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Created September 2, 2013 21:09
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Explain the validators of SQLAlchemy.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import datetime
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, DateTime
from sqlalchemy.schema import CheckConstraint
from sqlalchemy.orm import validates
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
Base = declarative_base()
class Event(Base):
__tablename__ = 'events'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String)
started_at = Column(DateTime)
stopped_at = Column(DateTime)
# Solution 1. Use a Check Constraint on your object
__table_args__ = (
CheckConstraint('started_at <= stopped_at'),
# Solution 2. Use a logical constraing
# This constraint will check the value of the two datetime fields.
# At the first call, the started_at field will be filled by the value of
# field, but not the stopped_at field. This one will be None.
# At the second call, the key will be for the 'stopped_at' field and the
# value will contain the value of this field.
# for this reason, I check the value of the 'key' parameter and I check if
# the self.started_at field is an instance of 'datetime.datetime'.
# Then, I can check the values of these two fields and raise an exception if
# there is an error.
@validates('started_at', 'stopped_at')
def validate_dates(self, key, field):
print "started, stopped: %r %r" %( self.started_at, self.stopped_at)
print "key, field: %r %r" % (key, field,)
if key == 'stopped_at' and isinstance(self.started_at, datetime.datetime):
if self.started_at > field:
raise AssertionError("The stopped_at field must be "\
"greater-or-equal than the started_at field")
return field
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
event = Event(name='Event1',,,
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
except IntegrityError as ex:
print ex
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r3gor commented Apr 30, 2021

I have a doubt, there is no need to validate if field is instance of datetime?

    @validates('started_at', 'stopped_at')
    def validate_dates(self, key, field):
        print "started, stopped: %r %r" %( self.started_at, self.stopped_at)
        print "key, field:  %r %r" % (key, field,)
        if not isinstance(field, datetime.datetime):
            raise AssertionError("field must be instance of datetime.datetime")
        if key == 'stopped_at' and self.started_at is not None and self.started_at > field or 
           key == 'started_at' and self.stopped_at is not None and self.stopped_at < field:
            raise AssertionError("The stopped_at field must be "\
                                     "greater-or-equal than the started_at field")
        return field

the code above is correct?

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If you have the right solution, I can update this gist. Just propose a solution and I will update it asap.

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rickerp commented Aug 18, 2021

this is what I have in my case

class Sticky(Base):
    id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), primary_key=True, default=uuid4, server_default=text("uuid_generate_v4()"))
    parent_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'), default=None)

    @validates('id', 'parent_id')
    def validate_self_parenting(self, key, field):
        if field is not None and (
                key == 'id' and field == self.parent_id or
                key == 'parent_id' and field ==
            raise ValidationException('Sticky', 'parent_id', "parent_id can't be equal to the id")
        return field

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