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Created December 27, 2016 03:46
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Shortest maze
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
class Step {
let x: Int
let y: Int
init?(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) {
guard x >= 0 && x < Step.maze.count else { return nil }
guard y >= 0 && y < Step.maze[x].count else { return nil }
guard Step.maze[x][y] else { return nil }
guard !Step.mazeVisited[x][y] else { return nil }
self.x = x
self.y = y
Step.mazeVisited[x][y] = true
static var maze: [[Bool]] = [] {
didSet {
mazeVisited = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: false, count: maze[0].count), count: maze.count)
static private (set) var mazeVisited: [[Bool]] = []
func goLeft() -> Step? {
return Step(x-1, y)
func goRight() -> Step? {
return Step(x+1, y)
func goTop() -> Step? {
return Step(x, y-1)
func goBottom() -> Step? {
return Step(x, y+1)
// Start is in [0][0]
func findShortest(maze: [[Bool]], end: (x: Int, y: Int)) -> Int {
Step.maze = maze
let begin = Step(0, 0)!
var result: [[Step]] = [[begin]]
var oneProgress = true
while (oneProgress) {
var newResult: [[Step]] = []
oneProgress = false // assume the end
for index in 0..<result.count {
guard !result.isEmpty else { return 0 }
if let last = result[index].last {
guard !(last.x == end.x && last.y == end.y) else {
newResult.append(result[index]) // add unchanged
if let step = last.goLeft() {
oneProgress = true
var newRow = result[index]
if let step = last.goRight() {
oneProgress = true
var newRow = result[index]
if let step = last.goBottom() {
oneProgress = true
var newRow = result[index]
if let step = last.goTop() {
oneProgress = true
var newRow = result[index]
result = newResult
let counts = result.flatMap { $0.count }
return counts.reduce(Int.max) { min($0, $1) }
findShortest(maze: [[true, true],
[true, false]], end: (x: 1, y: 0))
findShortest(maze: [[true, false, true],
[true, false, true],
[true, true, true]], end: (x: 0, y: 2))
findShortest(maze: [[true, false, true, true],
[true, false, true, true],
[true, false, false, true],
[true, true, true, true]], end: (x: 0, y: 2))
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