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Last active December 20, 2015 06:39
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Save matsadler/6087275 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Javascript k-d tree, a tree data structure for fast multidimensional nearest-neighbour lookups.
// dimensions should be the number of dimensions your points have
// points should be an array of arrays, the inner arrays representing points
// depth shouldn't be passed, it's used internally
// example:
// var tree = kdtree(2, [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]]);
function kdtree(dimensions, points, depth) {
depth = depth || 0;
var axis = depth % dimensions,
node = {axis: axis};
points.sort(function (a, b) {return a[axis] - b[axis];});
lefts = points.splice(0, Math.floor(points.length / 2));
node.value = points.shift();
depth += 1;
if (lefts.length) {
node.left = kdtree(dimensions, lefts, depth);
if (points.length) {
node.right = kdtree(dimensions, points, depth);
return node;
// returns the k nearest points to target as an array
// k should be the number of points to return
// kdtree should be a kdtree
// target should be an array of points
// results shouldn't be passes, it's used internally
// example:
// var closest = nearest(1, tree, [1,1]).first;
function nearest(k, kdtree, target, results) {
results = results || [];
var axis = kdtree.axis,
value = kdtree.value,
result = {
value: value,
distance: distanceSquare(target, value)},
if (!kdtree.left && !kdtree.right) {
return priorityQueueAdd(distanceCompare, k, results, result);
comparison = target[axis] - value[axis];
if (comparison < 0) {
unsearched = kdtree.right;
if (kdtree.left) {
nearest(k, kdtree.left, target, results);
} else if (comparison > 0) {
unsearched = kdtree.left;
if (kdtree.right) {
nearest(k, kdtree.right, target, results);
} else {
if (kdtree.left) {
nearest(k, kdtree.left, target, results);
if (kdtree.right) {
nearest(k, kdtree.right, target, results);
axisDistance = axisDistanceSquare(axis, value, target);
if (results.length) {
maxDistance = results[results.length - 1].distance;
if (unsearched && (!maxDistance || axisDistance < maxDistance)) {
nearest(k, unsearched, target, results);
return priorityQueueAdd(distanceCompare, k, results, result);
// helper functions
function distanceCompare(a, b) {
return a.distance - b.distance;
function distanceSquare(a, b) {
var sum = 0,
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) {
sum += axisDistanceSquare(i, a, b);
return sum;
function axisDistanceSquare(axis, a, b) {
return Math.pow(a[axis] - b[axis], 2);
// the following helper functions are pretty generic and could be extracted to
// their own module
// modifies queue
function priorityQueueAdd(cmpFunc, max, queue, value) {
queue = insertSorted(cmpFunc, queue, value);
if (queue.length > max) {
return queue;
// modifies array
function insertSorted(cmpFunc, array, value) {
if (!array.length) {
return array.push(value);
var pivotComparison = index(cmpFunc, array, value),
pivot = pivotComparison[0],
comparison = pivotComparison[1];
if (0 < comparison) {
array.splice(pivot, 0, value);
} else {
array.splice(pivot + 1, 0, value);
return array;
// returns an index and a signal value as an array, eg [index, signal]
// if the signal is 0 then value === array[index], if signal is < 0 then
// value < array[index] && value > array[index - 1], if signal is > 0 then
// value > array[index] && value < array[index + 1]
function index(cmpFunc, array, value) {
var start = 0,
length = array.length,
finish = length,
while ((length = finish - start) > 0) {
pivot = start + Math.floor(length / 2);
comparison = cmpFunc(array[pivot], value);
if (0 > comparison) {
start = pivot + 1;
} else if (0 === comparison) {
} else {
finish = pivot;
return [pivot, comparison];
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