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Last active August 17, 2022 06:35
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Management Group Diagnostic Settings
targetScope = 'managementGroup'
param name string
param displayName string = name
param parentName string = ''
param workspaceResourceId string = ''
resource managementGroup 'Microsoft.Management/managementGroups@2021-04-01' = {
name: name
scope: tenant()
properties: {
displayName: displayName
details: empty(parentName) ? {} : {
parent: {
id: '/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/${parentName}'
module diag 'mg-diagsettings.bicep' = if(!empty(workspaceResourceId)) {
scope: managementGroup
name: '${name}-diag'
params: {
profileName: 'log-analytics'
workspaceResourceId: workspaceResourceId
output id string =
targetScope = 'managementGroup'
param workspaceResourceId string
param profileName string
resource diag 'Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings@2021-05-01-preview' = {
name: profileName
properties: {
workspaceId: workspaceResourceId
logs: [
category: 'Administrative'
enabled: true
category: 'Policy'
enabled: true
output id string =
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