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Created August 31, 2020 08:04
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if [[ -x $GIT_TOKEN ]]; then
echo "you need to set GIT_TOKEN env variable"
exit 1
# get all merge requests for our team
# filter the merge request for only those that have time spent != null
curl\?state\=all\&created_after\=$(date -v-1w +%Y/%m/%d)\&per_page\=100 --header "Private-Token: $GIT_TOKEN" -s \
| jq -c ".[] | select(.time_stats.human_total_time_spent != null) | { project_id: .project_id, id: .iid, title: .title }" \
| while read i; do
project_id=$(echo $i | jq ".project_id")
mr_id=$(echo $i | jq ".id")
title=$(echo $i | jq ".title")
echo "$title"
# get the notes on the MR and filter out only those that added time spent
curl -s$project_id/merge_requests/$mr_id/notes\?per_page\=100 --header "Private-Token: $GIT_TOKEN" \
| jq ".[] | select(.body | contains(\"time spent\")) | { time: .body, user: .author.username } | \"\(.user): \(.time)\""
echo ""
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