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Created May 12, 2023 18:08
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Time bomb adventure text
õšÌ$õšËÿôšÊúôšÇõôšÆðôšÅëôš½æôš¼áôš»Üôš¯×ôš­Òô™ûÍô™çÅô™å½ô™äºô™ã·ô™Ý´ô™Ü¯ô™Øªô™Ë¥ô™½ô™¼šô™»—ô˜Ýô˜ÜŠô˜Üサô˜Øカô—＀アô–¥ュô–＀ヲô•＀「ô”＀}ô“＀zôÿÿéûÑ＀íÿöü＀òà%ôß＀íþü＀ÿéûÕòùþ＀íüöü＀ûÖòøÿ＀íôöü＀ÿÝò÷þôô＀íýöü＀ÿº＀íóöü＀ÿéùðûÕ＀àùÿàøüçÖþ＀ÿ®＀ííöü＀º＀Jò¹＀ ò¸＀6ò¸＀)ò¶＀þñ³＀ññ§＀éñ¦＀ØñÿŸ2’%MM a flashlight＀MM a flashlight＀MM a sharp knife＀MM a heavy crowbar＀MM a ratty blanket＀MM a silver key＀MM a stack of towels＀MM a swim suit＀MM a newspaper＀MM some candy bars＀MM an old trunk＀MM an old trunkL now open ＀MM a rusty pistol＀MM a cracked lantern＀MM a leather jacket ＀MM a gas mask ＀MM a coil of rope＀MM a flight bag＀MM an open flight bag ＀MM a pair of sunglasses＀MM a pencil＀MM a rubber boot＀MM a roll of tape＀MM scissors＀MM a hammer＀MM a tool box＀MM an open tool box ＀MM a screwdriver＀MM a pair of wirecutter pliers＀MM a chisel＀MM a gold passkey＀MM a manila envelope＀MM a sweatshirt＀MM a stack of documents＀MM a desk strewn with a litter of papers＀MM a desk with the drawer hanging open＀MM a crumpled memo＀MM a film canister＀＀MM a ladder leading down from inside the cupboard＀MM a scrap of paper＀MM ÔÈÅ ÂÏÍÂL a mess of wires and highly explosive plutonium nitrate wired to a ticking alarm clock＀MM a cloud of poison gas spraying out of the locker into your face＀MM a partially deflated basketball＀MM a pile of wet clothes＀MM some empty tin cans＀MM a disarmed bomb＀＀＀MM an instruction letter＀¯ñ›ñ‹ñコñァñtñdñOñ ñ1ñþðîðÓðÁð¬ð—ðˆðカðヲðoðWðKð:ð(ðüïðïâïÍï¼ïï‘ïソïェïzïbï9ïòîßîÌîËî—îƒî:îÕí²í™í‚íッíョíュíÙou are in the kitchen of a house in thecityN Ôhere is a stairway leading up anda door to the westN Ùou can see a small metal table and a large cupboard with a glass front on its upper half and small wooden doors on the bottomN Á crazed band of Ërells is beating on the door with clubs and fistsN Ùou also suspect that they are carrying knives and stunnersN＀Ùou are in an atticN Ét is dark and mustyL but you can see a large bed covered with a dusty blanketN Æaded wallpaper is peeling off the wallsN Á little light shines through a small dirty window at one end of the roomN＀Ùou are inside the sewerN Á ladder leads upN Ùou can also go north or southN＀Ùou are inside the sewerN ＀Ùou are inside the sewerN Ôhere are passages northL southL east and westN＀Ùou are inside the sewerN ＀Ùou are inside the sewerN ＀Ùou are inside the sewerN Ôhere are passages northL southL east and westN＀Ùou are inside the sewerN ＀Ùou are inside the sewerN ＀Ùou are inside the sewerN ＀Ùou are inside the sewerN Ôhere are passages northL southL east and westN＀Ùou are inside the sewerN ＀Ùou are inside the sewerN Ôhere are passages northL southL east and westN＀Ùou are inside the sewerN ＀Ùou are inside the sewerN ＀Ùou are in what appears to be a fairly large room inside the sewer systemN Ôhere is a passage to the southN Óomeonehas been living here recentlyN Ôhere arefood scraps in a cornerL a stubby burnt out candle in a nicheL and a few empty bottles broken into shards of glassN Á very large and ugly cockroach scurries into a fold of some crustyMlooking beddingN＀Ùou are in the sewerN ＀Ùou are in the sewerN Ôhere is a ladderleading upN Ôhere are passages to the north and southN＀Ùou are in the locker room of the Ù Ôhere is a ladder leading down and a door which exits to the eastN Ôhere is a row of lockers against one wallL numM bered from QPP through WPPN Ïn the wall is a posterN＀Ùou are in the sewerN ＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in a large interstate bus staM tionN Ôhere are rows of wooden benches in the middle of the station and the walls are lined with lockers numbered PPQ through YYYN Ôhere is a newspaper rackN Óeveral individuals are asleep onthe benchesMM otherwise the place is desertedN Ôhere is a door to the eastN ＀Ùou are in the sewerN Á ladder leads upand there is a passage to the eastN＀Ùou are in a huge and musty warehouse that appears to have been abandoned manyyears agoN Ôhere are stacks and stacks of boxesL all covered with a layer of dustN Ôhere is a ladder leading down anda door to the westN＀Ùou are in the sewerN ＀Ùou are in the sewerN ＀Ùou are in the sewerN Ôhere are passagesto the northL southL east and westN＀Ùou are in the sewerN ＀Ùou are in the sewerN Ôhere are passagesto the east and west and there is a ladder leading upN＀Ùou are in the sewerN ＀Ùou are in the sewerN ＀Ùou are in the main concourse of a largeairport terminalN Ôhere is a row of uncomfortable plastic chairs along one wallL a row of lockers numbered PPQ through VYYL and a cigarette machineN Ôhere is a ladder leading down and a door to the westN＀Ùou are in the sewerN Ôhere is a ladderleading up and a passage to the westN＀Ùou are in an abandoned factoryN Ïn a workbench is an empty sack of plutonium sulfateL the main ingredient of most terrorist bombsN Ôhere is a cuckoo clockon the wallN Éts ticking in the quiet room seems very loud and in some strangewayL ominousN Ôhere is a ladder leading down and a door to the eastN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN ＀Ùou are in the sewerN Ôhere are passagesto the northL southL east and westN＀Ùou are in the sewerN ＀Ùou are in the sewerN Ôhere is a ladderleading up and a passage to the eastN＀Ùou are in the locker room of the gymM nasium at the universityN Ôhere is a shower area at one end of the room and arow of lockers numbered RPP through WPPNÔhere is a ladder leading down and a door to the westN＀Ùou are in the sewerN ＀Ùou are in the sewerN Ôhere are passagesto the northL southL east and westN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN Ôhere are passagesto the northL southL east and westN＀Ùou are in the sewerN Ôhere are passagesto the northL southL east and westN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN ＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN Á ladder leads upNÔhere are passages north and southN＀Ùou are in a small officeN Ïn the wall there are posters of Íoammar ËhaddaffiL the Áyatollah Ëhomeini and one praising the mysterious ÚL the alleged leader of the terroristsN Ôhere is a door that exits to the east and a ladder leading downN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN Á ladder leads upNÔhere are passages to the north and westN ＀Ùou are on a deserted city streetN Ôhereis a house to the eastL and a tall wovensteel cyclone fence with barbed wire on the top to the westN Ùou can go north orsouthN＀Ùou are on a city streetN Ôhere is a large warehouse building to the eastN Ét has several broken windows and the others are streaked with dustN Ôhe building appears to be abandonedN Ôhereis a tall cyclone fence topped with barbed wire to the westN Ùou can go north or southN＀Ùou are on a city streetN Ôo the east isthe entrance to the airportN Á flight of steps leads down to the subwayN Ôo the west is a tall cyclone fence topped with barbed wireN Ùou can also go north or southN＀Ùou are on a city streetN Ôo the east is the gymnasium of the universityN Ôo the west is a tall cyclone fence topped with barbed wireN Ùou can go north or southN＀Ùou are on a city streetN Ôo the west is the ÙÍÃÁ buildingN Ôo the east is a tall cyclone fence topped with barbed wireN Ùou can go north or southN＀Ùou are on a city streetN Ôo the west isthe front door of the transcontinental bus stationN Á flight of steps leads down to the subwayN Ôo the east is a tall cyclone fence topped with barbed wireN Ùou can also go north or southN＀Ùou are on a city streetN Ôo the west is a large factory building that appearsto have been abandonedN Ôo the east isa tall cyclone fence topped with barbed wireN Ùou can go north or southN＀Ùou are on a city streetN Ôo the west is the door of a small office buildingN Ôo the east is a tall cyclone fence topped with barbed wireN Ùou can also go north or southN＀Ùou are on a city streetN Ôhere are tallcyclone fences topped with barbed wire to the east and westN Ùou can go north or southN＀Ùou are on a city streetN Ôhere are tallcyclone fences topped with barbed wire on either side of youN＀Ùou are in a subway carN Ôhe doors slideshut and the train glides away into the dark tunnelN Óoon the train stops and the doors open againN Ùou leave the carNÔhere is a flight of steps leading upN＀Ùou are in a subway carN Ôhe doors slideshut and the train glides into the dark tunnelN Óoon the train comes to a stop and the doors slide openN Ùou leave thecarN Ôhere is a stairway leading upN＀Ùou are in the sewerN Ôhere are passagesto the northL southL east and westN＀Ùou are in the sewerN Ôhere are passagesto the northL southL east and westN Ôhere seems to be some graffiti painted on the wall hereN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀Ùou are in the sewerN Ôhere are passagesto the northL south and westN＀Ùou are in the sewerN Ôhere are passagesto the northL southL east and westN＀Ùou are in the sewerN＀＀ðìコëêVê:êÌé°é•égéKé/éôè¦èŠè\è è$è“æサæ:æeåNå8å×ã‹ã¯â—âソâSâ<â¹á¡áŠáˆàZà%ßïÞ×ދÞウÞEÞkÝSÝçÜÑܻܥÜyÜ-Ü÷ÛßÛÉ۳۝ۇÛアÛEÛOÚ9Ú#Ú¬Ù%ÙÝ×+×、ÖÊÕÜÔ:ÔヲÓäÒスÒ¶ÑðФÐ:Ð$ÐîÏØÏÂÏシÏPÏ:ÏÃÏÎÇÒÁÔÕÌÁÔÉÏÎÓAA Ùou have successfullydisarmed the terrorist bomb and averted a major international incident by savingthe life of the ambassador from Óouth ÂonanalandL who is afraid to fly and always travels by busN Ùou have earned the highest honors and a two week vacaM tion in ÂonanalandL just in time to try to avert a coup by the militaryN Çood luckA＀ÔÏÏ ÂÁÄAA Ùou took too long and the bombwent offL causing a major international incident by killing the ambassador from Óouth ÂonanalandN Ás a punishment for your ineptnessL you are sent on assignM ment tracking subversive penguins in Ántarctica for a year and halfN＀Óuddenly the tiny door on the cuckoo clock flies openL setting off a booby trap and the room explodes with burning metalN Ôoo bad you didnGt find a way to keep this from happening to youL becausea little later the terrorist bomb went offL killing the ambassador from Óouth Âonanaland and causing an international incidentN Âut you donGt careL because youGre deadN＀Ôhe choking cloud of gas overwhelms you and you slump to the floorN ×ith your last shred of conscious thought you knowthat you have come so close to disarmingthe terrorist bombN Á few moments later the bomb explodesL killing the ambassaM dor from Óouth Âonanaland and causing aninternational incidentN ÙouL howeverL do not care because you are deadN Ôoo badN＀Âe sure to keep on listening to the most amazing radio in the metro areaL ×ÏÎÄÅÒÆÕÌ ×ÎÅÅL where every day you get a ÄÏÕÂÌÅ ÓÈÏÔ of the hitsAA QPQP on your ÁÍ dial MM ×ÎÅÅ ÒadioL double the pleasureL double the funA＀BÍarcoMM Óome say we went northL not southL so stop singing southern songsNNN MMÚB＀Ùou straighten out the crumpled paper and discover that it is a messageN Ôhe writing is very faintL almost as though it had been written in invisible ink which became faintly visibleN Éf you didnGt have the sunglasses on you would find it impossible to readN BÚMM É planted the bomb in the lockerL but É donGt mind telling youL what with all the running around youGre making me do for youL ÉGm so tired É feel like É havewasted away to half my former selfN ÉGm going on a long vacation when this is all overN É already have my airline tickets for Óouth ÂonanalandN MM Íarco ÄeÂeesteB Ùou crumple the memo back into a ballN ＀Ôhe time is sometime in the near futureNÙour job is to find a terrorist bomb planted somewhere in the city by the mysterious ÚL and defuse it before it explodesN Ùou have a limited amount of timeL so youGd better get started and quit goofing off hereN Ôhe future of the world could be riding on youL so thereGs no time to loseA Âeware of roving bands of renegade Ërells on the streets MM they are armed and dangerous and you could get killedN Çood luckA ÙouGll need itA Ùou can save F reload the game anytime by entering Bsave HnameIBLX Ôime Âomb was written and designed by Äennis ÍanskerL using Ádventure ×riter software from Ãodewriter ÃorpN ＀×hich locker would you like to open_＀Æuck youL tooL assholeA És it my fault youGre too stupid to figure this out_＀ ÏkayL assholeL if you insistN Ùou loseNÉtGs too bad your temper got the best ofyou and you had to start insulting meN＀Óuddenly the bomb explodes in your faceLsending little bits of you scattering across the bus station and causing a major international incident by killing the ambassador from Óouth ÂonanalandL who is afraid of flying and always travels by busN ÙouL howeverL couldnGt care less at this point because you are deadN Ôoo badMMyou were so closeNNN ＀Óuddenly a band of Ërells appearsL brandishing knives and stunnersN Ùou try to run but you stumble and fallN Ôheconcrete sidewalk bites into your knees as you try to scramble away from the grasping hands and slashing knives of the ËrellsN Ét is useless to struggleN Ás you lie bleeding to death on the coldsidewalk you hear a distant explosionN Ôhe bomb has gone offL killing the ÓouthÂonanaland ambassador and causing an international incidentN ÈoweverL you donGt really care because you are deadN＀Ôhere is a banner headline across the top of page one that shouts out B×ÈÅΠ×ÉÌÌ Ú ÓÔÒÉËÅ ÁÇÁÉÎ_B                                                   and the accompanying story explores the rumors that the mysterious Ú will try tocause a major international incident by assassinating a visiting head of state or senior diplomat in the near futureN Áccording to the storyL intelligence sources claim that Ú will most likely plant a lowMyield plutonium nitrate bombin some inconspicuous placeL timed to detonate at a time corresponding to the presence of the dignitaryN Ïfficials are cautioning all diplomatsL etcNNN Ùou had better hurry up and find that bomb before itGs the end of civilizationas we know itN＀Ôime passesN Äo you think itGs such a good idea to hang around doing nothing when so much is at stake and there is so little time left before the bomb explodes_＀BÔhe twisted mind of Íarco ÄeÂeeste Én a place that exits only east Èas planted a bomb which will explode Âefore you can decipher the codeMM Ây cutting his twisted shape in twoL ÙouGll unlock the surprise É have for youA MM ÚB＀Ùou try but you canGt get the desk openNÔhe drawer seems to be stuckN＀Ôhe trunk is tightly lockedN Ùou will need a key to open itN＀Ôhat was pretty stupid of you to go up against an armed band of deadly Ërells like thatN Ùou try to fight back but there are too many Ërells for you to overcomeN Ùou try to run but youGre already woundedN Ôhe sidewalk bites into your knees as you try to scramble away from the slashing knives and poundMing clubs of the ËrellsN Ás you lie bleeding to death on the sidewalkL you wish you had gone in another directionN Á short time later the bomb explodesL causing a major international incident by killing the ambassador from Óouth ÂonanalandN Át this pointL howeverL youdonGt care because youGre deadN Ôoo badN＀Á choking cloud of poisonous gas erupts from the locker into your faceN Ás you slump to the floorL you have the cold satisfaction of knowing that you have come very close to disarming the bomb and averting a major international inciMdentN Á few seconds later the bomb goesoffL killing the ambassador from Óouth ÂonanolandN Ôoo badMMyou were so closeN＀Ùou straighten out the memo and try to read itN Ùou can barely make out some faint writingL but you canGt read what it says because the light is reflecting off the paper and the glare is too harshN Én frustration you wad the memo back into a crumpled ballN＀オÎ'Í÷˂Ê5ÉHȌÇRÄÉÀ¤ÀvÀ·¿G¾?¼È¸>¸ë¶¥¶ヲ¶½³t²Åverything is darkN Ùou canGt seeN＀Ùou can also see＀＀＀＀＀×hat_＀Ùou canGt go in that directionN＀Ùou canGtN＀Ùou are carryingMM＀HwornI＀Îothing at allN＀Äo you really want to quit now_＀ 2ÅÎÄ ÏÆ ÇÁÍŒÄo you want to try again_＀Ôhen goodbyeN＀ÏËN＀ 2Ðress any key to continue’＀Ùou have taken ＀ turn＀s＀N＀Ùou have scored ＀E＀Ùou are not wearing itN＀Ùou canGt MM your hands are fullN＀Ùou already have itN＀Ùou canGtN＀Ùou canGt carry any moreN＀Ùou donGt have itN＀ÙouGre already wearing itN＀Ù＀Î＀Äisc or Ôape_＀Ôype in filenameN＀Ótart the tapeN＀?±û°ê°é°ç°æ°ä°Þ°¾°³° °™°‰°ゥ°Q°C°?°ü¯ì¯æ¯ä¯â¯Ñ¯Ï¯·¯•¯€¯オ¯{¯h¯M¯K¯I¯;¯)¯öþû®＀õÿ＀þüýî＀
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