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Last active September 4, 2018 20:49
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a wrapper class for Type that tries to behave exactly like a Type, and adds automatically saving the value to a settings file when modified or being destroyed, and executing a lambda when changed.
Created: 2 Sep 2018 9:46:07pm
Author: MatkatMusic
#include "../JuceLibraryCode/JuceHeader.h"
struct PropertyManager
jassert( String(ProjectInfo::projectName).isNotEmpty() );
jassert( String(ProjectInfo::companyName).isNotEmpty() );
PropertiesFile::Options options;
options.applicationName = ProjectInfo::projectName;
options.filenameSuffix = ".settings";
options.osxLibrarySubFolder = "Application Support";
options.folderName = String(ProjectInfo::companyName) + File::separatorString + String(ProjectInfo::projectName);
options.storageFormat = PropertiesFile::storeAsXML;
auto* settings = properties.getUserSettings();
if( !settings->getFile().existsAsFile() )
ApplicationProperties& getProperties() { return properties; }
void dump(StringRef prefix="settings: ")
DBG( prefix );
DBG( properties.getUserSettings()->getFile().loadFileAsString() );
ApplicationProperties properties;
This class is a wrapper around a generic Type, and adds the following abilities:
trigger a callback when the generic's value changes
write the changed value to a properties file automatically every time the value changes.
restore a value from the properties file the first time a ScopedValueSaver is created with
a keyName that exists in the properties file
template<typename Type>
struct ScopedValueSaver : public Value::Listener
creates a ScopedValueSaver with a specific name. if no other arguments are provided,
the default value is set to an instance of Type(), via Type's default constructor
@param name the name of the property to set in the ApplicationProperties file
@param initialValue the initial value to use. if omitted, its initialized to Type(). this value is used to populate the defaultValue and actualValue members
@param changeFunc a lambda to call when the valueChanged callback is called. This lets you express specific work, if any, that should happen when the underlying value object changes.
ScopedValueSaver(StringRef name,
const Type& initialValue=Type(),
std::function<void(Value&)> changeFunc = nullptr
) :
creates a ScopedValueSaver from an existing juce::Value.
@param valueToFollow an Existing juce::Value object
@param name the name of the property to set in the ApplicationProperties file
@param changeFunc a lambda to call when the valueChanged callback is called. This lets you express specific work, if any, that should happen when the underlying value object changes.
ScopedValueSaver(const Value& valueToFollow,
StringRef name,
std::function<void(Value&)> changeFunc) :
//value = valueToFollow.getValue();
updatePropertiesFile(); //create an entry in Properties as soon as we exist
///copy constructor
ScopedValueSaver (const ScopedValueSaver& other)
value = other.value.getValue();
changeCallback = other.changeCallback;
normally, the assignment above would trigger the valueChanged() callback
but sometimes it doesn't, like if you're using this class before the
MessageManager's runLoop is running.
so, we'll tell the propertiesFile to update manually.
when the valueChanged callback happens on the message thread, it'll update the properties file again.
///copy assignment operator
ScopedValueSaver& operator= (const ScopedValueSaver& other) noexcept
value = other.value.getValue();
changeCallback = other.changeCallback;
return *this;
copy assigment operator
this is called when you have code like this:
ScopedValueSaver<float> svs("floatVal", 2.f);
svs = 3.f;
template<typename OtherType>
ScopedValueSaver<Type>& operator=( const OtherType& other)
value = VariantConverter<OtherType>::toVar(other);
return *this;
void valueChanged(Value& changedVal) override
if( changedVal == value )
DBG( "value changed" );
if( changeCallback )
bool operator== (const ScopedValueSaver& other) const noexcept { return value == other.value; }
bool operator!= (const ScopedValueSaver& other) const noexcept { return !(value == other.value); }
Allows this object to behave like a juce::var.
You might need to implement a VariantConverter<Type>::fromVar/toVar if one doesn't exist yet.
this is called by static_cast<var>( ScopedValueSaver<Type>() );
@return a juce::var version of Type.
operator var() const noexcept { return value.getValue(); }
Allows this object to behave like a juce::Value
this is called by static_cast<Value>( ScopedValueSaver<Type>() );
@return a juce::Value version of Type
operator Value() const noexcept { return value; }
Allows this object to behave like Type
VariantConverter<>::fromVar returns Type, so you'll need to implement a VariantConverter for your particular type.
@return a Type
operator Type() const noexcept
return VariantConverter<Type>::fromVar(value.getValue());
///changes the callback that will be executed when the internal juce::Value is modified
void setChangeCallback(std::function<void(Value&)> callback)
changeCallback = std::move(callback);
changes the keyName used to store this property.
This will erase the old keyname and value from the settings file, and replace it with the new one.
void setKeyName(StringRef name)
keyName = name;
resets the internal juce::Value and Type actualValue objects to the default value
void reset()
value = VariantConverter<Type>::toVar( defaultValue );
actualValue = defaultValue;
allows you to access member functions and variables on your Type.
Be advised that this does not automatically save if you modify a member variable.
for this reason, save() is provided as a way to manually save your value to disk
after modifying a member of it.
Type& getActualValue() { return actualValue; }
updates the internal juce::Value object to match the value of actualValue.
this is typically called after using getActualValue() to modify members of Type.
it also updates the settings file on disk.
void save()
value = VariantConverter<Type>::toVar( actualValue );
void updateActualValue()
actualValue = VariantConverter<Type>::fromVar(value.getValue());
void updatePropertiesFile()
DBG( "updating properties with changed value..." );
if( keyName.isNotEmpty() )
void restore(const Type& initialValue)
the properties are stored as Strings
the initialValue is not a string, so it must be converted to a string representation
of the Type.
then, initialValue can be used as a default value when pulling a value from the properties file
the returned value will be a string, so this must then be converted to Type before it can be converted to a var that the VariantConverter<Type> can understand
the best way to do that is:
<String>::toVar() -> <Type>::fromVar() -> <Type>::toVar()
the reason we can't do String -> Type is because we don't know if Type will have a ctor
that accepts a string.
but we do know that there will be a VariantConverter<Type>::fromVar/toVar
and that there is a VariantConverter<String>::toVar(str)
String defaultValStr = VariantConverter<Type>::toVar(initialValue).toString();
String propStrVal = props->getProperties().getUserSettings()->getValue(keyName,
var tempVar = VariantConverter<String>::toVar(propStrVal);
Type tempType = VariantConverter<Type>::fromVar(tempVar);
var properVar = VariantConverter<Type>::toVar(tempType);
value = properVar;
///the internal listenable value object
juce::Value value;
///the callback to fire when the value changes
std::function<void(juce::Value&)> changeCallback;
the SharedResourcePointer is like a combination of a Singleton and a std::shared_ptr.
the first time a ScopedValueSaver is created, an instance of PropertyManager is created,
which automatically creates the proper settings file on disk.
juce::SharedResourcePointer<PropertyManager> props;
///the name to use when writing/reading this value to/from disk.
juce::StringRef keyName;
Type defaultValue = Type();
Type actualValue;
struct ComplexType
ComplexType(float a, bool b_, int c) : f(a), b(b_), i(c) {}
ComplexType() {}
~ComplexType() {}
float f{42.f};
bool b{true};
int i{42};
struct VariantConverter<ComplexType>
static var toVar(const ComplexType& c)
var v(new DynamicObject() );
v.getDynamicObject()->setProperty("f", c.f);
v.getDynamicObject()->setProperty("b", c.b);
v.getDynamicObject()->setProperty("i", c.i);
return JSON::toString(v);
static ComplexType fromVar(const var& v)
var json = JSON::fromString( v.toString() );
float f = json.getProperty("f", {} );
bool b = json.getProperty("b", {});
int i = json.getProperty("i", {});
return ComplexType(f, b, i);
struct Tests
static void runTests()
juce::SharedResourcePointer<PropertyManager> props;
props->dump("Tests::runTests() entry");
test 1
This should first look in the ApplicationProperties file for a property called "floatValue"
if it's found, floatValue should be initialized to that value.
if it's not found, it should be initialized to the initialValue, which is 2.5f
if initialValue is not provided, it should be initialized to float()
after the SVS is created and initialized, it'll update props
ScopedValueSaver<float> floatValue("floatValue", 2.5f, nullptr);
props->dump( "added floatValue" );
//create a scoped state
this should create a SVS that follows the value of floatValue
when floatValue changes, tempValue will be updated
when tempValue changes, it should update floatValue
ScopedValueSaver<float> tempValue(floatValue, "tempValue", nullptr);
props->dump( "added tempValue" );
floatValue = 3.5f; //does this update tempValue?
props->dump( "floatValue = 3.5f;" );
tempValue = 4.5f; //does this update floatValue?
props->dump( "tempValue = 4.5f" );
//when tempValue is destroyed, its value should be written to settings
floatValue = 1.5f;
props->dump("floatValue = 1.5f");
auto passTypeByVal = [](float val)
DBG( "passTypeByVal: " << val );
//this should call ScopedValueSaver::operator Type(), where Type() is 'float'
auto passWrapperByVal = [](ScopedValueSaver<float> svs)
DBG( "passWrapperByVal: " << svs.operator var().toString() );
//this calls ScopedValueSaver(const ScopedValueSaver& other)
auto passWrapperByRef = [](const ScopedValueSaver<float>& svs)
DBG( "passWrapperByRef: " << svs.operator var().toString() );
//test 2: Complex types
//ComplexType1 needs a VariantConverter
//passing no initial value
ScopedValueSaver<ComplexType> complexType1("complexType1");
//passing an initial value
ScopedValueSaver<ComplexType> complexType2("complexType2", ComplexType{3.f, false, 10} );
ideally I'd be able to do this:
complexType1.f = 44.f;
and it would call valueChanged;
but C++ doesn't allow operator.() overloading.
instead, use ScopedValueSaver<>::getActualValue() to access your Type members
then manually save() your ScopedValueSaver object
complexType2.getActualValue().f = 43.f;;
DBG( "done" );
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