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Created October 11, 2012 12:01
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import sys
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from cStringIO import StringIO
import gc
def memory_safe(f):
def g(*args):
def h(q, aargs):
q = Queue()
p = Process(target=h, args=(q, args))
return q.get()
return g
def solve(inp):
inp_stream = StringIO(inp)
s = inp_stream.readline().strip()[:-1]
k = int(inp_stream.readline())
tree = {}
parent = {}
for line in inp_stream:
line = line.split()
start = line[0]
end = line[1]
pos = int(line[2])
length = int(line[3])
seq = s[pos - 1: pos - 1 + length]
tree.setdefault(start, []).append((end, seq))
parent[end] = start
root = 'node1'
mults = {}
lengths = {}
def dfs(node, tree, depth):
lengths[node] = depth
if node not in tree:
mults[node] = 1
mults[node] = 0
for next, seq in tree[node]:
mults[node] += dfs(next, tree, depth + len(seq))
return mults[node]
dfs(root, tree, 0)
#print mults
#print lengths
ans = None, 0
for node, mult in mults.iteritems():
if mult >= k:
length = lengths[node]
if ans[1] < length:
ans = node, length
cur = ans[0]
ansseq = []
while cur != root:
par = parent[cur]
for next, seq in tree[par]:
if next == cur:
ansseq = [seq] + ansseq
cur = par
return ''.join(ansseq)
inp =
print solve(inp)
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