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Created August 7, 2024 07:36
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  • Save matijapretnar/926db074d96b51b8aa079f66cc785e11 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import json
import re
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import requests
DBLP_CACHE = "dblp_cache.json"
PAPER_REGEX = re.compile(
r"\* \*\*(?P<title>.*?)\*\* \((?P<venue>.*?)\) \n"
r" by (?P<authors>.*)\n"
r"(?P<links>( \(\[.*?\]\(.*?\)\)\n)*)"
LINK_REGEX = re.compile(r"\(\[(?P<kind>.*?)\]\((?P<url>.*?)\)\)\n")
def clean_dblp_authors(authors):
if len(authors) == 1:
author_string = authors[0]
elif len(authors) == 2:
author_string = " and ".join(authors)
*most, last = authors
author_string = ", ".join(most) + ", and " + last
# DBLP adds 000x identifiers to distinguish authors with the same name
return re.sub(r" \d{4}", "", author_string)
def get_dblp_data(dblp_key):
url = f"{dblp_key}.xml"
response = requests.get(url)
xml_data = response.content
root = ET.fromstring(xml_data)
entry = (
or root.find("incollection")
or root.find("inproceedings")
or root.find("phdthesis")
or root.find("proceedings")
ee = entry.find("ee").text.strip()
ee = None
data = {
"key": entry.get("key"),
"mdate": entry.get("mdate"),
"authors": clean_dblp_authors(
[author.text for author in entry.findall("author")]
"title": entry.find("title").text.strip().rstrip("."),
"year": entry.find("year").text.strip(),
"ee": ee,
return data
print(f"Cannot parse XML returned from {url}", file=sys.stderr)
def get_dblp_data_from_cache(dblp_key):
with open(DBLP_CACHE) as f:
cache = json.load(f)
if dblp_key in cache:
data = cache[dblp_key]
data = get_dblp_data(dblp_key)
cache[dblp_key] = data
with open(DBLP_CACHE, "w") as f:
json.dump(cache, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)
return data
def extract_paper_data(regex_match):
paper = regex_match.groupdict()
links = paper.pop("links")
paper["links"] = {}
for link_match in LINK_REGEX.finditer(links):
link_dict = link_match.groupdict()
paper["links"][link_dict.pop("kind")] = link_dict["url"]
paper["authors"] = paper["authors"].rstrip()
if "dblp" in paper["links"]:
paper["dblp_key"] = paper["links"]["dblp"][
len("") : -len(".html")
paper["dblp_key"] = None
return paper
def fix_paper(paper):
dblp_key = paper["dblp_key"]
if not dblp_key:
print(f"No DBLP identifier for {paper['title']}", file=sys.stderr)
return paper
dblp_entry = get_dblp_data_from_cache(dblp_key)
paper["title"] = dblp_entry["title"]
paper["authors"] = dblp_entry["authors"]
paper["year"] = dblp_entry["year"]
if dblp_entry["ee"] and "doi" in dblp_entry["ee"]:
new_links = {"doi": dblp_entry["ee"]}
elif "doi" in paper["links"]:
new_links = {"doi": paper["links"]["doi"]}
new_links = {}
new_links["dblp"] = f"{dblp_key}.html"
new_links["bibtex"] = new_links["dblp"] + "?view=bibtex"
for tag, url in paper["links"].items():
if tag not in new_links:
new_links[tag] = url
paper["links"] = new_links
return paper
def display_paper(paper):
lines = [
"* **{title}** ({venue}) ".format(**paper),
" by {authors}{space}".format(space=" " if paper["links"] else "", **paper),
for kind, url in paper["links"].items():
lines.append(f" ([{kind}]({url}))")
return "\n".join(lines)
def fix_effects_bibliography(url):
def fix(regex_match):
paper = extract_paper_data(regex_match)
paper = fix_paper(paper)
return display_paper(paper)
text = requests.get(url).text
print(PAPER_REGEX.sub(fix, text))
"journals/corr/abs-1807-05923": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-1807-05923",
"mdate": "2018-08-13",
"authors": "Andrej Bauer",
"title": "What is algebraic about algebraic effects and handlers?",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/HillerstromLL24": {
"key": "journals/jfp/HillerstromLL24",
"mdate": "2024-05-04",
"authors": "Daniel Hillerström, Sam Lindley, and John Longley",
"title": "Asymptotic speedup via effect handlers",
"year": "2024",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/TangHLM24": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/TangHLM24",
"mdate": "2024-02-10",
"authors": "Wenhao Tang, Daniel Hillerström, Sam Lindley, and J. Garrett Morris",
"title": "Soundly Handling Linearity",
"year": "2024",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/LagoG24": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/LagoG24",
"mdate": "2024-02-05",
"authors": "Ugo Dal Lago and Alexis Ghyselen",
"title": "On Model-Checking Higher-Order Effectful Programs",
"year": "2024",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/MoyDF24": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/MoyDF24",
"mdate": "2024-02-10",
"authors": "Cameron Moy, Christos Dimoulas, and Matthias Felleisen",
"title": "Effectful Software Contracts",
"year": "2024",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/MullerSSOB23": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/MullerSSOB23",
"mdate": "2023-12-10",
"authors": "Marius Müller, Philipp Schuster, Jonathan Lindegaard Starup, Klaus Ostermann, and Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser",
"title": "From Capabilities to Regions: Enabling Efficient Compilation of Lexical Effect Handlers",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/PhippsCostinRGLHSPL23": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/PhippsCostinRGLHSPL23",
"mdate": "2023-12-10",
"authors": "Luna Phipps-Costin, Andreas Rossberg, Arjun Guha, Daan Leijen, Daniel Hillerström, K. C. Sivaramakrishnan, Matija Pretnar, and Sam Lindley",
"title": "Continuing WebAssembly with Effect Handlers",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/SieczkowskiPB23": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/SieczkowskiPB23",
"mdate": "2023-12-31",
"authors": "Filip Sieczkowski, Mateusz Pyzik, and Dariusz Biernacki",
"title": "A General Fine-Grained Reduction Theory for Effect Handlers",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/LutzeMSB23": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/LutzeMSB23",
"mdate": "2023-12-17",
"authors": "Matthew Lutze, Magnus Madsen, Philipp Schuster, and Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser",
"title": "With or Without You: Programming with Effect Exclusion",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/PoulsenR23": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/PoulsenR23",
"mdate": "2023-02-10",
"authors": "Casper Bach Poulsen and Cas van der Rest",
"title": "Hefty Algebras: Modular Elaboration of Higher-Order Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/NguyenPWW22": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/NguyenPWW22",
"mdate": "2023-08-28",
"authors": "Minh Nguyen, Roly Perera, Meng Wang, and Nicolas Wu",
"title": "Modular probabilistic models via algebraic effects",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/XieCIL22": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/XieCIL22",
"mdate": "2022-12-05",
"authors": "Ningning Xie, Youyou Cong, Kazuki Ikemori, and Daan Leijen",
"title": "First-class names for effect handlers",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/GhicaLBP22": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/GhicaLBP22",
"mdate": "2023-01-05",
"authors": "Dan R. Ghica, Sam Lindley, Marcos Maroñas Bravo, and Maciej Piróg",
"title": "High-level effect handlers in C++",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"journals/jolli/GroveB23": {
"key": "journals/jolli/GroveB23",
"mdate": "2023-05-13",
"authors": "Julian Grove and Jean-Philippe Bernardy",
"title": "Algebraic Effects for Extensible Dynamic Semantics",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/BrachthauserSLB22": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/BrachthauserSLB22",
"mdate": "2023-01-10",
"authors": "Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser, Philipp Schuster, Edward Lee, and Aleksander Boruch-Gruszecki",
"title": "Effects, capabilities, and boxes: from scope-based reasoning to type-based reasoning and back",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/KarachaliasKPS21": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/KarachaliasKPS21",
"mdate": "2022-01-08",
"authors": "Georgios Karachalias, Filip Koprivec, Matija Pretnar, and Tom Schrijvers",
"title": "Efficient compilation of algebraic effect handlers",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/ZyuzinN21": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/ZyuzinN21",
"mdate": "2022-01-08",
"authors": "Nikita Zyuzin and Aleksandar Nanevski",
"title": "Contextual modal types for algebraic effects and handlers",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/YangW21": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/YangW21",
"mdate": "2022-01-08",
"authors": "Zhixuan Yang and Nicolas Wu",
"title": "Reasoning about effect interaction by fusion",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/XieL21": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/XieL21",
"mdate": "2021-08-30",
"authors": "Ningning Xie and Daan Leijen",
"title": "Generalized evidence passing for effect handlers: efficient compilation of effect handlers to C",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/toplas/Gordon21": {
"key": "journals/toplas/Gordon21",
"mdate": "2022-01-03",
"authors": "Colin S. Gordon",
"title": "Polymorphic Iterable Sequential Effect Systems",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-2101-08095": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-2101-08095",
"mdate": "2021-01-23",
"authors": "Jesse Sigal",
"title": "Automatic Differentiation via Effects and Handlers: An Implementation in Frank",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/VilhenaP21": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/VilhenaP21",
"mdate": "2021-02-17",
"authors": "Paulo Emílio de Vilhena and François Pottier",
"title": "A separation logic for effect handlers",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/AhmanP21": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/AhmanP21",
"mdate": "2022-01-08",
"authors": "Danel Ahman and Matija Pretnar",
"title": "Asynchronous effects",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/fac/LetanRCH21": {
"key": "journals/fac/LetanRCH21",
"mdate": "2022-10-02",
"authors": "Thomas Letan, Yann Régis-Gianas, Pierre Chifflier, and Guillaume Hiet",
"title": "Modular verification of programs with effects and effects handlers",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/KiselyovMS21": {
"key": "journals/jfp/KiselyovMS21",
"mdate": "2021-02-11",
"authors": "Oleg Kiselyov, Shin-Cheng Mu, and Amr Sabry",
"title": "Not by equations alone: Reasoning with extensible effects",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/WeiBTR20": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/WeiBTR20",
"mdate": "2023-12-17",
"authors": "Guannan Wei, Oliver Bracevac, Shangyin Tan, and Tiark Rompf",
"title": "Compiling symbolic execution with staging and algebraic effects",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/ZhangSM20": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/ZhangSM20",
"mdate": "2023-12-11",
"authors": "Yizhou Zhang, Guido Salvaneschi, and Andrew C. Myers",
"title": "Handling bidirectional control flow",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/BrachthauserSO20": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/BrachthauserSO20",
"mdate": "2024-05-07",
"authors": "Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser, Philipp Schuster, and Klaus Ostermann",
"title": "Effects as capabilities: effect handlers and lightweight effect polymorphism",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/PietersRS20": {
"key": "journals/jfp/PietersRS20",
"mdate": "2023-03-21",
"authors": "Ruben P. Pieters, Exequiel Rivas, and Tom Schrijvers",
"title": "Generalized monoidal effects and handlers",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/SekiyamaTI20": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/SekiyamaTI20",
"mdate": "2022-01-08",
"authors": "Taro Sekiyama, Takeshi Tsukada, and Atsushi Igarashi",
"title": "Signature restriction for polymorphic algebraic effects",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/HillerstromLL20": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/HillerstromLL20",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Daniel Hillerström, Sam Lindley, and John Longley",
"title": "Effects for efficiency: asymptotic speedup with first-class control",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/XieBHSL20": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/XieBHSL20",
"mdate": "2022-01-08",
"authors": "Ningning Xie, Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser, Daniel Hillerström, Philipp Schuster, and Daan Leijen",
"title": "Effect handlers, evidently",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/SchusterBO20": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/SchusterBO20",
"mdate": "2022-01-08",
"authors": "Philipp Schuster, Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser, and Klaus Ostermann",
"title": "Compiling effect handlers in capability-passing style",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/BrachthauserSO20": {
"key": "journals/jfp/BrachthauserSO20",
"mdate": "2020-06-16",
"authors": "Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser, Philipp Schuster, and Klaus Ostermann",
"title": "Effekt: Capability-passing style for type- and effect-safe, extensible effect handlers in Scala",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/ConventLMM20": {
"key": "journals/jfp/ConventLMM20",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Lukas Convent, Sam Lindley, Conor McBride, and Craig McLaughlin",
"title": "Doo bee doo bee doo",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/HillerstromLA20": {
"key": "journals/jfp/HillerstromLA20",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Daniel Hillerström, Sam Lindley, and Robert Atkey",
"title": "Effect handlers via generalised continuations",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/XiaZHHMPZ20": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/XiaZHHMPZ20",
"mdate": "2023-11-12",
"authors": "Li-yao Xia, Yannick Zakowski, Paul He, Chung-Kil Hur, Gregory Malecha, Benjamin C. Pierce, and Steve Zdancewic",
"title": "Interaction trees: representing recursive and impure programs in Coq",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/BiernackiPPS20": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/BiernackiPPS20",
"mdate": "2021-10-14",
"authors": "Dariusz Biernacki, Maciej Piróg, Piotr Polesiuk, and Filip Sieczkowski",
"title": "Binders by day, labels by night: effect instances via lexically scoped handlers",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/LuksicP20": {
"key": "journals/jfp/LuksicP20",
"mdate": "2022-04-09",
"authors": "Ziga Luksic and Matija Pretnar",
"title": "Local algebraic effect theories",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/KarachaliasPSVS20": {
"key": "journals/jfp/KarachaliasPSVS20",
"mdate": "2020-07-15",
"authors": "Georgios Karachalias, Matija Pretnar, Amr Hany Saleh, Stien Vanderhallen, and Tom Schrijvers",
"title": "Explicit effect subtyping",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/PedrotT20": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/PedrotT20",
"mdate": "2022-10-02",
"authors": "Pierre-Marie Pédrot and Nicolas Tabareau",
"title": "The fire triangle: how to mix substitution, dependent elimination, and effects",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/0002KLP19": {
"key": "journals/jfp/0002KLP19",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Yannick Forster, Ohad Kammar, Sam Lindley, and Matija Pretnar",
"title": "On the expressive power of user-defined effects: Effect handlers, monadic reflection, delimited control",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/MaillardAAMHRT19": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/MaillardAAMHRT19",
"mdate": "2023-03-21",
"authors": "Kenji Maillard, Danel Ahman, Robert Atkey, Guido Martínez, Catalin Hritcu, Exequiel Rivas, and Éric Tanter",
"title": "Dijkstra monads for all",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/SwierstraB19": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/SwierstraB19",
"mdate": "2021-02-17",
"authors": "Wouter Swierstra and Tim Baanen",
"title": "A predicate transformer semantics for effects (functional pearl)",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"journals/lmcs/BiernackiLP19a": {
"key": "journals/lmcs/BiernackiLP19a",
"mdate": "2021-10-14",
"authors": "Dariusz Biernacki, Sergueï Lenglet, and Piotr Polesiuk",
"title": "Bisimulations for Delimited-Control Operators",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/BiernackiPPS19": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/BiernackiPPS19",
"mdate": "2021-10-14",
"authors": "Dariusz Biernacki, Maciej Piróg, Piotr Polesiuk, and Filip Sieczkowski",
"title": "Abstracting algebraic effects",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/ZhangM19": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/ZhangM19",
"mdate": "2023-12-11",
"authors": "Yizhou Zhang and Andrew C. Myers",
"title": "Abstraction-safe effect handlers via tunneling",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"journals/toplas/SimpsonV20": {
"key": "journals/toplas/SimpsonV20",
"mdate": "2020-10-26",
"authors": "Alex Simpson and Niels F. W. Voorneveld",
"title": "Behavioural Equivalence via Modalities for Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/cejcs/McDermottM18": {
"key": "journals/cejcs/McDermottM18",
"mdate": "2020-10-26",
"authors": "Dylan McDermott and Alan Mycroft",
"title": "Call-by-need effects via coeffects",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-1810-09538": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-1810-09538",
"mdate": "2018-10-31",
"authors": "Eli Bingham, Jonathan P. Chen, Martin Jankowiak, Fritz Obermeyer, Neeraj Pradhan, Theofanis Karaletsos, Rohit Singh, Paul A. Szerlip, Paul Horsfall, and Noah D. Goodman",
"title": "Pyro: Deep Universal Probabilistic Programming",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-1811-06150": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-1811-06150",
"mdate": "2022-02-14",
"authors": "Dave Moore and Maria I. Gorinova",
"title": "Effect Handling for Composable Program Transformations in Edward2",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/ScibiorKG18": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/ScibiorKG18",
"mdate": "2021-02-17",
"authors": "Adam Scibior, Ohad Kammar, and Zoubin Ghahramani",
"title": "Functional programming for modular Bayesian inference",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/BrachthauserSO18": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/BrachthauserSO18",
"mdate": "2024-05-07",
"authors": "Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser, Philipp Schuster, and Klaus Ostermann",
"title": "Effect handlers for the masses",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/BracevacASEEM18": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/BracevacASEEM18",
"mdate": "2023-06-26",
"authors": "Oliver Bracevac, Nada Amin, Guido Salvaneschi, Sebastian Erdweg, Patrick Eugster, and Mira Mezini",
"title": "Versatile event correlation with algebraic effects",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/BiernackiPPS18": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/BiernackiPPS18",
"mdate": "2021-10-14",
"authors": "Dariusz Biernacki, Maciej Piróg, Piotr Polesiuk, and Filip Sieczkowski",
"title": "Handle with care: relational interpretation of algebraic effects and handlers",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/Ahman18": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/Ahman18",
"mdate": "2021-02-17",
"authors": "Danel Ahman",
"title": "Handling fibred algebraic effects",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/Yallop17": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/Yallop17",
"mdate": "2021-02-17",
"authors": "Jeremy Yallop",
"title": "Staged generic programming",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/0002KLP17": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/0002KLP17",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Yannick Forster, Ohad Kammar, Sam Lindley, and Matija Pretnar",
"title": "On the expressive power of user-defined effects: effect handlers, monadic reflection, delimited control",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/KammarP17": {
"key": "journals/jfp/KammarP17",
"mdate": "2022-04-09",
"authors": "Ohad Kammar and Matija Pretnar",
"title": "No value restriction is needed for algebraic effects and handlers",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"journals/tplp/SalehS16": {
"key": "journals/tplp/SalehS16",
"mdate": "2020-02-13",
"authors": "Amr Hany Saleh and Tom Schrijvers",
"title": "Efficient algebraic effect handlers for Prolog",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"journals/jlp/BauerP15": {
"key": "journals/jlp/BauerP15",
"mdate": "2023-08-28",
"authors": "Andrej Bauer and Matija Pretnar",
"title": "Programming with algebraic effects and handlers",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/AtkeyJ15": {
"key": "journals/jfp/AtkeyJ15",
"mdate": "2017-06-06",
"authors": "Robert Atkey and Patricia Johann",
"title": "Interleaving data and effects",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/OrchardPM14": {
"key": "journals/corr/OrchardPM14",
"mdate": "2018-08-13",
"authors": "Dominic A. Orchard, Tomas Petricek, and Alan Mycroft",
"title": "The semantic marriage of monads and effects",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/Pretnar13": {
"key": "journals/corr/Pretnar13",
"mdate": "2022-04-09",
"authors": "Matija Pretnar",
"title": "Inferring Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/BauerP13": {
"key": "journals/corr/BauerP13",
"mdate": "2022-04-09",
"authors": "Andrej Bauer and Matija Pretnar",
"title": "An Effect System for Algebraic Effects and Handlers",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/PlotkinP13": {
"key": "journals/corr/PlotkinP13",
"mdate": "2022-04-09",
"authors": "Gordon D. Plotkin and Matija Pretnar",
"title": "Handling Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"journals/tcs/JaskelioffM10": {
"key": "journals/tcs/JaskelioffM10",
"mdate": "2021-02-17",
"authors": "Mauro Jaskelioff and Eugenio Moggi",
"title": "Monad transformers as monoid transformers",
"year": "2010",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/Atkey09": {
"key": "journals/jfp/Atkey09",
"mdate": "2017-06-06",
"authors": "Robert Atkey",
"title": "Parameterised notions of computation",
"year": "2009",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/Swierstra08": {
"key": "journals/jfp/Swierstra08",
"mdate": "2017-05-27",
"authors": "Wouter Swierstra",
"title": "Data types à la carte",
"year": "2008",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/SkalkaSH08": {
"key": "journals/jfp/SkalkaSH08",
"mdate": "2023-03-21",
"authors": "Christian Skalka, Scott F. Smith, and David Van Horn",
"title": "Types and trace effects of higher order programs",
"year": "2008",
"ee": ""
"journals/tcs/HylandLPP07": {
"key": "journals/tcs/HylandLPP07",
"mdate": "2021-02-17",
"authors": "Martin Hyland, Paul Blain Levy, Gordon D. Plotkin, and John Power",
"title": "Combining algebraic effects with continuations",
"year": "2007",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/FluetM06": {
"key": "journals/jfp/FluetM06",
"mdate": "2017-05-27",
"authors": "Matthew Fluet and Greg Morrisett",
"title": "Monadic regions",
"year": "2006",
"ee": ""
"journals/acs/PlotkinP03": {
"key": "journals/acs/PlotkinP03",
"mdate": "2020-09-29",
"authors": "Gordon D. Plotkin and John Power",
"title": "Algebraic Operations and Generic Effects",
"year": "2003",
"ee": ""
"journals/tocl/WadlerT03": {
"key": "journals/tocl/WadlerT03",
"mdate": "2020-03-23",
"authors": "Philip Wadler and Peter Thiemann",
"title": "The marriage of effects and monads",
"year": "2003",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/MoggiS01": {
"key": "journals/jfp/MoggiS01",
"mdate": "2020-09-05",
"authors": "Eugenio Moggi and Amr Sabry",
"title": "Monadic encapsulation of effects: a revised approach (extended version)",
"year": "2001",
"ee": ""
"journals/iandc/Moggi91": {
"key": "journals/iandc/Moggi91",
"mdate": "2021-02-12",
"authors": "Eugenio Moggi",
"title": "Notions of Computation and Monads",
"year": "1991",
"ee": ""
"journals/entcs/Pretnar15": {
"key": "journals/entcs/Pretnar15",
"mdate": "2022-08-16",
"authors": "Matija Pretnar",
"title": "An Introduction to Algebraic Effects and Handlers. Invited tutorial paper",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"books/sp/24/AndrieuxHR24": {
"key": "books/sp/24/AndrieuxHR24",
"mdate": "2024-03-16",
"authors": "Martin Andrieux, Ludovic Henrio, and Gabriel Radanne",
"title": "Active Objects Based on Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2024",
"ee": ""
"conf/pepm/TsuyamaCM24": {
"key": "conf/pepm/TsuyamaCM24",
"mdate": "2024-01-12",
"authors": "Syouki Tsuyama, Youyou Cong, and Hidehiko Masuhara",
"title": "An Intrinsically Typed Compiler for Algebraic Effect Handlers",
"year": "2024",
"ee": ""
"conf/ppdp/IkemoriCM23": {
"key": "conf/ppdp/IkemoriCM23",
"mdate": "2023-10-27",
"authors": "Kazuki Ikemori, Youyou Cong, and Hidehiko Masuhara",
"title": "Typed Equivalence of Labeled Effect Handlers and Labeled Delimited Control Operators",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"conf/sas/GordonY23": {
"key": "conf/sas/GordonY23",
"mdate": "2023-11-09",
"authors": "Colin S. Gordon and Chaewon Yun",
"title": "Error Localization for Sequential Effect Systems",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"conf/pepm/CongA23": {
"key": "conf/pepm/CongA23",
"mdate": "2023-01-13",
"authors": "Youyou Cong and Kenichi Asai",
"title": "Towards a Reflection for Effect Handlers",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-2212-07015": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-2212-07015",
"mdate": "2024-01-03",
"authors": "Takahiro Sanada",
"title": "Category-Graded Algebraic Theories and Effect Handlers",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/aplas/SongFC22": {
"key": "conf/aplas/SongFC22",
"mdate": "2022-12-01",
"authors": "Yahui Song, Darius Foo, and Wei-Ngan Chin",
"title": "Automated Temporal Verification for Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/aplas/DvirKL22": {
"key": "conf/aplas/DvirKL22",
"mdate": "2023-09-22",
"authors": "Yotam Dvir, Ohad Kammar, and Ori Lahav",
"title": "An Algebraic Theory for Shared-State Concurrency",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/pldi/SchusterB0O22": {
"key": "conf/pldi/SchusterB0O22",
"mdate": "2024-05-07",
"authors": "Philipp Schuster, Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser, Marius Müller, and Klaus Ostermann",
"title": "A typed continuation-passing translation for lexical effect handlers",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/esop/YangPWBS22": {
"key": "conf/esop/YangPWBS22",
"mdate": "2022-04-29",
"authors": "Zhixuan Yang, Marco Paviotti, Nicolas Wu, Birthe van den Berg, and Tom Schrijvers",
"title": "Structured Handling of Scoped Effects",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/aplas/BergSPW21": {
"key": "conf/aplas/BergSPW21",
"mdate": "2021-12-25",
"authors": "Birthe van den Berg, Tom Schrijvers, Casper Bach Poulsen, and Nicolas Wu",
"title": "Latent Effects for Reusable Language Components",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"conf/haskell/PunchihewaW21": {
"key": "conf/haskell/PunchihewaW21",
"mdate": "2021-10-14",
"authors": "Hashan Punchihewa and Nicolas Wu",
"title": "Safe mutation with algebraic effects",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"conf/fscd/CongIHA21": {
"key": "conf/fscd/CongIHA21",
"mdate": "2021-07-06",
"authors": "Youyou Cong, Chiaki Ishio, Kaho Honda, and Kenichi Asai",
"title": "A Functional Abstraction of Typed Invocation Contexts",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"conf/fscd/FujiiA21": {
"key": "conf/fscd/FujiiA21",
"mdate": "2021-07-06",
"authors": "Maika Fujii and Kenichi Asai",
"title": "Derivation of a Virtual Machine For Four Variants of Delimited-Control Operators",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"conf/pldi/Sivaramakrishnan21": {
"key": "conf/pldi/Sivaramakrishnan21",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "K. C. Sivaramakrishnan, Stephen Dolan, Leo White, Tom Kelly, Sadiq Jaffer, and Anil Madhavapeddy",
"title": "Retrofitting effect handlers onto OCaml",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"conf/fossacs/Kura20": {
"key": "conf/fossacs/Kura20",
"mdate": "2023-05-22",
"authors": "Satoshi Kura",
"title": "Graded Algebraic Theories",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/icml/GorinovaMH20": {
"key": "conf/icml/GorinovaMH20",
"mdate": "2022-02-14",
"authors": "Maria I. Gorinova, Dave Moore, and Matthew D. Hoffman",
"title": "Automatic Reparameterisation of Probabilistic Programs",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/haskell/ParesBE20": {
"key": "conf/haskell/ParesBE20",
"mdate": "2021-10-14",
"authors": "Yves Parès, Jean-Philippe Bernardy, and Richard A. Eisenberg",
"title": "Composing effects into tasks and workflows",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/ecoop/Gordon19": {
"key": "conf/ecoop/Gordon19",
"mdate": "2020-11-16",
"authors": "Colin S. Gordon",
"title": "Designing with Static Capabilities and Effects: Use, Mention, and Invariants (Pearl)",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/ecoop/Gordon19a": {
"key": "conf/ecoop/Gordon19a",
"mdate": "2020-11-16",
"authors": "Colin S. Gordon",
"title": "Lifting Sequential Effects to Control Operators",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/ppdp/McDermottPU20": {
"key": "conf/ppdp/McDermottPU20",
"mdate": "2022-01-03",
"authors": "Dylan McDermott, Maciej Piróg, and Tarmo Uustalu",
"title": "Degrading Lists",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/dls/PinckneyGB20": {
"key": "conf/dls/PinckneyGB20",
"mdate": "2022-01-08",
"authors": "Donald Pinckney, Arjun Guha, and Yuriy Brun",
"title": "Wasm/k: delimited continuations for WebAssembly",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/fscd/BiernackiLP20": {
"key": "conf/fscd/BiernackiLP20",
"mdate": "2020-06-30",
"authors": "Dariusz Biernacki, Sergueï Lenglet, and Piotr Polesiuk",
"title": "A Complete Normal-Form Bisimilarity for Algebraic Effects and Handlers",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/fscd/BiernackiPS20": {
"key": "conf/fscd/BiernackiPS20",
"mdate": "2020-06-30",
"authors": "Dariusz Biernacki, Mateusz Pyzik, and Filip Sieczkowski",
"title": "A Reflection on Continuation-Composing Style",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/haskell/XieL20": {
"key": "conf/haskell/XieL20",
"mdate": "2020-08-03",
"authors": "Ningning Xie and Daan Leijen",
"title": "Effect handlers in Haskell, evidently",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/sfp/KawaharaK20": {
"key": "conf/sfp/KawaharaK20",
"mdate": "2020-08-20",
"authors": "Satoru Kawahara and Yukiyoshi Kameyama",
"title": "One-Shot Algebraic Effects as Coroutines",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/esop/AhmanB20": {
"key": "conf/esop/AhmanB20",
"mdate": "2021-05-14",
"authors": "Danel Ahman and Andrej Bauer",
"title": "Runners in Action",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-2005-00197": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-2005-00197",
"mdate": "2020-09-05",
"authors": "Anne Baanen and Wouter Swierstra",
"title": "Combining predicate transformer semantics for effects: a case study in parsing regular languages",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-2005-00196": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-2005-00196",
"mdate": "2020-10-26",
"authors": "Niels F. W. Voorneveld",
"title": "From Equations to Distinctions: Two Interpretations of Effectful Computations",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-2001-10274": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-2001-10274",
"mdate": "2021-04-09",
"authors": "Dominic Orchard, Philip Wadler, and Harley Eades III",
"title": "Unifying graded and parameterised monads",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/fossacs/MatacheS19": {
"key": "conf/fossacs/MatacheS19",
"mdate": "2019-08-20",
"authors": "Cristina Matache and Sam Staton",
"title": "A Sound and Complete Logic for Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"conf/haskell/SchrijversPWJ19": {
"key": "conf/haskell/SchrijversPWJ19",
"mdate": "2021-10-14",
"authors": "Tom Schrijvers, Maciej Piróg, Nicolas Wu, and Mauro Jaskelioff",
"title": "Monad transformers and modular algebraic effects: what binds them together",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"conf/mpc/AffeldtNS19": {
"key": "conf/mpc/AffeldtNS19",
"mdate": "2019-11-07",
"authors": "Reynald Affeldt, David Nowak, and Takafumi Saikawa",
"title": "A Hierarchy of Monadic Effects for Program Verification Using Equational Reasoning",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"conf/mpc/PauwelsSM19": {
"key": "conf/mpc/PauwelsSM19",
"mdate": "2020-03-27",
"authors": "Koen Pauwels, Tom Schrijvers, and Shin-Cheng Mu",
"title": "Handling Local State with Global State",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"conf/rta/PirogPS19": {
"key": "conf/rta/PirogPS19",
"mdate": "2021-10-14",
"authors": "Maciej Piróg, Piotr Polesiuk, and Filip Sieczkowski",
"title": "Typed Equivalence of Effect Handlers and Delimited Control",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"conf/esop/SekiyamaI19": {
"key": "conf/esop/SekiyamaI19",
"mdate": "2019-08-20",
"authors": "Taro Sekiyama and Atsushi Igarashi",
"title": "Handling Polymorphic Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"conf/esop/McDermottM19": {
"key": "conf/esop/McDermottM19",
"mdate": "2019-08-20",
"authors": "Dylan McDermott and Alan Mycroft",
"title": "Extended Call-by-Push-Value: Reasoning About Effectful Programs and Evaluation Order",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"conf/esop/SimpsonV18": {
"key": "conf/esop/SimpsonV18",
"mdate": "2020-10-25",
"authors": "Alex Simpson and Niels F. W. Voorneveld",
"title": "Behavioural Equivalence via Modalities for Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/entcs/KammarM18": {
"key": "journals/entcs/KammarM18",
"mdate": "2022-08-16",
"authors": "Ohad Kammar and Dylan McDermott",
"title": "Factorisation Systems for Logical Relations and Monadic Lifting in Type-and-effect System Semantics",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"conf/oopsla/InostrozaS18": {
"key": "conf/oopsla/InostrozaS18",
"mdate": "2018-11-21",
"authors": "Pablo Inostroza and Tijs van der Storm",
"title": "JEff: objects for effect",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/Goncalves18": {
"key": "conf/icfp/Goncalves18",
"mdate": "2021-10-14",
"authors": "Junia Gonçalves",
"title": "Abstract nonsense",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"conf/lics/PirogSWJ18": {
"key": "conf/lics/PirogSWJ18",
"mdate": "2021-10-14",
"authors": "Maciej Piróg, Tom Schrijvers, Nicolas Wu, and Mauro Jaskelioff",
"title": "Syntax and Semantics for Operations with Scopes",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/Leijen18": {
"key": "conf/icfp/Leijen18",
"mdate": "2018-12-11",
"authors": "Daan Leijen",
"title": "First class dynamic effect handlers: or, polymorphic heaps with dynamic effect handlers",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"conf/aplas/HillerstromL18": {
"key": "conf/aplas/HillerstromL18",
"mdate": "2020-12-29",
"authors": "Daniel Hillerström and Sam Lindley",
"title": "Shallow Effect Handlers",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"conf/fm/LetanRCH18": {
"key": "conf/fm/LetanRCH18",
"mdate": "2022-10-02",
"authors": "Thomas Letan, Yann Régis-Gianas, Pierre Chifflier, and Guillaume Hiet",
"title": "Modular Verification of Programs with Effects and Effect Handlers in Coq",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"conf/esop/SalehKPS18": {
"key": "conf/esop/SalehKPS18",
"mdate": "2022-04-09",
"authors": "Amr Hany Saleh, Georgios Karachalias, Matija Pretnar, and Tom Schrijvers",
"title": "Explicit Effect Subtyping",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"conf/sfp/DolanEHMSW17": {
"key": "conf/sfp/DolanEHMSW17",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Stephen Dolan, Spiros Eliopoulos, Daniel Hillerström, Anil Madhavapeddy, K. C. Sivaramakrishnan, and Leo White",
"title": "Concurrent System Programming with Effect Handlers",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"conf/ifl/PietersSR17": {
"key": "conf/ifl/PietersSR17",
"mdate": "2023-03-21",
"authors": "Ruben P. Pieters, Tom Schrijvers, and Exequiel Rivas",
"title": "Handlers for Non-Monadic Computations",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"conf/scala/BrachthauserS17": {
"key": "conf/scala/BrachthauserS17",
"mdate": "2024-05-07",
"authors": "Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser and Philipp Schuster",
"title": "Effekt: extensible algebraic effects in Scala (short paper)",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/Leijen17": {
"key": "conf/icfp/Leijen17",
"mdate": "2018-12-11",
"authors": "Daan Leijen",
"title": "Structured asynchrony with algebraic effects",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"conf/aplas/Leijen17": {
"key": "conf/aplas/Leijen17",
"mdate": "2017-11-20",
"authors": "Daan Leijen",
"title": "Implementing Algebraic Effects in C - \"Monads for Free in C\"",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"conf/rta/HillerstromLAS17": {
"key": "conf/rta/HillerstromLAS17",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Daniel Hillerström, Sam Lindley, Robert Atkey, and K. C. Sivaramakrishnan",
"title": "Continuation Passing Style for Effect Handlers",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"conf/ecoop/Gordon17": {
"key": "conf/ecoop/Gordon17",
"mdate": "2019-09-16",
"authors": "Colin S. Gordon",
"title": "A Generic Approach to Flow-Sensitive Polymorphic Effects",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/LindleyMM17": {
"key": "conf/popl/LindleyMM17",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Sam Lindley, Conor McBride, and Craig McLaughlin",
"title": "Do be do be do",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/Leijen17": {
"key": "conf/popl/Leijen17",
"mdate": "2021-06-14",
"authors": "Daan Leijen",
"title": "Type directed compilation of row-typed algebraic effects",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/GaboardiKOBU16": {
"key": "conf/icfp/GaboardiKOBU16",
"mdate": "2021-06-23",
"authors": "Marco Gaboardi, Shin-ya Katsumata, Dominic A. Orchard, Flavien Breuvart, and Tarmo Uustalu",
"title": "Combining effects and coeffects via grading",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/OrchardY16": {
"key": "conf/popl/OrchardY16",
"mdate": "2021-06-23",
"authors": "Dominic A. Orchard and Nobuko Yoshida",
"title": "Effects as sessions, sessions as effects",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"conf/birthday/MycroftOP16": {
"key": "conf/birthday/MycroftOP16",
"mdate": "2022-10-02",
"authors": "Alan Mycroft, Dominic A. Orchard, and Tomas Petricek",
"title": "Effect Systems Revisited - Control-Flow Algebra and Semantics",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-1812-11664": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-1812-11664",
"mdate": "2019-01-04",
"authors": "Oleg Kiselyov and K. C. Sivaramakrishnan",
"title": "Eff Directly in OCaml",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/HillerstromL16": {
"key": "conf/icfp/HillerstromL16",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Daniel Hillerström and Sam Lindley",
"title": "Liberating effects with rows and handlers",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"conf/fossacs/AhmanGP16": {
"key": "conf/fossacs/AhmanGP16",
"mdate": "2018-11-02",
"authors": "Danel Ahman, Neil Ghani, and Gordon D. Plotkin",
"title": "Dependent Types and Fibred Computational Effects",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"conf/padl/VazouL16": {
"key": "conf/padl/VazouL16",
"mdate": "2020-10-25",
"authors": "Niki Vazou and Daan Leijen",
"title": "From Monads to Effects and Back",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/Staton15": {
"key": "conf/popl/Staton15",
"mdate": "2021-06-23",
"authors": "Sam Staton",
"title": "Algebraic Effects, Linearity, and Quantum Programming Languages",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"conf/ifl/VandenbrouckeSP15": {
"key": "conf/ifl/VandenbrouckeSP15",
"mdate": "2018-11-06",
"authors": "Alexander Vandenbroucke, Tom Schrijvers, and Frank Piessens",
"title": "Fixing non-determinism",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"conf/oopsla/ToroT15": {
"key": "conf/oopsla/ToroT15",
"mdate": "2023-11-12",
"authors": "Matías Toro and Éric Tanter",
"title": "Customizable gradual polymorphic effects for Scala",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"conf/haskell/KiselyovI15": {
"key": "conf/haskell/KiselyovI15",
"mdate": "2021-07-25",
"authors": "Oleg Kiselyov and Hiromi Ishii",
"title": "Freer monads, more extensible effects",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"conf/mpc/WuS15": {
"key": "conf/mpc/WuS15",
"mdate": "2019-10-19",
"authors": "Nicolas Wu and Tom Schrijvers",
"title": "Fusion for Free - Efficient Algebraic Effect Handlers",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"journals/entcs/Uustalu15": {
"key": "journals/entcs/Uustalu15",
"mdate": "2022-08-16",
"authors": "Tarmo Uustalu",
"title": "Stateful Runners of Effectful Computations",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/Lindley14": {
"key": "conf/icfp/Lindley14",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Sam Lindley",
"title": "Algebraic effects and effect handlers for idioms and arrows",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/SchwerterGT14": {
"key": "conf/icfp/SchwerterGT14",
"mdate": "2021-06-24",
"authors": "Felipe Bañados Schwerter, Ronald Garcia, and Éric Tanter",
"title": "A theory of gradual effect systems",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"conf/haskell/WuSH14": {
"key": "conf/haskell/WuSH14",
"mdate": "2021-06-24",
"authors": "Nicolas Wu, Tom Schrijvers, and Ralf Hinze",
"title": "Effect handlers in scope",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"conf/haskell/OrchardP14": {
"key": "conf/haskell/OrchardP14",
"mdate": "2022-10-02",
"authors": "Dominic A. Orchard and Tomas Petricek",
"title": "Embedding effect systems in Haskell",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/Katsumata14": {
"key": "conf/popl/Katsumata14",
"mdate": "2021-06-24",
"authors": "Shin-ya Katsumata",
"title": "Parametric effect monads and semantics of effect systems",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/Brady13": {
"key": "conf/icfp/Brady13",
"mdate": "2021-06-24",
"authors": "Edwin C. Brady",
"title": "Programming and reasoning with algebraic effects and dependent types",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/SculthorpeBGG13": {
"key": "conf/icfp/SculthorpeBGG13",
"mdate": "2021-06-24",
"authors": "Neil Sculthorpe, Jan Bracker, George Giorgidze, and Andy Gill",
"title": "The constrained-monad problem",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/KammarLO13": {
"key": "conf/icfp/KammarLO13",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Ohad Kammar, Sam Lindley, and Nicolas Oury",
"title": "Handlers in action",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"conf/haskell/KiselyovSS13": {
"key": "conf/haskell/KiselyovSS13",
"mdate": "2021-06-24",
"authors": "Oleg Kiselyov, Amr Sabry, and Cameron Swords",
"title": "Extensible effects: an alternative to monad transformers",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"conf/ecoop/GordonDEG13": {
"key": "conf/ecoop/GordonDEG13",
"mdate": "2019-06-02",
"authors": "Colin S. Gordon, Werner Dietl, Michael D. Ernst, and Dan Grossman",
"title": "Java UI : Effects for Controlling UI Object Access",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"journals/entcs/AhmanS13": {
"key": "journals/entcs/AhmanS13",
"mdate": "2022-08-16",
"authors": "Danel Ahman and Sam Staton",
"title": "Normalization by Evaluation and Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/Tate13": {
"key": "conf/popl/Tate13",
"mdate": "2021-06-24",
"authors": "Ross Tate",
"title": "The sequential semantics of producer effect systems",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"conf/ecoop/RytzOH12": {
"key": "conf/ecoop/RytzOH12",
"mdate": "2017-05-21",
"authors": "Lukas Rytz, Martin Odersky, and Philipp Haller",
"title": "Lightweight Polymorphic Effects",
"year": "2012",
"ee": ""
"journals/entcs/LindleyWY11": {
"key": "journals/entcs/LindleyWY11",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Sam Lindley, Philip Wadler, and Jeremy Yallop",
"title": "Idioms are Oblivious, Arrows are Meticulous, Monads are Promiscuous",
"year": "2008",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/SwamyGLH11": {
"key": "conf/icfp/SwamyGLH11",
"mdate": "2021-06-24",
"authors": "Nikhil Swamy, Nataliya Guts, Daan Leijen, and Michael Hicks",
"title": "Lightweight monadic programming in ML",
"year": "2011",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/SchrijversO11": {
"key": "conf/icfp/SchrijversO11",
"mdate": "2021-06-24",
"authors": "Tom Schrijvers and Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira",
"title": "Monads, zippers and views: virtualizing the monad stack",
"year": "2011",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/GibbonsH11": {
"key": "conf/icfp/GibbonsH11",
"mdate": "2021-06-24",
"authors": "Jeremy Gibbons and Ralf Hinze",
"title": "Just do it: simple monadic equational reasoning",
"year": "2011",
"ee": ""
"conf/esop/PlotkinP09": {
"key": "conf/esop/PlotkinP09",
"mdate": "2022-04-09",
"authors": "Gordon D. Plotkin and Matija Pretnar",
"title": "Handlers of Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2009",
"ee": ""
"conf/calco/Atkey09": {
"key": "conf/calco/Atkey09",
"mdate": "2017-06-01",
"authors": "Robert Atkey",
"title": "Algebras for Parameterised Monads",
"year": "2009",
"ee": ""
"conf/haskell/KiselyovS08": {
"key": "conf/haskell/KiselyovS08",
"mdate": "2021-06-25",
"authors": "Oleg Kiselyov and Chung-chieh Shan",
"title": "Lightweight monadic regions",
"year": "2008",
"ee": ""
"conf/lics/PlotkinP08": {
"key": "conf/lics/PlotkinP08",
"mdate": "2023-03-24",
"authors": "Gordon D. Plotkin and Matija Pretnar",
"title": "A Logic for Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2008",
"ee": ""
"journals/entcs/Atkey11": {
"key": "journals/entcs/Atkey11",
"mdate": "2023-02-24",
"authors": "Robert Atkey",
"title": "What is a Categorical Model of Arrows?",
"year": "2008",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/Lin06": {
"key": "conf/icfp/Lin06",
"mdate": "2021-06-25",
"authors": "Chuan-Kai Lin",
"title": "Programming monads operationally with Unimo",
"year": "2006",
"ee": ""
"conf/fossacs/MoggiF03": {
"key": "conf/fossacs/MoggiF03",
"mdate": "2017-05-23",
"authors": "Eugenio Moggi and Sonia Fagorzi",
"title": "A Monadic Multi-stage Metalanguage",
"year": "2003",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/LuthG02": {
"key": "conf/icfp/LuthG02",
"mdate": "2021-07-07",
"authors": "Christoph Lüth and Neil Ghani",
"title": "Composing monads using coproducts",
"year": "2002",
"ee": ""
"conf/fossacs/PlotkinP02": {
"key": "conf/fossacs/PlotkinP02",
"mdate": "2018-11-02",
"authors": "Gordon D. Plotkin and John Power",
"title": "Notions of Computation Determine Monads",
"year": "2002",
"ee": ""
"conf/fossacs/PlotkinP01": {
"key": "conf/fossacs/PlotkinP01",
"mdate": "2018-11-02",
"authors": "Gordon D. Plotkin and John Power",
"title": "Adequacy for Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2001",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/Hinze00": {
"key": "conf/icfp/Hinze00",
"mdate": "2021-07-08",
"authors": "Ralf Hinze",
"title": "Deriving backtracking monad transformers",
"year": "2000",
"ee": ""
"conf/ac/BentonHM00": {
"key": "conf/ac/BentonHM00",
"mdate": "2022-03-16",
"authors": "Nick Benton, John Hughes, and Eugenio Moggi",
"title": "Monads and Effects",
"year": "2000",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/Filinski99": {
"key": "conf/popl/Filinski99",
"mdate": "2018-11-06",
"authors": "Andrzej Filinski",
"title": "Representing Layered Monads",
"year": "1999",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/LiangHJ95": {
"key": "conf/popl/LiangHJ95",
"mdate": "2018-11-06",
"authors": "Sheng Liang, Paul Hudak, and Mark P. Jones",
"title": "Monad Transformers and Modular Interpreters",
"year": "1995",
"ee": ""
"conf/afp/Wadler95": {
"key": "conf/afp/Wadler95",
"mdate": "2017-05-20",
"authors": "Philip Wadler",
"title": "Monads for Functional Programming",
"year": "1995",
"ee": ""
"conf/tacs/CartwrightF94": {
"key": "conf/tacs/CartwrightF94",
"mdate": "2017-05-20",
"authors": "Robert Cartwright and Matthias Felleisen",
"title": "Extensible Denotational Language Specifications",
"year": "1994",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/Filinski94": {
"key": "conf/popl/Filinski94",
"mdate": "2018-11-06",
"authors": "Andrzej Filinski",
"title": "Representing Monads",
"year": "1994",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/Steele94": {
"key": "conf/popl/Steele94",
"mdate": "2019-06-02",
"authors": "Guy L. Steele Jr.",
"title": "Building Interpreters by Composing Monads",
"year": "1994",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/JonesW93": {
"key": "conf/popl/JonesW93",
"mdate": "2018-11-14",
"authors": "Simon L. Peyton Jones and Philip Wadler",
"title": "Imperative Functional Programming",
"year": "1993",
"ee": ""
"conf/fp/KingW92": {
"key": "conf/fp/KingW92",
"mdate": "2019-06-21",
"authors": "David J. King and Philip Wadler",
"title": "Combining Monads",
"year": "1992",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/Wadler92": {
"key": "conf/popl/Wadler92",
"mdate": "2018-11-06",
"authors": "Philip Wadler",
"title": "The Essence of Functional Programming",
"year": "1992",
"ee": ""
"conf/lfp/Wadler90": {
"key": "conf/lfp/Wadler90",
"mdate": "2019-08-03",
"authors": "Philip Wadler",
"title": "Comprehending Monads",
"year": "1990",
"ee": ""
"conf/lfp/DanvyF90": {
"key": "conf/lfp/DanvyF90",
"mdate": "2024-08-04",
"authors": "Olivier Danvy and Andrzej Filinski",
"title": "Abstracting Control",
"year": "1990",
"ee": ""
"conf/lics/Moggi89": {
"key": "conf/lics/Moggi89",
"mdate": "2023-03-24",
"authors": "Eugenio Moggi",
"title": "Computational Lambda-Calculus and Monads",
"year": "1989",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/LucassenG88": {
"key": "conf/popl/LucassenG88",
"mdate": "2018-11-14",
"authors": "John M. Lucassen and David K. Gifford",
"title": "Polymorphic Effect Systems",
"year": "1988",
"ee": ""
"conf/iccl/JouvelotG88": {
"key": "conf/iccl/JouvelotG88",
"mdate": "2023-03-23",
"authors": "Pierre Jouvelot and David K. Gifford",
"title": "The FX-87 Interpreter",
"year": "1988",
"ee": ""
"phd/ethos/McLaughlin20": {
"key": "phd/ethos/McLaughlin20",
"mdate": "2022-08-10",
"authors": "Craig McLaughlin",
"title": "Relational reasoning for effects and handlers",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"phd/dnb/Brachthauser20": {
"key": "phd/dnb/Brachthauser20",
"mdate": "2021-07-17",
"authors": "Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser",
"title": "Design and Implementation of Effect Handlers for Object-Oriented Programming Languages",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"phd/ethos/Geron20": {
"key": "phd/ethos/Geron20",
"mdate": "2022-10-13",
"authors": "Bram Geron",
"title": "Defined algebraic operations",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"phd/ethos/Cheung17": {
"key": "phd/ethos/Cheung17",
"mdate": "2022-04-05",
"authors": "Kwok-Ho Cheung",
"title": "Distributive interaction of algebraic effects",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"phd/ethos/Ahman17": {
"key": "phd/ethos/Ahman17",
"mdate": "2024-04-22",
"authors": "Danel Ahman",
"title": "Fibred computational effects",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"phd/ethos/Pretnar10": {
"key": "phd/ethos/Pretnar10",
"mdate": "2022-05-04",
"authors": "Matija Pretnar",
"title": "Logic and handling of algebraic effects",
"year": "2010",
"ee": ""
"journals/lisp/Wadler94": {
"key": "journals/lisp/Wadler94",
"mdate": "2020-05-21",
"authors": "Philip Wadler",
"title": "Monads and Composable Continuations",
"year": "1994",
"ee": null
"conf/calco/Plotkin09": {
"key": "conf/calco/Plotkin09",
"mdate": "2017-05-24",
"authors": "Gordon D. Plotkin",
"title": "Adequacy for Infinitary Algebraic Effects (Abstract)",
"year": "2009",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/Filinski10": {
"key": "conf/popl/Filinski10",
"mdate": "2021-06-22",
"authors": "Andrzej Filinski",
"title": "Monads in action",
"year": "2010",
"ee": ""
"books/daglib/p/GlabbeekP10": {
"key": "books/daglib/p/GlabbeekP10",
"mdate": "2017-05-16",
"authors": "Rob J. van Glabbeek and Gordon D. Plotkin",
"title": "On CSP and the Algebraic Theory of Effects",
"year": "2010",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/MorgensternL10": {
"key": "conf/icfp/MorgensternL10",
"mdate": "2021-06-22",
"authors": "Jamie Morgenstern and Daniel R. Licata",
"title": "Security-typed programming within dependently typed programming",
"year": "2010",
"ee": ""
"conf/calco/MogelbergS11": {
"key": "conf/calco/MogelbergS11",
"mdate": "2017-05-24",
"authors": "Rasmus Ejlers Møgelberg and Sam Staton",
"title": "Linearly-Used State in Models of Call-by-Value",
"year": "2011",
"ee": ""
"conf/icalp/Katsumata11": {
"key": "conf/icalp/Katsumata11",
"mdate": "2021-04-09",
"authors": "Shin-ya Katsumata",
"title": "Relating Computational Effects by ⊤ ⊤-Lifting",
"year": "2011",
"ee": ""
"journals/mscs/DumasDFR12": {
"key": "journals/mscs/DumasDFR12",
"mdate": "2020-04-01",
"authors": "Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Laurent Fousse, and Jean-Claude Reynaud",
"title": "A duality between exceptions and states",
"year": "2012",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/KammarP12": {
"key": "conf/popl/KammarP12",
"mdate": "2021-06-24",
"authors": "Ohad Kammar and Gordon D. Plotkin",
"title": "Algebraic foundations for effect-dependent optimisations",
"year": "2012",
"ee": ""
"conf/concur/Plotkin12": {
"key": "conf/concur/Plotkin12",
"mdate": "2017-05-23",
"authors": "Gordon D. Plotkin",
"title": "Concurrency and the Algebraic Theory of Effects - (Abstract)",
"year": "2012",
"ee": ""
"conf/utp/Gibbons12": {
"key": "conf/utp/Gibbons12",
"mdate": "2017-05-23",
"authors": "Jeremy Gibbons",
"title": "Unifying Theories of Programming with Monads",
"year": "2012",
"ee": ""
"conf/fossacs/Staton13": {
"key": "conf/fossacs/Staton13",
"mdate": "2018-06-26",
"authors": "Sam Staton",
"title": "An Algebraic Presentation of Predicate Logic - (Extended Abstract)",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"conf/calco/BauerP13": {
"key": "conf/calco/BauerP13",
"mdate": "2022-04-09",
"authors": "Andrej Bauer and Matija Pretnar",
"title": "An Effect System for Algebraic Effects and Handlers",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"conf/ifl/DayH13": {
"key": "conf/ifl/DayH13",
"mdate": "2023-03-21",
"authors": "Laurence E. Day and Graham Hutton",
"title": "Compilation à la Carte",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"journals/entcs/Escardo13": {
"key": "journals/entcs/Escardo13",
"mdate": "2022-08-16",
"authors": "Martín Hötzel Escardó",
"title": "Continuity of Gödel's System T Definable Functionals via Effectful Forcing",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"journals/tplp/SchrijversDDW13": {
"key": "journals/tplp/SchrijversDDW13",
"mdate": "2020-02-13",
"authors": "Tom Schrijvers, Bart Demoen, Benoit Desouter, and Jan Wielemaker",
"title": "Delimited continuations for prolog",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"conf/ifl/FowlerB13": {
"key": "conf/ifl/FowlerB13",
"mdate": "2020-06-21",
"authors": "Simon Fowler and Edwin C. Brady",
"title": "Dependent Types for Safe and Secure Web Programming",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"conf/icfp/DelawareKSO13": {
"key": "conf/icfp/DelawareKSO13",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Benjamin Delaware, Steven Keuchel, Tom Schrijvers, and Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira",
"title": "Modular monadic meta-theory",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"conf/cefp/Brady13": {
"key": "conf/cefp/Brady13",
"mdate": "2020-06-21",
"authors": "Edwin C. Brady",
"title": "The Idris Programming Language - Implementing Embedded Domain Specific Languages with Dependent Types",
"year": "2013",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/Ekici14": {
"key": "journals/corr/Ekici14",
"mdate": "2018-08-13",
"authors": "Burak Ekici",
"title": "Certification of programs with computational effects",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"conf/ppdp/SchrijversWDD14": {
"key": "conf/ppdp/SchrijversWDD14",
"mdate": "2019-10-19",
"authors": "Tom Schrijvers, Nicolas Wu, Benoit Desouter, and Bart Demoen",
"title": "Heuristics Entwined with Handlers Combined: From Functional Specification to Logic Programming Implementation",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/Leijen14": {
"key": "journals/corr/Leijen14",
"mdate": "2018-09-12",
"authors": "Daan Leijen",
"title": "Koka: Programming with Row Polymorphic Effect Types",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/Hedges14a": {
"key": "journals/corr/Hedges14a",
"mdate": "2018-09-12",
"authors": "Jules Hedges",
"title": "Monad Transformers for Backtracking Search",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"conf/haskell/PloegK14": {
"key": "conf/haskell/PloegK14",
"mdate": "2021-06-24",
"authors": "Atze van der Ploeg and Oleg Kiselyov",
"title": "Reflection without remorse: revealing a hidden sequence to speed up monadic reflection",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"conf/sfp/Brady14": {
"key": "conf/sfp/Brady14",
"mdate": "2020-06-21",
"authors": "Edwin C. Brady",
"title": "Resource-Dependent Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"conf/csl/FioreS14": {
"key": "conf/csl/FioreS14",
"mdate": "2018-11-06",
"authors": "Marcelo P. Fiore and Sam Staton",
"title": "Substitution, jumps, and algebraic effects",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"conf/padl/PetricekS14": {
"key": "conf/padl/PetricekS14",
"mdate": "2017-09-06",
"authors": "Tomas Petricek and Don Syme",
"title": "The F# Computation Expression Zoo",
"year": "2014",
"ee": ""
"conf/ppdp/RivasJS15": {
"key": "conf/ppdp/RivasJS15",
"mdate": "2023-03-21",
"authors": "Exequiel Rivas, Mauro Jaskelioff, and Tom Schrijvers",
"title": "From monoids to near-semirings: the essence of MonadPlus and alternative",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"journals/tcs/Hasuo15": {
"key": "journals/tcs/Hasuo15",
"mdate": "2021-10-14",
"authors": "Ichiro Hasuo",
"title": "Generic weakest precondition semantics from monads enriched with order",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/DumasDEPR15": {
"key": "journals/corr/DumasDEPR15",
"mdate": "2022-04-09",
"authors": "Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Burak Ekici, Damien Pous, and Jean-Claude Reynaud",
"title": "Hilbert-Post completeness for the state and the exception effects",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"conf/icse/ClaretR15": {
"key": "conf/icse/ClaretR15",
"mdate": "2023-03-23",
"authors": "Guillaume Claret and Yann Régis-Gianas",
"title": "Mechanical Verification of Interactive Programs Specified by Use Cases",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"conf/haskell/OliveiraMY15": {
"key": "conf/haskell/OliveiraMY15",
"mdate": "2021-06-23",
"authors": "Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira, Shin-Cheng Mu, and Shu-Hung You",
"title": "Modular reifiable matching: a list-of-functors approach to two-level types",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"conf/macis/DumasDEPR15": {
"key": "conf/macis/DumasDEPR15",
"mdate": "2019-10-19",
"authors": "Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Burak Ekici, Damien Pous, and Jean-Claude Reynaud",
"title": "Relative Hilbert-Post Completeness for Exceptions",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"journals/entcs/HeunenK15": {
"key": "journals/entcs/HeunenK15",
"mdate": "2022-08-16",
"authors": "Chris Heunen and Martti Karvonen",
"title": "Reversible Monadic Computing",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"journals/tplp/DesouterDS15": {
"key": "journals/tplp/DesouterDS15",
"mdate": "2020-02-13",
"authors": "Benoit Desouter, Marko van Dooren, and Tom Schrijvers",
"title": "Tabling as a library with delimited control",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"conf/mpc/McBride15": {
"key": "conf/mpc/McBride15",
"mdate": "2018-11-02",
"authors": "Conor McBride",
"title": "Turing-Completeness Totally Free",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"journals/entcs/0001RS15": {
"key": "journals/entcs/0001RS15",
"mdate": "2022-08-16",
"authors": "Sergey Goncharov, Christoph Rauch, and Lutz Schröder",
"title": "Unguarded Recursion on Coinductive Resumptions",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"conf/ecoop/0008EW16": {
"key": "conf/ecoop/0008EW16",
"mdate": "2018-08-23",
"authors": "Sheng Chen, Martin Erwig, and Eric Walkingshaw",
"title": "A Calculus for Variational Programming",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"conf/cpp/RahliB16": {
"key": "conf/cpp/RahliB16",
"mdate": "2019-10-19",
"authors": "Vincent Rahli and Mark Bickford",
"title": "A nominal exploration of intuitionism",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"conf/types/BauerGHPS16": {
"key": "conf/types/BauerGHPS16",
"mdate": "2023-08-06",
"authors": "Andrej Bauer, Gaëtan Gilbert, Philipp G. Haselwarter, Matija Pretnar, and Christopher A. Stone",
"title": "Design and Implementation of the Andromeda Proof Assistant",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"conf/oopsla/LongLR16": {
"key": "conf/oopsla/LongLR16",
"mdate": "2021-06-23",
"authors": "Yuheng Long, Yu David Liu, and Hridesh Rajan",
"title": "First-class effect reflection for effect-guided programming",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"conf/oopsla/OsvaldEWAR16": {
"key": "conf/oopsla/OsvaldEWAR16",
"mdate": "2021-06-23",
"authors": "Leo Osvald, Grégory M. Essertel, Xilun Wu, Lilliam I. González Alayón, and Tiark Rompf",
"title": "Gentrification gone too far? affordable 2nd-class values for fun and (co-)effect",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"conf/fg/MarsikA16": {
"key": "conf/fg/MarsikA16",
"mdate": "2017-05-24",
"authors": "Jirka Marsík and Maxime Amblard",
"title": "Introducing a Calculus of Effects and Handlers for Natural Language Semantics",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"conf/eoolt/Hoger16": {
"key": "conf/eoolt/Hoger16",
"mdate": "2018-11-06",
"authors": "Christoph Höger",
"title": "Modeling with monads: extensible modeling semantics as syntactic sugar",
"year": "2016",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/PirogS17": {
"key": "journals/jfp/PirogS17",
"mdate": "2021-10-14",
"authors": "Maciej Piróg and Sam Staton",
"title": "Backtracking with cut via a distributive law and left-zero monoids",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"conf/popl/AhmanHMMPPRS17": {
"key": "conf/popl/AhmanHMMPPRS17",
"mdate": "2021-10-14",
"authors": "Danel Ahman, Catalin Hritcu, Kenji Maillard, Guido Martínez, Gordon D. Plotkin, Jonathan Protzenko, Aseem Rastogi, and Nikhil Swamy",
"title": "Dijkstra monads for free",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"conf/fossacs/Mamouras17": {
"key": "conf/fossacs/Mamouras17",
"mdate": "2017-05-23",
"authors": "Konstantinos Mamouras",
"title": "Equational Theories of Abnormal Termination Based on Kleene Algebra",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/IgarashiTVW17": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/IgarashiTVW17",
"mdate": "2024-05-07",
"authors": "Atsushi Igarashi, Peter Thiemann, Vasco T. Vasconcelos, and Philip Wadler",
"title": "Gradual session types",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/AbelAS17": {
"key": "journals/jfp/AbelAS17",
"mdate": "2019-10-19",
"authors": "Andreas Abel, Stephan Adelsberger, and Anton Setzer",
"title": "Interactive programming in Agda - Objects and graphical user interfaces",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"conf/ecoop/KaminaAM17": {
"key": "conf/ecoop/KaminaAM17",
"mdate": "2019-10-19",
"authors": "Tetsuo Kamina, Tomoyuki Aotani, and Hidehiko Masuhara",
"title": "Push-based reactive layer activation in context-oriented programming",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"conf/dls/LoringML17": {
"key": "conf/dls/LoringML17",
"mdate": "2021-06-23",
"authors": "Matthew C. Loring, Mark Marron, and Daan Leijen",
"title": "Semantics of asynchronous JavaScript",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"journals/aghcs/Brady17": {
"key": "journals/aghcs/Brady17",
"mdate": "2020-07-16",
"authors": "Edwin C. Brady",
"title": "Type-driven Development of Concurrent Communicating Systems",
"year": "2017",
"ee": ""
"conf/ppdp/AdelsbergerSW18": {
"key": "conf/ppdp/AdelsbergerSW18",
"mdate": "2019-10-19",
"authors": "Stephan Adelsberger, Anton Setzer, and Eric Walkingshaw",
"title": "Declarative GUIs: Simple, Consistent, and Verified",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"conf/setta/AdelsbergerSW18": {
"key": "conf/setta/AdelsbergerSW18",
"mdate": "2018-08-27",
"authors": "Stephan Adelsberger, Anton Setzer, and Eric Walkingshaw",
"title": "Developing GUI Applications in a Verified Setting",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/programming/KaminaA18": {
"key": "journals/programming/KaminaA18",
"mdate": "2021-02-17",
"authors": "Tetsuo Kamina and Tomoyuki Aotani",
"title": "Harmonizing Signals and Events with a Lightweight Extension to Java",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/dmtcs/Ekici18": {
"key": "journals/dmtcs/Ekici18",
"mdate": "2023-02-12",
"authors": "Burak Ekici",
"title": "IMP with exceptions over decorated logic",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"conf/synasc/CiobanuT18": {
"key": "conf/synasc/CiobanuT18",
"mdate": "2021-04-09",
"authors": "Gabriel Ciobanu and Eneia Nicolae Todoran",
"title": "On the Abstractness of Continuation Semantics",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/ijar/Abdallah18": {
"key": "journals/ijar/Abdallah18",
"mdate": "2020-02-21",
"authors": "Samer Abdallah",
"title": "PRISM revisited: Declarative implementation of a probabilistic programming language using multi-prompt delimited control",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/YallopGK18": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/YallopGK18",
"mdate": "2021-02-17",
"authors": "Jeremy Yallop, Tamara von Glehn, and Ohad Kammar",
"title": "Partially-static data as free extension of algebras",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"conf/pepm/AsaiU18": {
"key": "conf/pepm/AsaiU18",
"mdate": "2018-11-21",
"authors": "Kenichi Asai and Chihiro Uehara",
"title": "Selective CPS transformation for shift and reset",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/lmcs/GoncharovSRJ18": {
"key": "journals/lmcs/GoncharovSRJ18",
"mdate": "2021-07-25",
"authors": "Sergey Goncharov, Lutz Schröder, Christoph Rauch, and Julian Jakob",
"title": "Unguarded Recursion on Coinductive Resumptions",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"journals/mscs/RahliB18": {
"key": "journals/mscs/RahliB18",
"mdate": "2020-04-01",
"authors": "Vincent Rahli and Mark Bickford",
"title": "Validating Brouwer's continuity principle for numbers using named exceptions",
"year": "2018",
"ee": ""
"conf/oopsla/Gariano0S19": {
"key": "conf/oopsla/Gariano0S19",
"mdate": "2020-03-27",
"authors": "Isaac Oscar Gariano, James Noble, and Marco Servetto",
"title": "CallƐ: an effect system for method calls",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"conf/iccp2/Todoran19": {
"key": "conf/iccp2/Todoran19",
"mdate": "2020-02-04",
"authors": "Eneia Nicolae Todoran",
"title": "Continuation-Based Metric Semantics for Concurrency",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"conf/esop/LagoG19": {
"key": "conf/esop/LagoG19",
"mdate": "2022-01-03",
"authors": "Ugo Dal Lago and Francesco Gavazzo",
"title": "Effectful Normal Form Bisimulation",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/FowlerLMD19": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/FowlerLMD19",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Simon Fowler, Sam Lindley, J. Garrett Morris, and Sára Decova",
"title": "Exceptional asynchronous session types: session types without tiers",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"conf/padl/PietersS19": {
"key": "conf/padl/PietersS19",
"mdate": "2019-09-05",
"authors": "Ruben P. Pieters and Tom Schrijvers",
"title": "Faster Coroutine Pipelines: A Reconstruction",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/IgarashiTTVW19": {
"key": "journals/jfp/IgarashiTTVW19",
"mdate": "2020-06-16",
"authors": "Atsushi Igarashi, Peter Thiemann, Yuya Tsuda, Vasco T. Vasconcelos, and Philip Wadler",
"title": "Gradual session types",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"conf/pldi/AiADGJKKTT19": {
"key": "conf/pldi/AiADGJKKTT19",
"mdate": "2020-06-15",
"authors": "Jessica Ai, Nimar S. Arora, Ning Dong, Beliz Gokkaya, Thomas Jiang, Anitha Kubendran, Arun Kumar, Michael Tingley, and Narjes Torabi",
"title": "HackPPL: a universal probabilistic programming language",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"conf/haskell/Devriese19": {
"key": "conf/haskell/Devriese19",
"mdate": "2019-09-25",
"authors": "Dominique Devriese",
"title": "Modular effects in Haskell through effect polymorphism and explicit dictionary applications: a new approach and the μVeriFast verifier as a case study",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"journals/vlc/Mosses19": {
"key": "journals/vlc/Mosses19",
"mdate": "2020-03-27",
"authors": "Peter D. Mosses",
"title": "Software meta-language engineering and CBS",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"conf/ecoop/Muijnck-HughesB19": {
"key": "conf/ecoop/Muijnck-HughesB19",
"mdate": "2020-11-16",
"authors": "Jan de Muijnck-Hughes, Edwin C. Brady, and Wim Vanderbauwhede",
"title": "A Framework for Resource Dependent EDSLs in a Dependently Typed Language (Pearl)",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/aplas/UustaluV20": {
"key": "conf/aplas/UustaluV20",
"mdate": "2020-12-01",
"authors": "Tarmo Uustalu and Niels F. W. Voorneveld",
"title": "Algebraic and Coalgebraic Perspectives on Interaction Laws",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/sfp/Janin20": {
"key": "conf/sfp/Janin20",
"mdate": "2020-08-26",
"authors": "David Janin",
"title": "An Equational Modeling of Asynchronous Concurrent Programming",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/pldi/FlattD20": {
"key": "conf/pldi/FlattD20",
"mdate": "2020-06-09",
"authors": "Matthew Flatt and R. Kent Dybvig",
"title": "Compiler and runtime support for continuation marks",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/jfp/PietersS20": {
"key": "journals/jfp/PietersS20",
"mdate": "2022-06-23",
"authors": "Ruben P. Pieters and Tom Schrijvers",
"title": "Faster coroutine pipelines: A reconstruction",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/cpp/LetanR20": {
"key": "conf/cpp/LetanR20",
"mdate": "2020-01-23",
"authors": "Thomas Letan and Yann Régis-Gianas",
"title": "FreeSpec: specifying, verifying, and executing impure computations in Coq",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-2010-09073": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-2010-09073",
"mdate": "2023-12-11",
"authors": "Yizhou Zhang, Guido Salvaneschi, and Andrew C. Myers",
"title": "Handling Bidirectional Control Flow: Technical Report",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/sac/RigonTV20": {
"key": "conf/sac/RigonTV20",
"mdate": "2020-06-15",
"authors": "Leonardo Filipe Rigon, Paulo Torrens, and Cristiano D. Vasconcellos",
"title": "Inferring types and effects via static single assignment",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/lics/KatsumataRU20": {
"key": "conf/lics/KatsumataRU20",
"mdate": "2023-03-21",
"authors": "Shin-ya Katsumata, Exequiel Rivas, and Tarmo Uustalu",
"title": "Interaction Laws of Monads and Comonads",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/mics/EkiciK20": {
"key": "journals/mics/EkiciK20",
"mdate": "2022-06-23",
"authors": "Burak Ekici and Cezary Kaliszyk",
"title": "Mac Lane's Comparison Theorem for the Kleisli Construction Formalized in Coq",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/MadsenP20": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/MadsenP20",
"mdate": "2021-02-17",
"authors": "Magnus Madsen and Jaco van de Pol",
"title": "Polymorphic types and effects with Boolean unification",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"conf/lics/KoenigS20": {
"key": "conf/lics/KoenigS20",
"mdate": "2022-04-09",
"authors": "Jérémie Koenig and Zhong Shao",
"title": "Refinement-Based Game Semantics for Certified Abstraction Layers",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/MaillardHRM20": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/MaillardHRM20",
"mdate": "2024-02-05",
"authors": "Kenji Maillard, Catalin Hritcu, Exequiel Rivas, and Antoine Van Muylder",
"title": "The next 700 relational program logics",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"books/sp/22/Brachthauser22": {
"key": "books/sp/22/Brachthauser22",
"mdate": "2024-05-07",
"authors": "Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser",
"title": "What You See Is What You Get: Practical Effect Handlers in Capability-Passing Style",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/jolli/BernardyCM21": {
"key": "journals/jolli/BernardyCM21",
"mdate": "2021-05-14",
"authors": "Jean-Philippe Bernardy, Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, and Aleksandre Maskharashvili",
"title": "A Computational Treatment of Anaphora and Its Algorithmic Implementation",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"conf/sfp/FrolichB21": {
"key": "conf/sfp/FrolichB21",
"mdate": "2023-09-30",
"authors": "Damian Frölich and L. Thomas van Binsbergen",
"title": "A Generic Back-End for Exploratory Programming",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"conf/isola/Wadler21": {
"key": "conf/isola/Wadler21",
"mdate": "2021-10-14",
"authors": "Philip Wadler",
"title": "GATE: Gradual Effect Types",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/HirschC21": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/HirschC21",
"mdate": "2022-01-03",
"authors": "Andrew K. Hirsch and Ethan Cecchetti",
"title": "Giving semantics to program-counter labels via secure effects",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-2211-01841": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-2211-01841",
"mdate": "2022-12-05",
"authors": "Jérémie Koenig",
"title": "Grounding Game Semantics in Categorical Algebra",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-2112-14057": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-2112-14057",
"mdate": "2022-12-07",
"authors": "Niccolò Veltri and Niels F. W. Voorneveld",
"title": "Inductive and Coinductive Predicate Liftings for Effectful Programs",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/tcs/MarsikAG21": {
"key": "journals/tcs/MarsikAG21",
"mdate": "2021-05-16",
"authors": "Jirka Marsík, Maxime Amblard, and Philippe de Groote",
"title": "Introducing ⦇",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"conf/pldi/ReinkingXML21": {
"key": "conf/pldi/ReinkingXML21",
"mdate": "2022-09-29",
"authors": "Alex Reinking, Ningning Xie, Leonardo de Moura, and Daan Leijen",
"title": "Perceus: garbage free reference counting with reuse",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/BaoWBJHR21": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/BaoWBJHR21",
"mdate": "2024-05-07",
"authors": "Yuyan Bao, Guannan Wei, Oliver Bracevac, Yuxuan Jiang, Qiyang He, and Tiark Rompf",
"title": "Reachability types: tracking aliasing and separation in higher-order functional programs",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"conf/ppdp/BiernackiPS21": {
"key": "conf/ppdp/BiernackiPS21",
"mdate": "2023-06-26",
"authors": "Dariusz Biernacki, Mateusz Pyzik, and Filip Sieczkowski",
"title": "Reflecting Stacked Continuations in a Fine-Grained Direct-Style Reduction Theory",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"conf/csfw/AbateHRMWHMS21": {
"key": "conf/csfw/AbateHRMWHMS21",
"mdate": "2023-03-21",
"authors": "Carmine Abate, Philipp G. Haselwarter, Exequiel Rivas, Antoine Van Muylder, Théo Winterhalter, Catalin Hritcu, Kenji Maillard, and Bas Spitters",
"title": "SSProve: A Foundational Framework for Modular Cryptographic Proofs in Coq",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"conf/lics/AbadiP21": {
"key": "conf/lics/AbadiP21",
"mdate": "2021-07-09",
"authors": "Martín Abadi and Gordon D. Plotkin",
"title": "Smart Choices and the Selection Monad",
"year": "2021",
"ee": ""
"journals/lmcs/SterlingAG22": {
"key": "journals/lmcs/SterlingAG22",
"mdate": "2023-01-24",
"authors": "Jonathan Sterling, Carlo Angiuli, and Daniel Gratzer",
"title": "A Cubical Language for Bishop Sets",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"journals/lmcs/CongIHA22": {
"key": "journals/lmcs/CongIHA22",
"mdate": "2023-01-24",
"authors": "Youyou Cong, Chiaki Ishio, Kaho Honda, and Kenichi Asai",
"title": "A Functional Abstraction of Typed Invocation Contexts",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/flops/BergS22": {
"key": "conf/flops/BergS22",
"mdate": "2022-05-18",
"authors": "Birthe van den Berg and Tom Schrijvers",
"title": "A Functional Account of Probabilistic Programming with Possible Worlds - Declarative Pearl",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"journals/toplas/MelicherXZPA22": {
"key": "journals/toplas/MelicherXZPA22",
"mdate": "2022-04-09",
"authors": "Darya Melicher, Anlun Xu, Valerie Zhao, Alex Potanin, and Jonathan Aldrich",
"title": "Bounded Abstract Effects",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/itp/ZhanLWZHYX22": {
"key": "conf/itp/ZhanLWZHYX22",
"mdate": "2022-08-04",
"authors": "Bohua Zhan, Yi Lv, Shuling Wang, Gehang Zhao, Jifeng Hao, Hong Ye, and Bican Xia",
"title": "Compositional Verification of Interacting Systems Using Event Monads",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/YoonZZ22": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/YoonZZ22",
"mdate": "2023-08-28",
"authors": "Irene Yoon, Yannick Zakowski, and Steve Zdancewic",
"title": "Formal reasoning about layered monadic interpreters",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/csl/BaillonMP22": {
"key": "conf/csl/BaillonMP22",
"mdate": "2022-01-27",
"authors": "Martin Baillon, Assia Mahboubi, and Pierre-Marie Pédrot",
"title": "Gardening with the Pythia A Model of Continuity in a Dependent Setting",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-2203-03288": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-2203-03288",
"mdate": "2023-03-22",
"authors": "Cas van der Rest, Jaro S. Reinders, and Casper Bach Poulsen",
"title": "Handling Higher-Order Effects",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/ValeMSKS22": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/ValeMSKS22",
"mdate": "2022-12-05",
"authors": "Arthur Oliveira Vale, Paul-André Melliès, Zhong Shao, Jérémie Koenig, and Léo Stefanesco",
"title": "Layered and object-based game semantics",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/csl/ConstantinDH22": {
"key": "conf/csl/ConstantinDH22",
"mdate": "2024-07-05",
"authors": "Carmen M. Constantin, Nuiok Dicaire, and Chris Heunen",
"title": "Localisable Monads",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-2203-15426": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-2203-15426",
"mdate": "2022-04-04",
"authors": "Ugo Dal Lago, Francesco Gavazzo, and Alexis Ghyselen",
"title": "On Reinforcement Learning, Effect Handlers, and the State Monad",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/LorenzenL22": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/LorenzenL22",
"mdate": "2023-08-28",
"authors": "Anton Lorenzen and Daan Leijen",
"title": "Reference counting with frame limited reuse",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/ictac/Voorneveld22": {
"key": "conf/ictac/Voorneveld22",
"mdate": "2022-10-18",
"authors": "Niels F. W. Voorneveld",
"title": "Runners for Interleaving Algebraic Effects",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/sfp/IkemoriCML22": {
"key": "conf/sfp/IkemoriCML22",
"mdate": "2023-01-09",
"authors": "Kazuki Ikemori, Youyou Cong, Hidehiko Masuhara, and Daan Leijen",
"title": "Sound and Complete Type Inference for Closed Effect Rows",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/mpc/VeltriV22": {
"key": "conf/mpc/VeltriV22",
"mdate": "2022-12-05",
"authors": "Niccolò Veltri and Niels F. W. Voorneveld",
"title": "Streams of Approximations, Equivalence of Recursive Effectful Programs",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/sfp/FurudonoCML22": {
"key": "conf/sfp/FurudonoCML22",
"mdate": "2023-01-09",
"authors": "Naoya Furudono, Youyou Cong, Hidehiko Masuhara, and Daan Leijen",
"title": "Towards Efficient Adjustment of Effect Rows",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/sfp/RestP22": {
"key": "conf/sfp/RestP22",
"mdate": "2023-01-09",
"authors": "Cas van der Rest and Casper Bach Poulsen",
"title": "Towards a Language for Defining Reusable Programming Language Components - (Project Paper)",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"conf/sfp/CongA22": {
"key": "conf/sfp/CongA22",
"mdate": "2023-01-15",
"authors": "Youyou Cong and Kenichi Asai",
"title": "Understanding Algebraic Effect Handlers via Delimited Control Operators",
"year": "2022",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-2304-09697": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-2304-09697",
"mdate": "2024-02-05",
"authors": "Roger Bosman, Birthe van den Berg, Wenhao Tang, and Tom Schrijvers",
"title": "A Calculus for Scoped Effects & Handlers",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"conf/esop/VilhenaP23": {
"key": "conf/esop/VilhenaP23",
"mdate": "2023-05-13",
"authors": "Paulo Emílio de Vilhena and François Pottier",
"title": "A Type System for Effect Handlers and Dynamic Labels",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/logcom/AbeK23": {
"key": "journals/logcom/AbeK23",
"mdate": "2024-02-05",
"authors": "Tatsuya Abe and Daisuke Kimura",
"title": "A typed lambda-calculus with first-class configurations",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"conf/esop/MuraseNI23": {
"key": "conf/esop/MuraseNI23",
"mdate": "2023-05-13",
"authors": "Yuito Murase, Yuichi Nishiwaki, and Atsushi Igarashi",
"title": "Contextual Modal Type Theory with Polymorphic Contexts",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"conf/haskell/NguyenPWR23": {
"key": "conf/haskell/NguyenPWR23",
"mdate": "2024-05-28",
"authors": "Minh Nguyen, Roly Perera, Meng Wang, and Steven Ramsay",
"title": "Effect Handlers for Programmable Inference",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-2303-01328": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-2303-01328",
"mdate": "2024-08-01",
"authors": "Minh Nguyen, Roly Perera, Meng Wang, and Steven Ramsay",
"title": "Effects and Effect Handlers for Programmable Inference",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"conf/heart/TahirLW23": {
"key": "conf/heart/TahirLW23",
"mdate": "2023-08-05",
"authors": "Omar Tahir, Wayne Luk, and Nicolas Wu",
"title": "Extensible Embedded Hardware Description Languages with Compilation, Simulation and Verification",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/HubersM23": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/HubersM23",
"mdate": "2023-12-17",
"authors": "Alex Hubers and J. Garrett Morris",
"title": "Generic Programming with Extensible Data Types: Or, Making Ad Hoc Extensible Data Types Less Ad Hoc",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-2307-13795": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-2307-13795",
"mdate": "2023-08-02",
"authors": "Danel Ahman and Matija Pretnar",
"title": "Higher-Order Asynchronous Effects",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"conf/lics/Winskel23": {
"key": "conf/lics/Winskel23",
"mdate": "2024-05-29",
"authors": "Glynn Winskel",
"title": "Making Concurrency Functional",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"conf/esop/DerakhshanDSJ23": {
"key": "conf/esop/DerakhshanDSJ23",
"mdate": "2024-08-04",
"authors": "Farzaneh Derakhshan, Myra Dotzel, Milijana Surbatovich, and Limin Jia",
"title": "Modal Crash Types for Intermittent Computing",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/YangW23": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/YangW23",
"mdate": "2023-12-17",
"authors": "Zhixuan Yang and Nicolas Wu",
"title": "Modular Models of Monoids with Operations",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"conf/ecoop/MadsenP23": {
"key": "conf/ecoop/MadsenP23",
"mdate": "2023-07-11",
"authors": "Magnus Madsen and Jaco van de Pol",
"title": "Programming with Purity Reflection: Peaceful Coexistence of Effects, Laziness, and Parallelism",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/toplas/HaselwarterRMWASHMS23": {
"key": "journals/toplas/HaselwarterRMWASHMS23",
"mdate": "2023-11-09",
"authors": "Philipp G. Haselwarter, Exequiel Rivas, Antoine Van Muylder, Théo Winterhalter, Carmine Abate, Nikolaj Sidorenco, Catalin Hritcu, Kenji Maillard, and Bas Spitters",
"title": "SSProve: A Foundational Framework for Modular Cryptographic Proofs in Coq",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/corr/abs-2303-01350": {
"key": "journals/corr/abs-2303-01350",
"mdate": "2023-03-06",
"authors": "Cezar-Constantin Andrici, Catalin Hritcu, Guido Martínez, Exequiel Rivas, and Théo Winterhalter",
"title": "Securely Compiling Verified F* Programs With IO",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/darts/SilverHCHZ23": {
"key": "journals/darts/SilverHCHZ23",
"mdate": "2023-07-11",
"authors": "Lucas Silver, Paul He, Ethan Cecchetti, Andrew K. Hirsch, and Steve Zdancewic",
"title": "Semantics for Noninterference with Interaction Trees (Artifact)",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/LeijenL23": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/LeijenL23",
"mdate": "2023-02-10",
"authors": "Daan Leijen and Anton Lorenzen",
"title": "Tail Recursion Modulo Context: An Equational Approach",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/SekiyamaU23": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/SekiyamaU23",
"mdate": "2023-02-10",
"authors": "Taro Sekiyama and Hiroshi Unno",
"title": "Temporal Verification with Answer-Effect Modification: Dependent Temporal Type-and-Effect System with Delimited Continuations",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"conf/icsca/Nishizaki23": {
"key": "conf/icsca/Nishizaki23",
"mdate": "2023-10-27",
"authors": "Shin-ya Nishizaki",
"title": "Transplanting of Environments between Closures in the lambda calculus",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/lmcs/VilhenaP23": {
"key": "journals/lmcs/VilhenaP23",
"mdate": "2023-10-26",
"authors": "Paulo Emílio de Vilhena and François Pottier",
"title": "Verifying an Effect-Handler-Based Define-By-Run Reverse-Mode AD Library",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"conf/fossacs/Ahman23": {
"key": "conf/fossacs/Ahman23",
"mdate": "2023-05-13",
"authors": "Danel Ahman",
"title": "When Programs Have to Watch Paint Dry",
"year": "2023",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/KidneyYW24": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/KidneyYW24",
"mdate": "2024-02-05",
"authors": "Donnacha Oisín Kidney, Zhixuan Yang, and Nicolas Wu",
"title": "Algebraic Effects Meet Hoare Logic in Cubical Agda",
"year": "2024",
"ee": ""
"conf/cefp/2013": {
"key": "conf/cefp/2013",
"mdate": "2022-10-02",
"authors": null,
"title": "Central European Functional Programming School - 5th Summer School, CEFP 2013, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 8-20, 2013, Revised Selected Papers",
"year": "2015",
"ee": ""
"conf/esop/2019": {
"key": "conf/esop/2019",
"mdate": "2020-01-31",
"authors": null,
"title": "Programming Languages and Systems - 28th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2019, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, April 6-11, 2019, Proceedings",
"year": "2019",
"ee": ""
"conf/sfp/2020": {
"key": "conf/sfp/2020",
"mdate": "2022-03-02",
"authors": null,
"title": "Trends in Functional Programming - 21st International Symposium, TFP 2020, Krakow, Poland, February 13-14, 2020, Revised Selected Papers",
"year": "2020",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/KawamataUST24": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/KawamataUST24",
"mdate": "2024-02-10",
"authors": "Fuga Kawamata, Hiroshi Unno, Taro Sekiyama, and Tachio Terauchi",
"title": "Answer Refinement Modification: Refinement Type System for Algebraic Effects and Handlers",
"year": "2024",
"ee": ""
"journals/tplp/VandenbrouckeS24": {
"key": "journals/tplp/VandenbrouckeS24",
"mdate": "2024-03-16",
"authors": "Alexander Vandenbroucke and Tom Schrijvers",
"title": "Disjunctive Delimited Control",
"year": "2024",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/SmedingV24": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/SmedingV24",
"mdate": "2024-02-10",
"authors": "Tom Smeding and Matthijs Vákár",
"title": "Efficient CHAD",
"year": "2024",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/Elsman24": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/Elsman24",
"mdate": "2024-02-10",
"authors": "Martin Elsman",
"title": "Explicit Effects and Effect Constraints in ReML",
"year": "2024",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/FruminTB24": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/FruminTB24",
"mdate": "2024-02-10",
"authors": "Dan Frumin, Amin Timany, and Lars Birkedal",
"title": "Modular Denotational Semantics for Effects with Guarded Interaction Trees",
"year": "2024",
"ee": ""
"journals/pacmpl/AndriciCHMRTW24": {
"key": "journals/pacmpl/AndriciCHMRTW24",
"mdate": "2024-02-29",
"authors": "Cezar-Constantin Andrici, Stefan Ciobaca, Catalin Hritcu, Guido Martínez, Exequiel Rivas, Éric Tanter, and Théo Winterhalter",
"title": "Securing Verified IO Programs Against Unverified Code in F",
"year": "2024",
"ee": ""
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