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Detailed rundown of many of the new features in Ruby 2.0.0.

Ruby 2.0.0 in detail

Keyword arguments

def wrap(string, before: "<", after: ">")
  "#{before}#{string}#{after}" # no need to retrieve options from a hash

# optional
wrap("foo")                                  #=> "<foo>"
# one or the other
wrap("foo", before: "#<")                    #=> "#<foo>"
wrap("foo", after: "]")                      #=> "<foo]"
# order not important
wrap("foo", after: "]", before: "[")         #=> "[foo]"

One of the nice things about this compared to the hash-as-fake-keyword-args is that it errors when you make a mistake.

  wrap("foo", befoer: "#<")
rescue ArgumentError => e
  e.message                                  #=> "unknown keyword: befoer"

You can use double splat to capture all keyword arguments, just like a single splat to capture all regular arguments. You can also use the double splat to unpack a hash to keyword arguments.

# arguments
def capture(**opts)
capture(foo: "bar")                          #=> {:foo=>"bar"}

# keys must be symbols
opts = {:before => "(", :after => ")"}
wrap("foo", **opts)                          #=> "(foo)"

The old hash style syntax is still accepted for keyword arguments, so you can update your method definitions without having to fix all the callers.

wrap("foo", :before => "{", :after => "}")   #=> "{foo}"

If you're writing a library that needs to be compatible across ruby 2.0 and 1.9 the old hash-as-fake-keyword-args trick still works, and can be called as if it was using keyword arguments

def wrap(string, opts={})
  before = opts[:before] || "<"
  after = opts[:after] || ">"

wrap("foo", before: "[", after: "]")         #=> "[foo]"

%i and %I symbol array literal

%i{an array of symbols}   #=> [:an, :array, :of, :symbols]

and with interpolation

%I{#{1 + 1}x #{2 + 2}x}   #=> [:"2x", :"4x"]


Refinements is a neat idea, but the original implementation came with a weird edge cases and possible performance penalties, so what we get with Ruby 2.0.0 is a rather scaled back, and slightly less useful version of the original.

You create a refinement to a class, name spaced inside a module

module NumberQuery
  refine String do
    def number?
      match(/\A[1-9][0-9]*\z/) ? true : false

this refinement isn't visible by default

"123".respond_to?(:number)   #=> false

once you declare that you are 'using' the module with the refinement, then it becomes visible.

using NumberQuery
"123".number?                #=> true

however using is only available at the top level, and only applies to lines after it in the same source file it's declared. You also get a warning that refinements are experimental if you're running with warnings enabled.


Module gains #prepend as a compliment to #include, it works just like include, but it inserts the module in to the inheritance chain as if it were a subclass rather than a superclass.

included module
prepended module

This takes over from Rails' #alias_method_chain or the trick of aliasing a method to a new name before redefining it and calling the original.

class Foo
  def do_stuff
    puts "doing stuff"

module Wrapper
  def do_stuff
    puts "before stuff"
    puts "after stuff"

class Foo
  prepend Wrapper


before stuff
doing stuff
after stuff

there's also ::prepended and ::prepend_features method that work like ::included and ::append_features

Unbound methods from a module can be bound to any object

This one might sound like gibberish, or some minor change to something you'll never use, but it's actually a really great new feature.

You can get ahold of a method object from any class or module, with instance_method

Object.instance_method(:to_s)   #=> #<UnboundMethod: Object(Kernel)#to_s>

However, this method isn't bound to anything, it has no 'self', and can't be called. To call it you have to bind the method to an object, but methods have to be bound to an object of the same class as the one the method was taken from.

But now we can take a method from a module and bind it to any object

module Bar
  def bar
  def baz

Bar.instance_method(:bar).bind(   #=> "bar"

This means define_method also accepts unbound methods for modules, which will let us implement a selective include

module Kernel
  def from(mod, include: [])
    raise TypeError, "argument must be a module" unless Module === mod
    include.each do |name, original|
      define_method(name, mod.instance_method(original || name))

class Foo
  from Bar, include: {:qux => :bar}

f =
f.qux                 #=> "bar
f.respond_to?(:baz)   #=> false

const_get understands namespaces

class Foo
  module Bar
    Baz = 1

Object.const_get("Foo::Bar::Baz")   #=> 1

#to_h as standard for 'convert to hash'

Hash, along with ENV, nil, Struct, and OpenStruct all get a #to_h method which returns a hash

{:foo => "bar"}.to_h               #=> {:foo=>"bar"}
nil.to_h                           #=> {}"bar").to_h   #=> {:foo=>"bar"}
require "ostruct"
open = = "bar"
open.to_h                          #=> {:foo=>"bar"}

There is also a Hash() method, like Array(), that delegates to #to_h

Hash({:foo => "bar"})              #=> {:foo=>"bar"}
Hash(nil)                          #=> {}

Array#bsearch and Range#bsearch

Array and Range get a binary search method with #bsearch. This has two modes of working, find-minimum and find-any. Both modes take a block, and the array will have to be sorted with regards to this block.

In find-minimum mode it will return the first element greater than or equal to a chosen value. To use this mode you supply a block that returns true when the supplied element is greater than or equal to the chosen value, and false otherwise.

array = [2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
array.bsearch {|x| x >= 4}       #=> 4
array.bsearch {|x| x >= 7}       #=> 8
array.bsearch {|x| x >= 9}       #=> 16
array.bsearch {|x| x >= 0}       #=> 2
array.bsearch {|x| x >= 33}      #=> nil

In find any mode you need to supply a block that returns a positive number if the supplied element is less than your chosen value, a negative number if it is greater, and 0 if it is the chosen value.

array.bsearch {|x| 4 <=> x}      #=> 4
array.bsearch {|x| 7 <=> x}      #=> nil

Your block can return 0 for a range of values, in which case any of them may be chosen.

array = [0, 4, 7, 10, 12] {|x| 1 - x / 4 }       #=> [1, 0, 0, -1, -2]
array.bsearch {|x| 1 - x / 4 }   #=> 4 or 7


#lazy called on any Enumerable (Array, Hash, File, Range, etc) will return a lazy enumerator, that doesn't perform any calculations till it is forced to. In addition, elements of the enumerable will be sent though the whole chain one by one, rather than evaluating the entire enumerable at each step. In some cases this will result in less work.

You can deal with infinite collections

[1,2,3] {|x| x * 10}.take(5).to_a   #=> [10, 20, 30, 10, 20]

Or avoid consuming large resources, when you know you'll only need a little

This example only reads as many lines as it takes to find 3 that aren't empty.

#lazy does incur a performance penalty, so you'll need to make sure you're only using it when it makes sense.

There's also a Enumerator::Lazy class to create your own lazy enumerators. The example above could be written as:

def populated_lines(file, &block) do |yielder, line|
    string = line.chomp
    yielder << string unless string.empty?
  end.each(&block) # evals block, or returns enum if nil, like stdlib


Lazy Enumerator#size and Range#size

Enumerator#size will return the size of an enumerator, without evaluating the whole Enumerator. Range benefits from this too.

array = [1,2,3,4]
array.cycle(4).size    #=> 16
array.cycle.size       #=> Infinity
# nil is returned if the size can't be calculated
array.find.size        #=> nil
# Range too
(1..10).size           #=> 10

To enable this in Enumerators returned from your own code, now accepts an argument to calculate the size.

This can be a value

  enum = do |yielder|
    yielder << "a"
    yielder << "b"
    yielder << "c"

  enum.size              #=> 3

or an object responding to #call

def square_times(num, &block)> {num ** 2}) do |yielder|
    (num ** 2).times {|i| yielder << i}

square_times(6).size     #=> 36

#to_enum (and it's alias #enum_for) also now take a block to calculate the size, so the above could be written like so:

def square_times(num)
  return to_enum(:square_times) {num ** 2} unless block_given?
  (num ** 2).times do |i|
    yield i

square_times(6).size     #=> 36

Rubygems Gemfile support

Rubygems can now use your Gemfile (or Isolate, or gem.deps.rb) to install gems and load activation information.

You can install the gems listed in your Gemfile (and their dependancies) by specifying the --file (or -g) option. This only uses the Gemfile, not Gemfile.lock, so only versions specified in the Gemfile will be respected.

gem install --file Gemfile

To load activation information (the version of the gems to use) specify the RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS environment variable. The value for this should be the path to your Gemfile, but you can use - to have Rubygems auto-detect this.

Like install, this only uses the Gemfile, ignoring Gemfile.lock, so it's less strict than Bundler. It also only activates the specified versions, you'll still need to require the gems in your code.

It does have the advantage that as it's built in, there's no need for something similar to bundle exec or Bundlers binstubs, just run your app like normal.

# start your app

There is only basic support for the Gemfile format, it doesn't understand the gemspec declaration for example, but it's a handy feature that will hopefully evolve and become a bit more robust, and it's very useful if Bundler isn't working out for you.

A rough approximation of bundle install --path vendor/bundle can be had with

gem install --file Gemfile --install-dir vendor/gem

export GEM_HOME=vendor/gem
# start your app

RDoc markdown support

RDoc now understands markdown, to run rdoc with markdown formatting set the markup option

rdoc --markup markdown

This can be saved in your project with a .doc_options file so you don't need to repeat it every time

rdoc --markup markdown --write-options

Use warn like puts

warn now works just like puts, taking multiple arguments, or an array, and outputting them, but on stderr rather than stdout

warn "foo", "bar"
warn ["foo", "bar"]

Logger compatible syslog interface

Now it's super easy to switch between logging to a file descriptor and to syslog, no more picking one and then writing to that interface. You can even log to stdout in development, and syslog in production, without having to update all your logging calls.

if ENV["RACK_ENV"] == "production"
  require "syslog"
  logger ="my_app")
  require "logger"
  logger =

logger.debug("about to do stuff")
rescue => e
end"stuff done")


TracePoint is a new object oriented version of the old Kernel#set_trace_func. It allows you to trace the execution of your Ruby code, this can be really handy when debugging code that isn't terribly straight forward.

# set up our tracer, but don't enable it yet
events = %i{call return b_call b_return raise}
trace =*events) do |tp|
  p [tp.event, tp.event == :raise ? tp.raised_exception.class : tp.method_id, tp.path, tp.lineno]

def twice
  result = []
  result << yield
  result << yield

def check_idempotence(&block)
  a, b = twice(&block)
  raise "expected #{a} to equal #{b}" unless a == b

a = 1
  check_idempotence {a += 1}


[:call, :check_idempotence, "/Users/mat/Dropbox/ruby-2.0.0.rb", 841]
[:call, :twice, "/Users/mat/Dropbox/ruby-2.0.0.rb", 834]
[:b_call, nil, "/Users/mat/Dropbox/ruby-2.0.0.rb", 850]
[:b_return, nil, "/Users/mat/Dropbox/ruby-2.0.0.rb", 850]
[:b_call, nil, "/Users/mat/Dropbox/ruby-2.0.0.rb", 850]
[:b_return, nil, "/Users/mat/Dropbox/ruby-2.0.0.rb", 850]
[:return, :twice, "/Users/mat/Dropbox/ruby-2.0.0.rb", 839]
[:raise, #<RuntimeError: expected 2 to equal 3>, "/Users/mat/Dropbox/ruby-2.0.0.rb", 843]
[:return, :check_idempotence, "/Users/mat/Dropbox/ruby-2.0.0.rb", 843]

Asynchronous Thread interrupt handling

Ruby threads can be killed or have an exception raised in them by another. This isn't a terribly safe feature as the killing thread doesn't know what the thread being killed is doing, you could end up killing a thread in the middle of some important resource allocation or deallocation. We now have a feature to deal with this more safely.

As an example, the stdlib timeout library works by spawning a second thread, which waits for the specified amount of time, and then raises and exception in the original thread. Say we had a connection pool library that could cope fine with you failing to check back in a connection, but would fail if checking out or checking in a connection was interrupted. You're writing a method to get a connection, make a request on it, then return it, and you suspect that users of this method may wrap it in a timeout.

def request(details)
  result = nil
  # Block will defer given exceptions if they are raised in this thread by
  # another thread till the end of the block. Exceptions are not rescured or
  # ignored, but handled later.
  Thread.handle_interrupt(Timeout::ExitException => :never) do
    # no danger of timeout interrupting checkout
    connection = connection_pool.checkout
    # if checkout took too long, handle the interrupt immediately, effectively
    # raising the pending exception here
    if Thread.pending_interrupt?
      Thread.handle_interrupt(Timeout::ExitException => :immediate)
    # allow interrupts during IO (or C extension call)
    Thread.handle_interrupt(Timeout::ExitException => :on_blocking) do
      result = connection.request(details)
    # no danger of timeout interrupting checkin

This method can safely be wrapped in a timeout, and the connection will always be completely checked out, and if it completes the request, will always be completes checked in. If the timeout happens during checkin, it won't interrupt the checkin, but it will still be raised at the end of the method.

This is a slightly contrived example, but it covers the main points of this great new feature.

Garbage collection improvements

There are a few improvements to the garbage collector in Ruby 2.0, the main one making Ruby play nicer with Copy-on-Write. This means applications that fork multiple processes, like a Rails app running on Unicorn, will use less memory.

The GC::Profiler class also gets a ::raw_data method, to return the raw data of the profile as an array of hashes, rather than a string, making it easier to log this data with say, statsd.

GC::Profiler.enable # turn on the profiler
GC.start # force a GC run, so there will be some stats
#=> [{:GC_TIME=>0.0012150000000000008, :GC_INVOKE_TIME=>0.036716,
#   :HEAP_USE_SIZE=>435920, :HEAP_TOTAL_SIZE=>700040,


This method returns all the objects directly reachable from the given object.

require "objspace"

Response =, :header, :body)
res =, {"Content-Length" => "12"}, "Hello world!")

#=> [Response, {"Content-Length"=>"12"}, "Hello world!"]

You can combine this with ObjectSpace.memsize_of to get an idea of the memory size of an object and all the objects it references; very handy for debugging memory leaks

def memsize_of_all_reachable_objects_from(obj)
  memsize = 0
  seen = {}.tap(&:compare_by_identity)
  to_do = [obj]
  while obj = to_do.shift
    ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from(obj).each do |o|
      next if seen.key?(o) || Module === o
      seen[o] = true
      memsize += ObjectSpace.memsize_of(o)
      to_do << o

memsize_of_all_reachable_objects_from(res)   #=> 192

Optimised backtrace

Backtrace strings are now only created on demand, from a light weight collection of object, rather than with each exception. You can get ahold of these objects with caller_locations or Thread#backtrace_locations. Curiously they aren't available from an Exception.

def foo

def bar

locations = foo   #=> ["foo", "<main>"]
locations.first.class    #=> Thread::Backtrace::Location

caller also now accepts a limit as well as an offset, or a range

def bar
  caller(2, 1)
foo   #=> ["/Users/mat/Dropbox/ruby-2.0.0.rb:361:in `<main>'"]

def bar
foo   #=> ["/Users/mat/Dropbox/ruby-2.0.0.rb:368:in `<main>'"]

Zlib streaming support

Zlib gets support for streaming decompression and improved support for streaming compression.

When decompressing files it might be reasonable to buffer the whole compressed file in to memory, but the uncompressed data may be many hundreds of MB. Inflate#inflate now accepts a block that will get chunks of data as the file in uncompressed, this can process the uncompressed data without needing to buffer all of it in memory at once.

require "zlib"

inflater = + 32)"app.log", "w") do |out|
  inflater.inflate("app.log.gz")) {|chunk| out << chunk}

In a similar fashion Deflate#deflate also accepts a block, as you feed data in to #deflate the block will only be called when enough data has accumulated to warrant efficient compression.

deflater ="app.log.gz", "w") do |out|
  File.foreach("app.log", 4 * 1024) do |chunk|
    deflater.deflate(chunk) {|part| out << part}
  deflater.finish {|part| out << part}

Multithreaded Zlib processing

Zlib no longer holds the Global Interpreter Lock while compressing/uncompressing data, allowing parallel processing on gzip, zlib and deflate streams. This also means your application can continue to respond while Zlib works in the background.

require "zlib"

# processes 4 files in parallel, using 4 cores if required
threads = %W{a.txt.gz b.txt.gz c.txt.gz d.txt.gz}.map do |path| do
    inflater = + 32), "w") do |out|
      inflater.inflate( {|chunk| out << chunk}
# do other stuff here while Zlib works in other threads

Default UTF-8 encoding

You can now use useful characters outside of US-ASCII without magic encoding comments or inscrutable escape sequences

currency = "€"   #=> "€"

Binary string shortcut

String#b as a shortcut to get an ASCII-8BIT (aka binary) copy of a string

s = "foo"
s.encoding     #=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>
s.b.encoding   #=> #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>

String#lines, #chars, etc return an Array

lines, chars, codepoints, bytes now all return arrays rather then enumerators

s = "foo\nbar"
s.lines        #=> ["foo\n", "bar"]
s.chars        #=> ["f", "o", "o", "\n", "b", "a", "r"]
s.codepoints   #=> [102, 111, 111, 10, 98, 97, 114]
s.bytes        #=> [102, 111, 111, 10, 98, 97, 114]

These still accept a block for backwards compatibility, but you should use #each_line etc for that use case

The similarly named methods on IO, ARGF, StringIO, and Zlib::GzipReader still return enumerators, but are deprecated, use the each_ versions.


Returns the file path to the executing file, like _FILE_, but without the file name, useful for things like

YAML.load_file(File.join(__dir__, "config.yml"))

callee returns the method as called

callee is back to returning the name of the method as called, not as defined with an aliased method. This can actually be useful.

def do_request(method, path, headers={}, body=nil)
  "#{method.upcase} #{path}"

def get(path, headers={})
  do_request(__callee__, path, headers)
alias head get

get("/test")    #=> "GET /test"
head("/test")   #=> "HEAD /test"

regexp engine is changed to Onigmo

The is a fork of the Oniguruma regexp engine used by 1.9, with a few more features. More details at The new features seem Perl-inspired, this seems to be a good refrence:


if cond is matched, then match against yes, if cond is false match against no cond references a match either by group number or name, or is a look-ahead/behind

example only matches a trailing cap if there is a leading cap

regexp = /^([A-Z])?[a-z]+(?(1)[A-Z]|[a-z])$/

regexp =~ "foo"   #=> 0
regexp =~ "foO"   #=> nil
regexp =~ "FoO"   #=> 0

Hash#default_proc= now accepts nil

No longer will you have to call hash.default = nil to clear hash.default_proc now your code will actually make sense!

hash = {}
hash.default_proc = {|h,k| h[k] = []}
hash[:foo] << "bar"
hash[:foo]                                       #=> ["bar"]
hash.default_proc = nil
hash[:baz]                                       #=> nil

Array#values_at returns nil for each value that is out-of-range

Previously #values_at would behave in an unexpected way when given a range, and you'd only get a single nil for all out-of-range indexes, now you get one for each

[2,4,6,8,10].values_at(3..7)   #=> [8, 10, nil, nil, nil]

Option for File.fnmatch? to expand braces

If for some reason you ever find yourself needing to do shell filename glob matches in Ruby you'll be happy to know you can now use pattens like {foo,bar}

# 3rd argument enables the brace expansion
File.fnmatch?("{foo,bar}", "foo", File::FNM_EXTGLOB)   #=> true
File.fnmatch?("{foo,bar}", "foo")                      #=> false
# or together multiple options old-school C style
casefold_extglob = File::FNM_CASEFOLD | File::FNM_EXTGLOB
File.fnmatch?("{foo,bar}", "BAR", casefold_extglob)    #=> true

Shellwords calls #to_s on arguments

Shellwords#shellescape and #shelljoin will now call #to_s on the arguments, this is particularly useful with Pathname.

require "pathname"
require "shellwords"

path ="~/Library/Application Support/").expand_path
\#=> "/Users/mat/Library/Application\\ Support"

\#=> "/Applications/App\\ /Applications/"

system and exec now close non-standard file descriptors by default

when using exec all open files/sockets, other than stdin, stdout and stderr will be closed for the new process. This was previously and option with exec(cmd, close_others: true) but it's not the default.

Protected methods treated like private for #respond_to?

protected methods are now hidden from #respond_to? unless true is passed as a second argument, just like private methods.

class Foo
  def bar

f =
f.respond_to?(:bar)         #=> false
f.respond_to?(:bar, true)   #=> true

#inspect no longer calls #to_s

Under Ruby 1.9 #inspect gained the odd behaviour of delegating to #to_s if a custom #to_s method had been defined, this has been removed

class Foo
  def to_s
end   #=> "#<Foo:0x007fb4a2887328>"


Load error now has a #path method to retrieve the path of the file that couldn't be loaded. That was already in the message, but now it's more easily accessible to code

  require_relative "foo"
rescue LoadError => e
  e.message   #=> "cannot load such file -- /Users/mat/Dropbox/foo"
  e.path      #=> "/Users/mat/Dropbox/foo"


getsid return the processes session ID. This only works on unix/linux systems

Process.getsid   #=> 240


A signame method has been added to get the name for a signal number

Signal.signame(9)   #=> "KILL"

Error on trapping signals used internally

Signal.trap now raises an ArgumentError if you try and trap :SEGV, :BUS, :ILL, :FPE, or :VTALRM. These are used internally by Ruby, so you wouldn't be able to trap them anyway.

True thread local variables

As of Ruby 1.9 Thread#[], #[]=, #keys and #key? would get/set fiber local variables, Thread now gets the methods #thread_variable_get, #thread_variable_set, #thread_variables, #thread_variable? as equivalents that are fiber local

Fiber local:

b = nil

a = do
  Thread.current[:foo] = 1

b = do
  Thread.current[:foo] = 2

p a.resume   #=> 1

Thread local:

b = nil

a = do
  Thread.current.thread_variable_set(:foo, 1)

b = do
  Thread.current.thread_variable_set(:foo, 2)

p a.resume   #=> 2

Better error on joining current/main thread

If you attempt to call #join or #value on the current or main thread you now get a ThreadError raised, which inherits from StandardError, rather than 'fatal' which inherits from Exception.

rescue => e
  e   #=> #<ThreadError: Target thread must not be current thread>

Mutex changes

I can't think of a particularly interesting example for this, but you can now check if the current thread owns a mutex.

require "thread"

lock =
lock.owned?                      #=> true {lock.owned?}.value   #=> false

Also affecting Mutex, methods that change the state of the mutex are no longer allowed in signal handlers; #lock, #unlock, #try_lock, #synchronize, and #sleep

And apparently #sleep may wake up early, so you'll need to double check the correct amount of time has passed if precise timings are important.

sleep_time = 0.1
start =
elapsed = - start
lock.sleep(sleep_time - elapsed) if elapsed < sleep_time

Custom thread and fiber stack sizes

The following environment variables can be set to alter the stack sizes used by threads and fibers. Ruby only checks these as your program starts up.

RUBY_THREAD_VM_STACK_SIZE: vm stack size used at thread creation. default: 128KB (32bit CPU) or 256KB (64bit CPU).

RUBY_THREAD_MACHINE_STACK_SIZE: machine stack size used at thread creation. default: 512KB or 1024KB.

RUBY_FIBER_VM_STACK_SIZE: vm stack size used at fiber creation. default: 64KB or 128KB.

RUBY_FIBER_MACHINE_STACK_SIZE: machine stack size used at fiber creation. default: 256KB or 256KB.

you can get the defaults with

RubyVM::DEFAULT_PARAMS   #=> {:thread_vm_stack_size=>1048576,

Stricter Fiber#transfer

A fiber that has been transferred to now must be transferred back to, instead of cheating and using resume.

require "fiber"

f2 = nil

f1 = do
  puts "a"
  puts "c"

f2 = do
  puts "b"
  f1.transfer # under 1.9 this could have been a #resume



RubyVM::InstructionSequence isn't new, but it gains a couple of features, and even more helpfully, detailed documentation

You can now get the instruction sequence an existing method

class Foo
  def add(x, y)
    x + y

instructions = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of(Foo.instance_method(:add))

and when you have that instruction sequence you can get some details about where it was defined

instructions.path            #=> "/Users/mat/Dropbox/ruby-2.0.0.rb"
instructions.absolute_path   #=> "/Users/mat/Dropbox/ruby-2.0.0.rb"
instructions.label           #=> "add"
instructions.base_label      #=> "add"
instructions.first_lineno    #=> 654


This class is mainly intended to be part of WeakRef's implementation, so you should probably use that (require "weakref"). It holds a weak reference to the objects stored, which means they may be garbage collected.

map =
# keys can't be immediate values (numbers, symbols), and you must use the
# exact same object, not just one that is equal.
key =

map[key] = "foo"
map[key]                #=> "foo"
# force a garbage collection run
sleep(0.1) and GC.start 
map[key]                #=> nil

top level define_method

define_method can now be used at the top level; it doesn't have to be inside a class or module

Dir["config/*.yml"].each do |path|
  %r{config/(?<name>.*)\.yml\z} =~ path
  define_method(:"#{name}_config") {YAML.load_file(path)}

No warning for unused variables starting with _

This method will generate warnings that the family, port, and host variables are unused.

def get_ip(sock)
  family, port, host, address = sock.peeraddr

Using underscores will stop the warnings, but lose the self-documenting nature of the code

def get_ip(sock)
  _, _, _, address = sock.peeraddr

As of Ruby 2.0.0 we can get the best of both worlds by starting the variables with an _

def get_ip(sock)
  _family, _port, _host, address = sock.peeraddr

Proc#== and #eql? removed

Under Ruby 1.9.3 Procs with the same body and binding were equal, but you'd only get procs like this when you'd cloned one from another. This has now been removed, which is no great loss as it wasn't really very useful.

proc = {puts "foo"}

proc == proc.clone   #=> false


ARGF (which is a concatination of the files supplied on the command line) gets an #each_codepoint method like IO.

count = 0
ARGF.each_codepoint {|c| count += 1 if c > 127}
puts "there are #{count} non-ascii chacters in the given files"


The encoding of the string returned from Time#to_s changes from ASCII-8BIT (aka binary) to US-ASCII.   #=> #<Encoding:US-ASCII>

Random parameter of Array#shuffle! and #sample now called with a 'max' arg

This is a small change, that will probably have no affect on you at all, but now when supplying a random param to the #shuffle!, #shuffle, and #sample methods on Array it's now expected to take a 'max' argument, and return an integer between 0 and max, rather than a float between 0 and 1.

array = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
randgen =
def randgen.rand(max)
  max                           #=> 4
array.sample(random: randgen)   #=> 3

CGI HTML5 tag builder

CGI from the stdlib gets an HTML5 mode for its tag builder interface.

require "cgi"
cgi ="html5")
html = cgi.html do
  cgi.head do
    cgi.title {"test"}
  end +
  cgi.body do
    cgi.header {cgi.h1 {"example"}} +
    cgi.p {"lorem ipsum"}
puts html

The old #header method (to send the HTTP header) is now called #http_header, although as long as you're not in HTML5 mode it's aliased as #header for backwards compatibility.

CSV::dump and ::load removed

CSV::dump and CSV::load have been removed. They allowed you to dump/load an array of Ruby objects to a CSV file, and have them serialised and deserialised. They've been removed as they were unsafe.

Iconv removed

Iconv has been removed, in preference of String#encode.

Where previously you might have written something like:

require "iconv"
Iconv.conv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF8", "Résumé")   #=> "R\xE9sum\xE9"

You'd now write

"Résumé".encode(Encoding::ISO_8859_1)        #=> "R\xE9sum\xE9"

Syck removed

The Syck YAML parser has been removed in favour of Psych (libyaml bindings), and Ruby now comes bundled with libyaml. The YAML interface in Ruby stays the same, so this shouldn't have and affect on your code.


io/console isn't new, but the documentation is so now you can actually figure out how to use it. The Ruby 2.0.0 NEWS file claims the IO#cooked and #cooked methods are new, but they seem to be available in 1.9.3.

require "io/console"
# console in now in raw mode, disabling line editing and echoing
# back in cooked mode, line editing works like normal

#raw! and #raw get two new arguments, min and time.

IO.console.raw!(min: 5) # reading from console buffers for 5 chars
IO.console.raw!(min: 5, time: 1) # read after 1 second if buffer not full


io/wait adds a #wait_writeable method that will block till an IO can be written to. #wait gets renamed to #wait_readable, and there's a #wait alias for backwards compatibility.

require "io/wait"
timeout = 1
STDOUT.wait_writable(timeout)   #=> #<IO:<STDOUT>>

Net::HTTP performance improvements

Net::HTTP now automatically requests and decompresses gzip and deflate compression by default. This should play very nicely with the new non-GIL-blocking Zlib.

SSL sessions are also now reused, cutting down on time spent negotiating connections.

Net::HTTP can specify the host/port to connect from

If for some reason you need to specify the local host/port to connect from, along with the host/port to connect to, you now can

http =, remote_port)
http.local_host = local_host
http.local_port = local_port
http.start do
  # ...

OpenStruct can act like a hash

OpenStruct gains #[], #[]= and #each_pair methods so it can be used like a hash.

require "ostruct"

o = = "test"
o[:foo]               #=> "test"
o[:bar] = "example"                 #=> example

It also gains #hash and #eql? methods, which are used internally by Hash to check equality. These allow it to play better as a hash key, with equal objects acting as the same key.

Timeout support in Resolv

Resolv now supports custom timeouts

require "resolv"

resolver =
resolver.timeouts = 1 # 1 second
resolver.getaddress("").to_s   #=> ""

It will also take an array, and work its way through the timeouts, retrying after each. You could implement exponential back-off with

resolver.timeouts = [1].tap {|a| 5.times {a.push(a.last * 2)}}
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algogrit commented Mar 9, 2013

Nice summary.. Thank you for the detailed rundown.. :)

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