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Created February 23, 2023 13:30
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study(shorttitle="AAFLI", title="Angle Attack Follow Line Indicator ", overlay=false, max_bars_back=1000)
//INPUTS ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
FL = input(title = "🔰🔰🔰🔰 FOLLOW LINE CURRENT CHART RESOLUTION 🔰🔰🔰🔰", defval = true, type = input.bool)
BBperiod = input(defval = 21, title = "Period", type = input.integer, minval = 1)
BBdeviations = input(defval = 1.00, title = "Deviations", type = input.float, minval = 0.1, step=0.05)
UseATRfilter = input(defval = true, title = "ATR Filter", type = input.bool)
ATRperiod = input(defval = 5, title = "ATR Period", type = input.integer, minval = 1)
FLH = input(title = "🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰 FOLLOW LINE HIGHER TIME FRAME 🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰", defval = true, type = input.bool)
AIB = input(defval = true, title = "Activate Indicator Background", type = input.bool)
TYPE = input(title ="Type Of MA", defval="SMA", options=["RMA", "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "VWMA", "SMMA", "KMA", "TMA", "HullMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "CTI"])
RES = input("240", type=input.resolution, title="Resolution")
LEN = input(21, title = "Period", type=input.integer)
BBdeviations_ = input(defval = 1.00,title = "Deviations", type = input.float, minval = 0.1, step=0.05)
ATRperiod_ = input(defval = 5,title = "ATR Period", type = input.integer, minval = 1)
SOUR = input(type=input.source,title = "Source", defval=close)
MD = input(title = "🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰 MODE 🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰", defval = true, type = input.bool)
AC = input(title = "🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰 ANGLE CONFIGURATION 🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰", defval = true, type = input.bool)
i_lookback = input(8, "Angle Period", input.integer, minval = 1)
i_atrPeriod = input(10, "ATR Period", input.integer, minval = 1)
BSA = input(title = "🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰 BUY/SELL 🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰", defval = true, type = input.bool)
Buy_0 = input(defval = true, title = "Buy Change Follow Line", type = input.bool)
Sell_0 = input(defval = true, title = "Sell Change Follow Line", type = input.bool)
OTA = input(title = "🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰 OPTIONS TO ADD 🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰", defval = true, type = input.bool)
Add_Buy_0 = input(defval = true, title = "Option 1 to Add Buy", type = input.bool)
Add_Sell_0 = input(defval = true, title = "Option 1 to Add Sell", type = input.bool)
Add_Buy_1 = input(defval = false, title = "Option 2 to Add Buy", type = input.bool)
Add_Sell_1 = input(defval = false, title = "Option 2 to Add Sell", type = input.bool)
Add_Buy_2 = input(defval = false, title = "Option 3 to Add Buy", type = input.bool)
Add_Sell_2 = input(defval = false, title = "Option 3 to Add Sell", type = input.bool)
OTR = input(title = "🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰 OPTIONS TO REDUCE 🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰", defval = true, type = input.bool)
Max_level_1 = input(defval = 40, title = "Max Angle Level 1", type = input.integer, minval = 1)
Max_level_2 = input(defval = 65, title = "Max Angle Level 2", type = input.integer, minval = 1)
Min_level_1 = input(defval = -40, title = "Min Angle Level 1", type = input.integer, minval = -100)
Min_level_2 = input(defval = -65, title = "Min Angle Level 2", type = input.integer, minval = -100)
Red_Buy_0 = input(defval = true, title = "Option 1 to Reduce Buy Max Angle Level 1", type = input.bool)
Red_Buy_1 = input(defval = true, title = "Option 2 to Reduce Buy Max Angle Level 2", type = input.bool)
Red_Buy_2 = input(defval = false,title = "Option 3 to Reduce Buy 2 Bars Above Max Angle Level 2", type = input.bool)
Red_Buy_3 = input(defval = true, title = "Option 4 to Reduce Buy 3 Bars Above Max Angle Level 2", type = input.bool)
Red_Buy_4 = input(defval = false,title = "Option 5 to Reduce Buy 4 Bars Above Max Angle Level 2", type = input.bool)
Red_Sell_0 = input(defval = true, title = "Option 1 to Reduce Sell Min Angle Level 1", type = input.bool)
Red_Sell_1 = input(defval = true, title = "Option 2 to Reduce Sell Min Angle Level 1", type = input.bool)
Red_Sell_2 = input(defval = false,title = "Option 3 to Reduce Sell 2 bars Below Min Angle Level 2", type = input.bool)
Red_Sell_3 = input(defval = true, title = "Option 4 to Reduce Sell 3 bars Below Min Angle Level 2", type = input.bool)
Red_Sell_4 = input(defval = false,title = "Option 5 to Reduce Sell 4 bars Below Min Angle Level 2", type = input.bool)
OTH = input(title = "🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰 OTHERS 🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰", defval = true, type = input.bool)
i_barColor = input(true, "Bar Color?")
h_lables = input(false, "Hide Labels")
// FOLLOW LINE —————————————————————————————————————————————————————
BBUpper=sma (close,BBperiod)+stdev(close, BBperiod)*BBdeviations
BBLower=sma (close,BBperiod)-stdev(close, BBperiod)*BBdeviations
TrendLine = 0.0
iTrend = 0.0
BBSignal = close>BBUpper? 1 : close<BBLower? -1 : 0
if BBSignal == 1 and UseATRfilter == 1
if TrendLine<TrendLine[1]
if BBSignal == -1 and UseATRfilter == 1
if TrendLine>TrendLine[1]
if BBSignal == 0 and UseATRfilter == 1
if BBSignal == 1 and UseATRfilter == 0
if TrendLine<TrendLine[1]
if BBSignal == -1 and UseATRfilter == 0
if TrendLine>TrendLine[1]
if BBSignal == 0 and UseATRfilter == 0
if TrendLine>TrendLine[1]
if TrendLine<TrendLine[1]
// FOLLOW LINE HIGHER TIME FRAME ——————————————————————————————
cd = 0.0
cti(sm, src, cd) =>
di = (sm - 1.0) / 2.0 + 1.0
c1 = 2 / (di + 1.0)
c2 = 1 - c1
c3 = 3.0 * (cd * cd + cd * cd * cd)
c4 = -3.0 * (2.0 * cd * cd + cd + cd * cd * cd)
c5 = 3.0 * cd + 1.0 + cd * cd * cd + 3.0 * cd * cd
i1 = 0.0
i2 = 0.0
i3 = 0.0
i4 = 0.0
i5 = 0.0
i6 = 0.0
i1 := c1*src + c2*nz(i1[1])
i2 := c1*i1 + c2*nz(i2[1])
i3 := c1*i2 + c2*nz(i3[1])
i4 := c1*i3 + c2*nz(i4[1])
i5 := c1*i4 + c2*nz(i5[1])
i6 := c1*i5 + c2*nz(i6[1])
bfr = -cd*cd*cd*i6 + c3*(i5) + c4*(i4) + c5*(i3)
smma(src, len) =>
smma = 0.0
smma := na(smma[1]) ? sma(src, len) : (smma[1] * (len - 1) + src) / len
ma(smoothing, src, length) =>
if smoothing == "RMA"
rma(src, length)
if smoothing == "SMA"
sma(src, length)
if smoothing == "EMA"
ema(src, length)
if smoothing == "WMA"
wma(src, length)
if smoothing == "VWMA"
vwma(src, length)
if smoothing == "SMMA"
smma(src, length)
if smoothing == "HullMA"
wma(2 * wma(src, length / 2) - wma(src, length), round(sqrt(length)))
if smoothing == "LSMA"
if smoothing == "KMA"
xPrice = src
xvnoise = abs(xPrice - xPrice[1])
nfastend = 0.666
nslowend = 0.0645
nsignal = abs(xPrice - xPrice[length])
nnoise = sum(xvnoise, length)
nefratio = iff(nnoise != 0, nsignal / nnoise, 0)
nsmooth = pow(nefratio * (nfastend - nslowend) + nslowend, 2)
nAMA = 0.0
nAMA := nz(nAMA[1]) + nsmooth * (xPrice - nz(nAMA[1]))
if smoothing == "TMA"
sma(sma(close, length), length)
if smoothing == "DEMA"
emaValue = ema(src, length)
2 * emaValue - ema(emaValue, length)
if smoothing == "TEMA"
ema1 = ema(src, length)
ema2 = ema(ema1, length)
ema3 = ema(ema2, length)
(3 * ema1) - (3 * ema2) + ema3
if smoothing == "CTI"
cti(length, src, cd)
MA_MTF = security(syminfo.tickerid, RES, MA)
close_ = security(syminfo.tickerid, RES, close)
low_ = security(syminfo.tickerid, RES, low)
high_ = security(syminfo.tickerid, RES, high)
atr_ = security(syminfo.tickerid, RES, atr(ATRperiod_))
BBUpper_=MA_MTF+stdev(close_, LEN)*BBdeviations_
BBLower_=MA_MTF-stdev(close_, LEN)*BBdeviations_
TrendLine_MTF = 0.0
iTrend_ = 0.0
BBSignal_ = close_>BBUpper_? 1 : close_<BBLower_? -1 : 0
if BBSignal_ == 1
if TrendLine_MTF<TrendLine_MTF[1]
if BBSignal_ == -1
if TrendLine_MTF>TrendLine_MTF[1]
if BBSignal_ == 0
if TrendLine_MTF>TrendLine_MTF[1]
if TrendLine_MTF<TrendLine_MTF[1]
// ANGLE FL————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
f_angle(_src, _lookback, _atrPeriod) =>
rad2degree = 180 / 3.14159265359
ang = rad2degree * atan((_src[0] - _src[_lookback]) / atr(_atrPeriod))
_angle_fl = f_angle(TrendLine, i_lookback, i_atrPeriod)
// BUY/SELL AND NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
buy_0 = iTrend[1] < 0 and iTrend > 0 and Buy_0 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" ? 1 :0
sell_0 = iTrend[1] > 0 and iTrend < 0 and Sell_0 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME"? 1 :0
// BUY/SELL AND FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
buy_0_A = iTrend[1] < 0 and iTrend > 0 and Buy_0 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==1 ? 1 :0
sell_0_A = iTrend[1] > 0 and iTrend < 0 and Sell_0 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==-1? 1 :0
//ADD AND NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
add_buy_1 = _angle_fl [2] > 0 and _angle_fl [1] == 0 and _angle_fl == 0 and iTrend > 0 and Add_Buy_0 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" ? 1 :0
add_sell_1 = _angle_fl [2] < 0 and _angle_fl [1] == 0 and _angle_fl == 0 and iTrend < 0 and Add_Sell_0 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" ? 1 :0
add_buy_2 = _angle_fl [5] > 0 and _angle_fl [4] == 0 and _angle_fl[3] == 0 and _angle_fl[2] == 0 and _angle_fl[1] == 0 and _angle_fl == 0 and iTrend > 0 and Add_Buy_1 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" ? 1 :0
add_sell_2 = _angle_fl [5] < 0 and _angle_fl [4] == 0 and _angle_fl[3] == 0 and _angle_fl[2] == 0 and _angle_fl[1] == 0 and _angle_fl == 0 and iTrend < 0 and Add_Sell_1 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" ? 1 :0
add_buy_3 = _angle_fl [8] > 0 and _angle_fl [7] == 0 and _angle_fl[6] == 0 and _angle_fl[5] == 0 and _angle_fl[4] == 0 and _angle_fl[3] == 0 and _angle_fl[2] == 0 and _angle_fl[1] == 0 and _angle_fl == 0 and iTrend > 0 and Add_Buy_2 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" ? 1 :0
add_sell_3 = _angle_fl [8] < 0 and _angle_fl [7] == 0 and _angle_fl[6] == 0 and _angle_fl[5] == 0 and _angle_fl[4] == 0 and _angle_fl[3] == 0 and _angle_fl[2] == 0 and _angle_fl[1] == 0 and _angle_fl == 0 and iTrend < 0 and Add_Sell_2 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" ? 1 :0
//ADD AND FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
add_buy_1_A = _angle_fl [2] > 0 and _angle_fl [1] == 0 and _angle_fl == 0 and iTrend > 0 and Add_Buy_0 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==1? 1 :0
add_sell_1_A = _angle_fl [2] < 0 and _angle_fl [1] == 0 and _angle_fl == 0 and iTrend < 0 and Add_Sell_0 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME"and iTrend_==-1? 1 :0
add_buy_2_A = _angle_fl [5] > 0 and _angle_fl [4] == 0 and _angle_fl[3] == 0 and _angle_fl[2] == 0 and _angle_fl[1] == 0 and _angle_fl == 0 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==1 and Add_Buy_1? 1 :0
add_sell_2_A = _angle_fl [5] < 0 and _angle_fl [4] == 0 and _angle_fl[3] == 0 and _angle_fl[2] == 0 and _angle_fl[1] == 0 and _angle_fl == 0 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==-1 and Add_Sell_1 ? 1 :0
add_buy_3_A = _angle_fl [8] > 0 and _angle_fl [7] == 0 and _angle_fl[6] == 0 and _angle_fl[5] == 0 and _angle_fl[4] == 0 and _angle_fl[3] == 0 and _angle_fl[2] == 0 and _angle_fl[1] == 0 and _angle_fl == 0 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==1 and Add_Buy_2? 1 :0
add_sell_3_A = _angle_fl [8] < 0 and _angle_fl [7] == 0 and _angle_fl[6] == 0 and _angle_fl[5] == 0 and _angle_fl[4] == 0 and _angle_fl[3] == 0 and _angle_fl[2] == 0 and _angle_fl[1] == 0 and _angle_fl == 0 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==-1 and Add_Sell_2 ? 1 :0
//REDUCE AND NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Redu_buy_1 = _angle_fl [1] < Max_level_1 and _angle_fl > Max_level_1 and Red_Buy_0 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME"? 1 :0
Redu_buy_2 = _angle_fl [1] < Max_level_2 and _angle_fl > Max_level_2 and Red_Buy_1 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME"? 1 :0
Redu_buy_3 = _angle_fl [2] < Max_level_2 and _angle_fl [1] > Max_level_2 and _angle_fl > Max_level_2 and Red_Buy_2 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME"? 1 :0
Redu_buy_4 = _angle_fl [3] < Max_level_2 and _angle_fl [2] > Max_level_2 and _angle_fl [1] > Max_level_2 and _angle_fl > Max_level_2 and Red_Buy_3 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME"? 1 :0
Redu_buy_5 = _angle_fl [4] < Max_level_2 and _angle_fl [3] > Max_level_2 and _angle_fl [2] > Max_level_2 and _angle_fl [1] > Max_level_2 and _angle_fl > Max_level_2 and Red_Buy_4 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME"? 1 :0
Redu_sell_1 = _angle_fl [1] > Min_level_1 and _angle_fl < Min_level_1 and Red_Sell_0 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME"? 1 :0
Redu_sell_2 = _angle_fl [1] > Min_level_2 and _angle_fl < Min_level_2 and Red_Sell_1 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME"? 1 :0
Redu_sell_3 = _angle_fl [2] > Min_level_2 and _angle_fl [1] < Min_level_2 and _angle_fl < Min_level_2 and Red_Sell_2 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME"? 1 :0
Redu_sell_4 = _angle_fl [3] > Min_level_2 and _angle_fl [2] < Min_level_2 and _angle_fl [1] < Min_level_2 and _angle_fl < Min_level_2 and Red_Sell_3 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME"? 1 :0
Redu_sell_5 = _angle_fl [4] > Min_level_2 and _angle_fl [3] < Min_level_2 and _angle_fl [2] < Min_level_2 and _angle_fl [1] < Min_level_2 and _angle_fl < Min_level_2 and Red_Sell_4 and MODE == "NO FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME"? 1 :0
//REDUCE AND FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Redu_buy_1_A = _angle_fl [1] < Max_level_1 and _angle_fl > Max_level_1 and Red_Buy_0 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==1? 1 :0
Redu_buy_2_A = _angle_fl [1] < Max_level_2 and _angle_fl > Max_level_2 and Red_Buy_1 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==1? 1 :0
Redu_buy_3_A = _angle_fl [2] < Max_level_2 and _angle_fl [1] > Max_level_2 and _angle_fl > Max_level_2 and Red_Buy_2 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==1? 1 :0
Redu_buy_4_A = _angle_fl [3] < Max_level_2 and _angle_fl [2] > Max_level_2 and _angle_fl [1] > Max_level_2 and _angle_fl > Max_level_2 and Red_Buy_3 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==1? 1 :0
Redu_buy_5_A = _angle_fl [4] < Max_level_2 and _angle_fl [3] > Max_level_2 and _angle_fl [2] > Max_level_2 and _angle_fl [1] > Max_level_2 and _angle_fl > Max_level_2 and Red_Buy_4 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==1? 1 :0
Redu_sell_1_A = _angle_fl [1] > Min_level_1 and _angle_fl < Min_level_1 and Red_Sell_0 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==-1? 1 :0
Redu_sell_2_A = _angle_fl [1] > Min_level_2 and _angle_fl < Min_level_2 and Red_Sell_1 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==-1? 1 :0
Redu_sell_3_A = _angle_fl [2] > Min_level_2 and _angle_fl [1] < Min_level_2 and _angle_fl < Min_level_2 and Red_Sell_2 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==-1? 1 :0
Redu_sell_4_A = _angle_fl [3] > Min_level_2 and _angle_fl [2] < Min_level_2 and _angle_fl [1] < Min_level_2 and _angle_fl < Min_level_2 and Red_Sell_3 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==-1? 1 :0
Redu_sell_5_A = _angle_fl [4] > Min_level_2 and _angle_fl [3] < Min_level_2 and _angle_fl [2] < Min_level_2 and _angle_fl [1] < Min_level_2 and _angle_fl < Min_level_2 and Red_Sell_4 and MODE == "FILTER HIGHER TIME FRAME" and iTrend_==-1? 1 :0
// PLOT ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
_color_fl = iTrend > 0?
plot(_angle_fl,"Angle Follow Line", _color_fl, 3, plot.style_line)
plot(_angle_fl,"Angle Follow Line Histogram", _color_fl, 3, plot.style_histogram)
hline(Max_level_1, title='Max Angle Level 1',, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)
hline(Max_level_2, title='Max Angle Level 2',, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)
hline(Min_level_1, title='Min Angle Level 1',, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)
hline(Min_level_2, title='Min Angle Level 2',, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)
plotshape(h_lables == false and (sell_0 or sell_0_A) ? 5 : na, title="Sell", text="Sell", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plotshape(h_lables == false and (buy_0 or buy_0_A)? -5 : na, title="Buy", text="Buy", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plotshape(h_lables == false and (add_sell_1 or add_sell_1_A or add_sell_2 or add_sell_3 or add_sell_2_A or add_sell_3_A) ? _angle_fl +5 : na, title="Add Sell 1", text="Add", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plotshape(h_lables == false and (add_buy_1 or add_buy_1_A or add_buy_2 or add_buy_3 or add_buy_2_A or add_buy_3_A) ? _angle_fl -5 : na, title="Add Buy 1", text="Add", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plotshape(h_lables == false and (Redu_buy_1 or Redu_buy_1_A)? _angle_fl +5 : na, title="Reduce Buy 1", text="Red", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plotshape(h_lables == false and (Redu_buy_2 or Redu_buy_2_A)? _angle_fl +5 : na, title="Reduce Buy 2", text="Red", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plotshape(h_lables == false and (Redu_buy_3 or Redu_buy_3_A)? _angle_fl +5 : na, title="Reduce Buy 3", text="Red", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plotshape(h_lables == false and (Redu_buy_4 or Redu_buy_4_A)? _angle_fl +5 : na, title="Reduce Buy 4", text="Red", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plotshape(h_lables == false and (Redu_buy_5 or Redu_buy_5_A)? _angle_fl +5 : na, title="Reduce Buy 5", text="Red", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plotshape(h_lables == false and (Redu_sell_1 or Redu_sell_1_A) ? _angle_fl -5 : na, title="Reduce Sell 1", text="Red", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plotshape(h_lables == false and (Redu_sell_2 or Redu_sell_2_A)? _angle_fl -5 : na, title="Reduce Sell 2", text="Red", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plotshape(h_lables == false and (Redu_sell_3 or Redu_sell_3_A)? _angle_fl -5 : na, title="Reduce Sell 3", text="Red", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plotshape(h_lables == false and (Redu_sell_4 or Redu_sell_4_A)? _angle_fl -5 : na, title="Reduce Sell 4", text="Red", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plotshape(h_lables == false and (Redu_sell_5 or Redu_sell_5_A)? _angle_fl -5 : na, title="Reduce Sell 5", text="Red", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
bgcolor(iTrend_ > 0 and AIB? : iTrend_ < 0 and AIB?, transp=70)
barcolor(iTrend > 0?
// ALERTS————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
alertcondition(sell_0 or sell_0_A,title="Sell",message="Sell")
alertcondition(buy_0 or buy_0_A,title="Buy",message="Buy")
alertcondition(add_sell_1 or add_sell_1_A or add_sell_2 or add_sell_3 or add_sell_2_A or add_sell_3_A,title="Add Sell",message="Add Sell")
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