
So, no, no, I'm not a horse, but I'm saying in the limit, if something's heavy enough,
like if a horse falls on you and dies, you can get trapped under a horse and not be able
to get yourself out.
A horse weighs 1500 to 2000 pounds on average.
But if someone's good enough, I mean, I'm sure you've seen like absolute weight classes
in jujitsu where you'll get 145 pound competitor who strangles a 220 pound competitor and they're
both well-trained.
That's unlikely.
It's not unlikely. It happens quite often. When you get elite competitors, like elite
black belts at the 145, 155 pound weight limit, you'd be shocked. There's a ton of videos
of these guys who will strangle much larger black belts.
Yeah. I'm not saying it's impossible. It's just highly unlikely. And if this were not
the case, they would not be strict weight categories in martial arts.
That is true. That is true. But I don't know about that. I think the weight categories
are to equalize the fairness, right? Because at that advanced level of training, even a
two or 3% edge makes a difference, right? At scale, two or 3% edge, because let's say
you're, you're larger than somebody else and you're equally trained, but you're larger
and you win solely because you weigh 60 pounds more, but you've both equally trained your
whole lives the same.
And you have that two or 3% chance edge that, that, that is the fairness that weight categories
are trying to balance. Elon is making this argument that weight categories exist because
if you're 60 pounds higher, you will basically 99% of fights win just by lying down on somebody.
And Joe Rogan's here like, I don't know, man, there's some pretty, you know, skinny dudes
who are really skilled, who take down big people.
Elon's like, nah, nah, chances are slim to none. Like Elon's implying weight categories
exist to prevent this impossible extreme. I think weight categories exist to level the
playing field by shaving off even those small percentage of gains between equally trained
individuals. I guess that's on to everybody's opinion though.
Even why they allow absolutes in Jiu Jitsu is because they, it is the thrill of watching
these smaller people go against much larger people and sometimes they win.
No, I, just like, um, armies, you know, when the people take note when a small army defeats
a big army because it is so unusual. Yes. Not because it's normal. Right. Um, you know,
if there's like, if it's like it was two against 10,000 and Boyd would beat those two guys
up more likely what happens. Like if, if, if you're severely outnumbered, uh, you will
lose almost certainly. So look at the size difference between these
two guys. Play it out. Well, it's the end of the video. This is a Mikey Musumechi who
is another fascinating individual. This guy is another super genius who trains every day,
12 hours a day. And, uh, he is competing against a black belt in the heavyweight division.
Mikey Musumechi might weigh 145 pounds and he beats this guy.
Doesn't look to be in super great shape. It seemed like he got penalties or something.
Oh, they pushed him out of bounds. I think they're out of bounds.
Okay. Yeah, that's all that's just out of bounds. So scoot ahead and see what happens
when his guard, what happened? I'm saying it's impossible. It's just very
unlikely. So he won by points. Yes. Okay. So I think you're making the point for me
here. Yeah. Well, in that case, that guy's strangled a lot of much larger people than
him. Um, but again, he's extraordinary. He's a world champion. He's a world champion for
one, which is this huge, uh, organization in Singapore. They do these events where they
have all kinds of different martial arts, MMA, Thai boxing. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so you do
it under any rules. Sure. All right, let's go. I like it. I like the fact that you're
interested in doing this. It's fun. It makes it fun. Yeah. I mean, I, I could, you know,
this could be an exercise in hubris. Yeah. There's some regret there.
We can find out. We can find out. I like the fact that Zuck's interested in it too. I like
the fact that he, uh, he trained so much. Yeah. I mean, there's, there aren't very many
ways to actually, if you stick with the rules of Jiu Jitsu, um, like for example, if you
want to put someone in an arm lock, you have to be able to extend their arm. And if you,
if you, if somebody is strong enough that they, that you cannot extend their arm, then
you're limited to chokes, chokes, and you can, you can do, uh, an arm lock across the
groin with, with both arms and legs. Like a hoist grace, he did upside down and it was
like the third UFC fight or something like that. Yeah. He was pretty severely damaged.
That was any fought chemo. Yeah. That enormous guy.
Yeah. Yeah. And he did upside down, um, arm lock across the groin because he could not do an arm
lock, um, you know, a sort of sidebar arm lock. So, um, but after that people were like, why is
that new? So they were like, we're not, we're not going to be allowing themselves to get an arm
lock across the groin without, you know, that, that was like a, you know, overconfidence I think.
Um, well it was exhaustion. I mean, they fought like tooth and nail for something like seven or
eight minutes and you know, hoist survived and then eventually wore the guy. Well, when you're
a big steroided up guy like that to the oxygen depletion, like the amount of oxygen in your
muscles. So that's, that's the fight portion. Have to say, you know, Elon really tried to
backtrack the oops, uh, Mark Zuck backed out. The only way he was able to backtrack off of Mark
Zuck backed out was basically by committing to being willing to fight Mark Zuck anytime, anywhere.
So he's kind of reactivating the whole fight thing, even though he probably didn't mean to,
he kind of had to because he called out Musk for a Zuck for backing out, even though that wasn't
true. Interesting move. All right. What else we got here? Fast forward a bit. UFC is not just
jujitsu. You can punch people. Let's keep going. So the one where he bit the ear off? No, this is
the Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield. That's from the nineties. Yeah, no, this fight that took place
this last weekend, Francis and Ghana, who was the UFC heavyweight champion. He vacated the belt so
he could take this fight with Tyson Fury. That's more fighting. Let's keep going. Um, it's a,
I knew, I knew you would take it easy on me in the first round. So the only way I'm going to knock
him over is, is momentum. So I got to basically run it. Wait, wait, we're back to more fight
stuff. Hold on. This part seems interesting. I had like, I had like some childhood injuries.
Like I said, I was in some sort of pretty severe fights as a kid. Like really like,
I was almost killed at one point. So really what happened?
It was just in school in South Africa. It's very violent place. Um, so, um,
as many involuntary fights, it's just the way it was. Um, but anyway, so I had like, and I had some
rugby injuries as well. Um, I saw South, South Africa won the world cup, which is cool. And then
rugby. Um, so, uh, so, so I think that that was like not a good starting position. Uh, but then,
um, the world champion, sumo wrestlers, it was world champion, sumo wrestler. They did kind of
like a demo bout on my birthday. Um, and since it was my birthday, they, I guess they just,
they call up the birthday boy and say like, Hey, do you want to sumo wrestle? This is where like
the, the, it's a similar weight differential. He was 50% heavier than me. So, um, like on a 360,
370 pounds. Um, and, um, it's, uh, I knew, I knew you would take it easy on me in the first round.
So the only way I'm going to knock him over is, is momentum. So I got to basically run at him.
Um, so I did, uh, run at him, did a judo throw, knocked him over, um, and smashed the disc in my
neck in the process. Oh yeah. It's like, it'd be like running at that wall. You know, if you run
at a wall, it's going to hurt. Did you have to get it fused or anything? Yeah. Oh man. Yeah. So
it's like, you can knock, you can, you can knock over someone, you can be someone bigger than you
if you're willing to, you know, smash a disc in your neck. Yeah. Well, if you know what you're
doing and you're willing to smash a disc in your neck, those two things. So he wasn't expecting
me to beat a total lunatic on round one. Um, and he defeated me obviously in round two and three,
because he was like, oh, he knows what to expect, but, um. All right, let's keep going.
FC6. Cause, cause it could, it could slide and when it would slide forward, the C5 C6 would bang
and crunch the nerve. And what does the normal neck? This has to do with the surgery. Do
insanely powerful and fast. Yeah.
Cool. So, um, compete at the highest level with your neck fused.
I see. Yeah. I'm not, I'm not too worried about that. Aljamain Sterling, who was the UFC Bantamweight
champion. He, um, got his neck, neck fused and, or not got a disc replaced rather in his neck.
And then went on to defend his title three times. So this isn't helping Elon. Elon's trying to use
the surgery as an out. And now he loves like, damn, look at Joe's face there. That clip. Wait,
look at that. Look at that. Joe's like, got you, bitch. What is going on here?
Just a few decades ago. Yeah. Now you're good to go. It'll be okay then. Yeah. Well,
medical science, pretty fucking incredible what they can do now. You know, I mean, injuries that
would have like, you would have been fucked for the rest of your life. Just a few decades ago.
Yeah. Now you're good to go. Yeah. So I'm excited. We've kind of rekindled this
Zuck versus Elon fire. I mean, he's checking out what, what's the, I don't think he's checking out.
Do you think so? Yeah. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Well, maybe he's listening.
Suck, suck, suck.
Suck, suck, suck.
I'll go at him as a fighting using taunts.
It might work.
I mean, somehow or another you got him to agree in the first place.
I was stunned.
Surely he will respond to a taunt like that.
Yeah, surely.
I mean, how can you resist?
How can you resist?
Yeah, how can you resist?
Exactly. Just go, let's go full school, school yard taunting.
What if there was like real, um, consequences on the line? Like, what if you guys had a real bet?
Like the moderation team from X takes over moderation of Facebook. If you win.
No problem. Sounds good.
And if he wins vice versa.
It was a fight for civilization.
Yeah. A literal fight for civilization.
I mean, I'll do it.
Wow. Heavy.
And you wouldn't even train for this?
No, I trained a little bit.
Train a little bit.
Like how many weeks you need?
I mean, I don't have to train. I could do it like tomorrow.
I tried going to his house actually.
Did you really?
Yeah. Cause he lives in Palo Alto.
And we're doing some, um, you know, Tesla full self-driving testing.
See, this is Elon literally trying to go back once again.
We're like 40 to 50 minutes now from the fib of, oh, Zuck backed out.
Oh, Zuck backed out. Elon keeps going back to it. Cause he feels bad.
He basically got exposed.
Oh, I'm like, well, I've got to pick a destination.
You just press the button, go to navigate to Zuck's house.
Joe is so good. He's so good. Cause he's like, I'm your friend, Elon. Oh, it's so easy.
Oh yeah. I'm on autopilot. Like he's, he's totally trying to like soften Elon's guilt here.
It is, he's a pro interviewer.
He's not far. He's like, I think he's like three miles away from the Tesla,
Tesla, California headquarters.
But, uh, I don't know. There's nobody there.
He's probably in Hawaii.
He was, according to a spokesman, he was traveling.
Oh yeah. It would have been wild if he was there.
Yeah. I literally, like anytime I just thought it was funny, um, to go like, you know,
I'm coming over to your house. I'm going to get you.
Well, it's even more funny when it's two of the richest guys in the world.
Um, so anyway, he didn't, uh, didn't answer.
No. Too bad.
Yeah. Too bad.
It's, uh, it's just fun. It's fun. And I'm glad you're just for the fun of it.
I mean, I think it would be, well, actually like Dana,
Dana White thinks it would be like the, like the, you know, a really big ticket.
It would be fucking huge. I would commentate on that.
Yeah. I mean, the proceeds could go to charity and stuff. It'd be crazy. People
would want to see what the hell's going on.
Oh my God. It would be fucking huge.
Yeah. It would be really crazy.
Like if, if they close the thing and Bruce Buffer is in there, it's time.
Let's go.
The place would go fucking bananas.
Yeah. Yeah.
Let's do it.
Does it have to be in the Coliseum? Would you agree?
No, I'll do it anywhere. I literally said anywhere, anytime.
You know where you should do it?
Any rules.
You know where you should do it? The Sphere in Las Vegas.
The Sphere is great. I was just there.
The Sphere is amazing.
It's amazing.
It's amazing.
Yeah. I was there.
I've only seen it on the outside, but it looks incredible.
The inside is even better.
I've seen video. I haven't seen it live, but I,
I was there on Saturday night and it was, it's awesome. Like it's really good.
I think it might be the best show on earth.
Oh yeah.
I mean, if you have visuals that accompany the music, like if you have like someone like
Roger Waters, like which is great.
Anyway, we'll see you else.
Sense that when we think about like the, the hedonism of Rome, it's final days. That's Vegas.
Yeah. Yeah. Totally.
Yeah. Perfect.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Are you not entertained?
You will fucking be entertained.
You'll be fucking.
You'll be fucking entertained.
So entertained.
No doubt.
Um, let's do it.
There's one point in time where you were trying to get people to do a pause on AI.
I mean, I, I signed onto a letter that someone else wrote. Um, I didn't think that people
would actually pause, but you thought it was probably a good idea if they did.
No, Elon thought it was a good idea to be part of people saying we should pause.
I mean, I think so.
Yeah. I mean, making some sort of digital super intelligence seems like it could be dangerous.
It certainly has a potential and certainly has the potential. Well, when you were talking about
the, the, what this mind virus, how it was able to propagate through the, the social media and being
control of social media platforms, think about what that means if that same mind virus gets in
control of a super intelligence and that is possible.
No, that's what, that's actually what I think the biggest danger is for AI is that if AI is
implicitly programmed, I don't think they can do it explicitly, but implicitly programmed with
values that lead to that, that have led to the destruction of downtown San Francisco.
And a bunch of these AI companies are in the central and either in San Francisco or in the
central Bay area, then you could implicitly program an AI to believe that extinction of humanity is
what it should try to do. Right.
I mean, if you take that guy who was on the front pages in New York times and you take his philosophy,
which is prevalent in San Francisco, the AI could, could conclude like he did that there are eight,
where he literally says there are 8 billion people in the world, it'd be better if there were none
and engineer that outcome.
Yeah. Well, especially if it doesn't need us anymore.
I do see people say things like, and this is anecdotal, but why would I bring children into
this world? And it breaks my heart. I mean, I love children, but.
If it becomes sentient and then has the ability to make its own decisions and make a better version
of itself, it would find us to be nothing but a problem. Like we have nothing to offer.
It's a risk. Yeah, it is a risk. So, um, you know, and, and like, if you query chat,
GVT, I mean, it's pretty woke, you know? Yeah. So, um, you know, people did like experiments,
like write a poem praising Donald Trump and they, it won't, but when you ask,
write a poem praising Joe Biden and it will. Yeah. So like, you know,
that's a little sketchy. Yeah. Well, it's, it's unfortunately it's programmed and.
Yes. Yeah. It's programmed to be that way.
Is it possible to overcome those problems? Is it possible that we could realize the dangers
that are involved in creating this, but somehow or another engineer it in a way that would be
ultimately beneficial to people? Or is that just a whim as a hope and a prayer utopian version of
what could happen versus the most likely outcome? If you say like, what is the most likely outcome
of AI, I think the most likely outcome to be specific about it is, is a good outcome.
Most likely a good outcome, but it's not for sure. So I think we have to be careful how we
program the AI and make sure that it is not accidentally anti-human. So,
the accidentally extinctionist AI, you wouldn't want that.
Or even pruning.
Well, that's, that is kind of how it works is that have.
Perhaps we cause problems.
Or keep in mind this, that a lot of these examples Elon's giving are straight from
Twitter too. It's funny. It was like, you see people complaining on Twitter and this is the
stuff they talk about. Like, well, you know, GPT will praise Biden, but not Trump. And it's true.
It's a problem, but yeah, it's straight from Twitter commentary world.
And then we have 30% less garbage in the ocean and then it makes this call.
So, it's something we should be concerned about. And I, I actually need to go. Oh,
should I, I, sorry, I need to go.
Should we wrap it up?
Yeah. Cause I, I have to go to the airport. I have to fly. I'm flying to London.
Yeah. You were explaining that.
Yeah. Just, um, for AI safety, the AI safety conference in London.
So yeah.
AI safety conference in London. All right. Pretty sure that's the end of it. Hold on.
Um, I don't know. Um, have some, some, some kind of regulatory oversight of some kind.
All right. Regulatory oversight over AI. All right. Listen, next up we are going to the
joint conference of the AI and the AI.
All right. Regulatory oversight over AI. All right. Listen, next up, we are going to the
Jordan Belford interview live in 26 minutes. Stay tuned for that. Househack deadline is tomorrow.
Go to Read the circular. That's it. We're closing the fundraise. That's it. It'll
be done. The 2023 fundraise we've been waiting for so long is over at the end of the day tomorrow.
Personally, I can't wait. It's been a lot of work. Uh, you could email us at
and then we can actually focus on the real work. Just continuing the renovations that we have.
Those are going on either way. Uh, acquiring properties when they're in a severe distress,
which is what we continue to do. Uh, and bringing those rental, rentable properties to market.
Jordan Belford interview live in 25 minutes. Short disclaimer here. This video was all commentary,
not personalized advice for anything. Just critical commentary on Elon Musk,
Joe Rogan. We didn't watch all of it. So obviously go to Spotify to watch the whole thing.
Thanks so much for being here. Click the redirect link to get to the Jordan Belford interview coming
Coming up in 25.
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