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Last active April 29, 2019 03:02
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module Syaku where
import Debug.Trace
-- | 参考文献:
-- | 参考にした関数
-- mapAccumL :: Traversable t => (a -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> t b -> (a, t c)
-- mapAccumL f s t = runStateL (traverse (StateL . flip f) t) s
data Cond = Pre | Post
-- | 高階しゃくとり法関数
syaku :: Cond -- ^ 条件が成り立たなければならないタイミング
-> (a -> b -> (a, c)) -- ^ 頭側のポインタが動くときの計算
-> (a -> b -> (a, c)) -- ^ 尾側のポインタが動くときの計算
-> (a -> Bool) -- ^ 頭側のポインタを動かす前か後ろで成立しなければならない条件
-> a -- ^ 累積値の初期値
-> [b] -- ^ 入力リスト
-> (a, [c]) -- ^ 累積値の最終値と出力
syaku cond f g p e xs = syaku' e [] xs xs
p' Post fun acc x = p (fst $ fun acc x)
p' Pre _ acc _ = p acc
syaku' acc ys [] [] = (acc, reverse ys)
syaku' acc ys (l:ls) [] =
if p acc
then syaku' acc' (y:ys) ls []
else syaku' acc (y:ys) ls []
(acc', y) = g acc l
syaku' acc ys [] (r:rs) = error "invalid syaku: The tail overtakes the head."
syaku' acc ys ls'@(l:ls) rs'@(r:rs) =
if p' cond f acc r
then syaku' acc' (y:ys) ls' rs
else syaku' acc'' (y':ys) ls rs'
(acc', y) = f acc r
(acc'', y') = g acc l
-- | AOJ より、総和が x 以下となる区間の数をカウント
-- >>> aoj1
-- 11
aoj1 :: Int
aoj1 = let
x = 12
a = [5, 3, 8, 6, 1, 4]
-- アキュムレータには距離と部分和の組を記録
f (dist, sum) v =
-- trace ("f " ++ show ((dist, sum), v))
((dist + 1, sum + v), 0)
g (dist, sum) v =
-- trace ("g " ++ show ((dist, sum), v))
((dist - 1, sum - v), dist) -- しゃくとりが縮むときの距離をカウントする
p (dist, sum) = sum <= x
-- syaku f g p (0, 0) a
sum . snd $ syaku Post f g p (0, 0) a -- 出力リストの総和が回答
-- | POJ より、総和が x 以上となる区間のうち最短のものの長さ
-- >>> poj3061
-- 4
poj3061 :: Int
poj3061 = let
x = 28
a = [5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 7, 4, 9, 2, 8]
maxDist = maxBound :: Int
f (dist, sum, minDist) v =
-- trace ("f " ++ show ((dist, sum, minDist), v))
((dist + 1, sum + v, maxDist), maxDist)
g (dist, sum, minDist) v =
-- trace ("g " ++ show ((dist, sum, minDist), v))
((dist - 1, sum - v, minDist'), minDist')
minDist' = min minDist dist
p (dist, sum, minDist) = sum < x
-- syaku f g p (0, 0, maxDist) a
minimum . snd $ syaku Pre f g p (0, 0, maxDist) a -- 出力リストの最小値が回答
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