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Mat Schaffer matschaffer

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Scenario: confiming when saving inactive
Given I expect to click "OK" on a confirmation box saying "Are you sure?"
When I press "Save"
Then the confirmation box should have been displayed
And I should see "TV" in the "Campaign Keywords" section
# Given an app in auto jump, callme. Matched by "j cal".
$ tmux # start the initial session
$ r cal # runs "j cal", opens 3 tabs, starts rails in tab 2
trotter spoke about chloe
brian spoke about ruby shadow tables
matt showed collavoce
easy mechanical turk integrtion
Jameson used MT for GreenKonnect, Chris considered a StackOverflow type
Given /^I expect to pay \$(\d+) via amazon$/ do |arg1|
price = arg1.to_f
mock_pipeline_request = mock('pipeline_request',
:url => sekret_payment_path(:transaction_amount => price))
with{ |opts| opts[:transaction_amount] == price }.
require 'formula'
# Gets the latest Gnu Screen with 256 support
# Method from:
# and
class Screen <Formula
head 'git://'
homepage ''
Then /^"([^"]*)" I should receive an email$/ do |recipient|
@email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.detect do |m| recipient
assert @email
Then /^that email should have a (\w+) attachment$/ do |type|
assert @email.attachments.detect { |a| a.mime_type.match(type) }
Feature: Index cards
In order to help me remember things
As a student
I want to get custom index cards
Scenario: Sending yourself a card
Given I am on the new index card page
When I fill in "Email" with ""
And I select "iPhone 4" from "Phone"
And I fill in "Body" with "A test card"
Feature: Player listings
In order to know who is on a team
As a league manager
I want to see a list of players on the team page
Scenario: listing on a team page
Given I am on the teams page
And I follow "Kickers"
Then I should see "Trotter"
escape ^\a
bell_msg '^GBell in window %n'
defscrollback 10000
bind ^L eval "clear" "scrollback 0" "scrollback 10000"
shell -bash
startup_message off
class PlayerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
test "parses out last name" do
trotter = => "Trotter Cashion")
assert_equal "Cashion", trotter.last_name